Are Trump supporters proud of his sleazy campaign tactics?

Since he has no policy substance - slinging sleaze is all he has. The world must be laughing - and cringing.

Sure--a typical Trump supporter has the mentality of a tabloid or a T.V. soap box opera. They're dumber than dirt, so of course they're attracted to sleaze. After all, they picked a prick to be their nominee.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance


Oh piss off. All the demographics show that Trump has attracted all ages, male and female, wide range of education and wealth. Get over the fact that your inside the beltway John McCain girl lost big time.

You're coming off bitter and pathetic.
How could anyone support a pathological lying narcissistic anarchist like Adolf Trump? The more he lies - the more his NaziCon supporters love him. They have no honor.
Since he has no policy substance - slinging sleaze is all he has. The world must be laughing - and cringing.

He’s playing into HRC’s hands. Let him keep on doing it. His numbers with women are sub-Arctic. Full court press attack ads are fantastic. I hope he keeps it up.

Maybe he should promise free dildos and birth control.... then the females will take a shine to him!! Oh, and some free Bon Bons and lipstick.
Since he has no policy substance - slinging sleaze is all he has. The world must be laughing - and cringing.

He’s playing into HRC’s hands. Let him keep on doing it. His numbers with women are sub-Arctic. Full court press attack ads are fantastic. I hope he keeps it up.

Maybe he should promise free dildos and birth control.... then the females will take a shine to him!! Oh, and some free Bon Bons and lipstick.

Sadly, your idiotic ramblings are likely the equivalent to a graduate course for Drumpf .
Since he has no policy substance - slinging sleaze is all he has. The world must be laughing - and cringing.

He’s playing into HRC’s hands. Let him keep on doing it. His numbers with women are sub-Arctic. Full court press attack ads are fantastic. I hope he keeps it up.

Maybe he should promise free dildos and birth control.... then the females will take a shine to him!! Oh, and some free Bon Bons and lipstick.

Sadly, your idiotic ramblings are likely the equivalent to a graduate course for Drumpf .

Oh whatever, what do you know about anything. You support cankles and the crazy man... the crook and the loon as it were.
Trump is a flash in the pan - fool's gold.
Yeah I've heard that too, in fact many people (including so called "experts") were saying it for months after he announced his candidacy for the GOP nod, funny thing most of those people aren't saying it anymore.

I also heard the same thing from the Hillary worshipers back in 2008 about one Senator Barack Obama......

The only thing good about Trump winning the general would be how crushing it would be to the Queen of Corruption and her oh-so-smug, pom-pom waiving worshipers.
Since he has no policy substance - slinging sleaze is all he has. The world must be laughing - and cringing.

Actually yes, I think it's hilarious that the GOP FINALLY has a candidate who is willing to fight fire with fire.

The Dems have always played hardball whilst the GOP has always tried to be the "genteel" party, nothing genteel about Trump, that's for sure.

But, stop acting like we've never seen nasty politics in this country before.
Trump didn't revitalize the KKK. black lives matter revitalized the KKK.

Trump isn't slinging sleaze. If he was he would have to say that if hillary's ass gets any bigger, she will have to appear only in blackface.
Since he has no policy substance - slinging sleaze is all he has. The world must be laughing - and cringing.

He’s playing into HRC’s hands. Let him keep on doing it. His numbers with women are sub-Arctic. Full court press attack ads are fantastic. I hope he keeps it up.

Maybe he should promise free dildos and birth control.... then the females will take a shine to him!! Oh, and some free Bon Bons and lipstick.

Sadly, your idiotic ramblings are likely the equivalent to a graduate course for Drumpf .

Oh whatever, what do you know about anything. You support cankles and the crazy man... the crook and the loon as it were.

That her election will cause you ulcers is icing on the cake.
Since he has no policy substance - slinging sleaze is all he has. The world must be laughing - and cringing.

He’s playing into HRC’s hands. Let him keep on doing it. His numbers with women are sub-Arctic. Full court press attack ads are fantastic. I hope he keeps it up.

Maybe he should promise free dildos and birth control.... then the females will take a shine to him!! Oh, and some free Bon Bons and lipstick.

Sadly, your idiotic ramblings are likely the equivalent to a graduate course for Drumpf .

Oh whatever, what do you know about anything. You support cankles and the crazy man... the crook and the loon as it were.

That her election will cause you ulcers is icing on the cake.

This time next year, she might be running for President of Cell Block A.
Aww, are the lefties suddenly sensitive to sleaze when the enabling wife of the most notorious sleaze bag in history is running for president? Democrats have a choice between a Marxist Socialist and the enabling wife of a world class abuser of women and they are worried about campaign tactics. What a bunch of losers.
He’s playing into HRC’s hands. Let him keep on doing it. His numbers with women are sub-Arctic. Full court press attack ads are fantastic. I hope he keeps it up.

Maybe he should promise free dildos and birth control.... then the females will take a shine to him!! Oh, and some free Bon Bons and lipstick.

Sadly, your idiotic ramblings are likely the equivalent to a graduate course for Drumpf .

Oh whatever, what do you know about anything. You support cankles and the crazy man... the crook and the loon as it were.

That her election will cause you ulcers is icing on the cake.

This time next year, she might be running for President of Cell Block A.

Drumpf is actually on trial for his “university”…perhaps they will have a co-ed min sec dorm?
Since he has no policy substance - slinging sleaze is all he has. The world must be laughing - and cringing.

Let us know when he starts paying rioters to disrupt his opponents rally's. My gosh but you are a dim bulb.

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