Are We Alone in the Universe?

Interesting topic. I tend to go with Carl Sagan's opinion that if there aren't other life forms out there, it would be a terrible waste of space.

As for why we haven't yet encountered other life forms, who is to say we have not? Science has not come up with any explanation for thousands of UFO sightings, and there are a lot of people, not known to be lunatics, who claim to have encountered other beings. If we are having visitations from other places, I have to believe they are mostly studying us and intend us no harm. Since they would have the technology to get here, they would surely have the technology to destroy us if they chose to do that.

I have never seen a UFO, at least that I was aware of, nor have I encountered an E.T. of any sort that I was aware of. But I like to keep an open mind about these things.
The Abyss was truly wonderful and again, another slant on visitation by those that have gotten past conquest.

yes, and they were prepared to destroy us because of how corrupt we were, but they saw the love of one man and explored it and found that in spite of the corruption there was good in human kind
I'm gonna consider that a non violent species is just that. I doubt a truly evolved alien race would be able to justify even one murder. I mean since we are giving them all this credit and everything. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Actually, this is good debate. Oh, get out of north Seattle. I wouldn't go in their even with a search warrant. Gig Harbor, yes, but the wet is just beyond coping. I no longer come back incountry through there. I come in down home into Cozumel, MX.

Look at the numbers I posted. Those are facts. That is what we go by. Fact, not conjecture or feelings. Just something to consider. The items you presented are valid, no argument, but that is not the whole nor is it the bases for fact.

Hope that is helpful. It has nothing to do with non-violent. It has to do they are past conquest. That is the key. Put another way for point, we no longer hunt ants, hunker down and eat them. We stand back or kneel down and study them. Why? We are past killing ants. We have evolved past that.

Just a thought.


What can I say?...I was a big fan of Bronson's "Death Wish" series...:lol: :lol: :lol:

If not me...Who?

If not now..When?...

My friends count on me like that.

It's not a charity case..the owner is a multi-billionaire. He does me favors all the time.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I haven't always had it tough....and this is totally do-able..I'm not chained to the place..and I have a very large Pitt Bull(going on 120lbs) to do the rounds.

My childhood home...the front ten acres of 150.

Orcas Island Vacation Rental, B&B Lodgings and Weddings

I fired off 10,000 rounds up there before I was eleven. My first deer, a 10 point, was taken from three feet...age 12. I'm no "Navy Seal" like some people will deny but I have my moments..:lol::lol::lol:

Don't worry about ol HUGGY...I get off on this shit. :lol::lol::lol:
of course i got into the scuba tech in it and that kept me interested in the slow points
all the scuba gear was available tech with one exception
the mask/2nd stages
they had to create the mask so you could see faces
and that liquid breather was really cool
Hey Bob, do you still "have the ability and software to resolve through HST a license plate number on a car at 100 miles from low earth orbit."?

Inquiring minds and all.

Do you?
i think he's confusing the spy sats with HST


It is so.

"What could Hubble see on Earth if it were to be aimed at the Earth?

Hubble is in orbit at a height of about 375 miles up. If we work the math, it can be shown that Hubble could just make out something that is 5.56 inches wide on Earth. Basically Hubble could just make out the size and shape of a car license plate (assuming it was laying flat on the ground). However, reading the numbers would be out of the question!"

Can you see the flag on the Moon with a telescope?

With software for resolution, yes, you can read a lic. plate. But that is not what Hubble is for.

Hey Bob, do you still "have the ability and software to resolve through HST a license plate number on a car at 100 miles from low earth orbit."?

Inquiring minds and all.

Do you?

But, yes I can.

Can you see the flag on the Moon with a telescope?

You at a loss for words Bob? Why? You posted that on another board.

The Hubble Space Telescope:
A. Isn't pointed at the earth.
B, Has no mechanism or software for mapping the earth as it was never intended to do so.

If you know different, let us know. The link you gave us is all "what if" and purely conjecture.

Is there something you wanna' tell us Bob? Just remember, Tourettes Syndrome doesn't affect internet postings.
What can I say?...I was a big fan of Bronson's "Death Wish" series...:lol: :lol: :lol:

If not me...Who?

If not now..When?...

My friends count on me like that.

It's not a charity case..the owner is a multi-billionaire. He does me favors all the time.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I haven't always had it tough....and this is totally do-able..I'm not chained to the place..and I have a very large Pitt Bull(going on 120lbs) to do the rounds.

My childhood home...the front ten acres of 150.

Orcas Island Vacation Rental, B&B Lodgings and Weddings

I fired off 10,000 rounds up there before I was eleven. My first deer, a 10 point, was taken from three feet...age 12. I'm no "Navy Seal" like some people will deny but I have my moments..:lol::lol::lol:

Don't worry about ol HUGGY...I get off on this shit. :lol::lol::lol:

Good response, A little off topic but my first deer was a little 4 point. I was about 11 or 12 and got it with my dad's 30-30. I loved growing up in Montana. It was wonderful.

i think he's confusing the spy sats with HST


It is so.

