Assange has physical proof Russia didn't hack DNC


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Russia did not provide WikiLeaks with Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 US presidential campaign and Julian Assange has physical evidence to prove it, says a Republican congressman who met with him.
Assange has ‘physical proof’ Russia didn’t hack DNC – Congressman

Funny how so many left tards turned on Julian when they didn't want to see the truths he put out there because it just didn't support their government fantasies. Such a shame to be a under informed loser in society.
Well if you can’t trust a rapist fleeing persecution; who can you trust?

Remember folks, for Trumpians:

Russia is the good guy,
Hackers are not criminals,
Racists marching to KKK hymns are good people

while the courts, the congress, the FBI, NSA, CIA, Press, NFL, Mexicans and all immigrants are you enemies.
Okay - Let the Russian Stooge & Swedish Rapist out. Mueller will be happy to meet him at the airport in DC!

Btw - Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (Russian-CA) is also a Putin Stooge :)

How did Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a protege of Reagan, become 'Putin's favorite congressman'?

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Russia did not provide WikiLeaks with Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 US presidential campaign and Julian Assange has physical evidence to prove it, says a Republican congressman who met with him.
Assange has ‘physical proof’ Russia didn’t hack DNC – Congressman

Funny how so many left tards turned on Julian when they didn't want to see the truths he put out there because it just didn't support their government fantasies. Such a shame to be a under informed loser in society.

Assange made that statement several years ago that his source was NOT Russia. Russia story is just another farce to manufacture a fake scandal to keep the barking media lapdogs off the real story.
Well if you can’t trust a rapist fleeing persecution; who can you trust?

Remember folks, for Leftists and Democratic Apologists:

Russia was always the good guy, and Obama laughed at them being called a threat.
Hackers are not criminals, people who destroy 30,000 government emails, hard drives and phones to hide their crimes are not criminals either.
Racists marching to BLM, Antifa, and rioting and looting, and criminal aliens killing US Citizens are all good people

while the President, Bill of Rights, Constitution, the military, police, vets, and patriots are your enemies.
Assange made that statement several years ago that his source was NOT Russia. Russia story is just another farce to manufacture a fake scandal to keep the barking media lapdogs off the real story.

You trust some of the world's most untrustworthy people. Trump, Assange, Cohen .. Who next -- Martin Shkreli :cool-45:
Russia did not provide WikiLeaks with Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 US presidential campaign and Julian Assange has physical evidence to prove it, says a Republican congressman who met with him.
Assange has ‘physical proof’ Russia didn’t hack DNC – Congressman

Funny how so many left tards turned on Julian when they didn't want to see the truths he put out there because it just didn't support their government fantasies. Such a shame to be a under informed loser in society.

and the shills like dr love and wrongwinger can only do this in defeat-:CryingCow::iyfyus.jpg:
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Okay - Let the Russian Stooge & Swedish Rapist out. Mueller will be happy to meet him at the airport in DC!

Btw - Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (Russian-CA) is also a Putin Stooge :)

How did Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a protege of Reagan, become 'Putin's favorite congressman'?


If you only realized how pathetically stupid you look. You are of the intelligence of " read the headlines from Huffs post" and that's your facts of knowledge.

You and everyone like you are dumber than a pile of shit.
Russia did not provide WikiLeaks with Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 US presidential campaign and Julian Assange has physical evidence to prove it, says a Republican congressman who met with him.
Assange has ‘physical proof’ Russia didn’t hack DNC – Congressman

Funny how so many left tards turned on Julian when they didn't want to see the truths he put out there because it just didn't support their government fantasies. Such a shame to be a under informed loser in society.

and the shills like dr love and wrongwinger can only do this in defeat-:CryingCow::iyfyus.jpg:

It's pretty pathetic when these STUPID ASS LEFTIST can't understand what


Take the article posted here, now look the big babies don't like it they're getting caught so in turn they see what they want to see such as this

Russia did not provide WikiLeaks with Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 US presidential campaign and Julian Assange has physical evidence to prove it, says a Republican congressman who met with him.
Assange has ‘physical proof’ Russia didn’t hack DNC – Congressman

Funny how so many left tards turned on Julian when they didn't want to see the truths he put out there because it just didn't support their government fantasies. Such a shame to be a under informed loser in society.

Assange made that statement several years ago that his source was NOT Russia. Russia story is just another farce to manufacture a fake scandal to keep the barking media lapdogs off the real story.

a FACT too complicated for troll dr love to understand.LOL
Okay - Let the Russian Stooge & Swedish Rapist out. Mueller will be happy to meet him at the airport in DC!

Btw - Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (Russian-CA) is also a Putin Stooge :)

How did Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a protege of Reagan, become 'Putin's favorite congressman'?

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy in 2016: 'There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump'

In a private meeting with Republican colleagues last year, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy commented that then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and California congressional colleague Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) were being paid by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” McCarthy said in the recording of a June 15 exchange obtained and published by the Washington Post. At that point, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) cut off the conversation and swore those present to secrecy.
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy in 2016: 'There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump'

In a private meeting with Republican colleagues last year, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy commented that then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and California congressional colleague Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) were being paid by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” McCarthy said in the recording of a June 15 exchange obtained and published by the Washington Post. At that point, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) cut off the conversation and swore those present to secrecy.

