Zone1 Are White People Wrong to Judge Fani Willis by Our Standards of Marital Fidelity and Ethics?

No one is judging her fidelity. Her unethical conduct has impacted her professional performance and is properly judged.

She used a high profile case with a politically unpopular defendant to game the system. She assumed that because democrats hate Trump so much, she would never be questioned. She assumed that being a black female was enough to silence any detractors. She was wrong.

Wait and see. You sound like Trump. You're just a racist.
He was a Black Panther. Full of anger and hate for whites.
They should build a monument to him to represent everything that is wrong with the black race in America.
And we have several members here just like him.
The ones who love the "I have a Dream"- MLK... but never listen to the ".....if the negro is to ever be free he must reach down into his own soul and resources and sign with the ink and pen of his own self asserted manhood and make his own emancipation proclamation"

Nooo... they don't want to listen to that MLK. Who would turn over in his grave as to not see the shame and travesty that black America has allowed itself to become... taking the white man's crumbs called welfare, free housing, food stamps etc. etc. not having the basic understanding of the prison cell they have allowed white liberals to put them in.
And how white conservatives want them to leave the prison Democrats built for them.
They should build a monument to him to represent everything that is wrong with the black race in America.
And we have several members here just like him.
The ones who love the "I have a Dream"- MLK... but never listen to the ".....if the negro is to ever be free he must reach down into his own soul and resources and sign with the ink and pen of his own self asserted manhood and make his own emancipation proclamation"

Nooo... they don't want to listen to that MLK. Who would turn over in his grave as to not see the shame and travesty that black America has allowed itself to become... taking the w phite man's crumbs called welfare, free housing, food stamps etc. etc. not having the basic understanding of the prison cell they have allowed white liberals to put them in.
And how white conservatives want them to leave the prison Democrats built for them.
Whites have received the equivalent of more than 500 trillion dollars' worth of government "crumbs" that blacks were excluded from in the 20th century alone. Blacks pay taxes you stupid racist therefore blacks are not taking the white man's anything, we have not got the taxes we pay in back while whites get everybody else taxes to fund their lifestyles.

How about stop talking about King. Because in the speech you reference he says THIS- and it is something YOU don't want to hear.

"We must stand up amid a system that still oppresses us and develop an unassailable and majestic sense of values."

And this:

Even semantics have conspired to make that which is black seem ugly and degrading. In Roget’s Thesaurus there are some 120 synonyms for blackness and at least sixty of them are offensive, such words as blot, soot, grim, devil, and foul. And there are some 134 synonyms for whiteness and all are favorable, expressed in such words as purity, cleanliness, chastity, and innocence. A white lie is better than a black lie. The most degenerate member of a family is the “black sheep.”

Ossie Davis has suggested that maybe the English language should be reconstructed so that teachers will not be forced to teach the Negro child sixty ways to despise himself, and thereby perpetuate his false sense of inferiority, and the white child 134 ways to adore himself, and thereby perpetuate his false sense of superiority. The tendency to ignore the Negro’s contribution to American life and strip him of his personhood is as old as the earliest history books and as contemporary as the morning’s newspaper.

To offset this cultural homicide, the Negro must rise up with an affirmation of his own Olympian manhood."

And then there is this just before some white person murdered him.

And this:

Democrats have built us no prisons. And white conservatives certainly don't want us to be free of whatever prison you imagine exists. Republicans run in these places and lose because their fucking policies stink. It's time Republicans stopped making racist ass excuses up for why blacks vote for democrats and look in the mirror and see that it is YOU and your policies that are the problem. Uncle Toms don't get statues. Clarence Thomas is no better than a member of the confederacy and it would behoove you to stop being white making comments on what you think the black community has become and keep Dr. Kings name out of your mouth.

The problem in America is the racist subculture within the white race that you are a member of. And members of that subculture love any black person who will do what it takes to hurt blacks in order to allow that racist subculture to continue having an advantage.
Democrats have built us no prisons.
The diversity hire VP laughed about smoking pot (cause that’s ghetto ass black culture) after she over saw thousands of convictions as DA that sent people to prison for pot. But since she is black, your racist self don’t care.
I don't care if the bitch is a fat ass Atlanta Negro Ho. Her sex life isn't has no bearing on this other than to point out that she has no moral foundation.

