Are you a Republican or a Trumpster?

Well, we did spend 2.5 TRILLION on a war for oil, and fucked up the entire middle east....Money well spent?

More far left drone dogma not based on reality.

Even Obama claimed as a victory, so does that make Obama liar?
Making comments on a subject you know nothing about again. ?

Once again proving my comments about far left drones..

See how the far left deflect from the fact that their Messiah called Iraq a success.
The voices in your head tell you to say that. ?
Your comments on the president are beneath notice ,except for the minimal comedic value.
Other then that they have no value whatsoever.

Yes we know you far left drones can only bash that which you can not understand, that is why bash reality so often..
False I bash clowns like you as a matter of course.
Nothing you present is fact.
Why is it that little Paws101 is afraid to engage me in a debate about real issues so she can "impress" me with how much she thinks she knows? Seems rather cowardly to me that she would pass up the opportunity to "show me up"........that tells me that she has no strength in her I right???
Bahahahaha! if you don't vote don't bitch.
So you're a persona non gratia .
Then your opinion means less than zero.

Simply means that I am awake.....and I know infinitely more than you...FACT!
The hypnotized never lie do ya?
Bahahahaha! if you don't vote don't bitch.
So you're a persona non gratia .
Then your opinion means less than zero.

Simply means that I am awake.....and I know infinitely more than you...FACT!
The hypnotized never lie do ya?

Instead of being a lame flamer, why not attempt to debate me on what I contend? I gave out that same invite to Jillian and she totally bailed at the opportunity...I even gave her the opportunity to pick the topic on what she has a problem with......she bailed....will you? I have spent a great deal of time attacking certain things and I had my whole belief system changed and from that, I have been able to soak information up like a's all I do all day, every day. I download documentaries and lectures to my I-Pod, jot down notes and vet the information when time affords...what do you do to improve your knowledge base? Watch MSNBC? Read the newspaper? Why do you believe that you are more qualified to speak about the things that I do? I read download books off of the internet and read them until I go to sleep...I average one every three days. You really ought to read John Perkin's book "Confessions of An Economic's an eye opener and you can download it on a PDF file.......learn, grow, evolve. I have other suggestions but you should start with that one.
I've told you this before nothing you present is debatable because it has no basis in reality.

Really? Then prove it and let the people here be the judge.......stop being a coward....anyone can lamely flame. Back up your talk with "facts"......
Argumentum ad populum.
As to facts you never use them so why should I or anybody else for that matter.
See how the far left deflect from the fact that their Messiah called Iraq a success.

If Obama called Iraq a success he was "dead" (pardon the expression) wrong.......

NOW, take the time to ponder who made the worst mistake....the guy that wrongly called it a "success" or the guy who sent 4,000 plus Americans to die in that hell hole and spent 2.5 trillion for that little adventure of Cheney.
Hey natural don't waste your time attempting to debate intelligently with kosh it must be obvious by now he's a nut job.

Says the far left drone that denies reality! But the OP is also a known far left drone as well.

See how the far left will deny reality and facts when they are faced with them?
Another fact free post.
More far left drone dogma not based on reality.

Even Obama claimed as a victory, so does that make Obama liar?
Making comments on a subject you know nothing about again. ?

Once again proving my comments about far left drones..

See how the far left deflect from the fact that their Messiah called Iraq a success.
The voices in your head tell you to say that. ?
Your comments on the president are beneath notice ,except for the minimal comedic value.
Other then that they have no value whatsoever.

Yes we know you far left drones can only bash that which you can not understand, that is why bash reality so often..
False I bash clowns like you as a matter of course.
Nothing you present is fact.

I disagree, you are more like a petulant child that is pitching a temper tantrum because daddy is not going to buy you a candy bar from the "impulse buy" shelves" at the check out counter......
Why is it that little Paws101 is afraid to engage me in a debate about real issues so she can "impress" me with how much she thinks she knows? Seems rather cowardly to me that she would pass up the opportunity to "show me up"........that tells me that she has no strength in her I right???
Speaking of not getting facts straight I'm not female.
Dumbass statements like that just proves my opinion of you to be correct.
I have no need to show you up or impress you .
I have nothing to prove.
Obviously you do.
Self esteem issue?
Simply means that I am awake.....and I know infinitely more than you...FACT!
The hypnotized never lie do ya?
Simply means that I am awake.....and I know infinitely more than you...FACT!
The hypnotized never lie do ya?

Instead of being a lame flamer, why not attempt to debate me on what I contend? I gave out that same invite to Jillian and she totally bailed at the opportunity...I even gave her the opportunity to pick the topic on what she has a problem with......she bailed....will you? I have spent a great deal of time attacking certain things and I had my whole belief system changed and from that, I have been able to soak information up like a's all I do all day, every day. I download documentaries and lectures to my I-Pod, jot down notes and vet the information when time affords...what do you do to improve your knowledge base? Watch MSNBC? Read the newspaper? Why do you believe that you are more qualified to speak about the things that I do? I read download books off of the internet and read them until I go to sleep...I average one every three days. You really ought to read John Perkin's book "Confessions of An Economic's an eye opener and you can download it on a PDF file.......learn, grow, evolve. I have other suggestions but you should start with that one.
I've told you this before nothing you present is debatable because it has no basis in reality.

