Are you American?

Britain's equivalent of a constitution has developed in haphazard fashion over centuries, building on common law, case law, historical documents, Acts of Parliament and European legislation. What they have now seems to work pretty good. "It it ain't broke, don't fix it,"

It's not working too well if people are getting dragged out of their homes in the middle of the night over a tweet or some such.
A constitution doesn't prevent that. People get dragged out of their homes, illegally detained with or without a constitution. If government is intent on violating basic human rights and the people allow it, no law will prevent it.
Firstly, I can't comment on any countries except Malaysia and Indonesia.
I tend to go to areas most foreigners never see so I see what most people do not.
In your travels, can you honestly say you visited illegal villages, rubbish dumps and very poor areas in general or did you stay in nice hotels and travel everywhere by car?

The vast majority of foreigners see bugger all in countries they visit but I get around, searching the places posh people don't care to talk about over a black tie dinner.

How many times have you visited a rubbish collector in his home and how many times have you travelled through wooden constructed villages, with rats in the homes and toilets that drain directly into the river.
Do you visit people in villages who's houses are simple timber with a hard dirt floor and who earns US$20 per month?
How many school visits to rubbish dumps have you organised?

When you've done these things, get back to me with well researched comments.

That whole tirade makes me glad to be an American

Your answer makes me glad I'm a human with a beating heart.

You probably have a beating heart

The rest is a matter of opinion
to a few Vietnamese peasants
A load of Afghan tribesmen
A bunch of uneducated blokes in Somali
The Chinese who kicked your arses in Korea

As for 1812, does anyone really believe you didn't get totally hammered?
Come on - you may have won the odd battle but most ended in a sound defeat and Americans being forced to pledge allegiance to King George.
New York was destroyed and your president's home was burnt out.
I think we can pretty much call that an arse fucking of the first order.
You're top of the food chain when you're fighting people who can't fight back but the moment someone stands up to you, you run away like snotty nosed school bullies.

However, think positive, I don't believe America has ever surrendered in any war; just run away from a few.

Still trying to look impressive?


When we take war seriously, we kick ass

When a kid arrives late for school, we often send him home.
Still, you turned up earlier to the second one than you managed in the first.
As for "serious"; you're saying you didn't take any of the wars you started but lost, seriously.

And I suspect that this dislike of Americans you encounter depends greatly on what part of the world you're talking about. So you've been everywhere?

And someone brought up a good point, why do so many want to come here, then?

And, finally, we won the war that really, really mattered..the Revolutionary War. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Englishman.
Britain's equivalent of a constitution has developed in haphazard fashion over centuries, building on common law, case law, historical documents, Acts of Parliament and European legislation. What they have now seems to work pretty good. "It it ain't broke, don't fix it,"

It's not working too well if people are getting dragged out of their homes in the middle of the night over a tweet or some such.
A constitution doesn't prevent that. People get dragged out of their homes, illegally detained with or without a constitution. If government is intent on violating basic human rights and the people allow it, no law will prevent it.

A written rule of law will damn well go a long way towards preventing or correcting it.
Firstly, I can't comment on any countries except Malaysia and Indonesia.

So, it's fucking Indonesians you're referring to who don't like Americans?

Well, speaking of winning wars, do they understand how instrumental America's defeat of Japan was in them attaining their long-sought independence? How about a little gratitude for that, huh?

And what do they do with their independence? A country rich with natural resources has widespread poverty, that's what they do with it.

I think I've just lost interest in anything you have to say, Muslim.
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Britain's equivalent of a constitution has developed in haphazard fashion over centuries, building on common law, case law, historical documents, Acts of Parliament and European legislation. What they have now seems to work pretty good. "It it ain't broke, don't fix it,"

It's not working too well if people are getting dragged out of their homes in the middle of the night over a tweet or some such.
A constitution doesn't prevent that. People get dragged out of their homes, illegally detained with or without a constitution. If government is intent on violating basic human rights and the people allow it, no law will prevent it.


But the Constitution and its case law ensure that such things happen only rarely, usually in the context of a blunder on the part of law enforcement as opposed to an effort by the state to silence or intimidate political opposition.
I think I've just lost interest in anything you have to say, Muslim.

Why did you feel the need to reference his faith there at the end of your post? Trying to add a dash of bigotry for dramatic effect?

I chose to reference his faith at the end of my post because that's how he describes himself...Muslim.

See, right under his name "Indofred," it says "Extremist Muslim."

You are the one who is interpreting my use of the term as derogatory. It is no more bigotry than if you were to refer to me as "Alaskan."
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It's not working too well if people are getting dragged out of their homes in the middle of the night over a tweet or some such.
A constitution doesn't prevent that. People get dragged out of their homes, illegally detained with or without a constitution. If government is intent on violating basic human rights and the people allow it, no law will prevent it.

