Assault rifles for self defense

non compliance

registration = confiscation

Connecticut gun owners revolt

Laws are more than just symbolic gestures. Connecticut's General Assembly must come to grips with this truth before its recent effort to “save lives” ends up destroying them.
State law enforcement officials are now in the difficult position of dealing with one of the most widely flouted laws since the end of the 55 miles-per-hour speed limit and Prohibition. If it’s really serious, the state will have to find space to imprison 300,000 residents for the next five years.
The first article of the Connecticut Constitution couldn’t be more clear. “Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state,” it says.
Busybodies at the Capitol in Hartford decided that “every” doesn’t really mean every, and it banned the semi-automatic rifles that would be most useful in defense of the state. As of Jan. 1, owners of arms that have a menacing appearance had to submit registration paperwork to the state.
Only about 50,000 did so. There’s no way to know how many “assault rifles” remain unregistered, but the best guess is that the new “gun safety” law instantly created 300,000 felons.

EDITORIAL: Connecticut revolts against gun controls that could criminalize 300,000 - Washington Times
"How do we keep guns out of the hands of criminals?" Stop making so many guns. That's the first step. If you flood the world with hundreds of millions of guns, the chances are dramatically increased that criminals will get their hands on a gun.

Most gun crimes are committed with handguns which aren't used for hunting, and the majority of criminals don't have the knowledge or resources to make their own guns or ammunition. A hunting rifle can be used for both hunting and self-defense, and hunting rifles don't require a 30-round magazine. It's this nutjob interpretation of the 2nd Amendment that makes you think that every drunk toothless hick should have a personal arsenal. Why does anyone need a machine gun? You're never going to fight against the government to defend your First Amendment rights, so what's the point?

Also, a large portion of the international criminal element will be crippled when we legalize marijuana again like we did during World War II. Then not only will the black market cartels stop reaping all of those billions of dollars in illicit profits from their number one cash crop, but Cannabis hemp will be used to make equipment for our soldiers and law enforcement personnel who are fighting against what is left of the cartels.

It is obvious from what I have been reading in your posts that you live in a city, have no knowledge of weapons, have never shot an assault rifle (there is no such thing just media hype). Never been hunting ,never in the military and are under 30. Been brainwashed in the liberal education system and think you are smarter than your parents. Am I close so far.
Most of us past defenders of liberty realize that the phony reasons for gun control is nothing but another advance of government control, the reason the fore fathers made the constitution. Anyone that tries to circumvent the constitution is now a enemy of all patriots.

Defend against all enemies both foreign and domestic. It might have to be proven that one is a domestic enemy and if it is even the Generals will rise against anyone that is a domestic enemy. Why because they are the defenders of the constitution first and foremost.
Taking away guns will only be by domestic enemies in the eyes of past military men so lock and load.
I love the moments just before turning in at night........selecting which weapon will defend my humble abode at night!! Cowboy rifle in 44mag? Semi-auto shotgun. Circuit Judge with .410 PDX Zombie killer shot shells?!!!!!( what a fun little DA rifle:badgrin:)

Generally go with the basic old reliable 12G pump PG boomer with double aught buck.......removes a whole head with one shot.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

But I was laughing the other day seeing the quandary Ct. State authorities are in. Jackasses went and banned all these "assault" type weapons and made a law requiring owners to register them. 19 people have complied.:D:D:up:
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Why do you all need guns? Because other people have guns? Has anyone considered telling the gun manufacturers to stop making guns?
No rational person has ever thought of such a thing.

Hey M14.......just picked up a Mossberg 930 SPX a couple of weeks ago!! Cant wait to get to the here in New York has been shit.:doubt:
"How do we keep guns out of the hands of criminals?" Stop making so many guns. That's the first step. If you flood the world with hundreds of millions of guns, the chances are dramatically increased that criminals will get their hands on a gun.

Most gun crimes are committed with handguns which aren't used for hunting, and the majority of criminals don't have the knowledge or resources to make their own guns or ammunition. A hunting rifle can be used for both hunting and self-defense, and hunting rifles don't require a 30-round magazine. It's this nutjob interpretation of the 2nd Amendment that makes you think that every drunk toothless hick should have a personal arsenal. Why does anyone need a machine gun? You're never going to fight against the government to defend your First Amendment rights, so what's the point?

Also, a large portion of the international criminal element will be crippled when we legalize marijuana again like we did during World War II. Then not only will the black market cartels stop reaping all of those billions of dollars in illicit profits from their number one cash crop, but Cannabis hemp will be used to make equipment for our soldiers and law enforcement personnel who are fighting against what is left of the cartels.
Thank you for helping to prove sound the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emtotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Why do you all need guns? Because other people have guns? Has anyone considered telling the gun manufacturers to stop making guns?

Ya cause after all no one has the ability to make firearms in their own shops or even garages. Nor would they get them from smugglers even if we quit making all firearms. Do you even think before you spout nonsense?
The number of people making guns in their shops and garages is miniscule compared to the massive factories churning out assault rifles.

There are an estimated 300 million firearms in the United States, almost enough to supply one for every man, woman and child. The US is by far the leading arms dealer on Earth. If you're so upset at Obama for Fast and Furious (which began under Bush) then why aren't you upset at the weapons manufacturers who made the guns in the first place?