Really? Then prove it and let the people here be the judge.......stop being a coward....anyone can lamely flame. Back up your talk with "facts"......
Argumentum ad populum.
As to facts you never use them so why should I or anybody else for that matter.

Paws101 SEZ??????? "I am afraid to debate!!!!!! Someone help me!!!!!"...

Making comments on a subject you know nothing about again. ?

Once again proving my comments about far left drones..

See how the far left deflect from the fact that their Messiah called Iraq a success.
The voices in your head tell you to say that. ?
Your comments on the president are beneath notice ,except for the minimal comedic value.
Other then that they have no value whatsoever.

Yes we know you far left drones can only bash that which you can not understand, that is why bash reality so often..
False I bash clowns like you as a matter of course.
Nothing you present is fact.

I disagree, you are more like a petulant child that is pitching a temper tantrum because daddy is not going to buy you a candy bar from the "impulse buy" shelves" at the check out counter......
You can disagree all you wish .
Nothing you've posted about me is even remotely close to being fact.
Your tub thumping is damn funny though.
The hypnotized never lie do ya?
The hypnotized never lie do ya?

Instead of being a lame flamer, why not attempt to debate me on what I contend? I gave out that same invite to Jillian and she totally bailed at the opportunity...I even gave her the opportunity to pick the topic on what she has a problem with......she bailed....will you? I have spent a great deal of time attacking certain things and I had my whole belief system changed and from that, I have been able to soak information up like a's all I do all day, every day. I download documentaries and lectures to my I-Pod, jot down notes and vet the information when time affords...what do you do to improve your knowledge base? Watch MSNBC? Read the newspaper? Why do you believe that you are more qualified to speak about the things that I do? I read download books off of the internet and read them until I go to sleep...I average one every three days. You really ought to read John Perkin's book "Confessions of An Economic's an eye opener and you can download it on a PDF file.......learn, grow, evolve. I have other suggestions but you should start with that one.
I've told you this before nothing you present is debatable because it has no basis in reality.

Really? Then prove it and let the people here be the judge.......stop being a coward....anyone can lamely flame. Back up your talk with "facts"......
Argumentum ad populum.
As to facts you never use them so why should I or anybody else for that matter.

Paws101 SEZ??????? "I am afraid to debate!!!!!! Someone help me!!!!!"...

Right on schedule, the tantrum!
Why is it that little Paws101 is afraid to engage me in a debate about real issues so she can "impress" me with how much she thinks she knows? Seems rather cowardly to me that she would pass up the opportunity to "show me up"........that tells me that she has no strength in her I right???
Speaking of not getting facts straight I'm not female.
Dumbass statements like that just proves my opinion of you to be correct.
I have no need to show you up or impress you .
I have nothing to prove.
Obviously you do.
Self esteem issue?

You are the one that follows me around making snide comments so obviously you are lacking something when you don't have the intestinal fortitude to debate an issue....anyone can toss around lame flames but to debate an issue takes knowledge which is something that you don't have.....I bet you are a liberal certainly get your little feelings hurt like one. Go put some ice on your vagina...maybe it will feel better in the morning. (snicker)
See how the far left deflect from the fact that their Messiah called Iraq a success.

If Obama called Iraq a success he was "dead" (pardon the expression) wrong.......

NOW, take the time to ponder who made the worst mistake....the guy that wrongly called it a "success" or the guy who sent 4,000 plus Americans to die in that hell hole and spent 2.5 trillion for that little adventure of Cheney.
Hey natural don't waste your time attempting to debate intelligently with kosh it must be obvious by now he's a nut job.

Says the far left drone that denies reality! But the OP is also a known far left drone as well.

See how the far left will deny reality and facts when they are faced with them?
Another fact free post.

Yes that is what you far left drones do, make fact free posts..

Glad you can recognize that!
Once again proving my comments about far left drones..

See how the far left deflect from the fact that their Messiah called Iraq a success.
The voices in your head tell you to say that. ?
Your comments on the president are beneath notice ,except for the minimal comedic value.
Other then that they have no value whatsoever.

Yes we know you far left drones can only bash that which you can not understand, that is why bash reality so often..
False I bash clowns like you as a matter of course.
Nothing you present is fact.

I disagree, you are more like a petulant child that is pitching a temper tantrum because daddy is not going to buy you a candy bar from the "impulse buy" shelves" at the check out counter......
You can disagree all you wish .
Nothing you've posted about me is even remotely close to being fact.
Your tub thumping is damn funny though.