"What could Hubble see on Earth if it were to be aimed at the Earth?

Hubble is in orbit at a height of about 375 miles up. If we work the math, it can be shown that Hubble could just make out something that is 5.56 inches wide on Earth. Basically Hubble could just make out the size and shape of a car license plate (assuming it was laying flat on the ground). However, reading the numbers would be out of the question!"

Can you see the flag on the Moon with a telescope?

With software for resolution, yes, you can read a lic. plate. But that is not what Hubble is for.

how familiar are you with the latest spy sats?
i read that they could pick out a foot print back in the 70's
You at a loss for words Bob? Why? You posted that on another board.

The Hubble Space Telescope:
A. Isn't pointed at the earth.
B, Has no mechanism or software for mapping the earth as it was never intended to do so.

If you know different, let us know. The link you gave us is all "what if" and purely conjecture.

Is there something you wanna' tell us Bob? Just remember, Tourettes Syndrome doesn't affect internet postings.

Read the article. Read it carefully. At JPL or HST, we can turn the HST to see down to earth and read down to 5.5". I answered you. Can you read? Are you at a loss for words, or just being an asshole. Which? Read it again and then read the specs for resolution on HST and view demands.

HubbleSite - The Telescope - Hubble Essentials

Hope that is helpful. But what about are we alone in the Universe. I think that is the topic of this thread I started.

how familiar are you with the latest spy sats?
I read that they could pick out a foot print back in the 70's

The Keyhole and a few others can resolute down to 3" from low earth orbit. But these vehicles are managed by the most secretive of our government agencies, the NRO:

The National Reconnaissance Office

National Reconnaissance Office - 50 Years of Vigilance From Above

They used to call themselves "The Keepers of the Night". Now, due to PIROs flooding government oversight, they now have their own website, in public view.

NASA has thrown up a few of their satellites for them, but they are DoD missions and kept quiet to everyone not involved.

Before I start this, this is my personal only opinion of studying this topic for over 35 years now. And though, off record, over 89% of NASA people and affiliated enterprises agree also with what follows, this is strictly my own take and stand at this time on this topic.

First, you must get very familiar with this link and data below, concerning the Drake Equation. It is the most compelling math tool and anyone can use it and it is fabulous for this subject. Here it is:

Ok, for me and over this 36 years interfacing with NASA and assorted agencies, I have come to the conclusion then, and now, that our universe, or closer in, our Galaxy, is host to lifeforms on a level of Star Trek-The Next Generation. I think it is a swarm of life, intelligent and everything in between.

ST-TNG, the federation, is 8000 Light Years (LYs) in diameter, and look at the life that is entailed in that fictional quadrant of our galaxy. I truly feel that whole world of grand fiction will play out in the near future to not only be true, but more so, conservative by numbers.

Here's why:

1. Our sun is a class C type star and is found to be the most common star type in the cosmos.

2. These star types tend to be the most stable and longest lived.

3. They last upwards of 6 billion years.

4. They have multiple planets, with at least one in the "Goldilocks Zone", where liquid water is present on the surface, thus the right distance from the home star.

5. And on carbon based planets, this is the condition for life, as we know it.

Further, like the movie, "Start Trek: First Contact", we are going to leave our home place. We will do so when we have developed something that is SoL+ or, a WARP drive if you will. From that, we are free.

And if we are free to explore out beyond our local solar neighborhood, we would obviously be able to reach out to other Class C worlds, for no other reason than to see if we are right.

And, aside from the darker psychopaths that post on all these myriad of boards to the contrary, NASA and all other space agencies around the planet is pushing the technology to "see" out there what is there. And it reasons well, if we are not alone, others out there are doing the same, looking back.

If we don't "see" each other at some point, or we get out there and then run into someone else, the treasure chest is open.

So, categorically, WE ARE NOT ALONE!!

In the not so near future, in our lifetimes even, we are going to get a message, anything, that will simply be "Hello. Are you there?"


Comments encouraged greatly.


don't you need a moon as well, to agitate the pools of life? And carbon, and amino acids?

it is not water alone, no?
You at a loss for words Bob? Why? You posted that on another board.

The Hubble Space Telescope:
A. Isn't pointed at the earth.
B, Has no mechanism or software for mapping the earth as it was never intended to do so.

If you know different, let us know. The link you gave us is all "what if" and purely conjecture.

Is there something you wanna' tell us Bob? Just remember, Tourettes Syndrome doesn't affect internet postings.