A written rule of law will damn well go a long way towards preventing or correcting it.
I don't know much about British law, but I do know that rights we as American's have are enshrined in British law. Will putting it in a Constitution make it more enforceable, I doubt it but it would tie up Parliament in an endless debate.
Firstly, I can't comment on any countries except Malaysia and Indonesia.

So, it's fucking Indonesians you're referring to who don't like Americans?

Just about every Indonesian I've ever met likes Americans just fine.

As the vast majority of Indonesians I've met.

Of course, there are some that hate Americans but, as I made clear, it's some, not all.
Sadly some posters are far too stupid to work that out and/or their position of hate doesn't allow them to see it.
Oddly enough, some Indonesian Christians are a bit pissed off at America as well.
I think it was something to do with the CIA murdering their families one Sunday morning, on their way home from church.
So, it's fucking Indonesians you're referring to who don't like Americans?

Just about every Indonesian I've ever met likes Americans just fine.

As the vast majority of Indonesians I've met.

Of course, there are some that hate Americans but, as I made clear, it's some, not all.
Sadly some posters are far too stupid to work that out and/or their position of hate doesn't allow them to see it.

These are the things you said:

Firstly, I can't comment on any countries except Malaysia and Indonesia.

I'm often asked if I'm American but, upon telling people I'm English, their harsh voice becomes friendly and happy.

Many times, I'm asked if I'm American but once they find out I'm not, their whole attitude changes for the better.

I'm often asked. Many times I'm asked.

So now you're going to say that you said it's some, not all, who hate Americans? And that the VAST MAJORITY of Indonesians like Americans? The whole tone of your thread implied that Americans are widely unpopular, at least in Indonesia and Malaysia. But now you're going to change your tune? Too bad, your comments are all here in black and white, you can try and change your tune all you want but we know what you said.

You come on a message board called USMessageBoard and start asking why so many people dislike Americans, and then when we respond you change your story and infer that we're stupid.

You're stupid, obviously, and a troublemaker to boot.
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I think I've just lost interest in anything you have to say, Muslim.

Why did you feel the need to reference his faith there at the end of your post? Trying to add a dash of bigotry for dramatic effect?

I chose to reference his faith at the end of my post because that's how he describes himself...Muslim.

See, right under his name "Indofred," it says "Extremist Muslim."

You are the one who is interpreting my use of the term as derogatory. It is no more bigotry than if you were to refer to me as "Alaskan."

You want to ask yourself if you are being honest about that.
I don't know much about British law, but I do know that rights we as American's have are enshrined in British law.

Clearly, they are not. Our concept of 'rights' may have stemmed from the unwritten "rights of Englishmen" but our actual enumerated rights and corresponding laws diverge quite a bit from their enforcement of some unwritten 'understanding.'

Interesting side note: The actual Magna Carta itself will be on display at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston next summer.
I'm often asked if I'm American but, upon telling people I'm English, their harsh voice becomes friendly and happy.

Why do you think that is?

I just traveled through several countries and the fact that I am from the US was insignificant, it was the way i treated people that caused me to be welcomed and treated with respect.

Think this one over Indofred, you would make a very nice sandwich out the the baloney you are serving out in this thread...:doubt:

Firstly, I can't comment on any countries except Malaysia and Indonesia.
I tend to go to areas most foreigners never see so I see what most people do not.
In your travels, can you honestly say you visited illegal villages, rubbish dumps and very poor areas in general or did you stay in nice hotels and travel everywhere by car?

The vast majority of foreigners see bugger all in countries they visit but I get around, searching the places posh people don't care to talk about over a black tie dinner.

How many times have you visited a rubbish collector in his home and how many times have you travelled through wooden constructed villages, with rats in the homes and toilets that drain directly into the river.
Do you visit people in villages who's houses are simple timber with a hard dirt floor and who earns US$20 per month?
How many school visits to rubbish dumps have you organised?

When you've done these things, get back to me with well researched comments.

This is not an aspect of your OP, but something that you wish to do to somehow denigrate my experiences. Fact is, I was born into what you describe in your aforementioned narrative. The value of life was cheap, many of my contemporaries never made it past their 16th birthday.

While I have physically made it out of that environment I never truly have left in the form of giving back to those who are still there. In fact I am going to travel back there in a few weeks, I go often.

As a traveler I do not visit resorts, but enjoy exploring the land that I am traveling to I do not have to visit rubbish collectors to understand, empathize or possibly assist the inhabitants of the area. My last trip I did visit with business owners who I found to have been having a difficult time with the economy and patronized their stores which stimulates the economy and provides funds for rubbish collectors to have jobs.

However, even if I did vacation to a resort that is immaterial to your OP.

Nevertheless, all this is meaningless as it relates to your OP. I find the OP very disingenuous and a contrivance.

Now please go and make me a sammi with all this baloney you are serving here.

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