Yeah, I have you pegged pretty have no knowledge of any issue, you spew leftard talking points that are generic as hell and you get all butthurt when you get busted on. You are the quintessential "Joe Palooka" keep taking uppercuts and then on wobbly knees you rise off of the cyber canvas to offer forth your chin yet again......have you ever seen that movie "Cool Hand Luke"? Remember that part "Stay down, Luke..stay down"......that is you.
In all honesty, a voter cannot really be both a republican and a Trump supporter....In a sense, Trump HAS formed a 3rd party.....

As others have posted, Paul Ryan (and Preibus) have called for Trump to comply with GOP policies and ideologies, while Trump has clearly stated that it is not he who will conform to GOP policies and that his voters want the GOP to comply with HIS policies (as murky as these policies may be.)

Fully realizing that my own party is severely divided, the differences between Sanders and Clinton PALE in comparison to what the GOP and RNC is experiencing.......We are living in interesting times.

"In all honesty," you're an idiot and a douche bag. Trump is more of a Republican than McCain, Romney, Jeb or 'W' ever were.

Yes, our party is divided. The establishment traitors are being shown the door. What you are observing is their petulant whining on the way out.
In all honesty, a voter cannot really be both a republican and a Trump supporter....In a sense, Trump HAS formed a 3rd party.....

As others have posted, Paul Ryan (and Preibus) have called for Trump to comply with GOP policies and ideologies, while Trump has clearly stated that it is not he who will conform to GOP policies and that his voters want the GOP to comply with HIS policies (as murky as these policies may be.)

Fully realizing that my own party is severely divided, the differences between Sanders and Clinton PALE in comparison to what the GOP and RNC is experiencing.......We are living in interesting times.

Libertarian and loving the insanity that is going on in both political parties.

Paul Ryan want Trump to be Conservative but Trump is embracing the Progressive roots of the Republican Party instead...

Conservatives are going to be really butt-hurt if Trump does win because Trump is turning more into a Theodore Roosevelt to Richard Nixon and neither of them were Conservative by any means...

( Roosevelt was more of a man than Trump will ever be )
It's a little shocking how economically socialist Trump is. In many ways he's come across as far more extreme than even Sanders.

Such as?
His support of tariffs, subsidies, taxing the rich, taxing corporations, and opposition towards free trade.

Good think the allowing of slave labor goods into this country to compete with workers that are paid a living wage is a GOOD thing? Nicely done, you have just proven that you are one stupid motherfucker
It's a little shocking how economically socialist Trump is. In many ways he's come across as far more extreme than even Sanders.

Such as?
His support of tariffs, subsidies, taxing the rich, taxing corporations, and opposition towards free trade.

Good think the allowing of slave labor goods into this country to compete with workers that are paid a living wage is a GOOD thing? Nicely done, you have just proven that you are one stupid motherfucker

Such as....such as you ask?

Well, not to interfere with your ignorance....but did you know that Trump is for a Canadian-style health care universal insurance?
Ask Trump if he would outlaw abortions? Ask him if he is now in favor of raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour?

You are dumber than a box of melted candles.......but there are other right wing idiots that will always back up your stupidity.
In all honesty, a voter cannot really be both a republican and a Trump supporter....In a sense, Trump HAS formed a 3rd party.....

As others have posted, Paul Ryan (and Preibus) have called for Trump to comply with GOP policies and ideologies, while Trump has clearly stated that it is not he who will conform to GOP policies and that his voters want the GOP to comply with HIS policies (as murky as these policies may be.)

Fully realizing that my own party is severely divided, the differences between Sanders and Clinton PALE in comparison to what the GOP and RNC is experiencing.......We are living in interesting times.

Libertarian and loving the insanity that is going on in both political parties.

Paul Ryan want Trump to be Conservative but Trump is embracing the Progressive roots of the Republican Party instead...

Conservatives are going to be really butt-hurt if Trump does win because Trump is turning more into a Theodore Roosevelt to Richard Nixon and neither of them were Conservative by any means...

( Roosevelt was more of a man than Trump will ever be )

Usually dig your posts but Teddy Roosevelt was a total piece of shit and if I ever get the chance to piss on his grave, I will make sure that I have a full bladder. Teddy was a eugenicist that believed that certain people didn't deserve to live or procreate. He was used by the international bankers to create the Bull Moose party that took votes away from Taft (that was against a central bank) that allowed Wilson to get in as their hand-picked president because he agreed in advance to sign off on the Federal Reserve Act that in turn made us all indentured debt slaves. If I knew then what I know now when I was 18? I would have had a vasectomy because all I did was give this corporate entity two additional debt slaves....fuck Teddy Roosevelt...I hope he is burning in hell. Fuck every president since Wilson except for JFK.....all the rest are nothing but traitors and sell-outs.

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