Are the conservatives in America the best educated in the world?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Think about this for a second with man made global warming as an example, the rest of the world doesn't have the 1st amendment, the 2nd amendment and the Constitution of the United States.

The rest of the world don't have the power house of information like the USA AM talk radio and news shows like FOX

The rest of the world has 80~100% of state run media and propaganda..

The rest of the world tries censorship..

Think about it, in the US we get to use are brains and not being told what to think from Wyoming to Texas, from Arkansas to North Carolina....

Yes Virginia the conservatives in the USA are the best educated in the world...and smell out bullshit when we see it.
Think about this for a second with man made global warming as an example, the rest of the world doesn't have the 1st amendment, the 2nd amendment and the Constitution of the United States.

The rest of the world don't have the power house of information like the USA AM talk radio and news shows like FOX

The rest of the world has 80~100% of state run media and propaganda..

The rest of the world tries censorship..

Think about it, in the US we get to use are brains and not being told what to think from Wyoming to Texas, from Arkansas to North Carolina....

Yes Virginia the conservatives in the USA are the best educated in the world...and smell out bullshit when we see it.

LOL you need to do some traveling.
Think about this for a second with man made global warming as an example, the rest of the world doesn't have the 1st amendment, the 2nd amendment and the Constitution of the United States.

The rest of the world don't have the power house of information like the USA AM talk radio and news shows like FOX

The rest of the world has 80~100% of state run media and propaganda..

The rest of the world tries censorship..

Think about it, in the US we get to use are brains and not being told what to think from Wyoming to Texas, from Arkansas to North Carolina....

Yes Virginia the conservatives in the USA are the best educated in the world...and smell out bullshit when we see it.
Powerhouse AM TALK RADIO!
I hope that was a joke.
The only people that listen to AM are spinsters who can’t find FM or know how to use internet radio, and Jethro types in 14 year old pickups listening to white supremacy radio.
Which one are you?
You crack me up.
Think about this for a second with man made global warming as an example, the rest of the world doesn't have the 1st amendment, the 2nd amendment and the Constitution of the United States.

The rest of the world don't have the power house of information like the USA AM talk radio and news shows like FOX

The rest of the world has 80~100% of state run media and propaganda..

The rest of the world tries censorship..

Think about it, in the US we get to use are brains and not being told what to think from Wyoming to Texas, from Arkansas to North Carolina....

Yes Virginia the conservatives in the USA are the best educated in the world...and smell out bullshit when we see it.

Yes, you get to hear shows like fox, whose viewers have been shown to know less than people who have no news sources at all, but while sane people use OUR brains, you silly right wingers are limited to using what you call ARE brains, whatever that might be.
Think about this for a second with man made global warming as an example, the rest of the world doesn't have the 1st amendment, the 2nd amendment and the Constitution of the United States.

The rest of the world don't have the powerhouses of information like the USA AM talk radio and news shows like FOX

The rest of the world has 80~100% of state run media and propaganda..

The rest of the world tries censorship..

Think about it, in the US we get to use are brains and not being told what to think from Wyoming to Texas, from Arkansas to North Carolina....

Yes Virginia the conservatives in the USA are the best educated in the world...and smell out bullshit when we see it.
1) Conservatives cannot take resposibility for the Constitution and its amendments.
2) AM talk radio and Fox are most definitely not powerhouses of information. That assertion is ludicrous.
3) This statement is absolutely incorrect: "The rest of the world has 80~100% of state run media and propaganda." Believing that displays intense ignorance about the wider world.
4) The US also has censorship. Your president is attempting that as we speak.
5) Your last statement implies other countries are stupid and people don't get to 'use' their brains: "Think about it, in the US we get to use are brains and not being told what to think from Wyoming to Texas, from Arkansas to North Carolina...." That is a very ignorant assertion. Very.

Based on the thread title (Are the conservatives in America the best educated in the world? ) and the rest of your post, I would say the answer is a resounding NO!
Think about this for a second with man made global warming as an example, the rest of the world doesn't have the 1st amendment, the 2nd amendment and the Constitution of the United States.

The rest of the world don't have the power house of information like the USA AM talk radio and news shows like FOX

The rest of the world has 80~100% of state run media and propaganda..

The rest of the world tries censorship..

Think about it, in the US we get to use are brains and not being told what to think from Wyoming to Texas, from Arkansas to North Carolina....

