Arizona Sheriff: ‘Our Own Government Has Become Our Enemy’

This is why you fail, bigreb, and your provided your own rope to hang you argument.

You write "A ****** is anyone who is lazy good for nothing" then call a n-word. The term racially characterizes the black race of being :"lazy" and "good for nothing," and then you apply it to me as a bad thing for me to like that.

Your own words condemn you, saying out "Thou. art the Man, bigrebnc1775" Here, watch Mel Barber [ame=]YouTube - Red Barber on Jackie Robinson[/ame]. Make yu feel better
This is why you fail, bigreb, and your provided your own rope to hang you argument.

You write "A ****** is anyone who is lazy good for nothing" then call a n-word. The term racially characterizes the black race of being :"lazy" and "good for nothing," and then you apply it to me as a bad thing for me to like that.

Your own words condemn you, saying out "Thou. art the Man, bigrebnc1775" Here, watch Mel Barber YouTube - Red Barber on Jackie Robinson. Make yu feel better

So tell me shit for brain blacks that us the word ****** are they racist? ****** knows no skin color if I call a lazy trashy white person a ****** is that being racist?
That is exactly what you wrote, but your interpretation is off, kiddo.

You don't get to use the name at all in trying to characterize anyone else. That is merely a form of covert racism, which I suggest you look up.

Hitler's last name? His nephew of the same name fought as an American in WWII. Yep, clever guy, you sure told me.

You are such nimrod. :lol:
Shit for brains its how you use the word for it to be racist or are you saying black people who use it are racist? It's the context and the message that was being sent did not make it a racisl slure. So tell who did I call a ******?
No shit for brains you do not get to define what has always been defined. ****** is not has no racisl barriers. Anyone even you can be a ******. A ****** is anyone who is lazy good for nothing. And that is you starkey. You are a ******

Here jake CONTEXT and how the word ****** is being used is what I have been saying

[ame=]YouTube - The word '******' - Richard Pryor & George Carlin[/ame]
Carlin can do it, because he has the creditability. You are known as a racist, and we know you are weaseling here. Thou art the man, bigreb, so stop it.
Yes, you do fail, bigrebnc1775. You may not define how you use the n-world. The very fact that you use it, the very fact that you weasel when called out on it, demonstrates that you are bigoted racist who does not have the integrity like William Joyce and others here do about their beliefs.

You have p'wnd yourself in this thread.
JWBooth, you have nothing to offer, you southern supporter of secession. You could not argue your case there, and I am sure you cannot argue this here. Move along, little confed, move along.
bigreb, this site will help you, I hope: Internet Argument Techniques | You will find your techniques there, and it should help you to recognize yourself.

Starkey you are the one that needs the help. The word ****** is just that A WORD it depends on how you use the word that makes it racist. Now if you can show me how I use the word ****** in a racial way I will be glad to leave this board forever. However, If you can't then you have to admit that you are a lying needle dick cum sucking queer. Any other comment besides you showing how I used the word ****** in a racist way, will make your attempt void and will revert back to you having to admit that you are a lying needle dick cum sucking queer. If you fail to respond to this comment you will be then admitting that you are a lying needle dick cum sucking queer.
The very context of your homophobic, racialist comment makes clear that your use of the word is racist. When you identify negative characteristics with the word to demean other people, then it is racist. Yes, bigreb, you are a racist. Whether you admit it means absolutely nothing.

Your social pathology can be found at 6 New Personality Disorders Caused by the Internet | Read up on yourself, weirdo.
The very context of your homophobic, racialist comment makes clear that your use of the word is racist. When you identify negative characteristics with the word to demean other people, then it is racist. Yes, bigreb, you are a racist. Whether you admit it means absolutely nothing.

Your social pathology can be found at 6 New Personality Disorders Caused by the Internet | Read up on yourself, weirdo.

Who did I demean when I made this comment?
"Fuck you **** you chickenshit bastard. I am a conservative to call me anything else you might as well call me a ******" One more time stupid ****** knows no skin color you do reealize there are white ******* black ******* Red ******* yellow *******. it has no skin color.
So you failed lying needle dick cum sucking queer

One more thing
So jake I must ask why do you have the same last name as a known skinhead racist?

Meet Jesse Edward Starkey. He was arrested shortly after midnight on Saturday and charged with aggravated assault, assault, DUI driving, and accident involving damage to vehicle. As you can see, he makes his politics very clear.

I figure once the police officer sees "Aryan Warrior" tattoed on your forehead, certain assumptions are going to be made and you're not going to get a break on the arrest.

I don't know what all the other symbolism means, but I'm assuming Jesse isn't an Ian Johnson fan. I wonder how he'll get along with his cell mates? I hope they're white.
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Whenever you use that term to negatively characterize other people, bigreb, then you are engaged in racism. Your denial reinforces that fact.

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