As A Black Person Why Should I Celebrate the 4th of July?

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My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.

I can give you one with certainty. be happy you aren't living in Canada.
I love Canada. Well Vancouver. Almost moved there. Still looking for some reasons I should celebrate the 4th though. So far after all these pages I have only got one response. Fun
I would love to move to a tropical island, but the chances of hurricanes? LOL
Well, unlike a lot of Blacks, Mexicans, Natives, etc. etc. not a whole lot of Irish are so anti-Forth of July.

so? sobie------actually the indentured slavery thing went away
before in the USA in favor of black slavery
no such thing as indentured slavery. its indentured servitude.

Indentured Servants were basically temporary slaves by choice, if people were slaves by choice, it really says some people probably had it worse than that back then.

wrong---sometimes criminals were made indentured servants
They were criminals by choice. and no they were not basically slaves. They were considered humans while chattel slavery considered Blacks as chattel.

you are playing semantics
Well, unlike a lot of Blacks, Mexicans, Natives, etc. etc. not a whole lot of Irish are so anti-Forth of July.

so? sobie------actually the indentured slavery thing went away
before in the USA in favor of black slavery
no such thing as indentured slavery. its indentured servitude.

Indentured Servants were basically temporary slaves by choice, if people were slaves by choice, it really says some people probably had it worse than that back then.

wrong---sometimes criminals were made indentured servants

Indentured Servants signed contracts of labor to basically turn themselves into slaves.

not all-------not the criminals----you are referring to people who traded their time for passage
Well, why not live by example, I'm not so sure what kind of example the stereotypical Black sets, however. (Ahem)
I dont take my examples from white people. Your suggestion borders on insanity and makes no sense at all. Whites were not enslaved on the 4th. How did you not know that?

some where ----in various parts of the world
Not the part of the world the 4th is applicable to.

well----actually---native americans did keep what experts call "slaves"
Native Americans didnt bring White slaves over from europe and establish a the US government.

They also didn't have the power to do so, so it's a bit hard to say if they would, or would've not.
so? sobie------actually the indentured slavery thing went away
before in the USA in favor of black slavery
no such thing as indentured slavery. its indentured servitude.

Indentured Servants were basically temporary slaves by choice, if people were slaves by choice, it really says some people probably had it worse than that back then.

wrong---sometimes criminals were made indentured servants
They were criminals by choice. and no they were not basically slaves. They were considered humans while chattel slavery considered Blacks as chattel.

you are playing semantics
Youre pretending chattel slavery and indentured servitude was the same thing.
Well, why not live by example, I'm not so sure what kind of example the stereotypical Black sets, however. (Ahem)
I dont take my examples from white people. Your suggestion borders on insanity and makes no sense at all. Whites were not enslaved on the 4th. How did you not know that?

some where ----in various parts of the world
Not the part of the world the 4th is applicable to.

well----actually---native americans did keep what experts call "slaves"
Native Americans didnt bring White slaves over from europe and establish a the US government.
They hired them to work in their casinos
It must really suck to have to drag around that burdensome modifier "black" wherever you go from day to day. I know it probably doesn't get old to you because that's what you identify with, but it sorta gets old to everyone else who has to hear it over and over again.

You might have missed it, but there was once this guy named "Martin Luther King." He once visualized a country where a person would just be a "person.", regardless of their color. You might take some time out and go to your local library and read up on him. He had some interesting ideas.

Actually its pretty empowering being Black.

MLK also said he thought he made a mistake trying to integrate with whites. I'm guessing that was kept from you.

I don't see how it's "empowering", being black. After all, you Democrats lost the most important election of your lifetimes.

Now it might be "empowering" to be a Republican or a conservative right now, because we own this shit. But please, don't equate "republican" or "conservative" with "white", because there are plenty of black Republicans and conservatives. We are after all, the ones who held a Civil War to stop slavery, enacted constitutional qualities, and voted for Civil Rights in the 60's.

Your buddies in the Democrat Party fought tooth and nail to prevent those from happening, ya know.
I never asked you to see how it was empowering to be Black. I was just informing you that it was empowering. Now that you have finished deflecting please answer my question.
Mainly people celebrate to have a party, drink, watch fireworks, day off from work. I am not sure if it is totally patriotic lol

totally------every cold beer after cold beer
Mine is ice cold
I dont take my examples from white people. Your suggestion borders on insanity and makes no sense at all. Whites were not enslaved on the 4th. How did you not know that?

some where ----in various parts of the world
Not the part of the world the 4th is applicable to.

well----actually---native americans did keep what experts call "slaves"
Native Americans didnt bring White slaves over from europe and establish a the US government.

