As long as Jews control the media, we will never end immigration

True enough.

Who do you think had worse circumstances in the recent era, Poland, or Mexico?

The obvious conclusion is Poland, having faced the brunt of 2 World wars, with millions of Poles killed, and even enslaved, before Poland was thrown to the Soviets.

Yet, Rindermann put the IQ of Poland at 98, and the IQ of Mexico at 84.

Keep in mind that Rindermann is less controversial than Lynn.

The even less controversial PISA score, which test knowledge, put Poland, and Mexico also at a similar inequality, favoring Poland also by a wide margin.

so? Mexico is not responsible for the fact that Poland lies on the western border of GREAT RUSSIA---
and was a convenient dumping ground for that empire and a place to store expendables as a buffer
against European invasion. What does an innocent frijole have to do with the great CLASH
of civilizations in eastern Europe and west asia?

I didn't say that Mexico was responsible, but rather that Poles are very well superior over Mexicans, I also didn't say I'm particularly fond of Russians either.
But, Russians are White Slavs much like Poles, and Russians are too very well superior over Mexicans.

did they teach you about commas in polish kindergarten?? In what area of endeavor are poles
"superior"? -----Flexing the elbow, extending the neck and SWALLOWING?

Poles are superior at heroism, beating forces when outnumbered, and computer software development.

oh-----you memorized fairy tales and limericks in polish kindergarten

I don't think anyone has more heroes, or battles of beating larger forces than the Poles.

Poland's rated #3 in the World in software developers.

And, statistically, low IQs can found in any given population just as high IQs.

Yes, but the proportions differ.
so do circumstances.

True enough.

Who do you think had worse circumstances in the recent era, Poland, or Mexico?

The obvious conclusion is Poland, having faced the brunt of 2 World wars, with millions of Poles killed, and even enslaved, before Poland was thrown to the Soviets.

Yet, Rindermann put the IQ of Poland at 98, and the IQ of Mexico at 84.

Keep in mind that Rindermann is less controversial than Lynn.

The even less controversial PISA score, which test knowledge, put Poland, and Mexico also at a similar inequality, favoring Poland also by a wide margin.

so? Mexico is not responsible for the fact that Poland lies on the western border of GREAT RUSSIA---
and was a convenient dumping ground for that empire and a place to store expendables as a buffer
against European invasion. What does an innocent frijole have to do with the great CLASH
of civilizations in eastern Europe and west asia?

I didn't say that Mexico was responsible, but rather that Poles are very well superior over Mexicans, I also didn't say I'm particularly fond of Russians either.
But, Russians are White Slavs much like Poles, and Russians are too very well superior over Mexicans.

Neither Poles nor Mexicans are 'races'. They are nationalities.
True enough.

Who do you think had worse circumstances in the recent era, Poland, or Mexico?
I don't know. I do know, we currently have an extra-Constitutional War on Drugs down there, that causes problems for us, up here.

Puerto Rico doesn't have much of a drug cartel, and they have even higher murder rates, and lower IQ scores than Mexico.

do you have the stats on liver failure?

People with ANE heritage or rather haplogroup R from Mal'ta Boy seem to be more prone to drink alcohol, they also seem to be quite superior, having founded the Indo-European language group, and maybe even the Afro-Asiatic language group.

Well, the R haplogroup Indo-European connection is very obvious.

The R haplogroup connection to Afro-Asiatic speakers is a bit more complex, but the fact that Chaditic speakers of Africa speak an Afro-Asiatic language, and are mostly R haplogroup may be supporting evidence too.

supporting what??------the GLORIES OF FERMENTATION?

I drink for taste (mostly)
Krupnik, Mead, and Beer taste awesome.
Yes, but the proportions differ.
so do circumstances.

True enough.

Who do you think had worse circumstances in the recent era, Poland, or Mexico?

The obvious conclusion is Poland, having faced the brunt of 2 World wars, with millions of Poles killed, and even enslaved, before Poland was thrown to the Soviets.

Yet, Rindermann put the IQ of Poland at 98, and the IQ of Mexico at 84.

Keep in mind that Rindermann is less controversial than Lynn.

