Are seniors safe under GOP Medicare plan?

It didn't need to be "fixed". It's why Democrats created the well liked program, "Medicare". The one Republicans are trying to destroy.

So not only are you saying that allowing denial of coverage based on preexisting conditions should be allowed to continue, but also that medicare should be left as is (ie. insolvent by 2025)?

Please elaborate, your position intrigues me.

I never mentioned "pre existing condition". You did. Currently Medicare is a measly 3% of GDP. Health Care cost is nearly 18%. The number one cause of bankruptcy are "medical bills". The CEO of Cigna received a paycheck of OVER $100,000,000.00. Cigna makes nothing. It employs no doctors. Cigna is a "middle man" who makes it's "profits" by skimming millions of insurance policies. This is what we should be talking about. Cigna with their private jets and extravagant paychecks.

Instead, we are talking about cutting the benefits of the elderly. Why?

If we had a public option, we could cut health care costs by what? Half? More?

Look at the VA, considered one of the best HC in the world. They spend 94 cents for every dollar on the patients and only a tiny 6 cents per dollar on administrative costs. What do you think Health Care companies spend on Administrative costs?

Man, I could go on all night. Don't get me started. Politicians are on the pockets of the health care companies. Facts like these are impossible to argue with. It's why Republicans want to keep the focus on the elderly and Medicare.

Then cut the middle man and start a medical savings account. Problem solved.
Medicare cannot be sustained. It's going broke. Republicans are trying to fix it. What are democrats doing? Typical of democrats their only interest is the next election and how to spin an issue to their political advantage rather than doing the hard work. We have a 3,000 page "health care" nightmare coming of age and what do we hear from democrats? We hear attack ads and whatever George Soros posts from his tax exempt progressive think tanks.

I laid down the "Facts" here. Apparently you missed them. Since I linked to all of this many times before, perhaps you could add a link supporting your assertions?
Sure they are

They are also the ones most in need of health care
they are also the ones Insurance companies want to cover the least

Shouldn't Obamacare have fixed that? Isn't "old" a preexisting condition?

It didn't need to be "fixed". It's why Democrats created the well liked program, "Medicare". The one Republicans are trying to destroy.
They fought it and have tried to destroy it ever since.
Forget the fact that retirees are, by and large, the wealthiest demographic in the country.

Nope...They're old, so that automatically means that they're entirely helpless and are in desperate need of the benevolent patronage of Big Daddy Big Gubmint! :rolleyes:

And the GOP can't understand why the vast majority Americans are so OPPOSED to this bullshit. I sure hope the GOP continues pushing this garbage. It will send them packing for40 years.


40 years? Huh, funny to think that medicare won't even be around that long.

But I have a better idea. How about we teach people to take care of themselves and plan for their own retirement, instead of burdening every future generation with the ever increasing costs of covering for their lack of foresight.

And guess what? When it comes to signing up for Social Security and Medicare you two clowns will be right in front of the line with your hand out for those "big gubmint handouts". :up:

You're so damned hypocritical it's laughable. :lol:

So not only are you saying that allowing denial of coverage based on preexisting conditions should be allowed to continue, but also that medicare should be left as is (ie. insolvent by 2025)?

Please elaborate, your position intrigues me.

I never mentioned "pre existing condition". You did. Currently Medicare is a measly 3% of GDP. Health Care cost is nearly 18%. The number one cause of bankruptcy are "medical bills". The CEO of Cigna received a paycheck of OVER $100,000,000.00. Cigna makes nothing. It employs no doctors. Cigna is a "middle man" who makes it's "profits" by skimming millions of insurance policies. This is what we should be talking about. Cigna with their private jets and extravagant paychecks.

Instead, we are talking about cutting the benefits of the elderly. Why?

If we had a public option, we could cut health care costs by what? Half? More?

Look at the VA, considered one of the best HC in the world. They spend 94 cents for every dollar on the patients and only a tiny 6 cents per dollar on administrative costs. What do you think Health Care companies spend on Administrative costs?

Man, I could go on all night. Don't get me started. Politicians are on the pockets of the health care companies. Facts like these are impossible to argue with. It's why Republicans want to keep the focus on the elderly and Medicare.

Then cut the middle man and start a medical savings account. Problem solved.

That is not how medical savings accounts work, and you know it, or at least you ought to. You can use a medical savings account, but it still all runs through the insurance company. There is no direct link between doctor and patient when it comes to billing. The rates are not set by the providers; they are set by the insurance company adding to the overall cost due to all the damn paperwork.
Are seniors safe under GOP Medicare plan?
I don't know for sure, have not researched it enough yet. However I can tell you for sure that if Nothing is done, Seniors are not safe, because Medicare is unsustainable as is.

Currently the average person pays in 55 grand and the cost of their care is 160 Grand. In just a few short years it will be 84 Grand paid in 250 Grand taken out.

Currently only people making over 200 Grand a year are paying as much or more than they use from the system

It is simply put Unsustainable. Something must be done. Maybe not the GOP plan, but something.
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The real question is:

Are seniors safe if democrats continue to do nothing and allow our nation to go bankrupt while energy and food prices go up?
The real question is:

Are seniors safe if democrats continue to do nothing and allow our nation to go bankrupt while energy and food prices go up?