What I do care about is that she is part of the Democrat's destructive Banana Republic attempt to destroy a political opponent.
The fate of the trial is not linked to that of Willis.

The trial will happen. Because it is a state trial, Trump cannot interfere.
Ha! He’s interfering now. Actually, not even Trump is the one interfering. It’s his B team that are interfering.

Don’t believe me? Look at your TV. Do you see your prosecutor leading witness after witness are you hearing them confess their crimes and blame Trump for everything? Are you seeing that prosecutor grilling Trump‘s witnesses and forcing them to admit that they are lying?


You see your star prosecutor as the one being grilled. She’s embarrassing herself more with every answer to every question. Only to be followed up by her even more embarrassing dad.

I don’t know how old you have to be to not be embarrassed by your dad anymore, but clearly, Miss Willis has not reached that age.

Well, pal . . . You brought this one on yourself. Not enough to bring Trump down, you thought you could make a show of it by putting a black woman upfront as the face of your grand Crusade. Oh, well, next time, do a little thing called vetting and maybe this won’t Keep happening to you.
The fate of the trial is not linked to that of Willis.

The trial will happen. Because it is a state trial, Trump cannot interfere.
According to White House logs that filthy ass bitch Willis Ho met with Potatohead several times.

So if your point is that the leadership of our Banana Republic will continue to seek illegal retribution against political opposition unfortunately you are correct.
The entire premise of the political-left is that black people cannot be held to the same standard as white people. That’s why they teach in college that it’s NOT okay to be “color blind”. Because you have to recognize that black people are not the same as white people and adjust your treatment of them accordingly.
I don't care if the bitch is a fat ass Atlanta Negro Ho. Her sex life isn't has no bearing on this other than to point out that she has no moral foundation.

What I do care about is that she is part of the Democrat's destructive Banana Republic attempt to destroy a political opponent.

Fani Willis' mistake has no bearing on the case against Trump. There will be another prosecutor.
Ha! He’s interfering now. Actually, not even Trump is the one interfering. It’s his B team that are interfering.

Don’t believe me? Look at your TV. Do you see your prosecutor leading witness after witness are you hearing them confess their crimes and blame Trump for everything? Are you seeing that prosecutor grilling Trump‘s witnesses and forcing them to admit that they are lying?


You see your star prosecutor as the one being grilled. She’s embarrassing herself more with every answer to every question. Only to be followed up by her even more embarrassing dad.

I don’t know how old you have to be to not be embarrassed by your dad anymore, but clearly, Miss Willis has not reached that age.

Well, pal . . . You brought this one on yourself. Not enough to bring Trump down, you thought you could make a show of it by putting a black woman upfront as the face of your grand Crusade. Oh, well, next time, do a little thing called vetting and maybe this won’t Keep happening to you.
Whatever happens to Willis is not interfering with the trial.

It will happen on schedule, and the Orange Dohbert will be convicted.
Serious question.

I'm white so I don't know. I'm asking any black posters on here if they feel that the white lawyers questioning her are coming from a different place as far as how important marital honesty is, or the morality of romance with someone who is married to another.

In this clip:

She seems very surprised and annoyed that the opposing is asking her about the money that she gave her married lover, for their vacations and dinners and other entertainments they shared. She tries to be a bit of a wise guy, but she does not really evade the fact of having given him money, just tries not to answer about the form.

More oddly to me is that she is not at all embarrassed about the fact that she was doing all this with a man who has a wife at home who may or may not be aware of this affair.

Is that a common thing, that all that would be important is the relationship she enjoys, and has no thoughts or feelings about the wife whose husband she is taking. In her world, it that normal, I guess is my question.

The best thing about this thread is that. Trump.cultist started it. Otherwise, it's not worth spending any time on.

Just Frannie, begging for attention again.

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