The even less controversial PISA score, which test knowledge, put Poland, and Mexico also at a similar inequality, favoring Poland also by a wide margin.

so? Mexico is not responsible for the fact that Poland lies on the western border of GREAT RUSSIA---
and was a convenient dumping ground for that empire and a place to store expendables as a buffer
against European invasion. What does an innocent frijole have to do with the great CLASH
of civilizations in eastern Europe and west asia?

I didn't say that Mexico was responsible, but rather that Poles are very well superior over Mexicans, I also didn't say I'm particularly fond of Russians either.
But, Russians are White Slavs much like Poles, and Russians are too very well superior over Mexicans.

Neither Poles nor Mexicans are 'races'. They are nationalities.

Where did I say that Poles, or Mexicans are "Races"?
True enough.

Who do you think had worse circumstances in the recent era, Poland, or Mexico?
I don't know. I do know, we currently have an extra-Constitutional War on Drugs down there, that causes problems for us, up here.

Puerto Rico doesn't have much of a drug cartel, and they have even higher murder rates, and lower IQ scores than Mexico.

do you have the stats on liver failure?

People with ANE heritage or rather haplogroup R from Mal'ta Boy seem to be more prone to drink alcohol, they also seem to be quite superior, having founded the Indo-European language group, and maybe even the Afro-Asiatic language group.

Well, the R haplogroup Indo-European connection is very obvious.

The R haplogroup connection to Afro-Asiatic speakers is a bit more complex, but the fact that Chaditic speakers of Africa speak an Afro-Asiatic language, and are mostly R haplogroup may be supporting evidence too.

supporting what??------the GLORIES OF FERMENTATION?

Here's a video by a Jewish rapper, featuring Jews shooting up Heroin.
(How lovely)

so do circumstances.

True enough.

Who do you think had worse circumstances in the recent era, Poland, or Mexico?

The obvious conclusion is Poland, having faced the brunt of 2 World wars, with millions of Poles killed, and even enslaved, before Poland was thrown to the Soviets.

Yet, Rindermann put the IQ of Poland at 98, and the IQ of Mexico at 84.

Keep in mind that Rindermann is less controversial than Lynn.

The even less controversial PISA score, which test knowledge, put Poland, and Mexico also at a similar inequality, favoring Poland also by a wide margin.

so? Mexico is not responsible for the fact that Poland lies on the western border of GREAT RUSSIA---
and was a convenient dumping ground for that empire and a place to store expendables as a buffer
against European invasion. What does an innocent frijole have to do with the great CLASH
of civilizations in eastern Europe and west asia?

I didn't say that Mexico was responsible, but rather that Poles are very well superior over Mexicans, I also didn't say I'm particularly fond of Russians either.
But, Russians are White Slavs much like Poles, and Russians are too very well superior over Mexicans.

did they teach you about commas in polish kindergarten?? In what area of endeavor are poles
"superior"? -----Flexing the elbow, extending the neck and SWALLOWING?

Poles are superior at heroism, beating forces when outnumbered, and computer software development.
Here's one thing Poles are clearly best at:


Protecting their protective homogeneity.

The map purports to be a map of terrorist incidents.
True enough.

Who do you think had worse circumstances in the recent era, Poland, or Mexico?

The obvious conclusion is Poland, having faced the brunt of 2 World wars, with millions of Poles killed, and even enslaved, before Poland was thrown to the Soviets.

Yet, Rindermann put the IQ of Poland at 98, and the IQ of Mexico at 84.

Keep in mind that Rindermann is less controversial than Lynn.

The even less controversial PISA score, which test knowledge, put Poland, and Mexico also at a similar inequality, favoring Poland also by a wide margin.

so? Mexico is not responsible for the fact that Poland lies on the western border of GREAT RUSSIA---
and was a convenient dumping ground for that empire and a place to store expendables as a buffer
against European invasion. What does an innocent frijole have to do with the great CLASH
of civilizations in eastern Europe and west asia?

I didn't say that Mexico was responsible, but rather that Poles are very well superior over Mexicans, I also didn't say I'm particularly fond of Russians either.
But, Russians are White Slavs much like Poles, and Russians are too very well superior over Mexicans.

did they teach you about commas in polish kindergarten?? In what area of endeavor are poles
"superior"? -----Flexing the elbow, extending the neck and SWALLOWING?

