Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson Thinks It's a Conservative Virtue to Mutilate the Genitals of Little Children

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
Pretending to speak for Ronald Reagan and William F. Buckley Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson twists logic and reason around like a pretzel until he would have you believe chemically castrating small children is a conservative value, if you were actually dumb enough to believe in such garbage.

“Are we going to be a narrow party that expresses ourself [sic] in intolerant ways, or are we going to be a broad-based party that shows conservative principles but also compassion in dealing with issues that parents face, that individuals face?” Hutchinson said. “I’ve got to remind my wonderful Republican colleagues that we are the party of Ronald Reagan that believes in the role of limited government.”

The question is, is it actually "intolerant" to make life changing decisions for children too young
to understand and appreciate what transexual genital mutilation will mean to children for the rest of their lives?
Or should children be spared the trauma of sexual reassignment until they are old enough to judge for
themselves, since it actually are the children themselves that will bare the brunt of decisions made by
leftist parents for them?

And these parents are to girls and boys in Santa Monica, Berkeley and New York what the Taliban are to little girls in Afghanistan, India and Sudan. Which makes the better parent, Governor?
The one that wants to join in a destructive faddish movement that would alter the lives of young children
in ways they might regret the rest of their years?
Or the parent who will let the child decide for themself when more mature and with a better
perspective on his or her own body?

Why is Asa Hutchinson trying to make sexual reassignment procedures in young children a sign of "conservative principles"? When that is the craziest stretch most anyone, except the deranged governor
of Arkansas, could ever make.
You know what's even a more sacred value for conservatives, you lunatic? Protecting the youngest and
most vulnerable among us from the idiocy of those that would abuse and mistreat them.
When are you coming out in favor of female genital mutilation, Governor Hutchinson?

Tell us how Ronald Reagan and William F. Buckley would be the first in favor of that? Your "limited
government" bullshit belongs in a yurt in the mountains of Afghanistan where a little frightened girl
is being permanently deformed by monsters like yourself.
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He is wrong, but this is a lie.

He never said that it was okay to mutilate the genitals of children.

This is bullshit.
He is wrong, but this is a lie.

He never said that it was okay to mutilate the genitals of children.

This is bullshit.
Your complaint is bullshit! Just because Asa Hutchinson never used the actual words "genital mutilation"
doesn't change the fact that is exactly what he advocates for little children being forcibly transitioned
from Ray to Raylene, for instance. Get wise to your own foolishness.
Hutch wants a job with the CCP wokesters at WallyWorld when he's no longer the guv.
What the hell is wrong with Arkansas and that whole Ozark region?
And I say that as someone whose father came from the state of Misery right next door.
Pretending to speak for Ronald Reagan and William F. Buckley Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson twists logic and reason around like a pretzel until he would have you believe chemically castrating small children is a conservative value, if you were actually dumb enough to believe in such garbage.

“Are we going to be a narrow party that expresses ourself [sic] in intolerant ways, or are we going to be a broad-based party that shows conservative principles but also compassion in dealing with issues that parents face, that individuals face?” Hutchinson said. “I’ve got to remind my wonderful Republican colleagues that we are the party of Ronald Reagan that believes in the role of limited government.”

The question is, is it actually "intolerant" to make life changing decisions for children too young
to understand and appreciate what transexual genital mutilation will mean to children for the rest of their lives?
Or should children be spared the trauma of sexual reassignment until they are old enough to judge for
themselves, since it actually are the children themselves that will bare the brunt of decisions made by
leftist parents for them?

And these parents are to girls and boys in Santa Monica, Berkeley and New York what the Taliban are to little girls in Afghanistan, India and Sudan. Which makes the better parent, Governor?
The one that wants to join in a destructive faddish movement that would alter the lives of young children
in ways they might regret the rest of their years?
Or the parent who will let the child decide for themself when more mature and with a better
perspective on his or her own body?

Why is Asa Hutchinson trying to make sexual reassignment procedures in young children a sign of "conservative principles"? When that is the craziest stretch most anyone, except the deranged governor
of Arkansas, could ever make.
You know what's even a more sacred value for conservatives, you lunatic? Protecting the youngest and
most vulnerable among us from the idiocy of those that would abuse and mistreat them.
When are you coming out in favor of female genital mutilation, Governor Hutchinson?

Tell us how Ronald Reagan and William F. Buckley would be the first in favor of that? Your "limited
government" bullshit belongs in a yurt in the mountains of Afghanistan where a little frightened girl
is being permanently deformed by monsters like yourself.

WTF are you babbling about? I'll need the cliffs notes version please, thanks.
tf is going on, I thought you were a Conservative?
Read my well reasoned thread OP, you depraved loser.
We have and you advocate for the state to control people's lives and devoid the idea of liberty.
Since you are a perfect foil (and fool) I will grant you exemption from my ignore decree for this one
post. Also because I justly insulted the Ozarks.

You advocate for the sort of "liberty" whereby one party can abuse and dominate another.
Like when an Afghan parent has the right to mutilate the genitals of his daughter.

That's not the sort of "liberty" we advocate for in this country, or should advocate for, and when the 13th Amendment outlawed slavery I thought we were outlawing the right of one human to own and abuse another human being.
But seeing as how we still allow abortions (albeit with some restrictions) and the right of a parent to
change the gender of a minor, without that child's informed consent, we still have a long way to go.