I remember that -- Yep, I heard Dana can even do the dance! :)

Funny how so many left tards turned on Julian when they didn't want to see the truths he put out there because it just didn't support their government fantasies. Such a shame to be a under informed loser in society.
How dare left tard Tramp turn on Assange!

Trump in 2010 wanted 'death penalty' for WikiLeaks

President-elect Donald Trump in 2010 blasted WikiLeaks, calling the organization "disgraceful."

"I think there should be, like, death penalty or something,"
Trump said during an on-camera exchange to preview Brian Kilmeade's radio show, CNN's KFile reported.
Russia did not provide WikiLeaks with Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 US presidential campaign and Julian Assange has physical evidence to prove it, says a Republican congressman who met with him.
Assange has ‘physical proof’ Russia didn’t hack DNC – Congressman

Funny how so many left tards turned on Julian when they didn't want to see the truths he put out there because it just didn't support their government fantasies. Such a shame to be a under informed loser in society.

and the shills like dr love and wrongwinger can only do this in defeat-:CryingCow::iyfyus.jpg:

It's pretty pathetic when these STUPID ASS LEFTIST can't understand what


Take the article posted here, now look the big babies don't like it they're getting caught so in turn they see what they want to see such as this

View attachment 189064

If anyone has evidence that anyone in the Trump Campaign and Russia worked to deny Hillary her rightful place, here's the firm handling the case:

Cohen Milstein

Another lawyer named Cohen. Hmm. o_O Nah. They CAN'T be related, can they?

As you can see, they don't appear to have anything to do with legal justice but seems more aimed towards social and political inequities (says so right on their site). Below they list all of the money they won in lawsuits against various victims, er, defendants. In other words, the monies the other party settled in order to make them just go away. Kinda like most liberals----- STFU and just go away.

If you have any evidence on how Trump worked with the Ruskies to jip Hillary from her throne or any ideas on just how you SUE the Russians and get them to pay, or just WHO in the Trump Campaign would be responsible to paying that fine since no one person seems responsible, and ask just why Mueller doesn't know about this since he's the guy who's supposed to be investigating all of this, THESE are the people that WANT TO KNOW.

And while you are talking to these people giving them the lo-down on what a schnook Trump is, you ought to ask them whether the DNC called THEM for help or whether THEY sought out the DNC? Curious minds just want to know---- American Justice: Lawyers making other lawyers rich.

THE PRESIDENCY OF THE UNITED STATES; a job few good people want anymore because the Left has turned it into nothing more than a pig in the mud-slinging contest. When the Leftist Piggies are in charge, they deserve a mud-bath for all they never do, and when the Right's in charge, they can't do anything because of all the constant mud being thrown at them by the Left.

Okay - Let the Russian Stooge & Swedish Rapist out. Mueller will be happy to meet him at the airport in DC!

Btw - Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (Russian-CA) is also a Putin Stooge :)

How did Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a protege of Reagan, become 'Putin's favorite congressman'?


If you only realized how pathetically stupid you look. You are of the intelligence of " read the headlines from Huffs post" and that's your facts of knowledge.

You and everyone like you are dumber than a pile of shit.
the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century.LOL
Well if you can’t trust a rapist fleeing persecution; who can you trust?

Remember folks, for Leftists and Democratic Apologists:

Russia was always the good guy, and Obama laughed at them being called a threat.
Hackers are not criminals, people who destroy 30,000 government emails, hard drives and phones to hide their crimes are not criminals either.
Racists marching to BLM, Antifa, and rioting and looting, and criminal aliens killing US Citizens are all good people

while the President, Bill of Rights, Constitution, the military, police, vets, and patriots are your enemies.

excellent stuff except leave the part of the president,the military and police out because history has shown they ARE the enemies,at least the high command in military and police. case in point Colin Powell.

everything before that was all great though and hiliarious.thats the warped mindset of people like dr love and candyass.:2up:
If you only realized how pathetically stupid you look. You are of the intelligence of " read the headlines from Huffs post" and that's your facts of knowledge.

You and everyone like you are dumber than a pile of shit.
the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century.LOL

Thanks for choosing the MIndWars team - But not as if we didn't already suspect you of being an Infowars kinda guy ;)
If you only realized how pathetically stupid you look. You are of the intelligence of " read the headlines from Huffs post" and that's your facts of knowledge.

You and everyone like you are dumber than a pile of shit.
the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century.LOL

Thanks for choosing the MIndWars team - But not as if we didn't already suspect you of being an Infowars kinda guy ;)

No you are the idiot who standing out in the cold because you refuse to believe true information. And to retarded to research it.
You are so fkn dumb you don't even know what you don't know which makes you win the IDIOT AWARD.

Your the jackass that goes over the cliff because you need everyone else to think for you and do it for you. Like someone who relies on a GPS and drives into the river because stupidity and their Gods are never wrong.

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