They also didn't have the power to do so, so it's a bit hard to say if they would, or would've not.
The point you seem to miss is they didnt.
some where ----in various parts of the world
Not the part of the world the 4th is applicable to.

well----actually---native americans did keep what experts call "slaves"
Native Americans didnt bring White slaves over from europe and establish a the US government.

native americans had forms of slavery of their own
Which had nothing to do with the US and the 4th.

You're either an American, or you're not.

You obviously don't consider yourself much of one, if at all one.
some where ----in various parts of the world
Not the part of the world the 4th is applicable to.

well----actually---native americans did keep what experts call "slaves"
Native Americans didnt bring White slaves over from europe and establish a the US government.

They also didn't have the power to do so, so it's a bit hard to say if they would, or would've not.
The point you seem to miss is they didnt.

Neither did a lot of Whites, either.
Not the part of the world the 4th is applicable to.

well----actually---native americans did keep what experts call "slaves"
Native Americans didnt bring White slaves over from europe and establish a the US government.

native americans had forms of slavery of their own
Which had nothing to do with the US and the 4th.

You're either an American, or you're not.

You obviously don't consider yourself much of one, if at all one.
Whats your point?

Thats never been a concern of mine. I'm just interested in getting more reasons besides fun.
Not the part of the world the 4th is applicable to.

well----actually---native americans did keep what experts call "slaves"
Native Americans didnt bring White slaves over from europe and establish a the US government.

They also didn't have the power to do so, so it's a bit hard to say if they would, or would've not.
The point you seem to miss is they didnt.

Neither did a lot of Whites, either.
Whites controlled the government so your post makes no sense.
well----actually---native americans did keep what experts call "slaves"
Native Americans didnt bring White slaves over from europe and establish a the US government.

native americans had forms of slavery of their own
Which had nothing to do with the US and the 4th.

You're either an American, or you're not.

You obviously don't consider yourself much of one, if at all one.
Whats your point?

Thats never been a concern of mine. I'm just interested in getting more reasons besides fun.
I lived in Louisiana for more than 23 years, they look for any reason to party lol
Americans celebrate the freedom given us by our ancestors and that includes Black Americans. If you do not consider yourself an American or value freedom don't celebrate. That is also a freedom. Feel free to be an ingrate. But a bunch of public whining over nothing is silly and unappreciated.
well----actually---native americans did keep what experts call "slaves"
Native Americans didnt bring White slaves over from europe and establish a the US government.

native americans had forms of slavery of their own
Which had nothing to do with the US and the 4th.

You're either an American, or you're not.

You obviously don't consider yourself much of one, if at all one.
Whats your point?

Thats never been a concern of mine. I'm just interested in getting more reasons besides fun.

Well, I suppose you don't have to celebrate anything.

But, I suspect you do, no?
Well, why not live by example, I'm not so sure what kind of example the stereotypical Black sets, however. (Ahem)
I dont take my examples from white people. Your suggestion borders on insanity and makes no sense at all. Whites were not enslaved on the 4th. How did you not know that?

some where ----in various parts of the world
Not the part of the world the 4th is applicable to.

well----actually---native americans did keep what experts call "slaves"
Native Americans didnt bring White slaves over from europe and establish a the US government.

No, but Native Americans owned black slaves.
well----actually---native americans did keep what experts call "slaves"
Native Americans didnt bring White slaves over from europe and establish a the US government.

They also didn't have the power to do so, so it's a bit hard to say if they would, or would've not.
The point you seem to miss is they didnt.

Neither did a lot of Whites, either.
Whites controlled the government so your post makes no sense.

So, Whites are an "Organism"?
My ancestors that were enslaved are dead and yes I do have a right not to celebrate. No I'm not conflicted and I have never benefited from their suffering.

Of course you have proof of that, right? I think your people were from Dominica 50 years ago. :funnyface:
Americans celebrate the freedom given us by our ancestors and that includes Black Americans. If you do not consider yourself an American or value freedom don't celebrate. That is also a freedom. Feel free to be an ingrate. But a bunch of public whining over nothing is silly and unappreciated.
My ancestors were not free on the 4th dummy.

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