Yes Virginia the conservatives in the USA are the best educated in the world...and smell out bullshit when we see it.
Powerhouse AM TALK RADIO!
I hope that was a joke.
The only people that listen to AM are spinsters who can’t find FM or know how to use internet radio, and Jethro types in 14 year old pickups listening to white supremacy radio.
Which one are you?
You crack me up.
Spinsters? Spinsters? What decade do you live in? 1910?
Are the conservatives in America the best educated in the world?




See those dudes in green tunis on the left side of the wall? One of them is likely you, OP-er.

If they be the best educated in the world, considering that anti-intellectualism has for the past score of years suffused American conservatives and the foundations of their public rhetoric, finding out that the title assertion be true necessarily indicates that years and years of didactic efforts have been wasted on modern American conservatives.
My point isn't to assert or show there are no well educated conservatives who use their education to form and advance sound approaches to challenges America needs to overcome for there are some. It's that the current wave of anti-intellectualism so thoroughly drowns the voices of sage conservatives that they largely aren't heard. The result is that "everyday" well-educated conservatives who use the power of their critical thinking skills find themselves cowed into acquiesce to being pricked by the horns of the dilemma posed by insipid populist conservative notions and rhetoric and by liberal approaches with which they disagree.

  1. If you read those names and thought "who the hell are they and why does what they have to say matter," consider yourself among the superficial. Google is there to be your friend; let it.
Are the conservatives in America the best educated in the world?




See those dudes in green tunis on the left side of the wall? One of them is likely you, OP-er.

If they be the best educated in the world, considering that anti-intellectualism has for the past score of years suffused American conservatives and the foundations of their public rhetoric, finding out that the title assertion be true necessarily indicates that years and years of didactic efforts have been wasted on modern American conservatives.
My point isn't to assert or show there are no well educated conservatives who use their education to form and advance sound approaches to challenges America needs to overcome for there are some. It's that the current wave of anti-intellectualism so thoroughly drowns the voices of sage conservatives that they largely aren't heard. The result is that "everyday" well-educated conservatives who use the power of their critical thinking skills find themselves cowed into acquiesce to being pricked by the horns of the dilemma posed by insipid populist conservative notions and rhetoric and by liberal approaches with which they disagree.

  1. If you read those names and thought "who the hell are they and why does what they have to say matter," consider yourself among the superficial. Google is there to be your friend; let it.
To wit:
It takes the opposite of using one's education to publicly make that attestation.

It is not that we have so little time but that we lose so much. ... The life we receive is not short but we make it so; we are not ill provided but use what we have wastefully.
-- Seneca, On the Shortness of Life
Think about this for a second with man made global warming as an example, the rest of the world doesn't have the 1st amendment, the 2nd amendment and the Constitution of the United States.

The rest of the world don't have the power house of information like the USA AM talk radio and news shows like FOX

The rest of the world has 80~100% of state run media and propaganda..

The rest of the world tries censorship..

Think about it, in the US we get to use are brains and not being told what to think from Wyoming to Texas, from Arkansas to North Carolina....

Yes Virginia the conservatives in the USA are the best educated in the world...and smell out bullshit when we see it.

The word you are looking for is "indoctrinated" not educated. Conservatives in America get all their information from the same source via multiple outlets. Conservatives in America are more likely to deny basic science than any other group in the world.

Conservatives in America can only parrot what they are told to, they have no capability to think for themselves, which is why they need FoxNews and those "powerhouses" on the radio telling them what to think
Every single mod is a deplorable. Sad .

Kiss off. I did not post as a mod. And shows how brilliant you are..most mods here lean left, or in the middle.
Noob just doesn't know how soft and alluring your legs really are...or he doesn't have a stocking fetish...

Conservatives aren't well educated they just can't hold as much 411 in their tiny brains...
Even Trump knows that you all are poorly educated...We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated,
And yet TODAY -- the story that BURIES any other news or issue, is a political speech that Oprah Winfrey made last night at fucking Hollywood awards ceremony. Trust me -- oh yee partisan tribal shills. The DUMB runs DEEP in this country. There's enough to drown every man, woman, and child 20 leagues deep..
And yet TODAY -- the story that BURIES any other news or issue, is a political speech that Oprah Winfrey made last night at fucking Hollywood awards ceremony. Trust me -- oh yee partisan tribal shills. The DUMB runs DEEP in this country. There's enough to drown every man, woman, and child 20 leagues under a Sea of Stupid..
You're probably gonna get a fake sexual harassment charge now...

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