Poles are superior at heroism, beating forces when outnumbered, and computer software development.
Here's one thing Poles are clearly best at:


Protecting their protective homogeneity.

The map purports to be a map of terrorist incidents.

ok nice map-------now for the ANALYSIS OF THE DATA?
so? Mexico is not responsible for the fact that Poland lies on the western border of GREAT RUSSIA---
and was a convenient dumping ground for that empire and a place to store expendables as a buffer
against European invasion. What does an innocent frijole have to do with the great CLASH
of civilizations in eastern Europe and west asia?

I didn't say that Mexico was responsible, but rather that Poles are very well superior over Mexicans, I also didn't say I'm particularly fond of Russians either.
But, Russians are White Slavs much like Poles, and Russians are too very well superior over Mexicans.

did they teach you about commas in polish kindergarten?? In what area of endeavor are poles
"superior"? -----Flexing the elbow, extending the neck and SWALLOWING?

Poles are superior at heroism, beating forces when outnumbered, and computer software development.
Here's one thing Poles are clearly best at:


Protecting their protective homogeneity.

The map purports to be a map of terrorist incidents.

ok nice map-------now for the ANALYSIS OF THE DATA?
Analysis, huh? OK, well, no red dots in Poland means no terrorist attacks in Poland. This is due to the fact Poland doesn't import backpacks. In fact, Poland was severely condemned for not doing its fair share to consume the world's excess backpacks by the leaders of the EU (that would be the heavily red-dotted area surrounding Poland). Poland has also fought back against George Soros, the Jewish backpack manufacturer causing so much trouble in the world. Remaining free of backpacks has meant Poland's people have remained alive and white.
I didn't say that Mexico was responsible, but rather that Poles are very well superior over Mexicans, I also didn't say I'm particularly fond of Russians either.
But, Russians are White Slavs much like Poles, and Russians are too very well superior over Mexicans.

did they teach you about commas in polish kindergarten?? In what area of endeavor are poles
"superior"? -----Flexing the elbow, extending the neck and SWALLOWING?

Poles are superior at heroism, beating forces when outnumbered, and computer software development.
Here's one thing Poles are clearly best at:

George Soros did it ALL? Wasn't he raised by some polish Christians? (nope----I googled,
it was HUNGARIAN CHRISTIANS. -----I was told as a child that Hungarian women are
pretty and good cooks----but they are just as Nazi as are POLES)


Protecting their protective homogeneity.

The map purports to be a map of terrorist incidents.

ok nice map-------now for the ANALYSIS OF THE DATA?
Analysis, huh? OK, well, no red dots in Poland means no terrorist attacks in Poland. This is due to the fact Poland doesn't import backpacks. In fact, Poland was severely condemned for not doing its fair share to consume the world's excess backpacks by the leaders of the EU (that would be the heavily red-dotted area surrounding Poland). Poland has also fought back against George Soros, the Jewish backpack manufacturer causing so much trouble in the world. Remaining free of backpacks has meant Poland's people have remained alive and white.
There is something in the Jew that is fanatical about importing non-whites into historically white areas.
  • George Soros, a billionaire Jew, is the driving force behind the Muslim invasion of Europe, and has, for years, spent millions ensuring continued mass immigration to the US.
  • When Carl Pope, a Jew, was head of the Sierra Club, he accepted a massive donation by a Jew in return for guaranteeing the Sierra Club took took no immigration position.
  • When the Jerusalem Post opposed Donald Trump's candidacy, it was because Trump wanted to adopt immigration policies similar to Israel's.
  • The Southern Poverty Law Center, led by Jews, demonizes any white person who opposes mass immigration.
  • The ACLU, led by Jews, along with the heavily Jewish American Immigration Lawyers' Association, provides legal muscle to resist efforts to curtail immigration.
  • The Ford Foundation, run by Jews, bankrolls pro-mass immigration propaganda.
  • Jews in Congress were the driving force behind the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, which kicked off the demographic disaster we are currently facing.
  • The mass media is overwhelmingly pro-mass immigration, refusing to include the immigration status of criminals, running bogus scare stories about labor shortages and crops rotting in the fields, and refusing to perform its duty to inform the American people about important topics. For example, how many Americans are aware of this important fact:

The simple fact of the matter is immigration will continue until one of two things happens: either we stand up and put a stop to it, or this country is no longer a desirable place to live.