Read the article. Read it carefully. At JPL or HST, we can turn the HST to see down to earth and read down to 5.5". I answered you. Can you read? Are you at a loss for words, or just being an asshole. Which? Read it again and then read the specs for resolution on HST and view demands.

HubbleSite - The Telescope - Hubble Essentials

Hope that is helpful. But what about are we alone in the Universe. I think that is the topic of this thread I started.

Again, you post a link that doesn't back up your claims. Of all the cameras mentioned in the link, none of them are pointed at the Earth. And nowhere does it state that they can "turn HST and look at the Earth" as you claim.
When I was really young..before we moved up to Orcas permanently we also had a house in Lake Forest Park ...a suburb North of Seattle.

There was a NIKE missile base not too far from our home. One day in early summer..I believe it was about 9 AM.., I think I was about 6 years old I was outside on the lawn and heard the sound of a couple of Sabre Jets up in the sky to the East. My eyes caught a glimpse of something unusual a little to the North of vertical. I looked up and did not see the fighters but what I did see was astonishing. It was a disc shaped object ..bright metalic ...a silver color maybe 100-200 feet across at about a thousand feet. It was not making any noise. It was just climbing to the West at about 15 degrees at maybe 100 knots. Then the two F86's came into view coming up from behind the UFO. They were quite impressive making enormous racket and belching black smoke trails. The UFO started picking up speed and within maybe 2 or 3 seconds was now going maybe 60 degrees vertical and rapidly accelerating to well over 1000 knots with the jets trying to chase it down. The damned thing just kept going faster and faster and left the Air Force/Army planes in the dust. The UFO was completely out of sight in a clear blue sky within 10-15 seconds. The F86's tried to follow the UFO but they turned away while they were just specks in the sky and flew off to the East. The whole incident as I witnessed it lasted just under a minute.

The year was 1955. June or July Just North of Lake Washington...near Seattle

True story.

PS... The neighbor lady to our North and her husband the Whiteheads were also outside and saw the same thing. A neighbor lady from across Ballenger Way ran over to Mrs Whitehead and they were hysterical about it. Then they agreed that the military would handle it and there was no more talk about it. Certainly not with a six year old boy.

No.. We are not alone.

Correction...The neighbors name wasn't Whitehead..It was Whiting. I knew it was White ..something..but it has been almost 55 years.....:lol:
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Wow Bob, you never told us Astronaut Judith Resnik was your girlfriend. Tell us all about her. That is, if you're not still torn up by her loss.
Tom’s Astronomy Blog » Blog Archive » Challenger Not Forgotten After 25 Years
Robert A.M. Stephens on January 29th, 2011
  1. Whomever you are, Steve, thank you, thank you. I was there that morning, watching my GF of one year, Astronaut Dr. Judith Resnik (Judy to the rest of us) and the 6 other great folks and friends, make her 2nd trip to space. I remember. I remember. Thank you!!!!! Always…….
    Go For Throttle Up!!!!……..
    Robert A.M. Stephens, LLC
    Scaled Dynamics
    NASA Visual Exploration
    Pan America
    Have Jeep, Have Heart, Will Travel
Or was that one of your bi-polar moments?
don't you need a moon as well, to agitate the pools of life? And carbon, and amino acids?

it is not water alone, no?

Elsewhere here in this thread, the conditions for life as we know it does not require a moon. It does require electrical (lightning), warmth, water, organic matter-compounds, O2, and the warmth to induce decay. But no moon--however, it was there when life began some 4.3 billion years ago.

Hope that is helpful dear.

Wow Bob, you never told us Astronaut Judith Resnik was your girlfriend. Tell us all about her. That is, if you're not still torn up by her loss.
Tom’s Astronomy Blog » Blog Archive » Challenger Not Forgotten After 25 Years
Robert A.M. Stephens on January 29th, 2011
  1. Whomever you are, Steve, thank you, thank you. I was there that morning, watching my GF of one year, Astronaut Dr. Judith Resnik (Judy to the rest of us) and the 6 other great folks and friends, make her 2nd trip to space. I remember. I remember. Thank you!!!!! Always…….
    Go For Throttle Up!!!!……..
    Robert A.M. Stephens, LLC
    Scaled Dynamics
    NASA Visual Exploration
    Pan America
    Have Jeep, Have Heart, Will Travel
Or was that one of your bi-polar moments?

Careful, whomever you are.

Not sure what you are doing or why or your point. Yes, I was dating Dr. Judith Resnik at the time of STS-51L at Kennedy Space Center, FL. I had been working for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics at the time in failure at NASA-KSC.

What are doing and why?

That is the man that did this:


And whom I have invited to be my guest at the last launch of STS, Atlantis.

I posted at his YouTube profile and have posted about him here, called Fanfare For The Shuttle.

Careful, whatever your intent is.


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