Asa Hutchinson demonstrates that mind set perfectly and he is a "conservative" in the same
sense you are a Mensa member. That is to say, not at all.
tf is going on, I thought you were a Conservative?
Read my well reasoned thread OP, you depraved loser.
We have and you advocate for the state to control people's lives and devoid the idea of liberty.
Since you are a perfect foil (and fool) I will grant you exemption from my ignore decree for this one
post. Also because I justly insulted the Ozarks.

You advocate for the sort of "liberty" whereby one party can abuse and dominate another.
Like when an Afghan parent has the right to mutilate the genitals of his daughter.

That's not the sort of "liberty" we advocate for in this country, or should advocate for, and when the 13th Amendment outlawed slavery I thought we were outlawing the right of one human to own and abuse another human being.
But seeing as how we still allow abortions (albeit with some restrictions) and the right of a parent to
change the gender of a minor, without that child's informed consent, we still have a long way to go.

Asa Hutchinson demonstrates that mind set perfectly and he is a "conservative" in the same
sense you are a Mensa member. That is to say, not at all.
...You're the one wanting to come down hard against liberty. It's weird that you don't see that.

Is circumcision genital mutilization?
Yeah, this.

Your post is like...Liberal. I was really confused. The article even says verbatim "smart liberties"

I like that, I may steal that. It was well-written.
My post was liberal in best and most traditional sense of the word and I may have misjudged you
for which I apologize (at least until you say something else really objectionable) but don't tell anyone
I am an old fashioned liberal when it comes to civil rights and a civil society.

I don't recall writing the words "smart liberties" but I'll take credit for it until someone can prove I didn't
write that phrase. Thanks. Anyway I'll steal it too.
tf is going on, I thought you were a Conservative?
Read my well reasoned thread OP, you depraved loser.
We have and you advocate for the state to control people's lives and devoid the idea of liberty.
Since you are a perfect foil (and fool) I will grant you exemption from my ignore decree for this one
post. Also because I justly insulted the Ozarks.

You advocate for the sort of "liberty" whereby one party can abuse and dominate another.
Like when an Afghan parent has the right to mutilate the genitals of his daughter.

That's not the sort of "liberty" we advocate for in this country, or should advocate for, and when the 13th Amendment outlawed slavery I thought we were outlawing the right of one human to own and abuse another human being.
But seeing as how we still allow abortions (albeit with some restrictions) and the right of a parent to
change the gender of a minor, without that child's informed consent, we still have a long way to go.

Asa Hutchinson demonstrates that mind set perfectly and he is a "conservative" in the same
sense you are a Mensa member. That is to say, not at all.
The capital of Arkansas is not in the Ozark's genius..No party is abusing another party but you advocate for a political party to make decisions reserved for privacy in one's home. That is not freedom or liberty it is authoritarian state govt. that you are advocating...Do you want to have cameras in people's bedroom to make sure they are having sex correctly under the guise of the state knows what is best for you?.
He is wrong, but this is a lie.

He never said that it was okay to mutilate the genitals of children.

This is bullshit.
Your complaint is bullshit! Just because Asa Hutchinson never used the actual words "genital mutilation"
doesn't change the fact that is exactly what he advocates for little children being forcibly transitioned
from Ray to Raylene, for instance. Get wise to your own foolishness.
It is NOT what he is advocating for. Only a brain dead moron would put their own agenda into this and put words and motives into the people they disagree with. Kind of like a Democrat.

He is saying that is is not the role of government to interfere in the choices of people.

He is right.

Where he is wrong is that we are talking not about adults making choices for themselves but for minors.

But not for one moment is he saying that it is okay to mutilate children. To say so is a fucking lie worthy of a Democrat.
Sorry, it was ordered liberties. Not smart liberties.

we rely on ordered liberty. <-- article.

That's like the most left-wing thing to say ever.
..You're the one wanting to come down hard against liberty. It's weird that you don't see that.

Is circumcision genital mutilization?
Me? I don't think I come down hard against liberty at all unless you think liberty means you can do
anything to anyone you have power over.

As for circumcision I don't see it as genital mutilation at all and there is good science behind the notion
that a circumcised penis is a healthier penis.

You aren't one of those anti circumcision freaks, are you?
..You're the one wanting to come down hard against liberty. It's weird that you don't see that.

Is circumcision genital mutilization?
Me? I don't think I come down hard against liberty at all unless you think liberty means you can do
anything to anyone you have power over.

As for circumcision I don't see it as genital mutilation at all and there is good science behind the notion
that a circumcised penis is a healthier penis.

You aren't one of those anti circumcision freaks, are you?
It's surgery...on the penis...and it's done to children with no consent.

Are you sure it's not genital mutilation? Because I'm pretty sure it is, dude.
Sorry, it was ordered liberties. Not smart liberties.

we rely on ordered liberty. <-- article.

That's like the most left-wing thing to say ever.
Oh, yeah. From the Federalist article. It is a great phrase and sounds rather libertarian to me.
Unrestrained liberty is anarchy. The Federalist is a great source in my opinion.

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