Unfortunately, we will be unable to choose the first as long as Jews control media because we will lack the means to broadcast an effort to organize, the reasons for organizing will not be broadcast to the public, and any effort to organize will be demonized as racistxenophobicantisemetic.

Simple truth.


When the Jerusalem Post opposed Donald Trump's candidacy, it was because Trump wanted to adopt immigration policies similar to Israel's.

wait wait wait now.Now WHY would the Jerusalem Post oppose Trumps candidacy if he wanted to adopt immigration policys similiar to Israel? are you hearing what you are saying?:cuckoo::lmao:
There is something in the Jew that is fanatical about importing non-whites into historically white areas.
  • George Soros, a billionaire Jew, is the driving force behind the Muslim invasion of Europe, and has, for years, spent millions ensuring continued mass immigration to the US.
  • When Carl Pope, a Jew, was head of the Sierra Club, he accepted a massive donation by a Jew in return for guaranteeing the Sierra Club took took no immigration position.
  • When the Jerusalem Post opposed Donald Trump's candidacy, it was because Trump wanted to adopt immigration policies similar to Israel's.
  • The Southern Poverty Law Center, led by Jews, demonizes any white person who opposes mass immigration.
  • The ACLU, led by Jews, along with the heavily Jewish American Immigration Lawyers' Association, provides legal muscle to resist efforts to curtail immigration.
  • The Ford Foundation, run by Jews, bankrolls pro-mass immigration propaganda.
  • Jews in Congress were the driving force behind the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, which kicked off the demographic disaster we are currently facing.
  • The mass media is overwhelmingly pro-mass immigration, refusing to include the immigration status of criminals, running bogus scare stories about labor shortages and crops rotting in the fields, and refusing to perform its duty to inform the American people about important topics. For example, how many Americans are aware of this important fact:

The simple fact of the matter is immigration will continue until one of two things happens: either we stand up and put a stop to it, or this country is no longer a desirable place to live.

Unfortunately, we will be unable to choose the first as long as Jews control media because we will lack the means to broadcast an effort to organize, the reasons for organizing will not be broadcast to the public, and any effort to organize will be demonized as racistxenophobicantisemetic.

Simple truth.


When the Jerusalem Post opposed Donald Trump's candidacy, it was because Trump wanted to adopt immigration policies similar to Israel's.

wait wait wait now.Now WHY would the Jerusalem Post oppose Trumps candidacy if he wanted to adopt immigration policys similiar to Israel? are you hearing what you are saying?:cuckoo::lmao:
Are YOU hearing what I am saying? You asked precisely the right question: why?
Arrogance is the belief that you're better than everyone else. It's not arrogance when you actually ARE better than everyone else.
Israel is 60 years old and is a state of the art nation.
India & Africa are shitholes after 40 years of US handouts.

If israel is state of the art, then why are we subsidizing it?
I wish we weren't because Israel would have been Arab free by now.
By the way, until 1967, world Jewry supported Israel, not the US.

Since '67 you've been freeloading off of us? That's 50 years!!
Yep, and Israel isn't a Caste ridden shithole like India, still backwards like Africa or producing several hundred million terrorists a year like the Muslim countries the US is paying off to behave.

Israel is the worst shit-hole. You and your ilks are nothing but parasites.
I think it's us that don't give a shit what you think.
Jews work as a group entity.
IQ is hardly an indicator of potential greatness.
Someone with an average IQ can have a personality or character attributes that cause others to achieve greatness.
Someone with a high IQ can be a non-functional wallflower.

Why don't you list Sephardi, and Mizrahi Jewish intellectual accomplishments?


We all know who likes to make lists.

The IQ of Sephardi Jews in Israel is 91, the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews in Israel 103.

Why such a disparity between the 2 groups in the same nation?

Could you possibly claim "Oppression" like in the case of minorities in the West?

