Zone1 Ashamed to be white?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
So. A bunch of morons grovel and whine and bow to other races by telling them they are ashamed to be white. Are blacks ashamed to be black? Asians ashamed to be asian? Hispanics ashamed to be hispanic? You get my drift.

Question can anyone be ashamed of something they had no control over of whomever gave them life? Did the fetus in its development tell itself "gosh. I think I will have black/brown/white skin"? What is to be ashamed about? Or proud of? Are you proud of your skin color? No? Yes? Why???

And those whites that don't grovel, do they not bathe in sunlight to get a nice tan? Is not tanning changing ones skin color? Tatts. Do they not cover that skin color?

The whole thing is flat out stupid. One cannot be ashamed or proud of skin tone. Period. And if they are, or do...they are idiotic.

Discuss if you have inclination to put in your two cents. I'm curious.
Discuss if you have inclination to put in your two cents. I'm curious.
These sorts pushing this are haters, they don't want reparations, they don't want acknowledgment, nor do they want solutions

They merely want to keep hating


So. A bunch of morons grovel and whine and bow to other races by telling them they are ashamed to be white. Are blacks ashamed to be black? Asians ashamed to be asian? Hispanics ashamed to be hispanic? You get my drift.

Question can anyone be ashamed of something they had no control over of whomever gave them life? Did the fetus in its development tell itself "gosh. I think I will have black/brown/white skin"? What is to be ashamed about? Or proud of? Are you proud of your skin color? No? Yes? Why???

And those whites that don't grovel, do they not bathe in sunlight to get a nice tan? Is not tanning changing ones skin color? Tatts. Do they not cover that skin color?

The whole thing is flat out stupid. One cannot be ashamed or proud of skin tone. Period. And if they are, or do...they are idiotic.

Discuss if you have inclination to put in your two cents. I'm curious.
I'm not ashamed of being white and you shouldn't either.
So. A bunch of morons grovel and whine and bow to other races by telling them they are ashamed to be white.
Never. Not once in my life have I felt ashamed to be white. No one has ever said anything to me which in any way made me feel inferior to be white. When I was very little, about 4, my Mother who was Irish and so for that time instinctively anti racist, took me on my own and went through a process of explaining how there are all sorts of different looking people in the world but we all had the same worth. I knew straight away that something was wrong as clearly she ought not to have had to tell me something so obvious.
So. A bunch of morons grovel and whine and bow to other races by telling them they are ashamed to be white. Are blacks ashamed to be black? Asians ashamed to be asian? Hispanics ashamed to be hispanic? You get my drift.

Question can anyone be ashamed of something they had no control over of whomever gave them life? Did the fetus in its development tell itself "gosh. I think I will have black/brown/white skin"? What is to be ashamed about? Or proud of? Are you proud of your skin color? No? Yes? Why???

And those whites that don't grovel, do they not bathe in sunlight to get a nice tan? Is not tanning changing ones skin color? Tatts. Do they not cover that skin color?

The whole thing is flat out stupid. One cannot be ashamed or proud of skin tone. Period. And if they are, or do...they are idiotic.

Discuss if you have inclination to put in your two cents. I'm curious.
Who are these "morons" you are talking about. Is there a link to a video or article?

Are they actually talking about skin color, or the culture, racism against other peoples, etc, etc?

Is it in the US or Europe or both ?
So. A bunch of morons grovel and whine and bow to other races by telling them they are ashamed to be white. Are blacks ashamed to be black? Asians ashamed to be asian? Hispanics ashamed to be hispanic? You get my drift.

Question can anyone be ashamed of something they had no control over of whomever gave them life? Did the fetus in its development tell itself "gosh. I think I will have black/brown/white skin"? What is to be ashamed about? Or proud of? Are you proud of your skin color? No? Yes? Why???

And those whites that don't grovel, do they not bathe in sunlight to get a nice tan? Is not tanning changing ones skin color? Tatts. Do they not cover that skin color?

The whole thing is flat out stupid. One cannot be ashamed or proud of skin tone. Period. And if they are, or do...they are idiotic.

Discuss if you have inclination to put in your two cents. I'm curious.
I consulted an ex-spurt on the matter


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