Stop making so many millions of guns and selling them all over the world, then the world would be less dangerous.

Bush did it.., Bush did it.., Bush did it.., Bush did it.., i knew we couldn't get thru one thread without a liarberal saying BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH did it...Bush did it.., Bush did it. :lmao:
Why do you all need guns? Because other people have guns? Has anyone considered telling the gun manufacturers to stop making guns?

Ya cause after all no one has the ability to make firearms in their own shops or even garages. Nor would they get them from smugglers even if we quit making all firearms. Do you even think before you spout nonsense?
The number of people making guns in their shops and garages is miniscule compared to the massive factories churning out assault rifles.

There are an estimated 300 million firearms in the United States, almost enough to supply one for every man, woman and child. The US is by far the leading arms dealer on Earth. If you're so upset at Obama for Fast and Furious (which began under Bush) then why aren't you upset at the weapons manufacturers who made the guns in the first place?

Stop making so many millions of guns and selling them all over the world, then the world would be less dangerous.

soooooo, in case of a home break in, you will call 911 and wait for the cops to arrive ?

"when seconds count.., cops are only minutes away"
The so called "badass" weapons are usually not small arms. And if they are it is just a matter of being fully automatic. That lets you spray a lot of rounds, but is not conducive to accuracy.

how much practice with a full auto have you had ?

do you know the purpose for full auto fire ?

I have fired some full auto rifles, mainly M14s and M60s.

in that case, you know that full auto fire is for suppressive fire to keep the enemy down so your fellow patriots can advance, they in turn lay down suppressive fire so you can advance..., am i right or was i taught wrong ??
how much practice with a full auto have you had ?

do you know the purpose for full auto fire ?

I have fired some full auto rifles, mainly M14s and M60s.

in that case, you know that full auto fire is for suppressive fire to keep the enemy down so your fellow patriots can advance, they in turn lay down suppressive fire so you can advance..., am i right or was i taught wrong ??

You were taught right, or at least taught what I was taught.
Depends on the round. A .223 hardball will go through Sheetrock or even plywood more or less intact. Some 9mm will, some won't. Most 10mm and .40's will, unless they're hollow-points. A .45ACP will not.

The lesson: if your home defense weapon fires high-velocity rounds, you need to use hollow-points.
Hollow points are good no matter what the round is, except maybe down to the .380 level. Then it's a real trade off. I call bull that there is a 9mm fmj that won't easily penetrate sheetrock. A .45 won't? WTF?
This is posted especially for Ooopmpaalumpoopoo


Wife has same gun and she can shoot it


Now THATS a wife!!!!!!:clap2:

You have no idea, over holidays at the local gun shop I was buying a Christmas present for one of my sons (a side by side) The sales clerk saw her roaming the store appearing angered.
He said oh she mad you are buying another gun. I answered no she is upset that I'm not buying a gun for her. She Is from Brooklyn New York we now live upstate and she will never visit a city because of to many gun laws.
She is one lady that would surprise any bad guy.
I opposed war in Iraq from day one.

Bush installed no government in Iraq, he allowed free elections. But guess what? The majority is Shiite, so what would anyone sane expect to happen? I never saw a good outcome in Iraq, and still don't. IF we needed to oust Saddam, which is open for debate, then the Shock and Awe phase should have been the ONLY phase to the war.

As far as your partisan bullshit on Al Qaeda, it is just that, bullshit. Obama claims to have destroyed Al Qaeda, which is obviously false - Obama lies, about everything. But Al Qaeda is a fraction of what they were on 9-11-2001. Obama installed Al Qaeda as the government of Egypt. A popularly backed military coup drove Obama's Al Qaeda allies from power, greatly diminishing their control.

Here's a clue, by overthrowing the Sunni government, the invasion gave the Shiite's the control of the government.

It's you that lies. Obama NEVER claimed to have destroyed Al Qaeda. If you're not lying show the link where he said it. You're also lying about the Egyptian military being a faction of Al Qaeda, and lying about Obama installing it.

Republican habitual lying only diminishes the GOP credibility. You can fool the ignorant, but they are the minority. Never gonna win that way.

On the path to defeat is what he says here.....

[ame=]Obama Brags "Al-Qaeda Is Defeated" on Same Day US Death Toll Reaches 2,000 Deaths - YouTube[/ame]

Nice double down on stupidity, parrot.
No. But I agree with another poster here who had the idea of putting a fingerprint scanner on guns so if they're stolen, or if a kid find s it in a closet... it won't fire because it won't be armed. And I would ban anything that's above a hunting rifle grade, like military style weapons.

I'm fine with that. Nothing more powerful than a hunting rifle allowed.

Technically, the .577 Tyrannosaur is a hunting rifle pretty much anything up to and including a .50BMG should be good!

(Note: the most powerful rifles ARE, in fact, hunting rifles!)

I would never buy a firearm with a fingerprint lock on the trigger. They are unreliable and depend on a power source to work. Added weight to the weapon and a failure point on numerous levels, defeating the entire purpose of the weapon. Further I would argue they are an infringement on my right to own an operational weapon and my ability to resale or gift to my family.

And take up to 30 seconds to read the print. You're dead before the damned reader unlocks the gun. This is one of those REALLY stupid ideas.

BTW, my finger print unlocks my bosses iPhone. When only 16 points are used, thousand will have the same pattern.

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