Do you think Ashkenazi Jews in Israel oppress Sephardi Jews?
I doubt those IQs are that low since Israel has one of the highest literacy rates in the world and almost everyone I know has at least a advanced degree.
Do you have a Link so I can see the breakdown?

Sephadis are far more interpersonal oriented...they are incredibly successful in business and probably own the Ashkenazim.

Are you admitting you live in Israel?

It does not matter where he lives; his loyalty is with Israel.
What is your solution to simple poverty? Blaming others is for, "lesser men".
as long as there is no coercion involved, or the game isn't rigged. But it is possible for a people to be impoverished. Up until the mid-60's the US was a lot like Germany--everyone was middle class. The factory owner had a bigger house than the assembly line worker, but their kids went to the same schools, their wives shopped in the same grocery stores, they played in the same church league softball games. There was virtually no immigration, which meant, of course, a tight labor market, and rising wages. America built the largest, most stable, most prosperous middle class the world had ever seen.

Then came 1965 and the decisive Jewish victory with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The country, all aglow with the warm fuzzies of the 1964 Civil Rights legislation, was ripe for the coup de grace. The Jewish sponsors of the bill in the House and Senate very shrewdly cast their bill as a civil rights bill. They made the spokesperson for the bill not some off-putting Jew but the junior senater from the state of Massachusetts, whose two brothers, incidentally, had just been murdered. He was bullet-proof. Then, of course, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the Jewish press helped by repeating over and over the lies "This bill will not add millions of people to our cities" and "This bill will not upset the demographic make-up of the American people" and so on. President Johnson signed the bill into law in New York Harbor at Ellis Island and that night, among the Jewish population, there were great celebrations over this glorious Jewish victory over the goyim.

And, truly, it was.

(Incidentally, Watergate was their triumphal march into the Capital City: we are your masters now).
The really stupid original immigrants have background from great
britain, Germany, and some from scandanavia and tend to have heads the shape of turnips

Sure, according to you original U.S Whites like Brits, and Germans, and also Poles are dumb.

But, why do you refuse to address the idiotic elephants in the room, the Blacks, and Hispanics?

I do not see blacks and Hispanics as idiotic elephants. Most blacks I have encountered in the
USA have been in the USA longer than had my grandmother (she grew up on London------but
HER parents were from elsewhere) Lots of Hispanics were born in the USA------In fact most are
"AMERICANS" The really stupid immigrants to the USA------seem to be descended from
Germanic tribes and British Isle people who ended up as farmers or moonshiner in the hills and
mountains. La la la ------they say don't go..on WOLVERTON MOUNTAIN.......

The IQ of West Virginia was estimated at 98, while the IQ of Mexican Americans was estimated at 88 and the IQ of African Americans estimated at 85.
And the odds are that any structure built after 2001 was built by someone with an IQ of 88.
Fact = arrogance?

Arrogance is the belief that you're better than everyone else. It's not arrogance when you actually ARE better than everyone else.
Israel is 60 years old and is a state of the art nation.
India & Africa are shitholes after 40 years of US handouts.

You are a lying Jew.
Then why do India business men have to bribe American politicians to allow in only India Business Visas who have pretty much accomplished nothing since 1998?
Why can't Indians produce a successful corporation of their own as opposed to piggy banking on the do nothing IBM, Orable and MS?
If left to a track record of producing successful, actual working products as opposed to hourly wage, there would be no Indians being used as BVs.
Israel is 60 years old and is a state of the art nation.
India & Africa are shitholes after 40 years of US handouts.

If israel is state of the art, then why are we subsidizing it?
I wish we weren't because Israel would have been Arab free by now.
By the way, until 1967, world Jewry supported Israel, not the US.

Since '67 you've been freeloading off of us? That's 50 years!!
Yep, and Israel isn't a Caste ridden shithole like India, still backwards like Africa or producing several hundred million terrorists a year like the Muslim countries the US is paying off to behave.

Israel is the worst shit-hole. You and your ilks are nothing but parasites.
Tell that to Wall Street, not to mention India which has hired Israel to write the software for India's new submarines.
It's pretty pathetic how even India knows how incompetent their own "programmers" are.

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