And the follow up question...........

How long will average Americans be willing to bear the brunt of bailing the nation out while the wealthy are continuously exempt? Don't call this "shared sacrifice".

Sure, jobs are finally being created but wages for doing the same work are falling. Employers are taking advantage of the number of unemployed and forcing lower wages on their workers in exchange for keeping their jobs. ALL WHILE POSTING RECORD PROFITS.

The recovery is going just fine for corporate profits. Aided by efforts to get more production from labor spending, U.S. companies banked $1.7 trillion in profits for the first three months of 2011, or 1.3 percent higher than the previous quarter.

Over the past decade, real private-sector wage growth has scraped bottom at 4%, just below the 5% increase from 1929 to 1939, government data show.

To put that in perspective, since the Great Depression, 10-year gains in real private wages had always exceeded 25% with one exception: the period ended in 1982-83, when the jobless rate spiked above 10% and wage gains briefly decelerated to 16%.

The economic situation in a nutshell | Current Events Inquiry

The truth is that seniors are going to face a lot higher costs for healthcare under ANY plan, cuz WE DON'T HAVE THE FUCKING MONEY to cover the costs for health care for them. ObamaCare, RyanCare, any other care program, the only question is whether you want the gov't to make decisions or the individual patient. I don't like any of the alternatives, any way you cut it the seniors are going to apy more.
Forget the fact that retirees are, by and large, the wealthiest demographic in the country.

Nope...They're old, so that automatically means that they're entirely helpless and are in desperate need of the benevolent patronage of Big Daddy Big Gubmint! :rolleyes:
That's Right!
Those evil rich seniors should sell everything they've worked all their lives for to pay for health care until they are homeless and then they should do the world a favor and drop dead.
The GOP senior medicare health plan in a nutshell for wingnuts. :cuckoo:
The truth is that seniors are going to face a lot higher costs for healthcare under ANY plan, cuz WE DON'T HAVE THE FUCKING MONEY to cover the costs for health care for them. ObamaCare, RyanCare, any other care program, the only question is whether you want the gov't to make decisions or the individual patient. I don't like any of the alternatives, any way you cut it the seniors are going to apy more.
That's Right!
We only have money for oil company subsidies and tax cuts for millionaires.
Forget the fact that retirees are, by and large, the wealthiest demographic in the country.

Nope...They're old, so that automatically means that they're entirely helpless and are in desperate need of the benevolent patronage of Big Daddy Big Gubmint! :rolleyes:

Sure they are

They are also the ones most in need of health care
they are also the ones Insurance companies want to cover the least
Then it's a damn good thing Ryan's plan includes gaurenteed coverage options.
Sure they are

They are also the ones most in need of health care
they are also the ones Insurance companies want to cover the least

Shouldn't Obamacare have fixed that? Isn't "old" a preexisting condition?

It didn't need to be "fixed". It's why Democrats created the well liked program, "Medicare". The one Republicans are trying to destroy.
Gee, I had no idea changing medicare from a single payor fee for service program to a premium support program was "destroying" it. But since "change" now means "destroy" yeah, I agree Obama is trying to "change" America.
Forget the fact that retirees are, by and large, the wealthiest demographic in the country.

Nope...They're old, so that automatically means that they're entirely helpless and are in desperate need of the benevolent patronage of Big Daddy Big Gubmint! :rolleyes:
That's Right!
Those evil rich seniors should sell everything they've worked all their lives for to pay for health care until they are homeless and then they should do the world a favor and drop dead.
The GOP senior medicare health plan in a nutshell for wingnuts. :cuckoo:
You forgot the part about eating dog food, dickless. :lol:
Forget the fact that retirees are, by and large, the wealthiest demographic in the country.

Nope...They're old, so that automatically means that they're entirely helpless and are in desperate need of the benevolent patronage of Big Daddy Big Gubmint! :rolleyes:
That's Right!
Those evil rich seniors should sell everything they've worked all their lives for to pay for health care until they are homeless and then they should do the world a favor and drop dead.
The GOP senior medicare health plan in a nutshell for wingnuts. :cuckoo:
You forgot the part about eating dog food, dickless. :lol:
That's Right, how could I forget?
Lyin' Ryan will give them a voucher for a can opener.
The truth is that seniors are going to face a lot higher costs for healthcare under ANY plan, cuz WE DON'T HAVE THE FUCKING MONEY to cover the costs for health care for them. ObamaCare, RyanCare, any other care program, the only question is whether you want the gov't to make decisions or the individual patient. I don't like any of the alternatives, any way you cut it the seniors are going to apy more.

We used to have it. Trillions and trillions in unneeded tax cuts change everything. NOW we don't have the money.
Look at the VA, considered one of the best HC in the world.
Except by the veterans who will do just about anything to avoid ending up in a VA facility.


My father was a WW2 vet that used those facilities all of his life. He considered them superior to many of the private hospitals that he was treated in.

They are superior. Just another dig. Using soldiers in their lies.
Forget the fact that retirees are, by and large, the wealthiest demographic in the country.

Nope...They're old, so that automatically means that they're entirely helpless and are in desperate need of the benevolent patronage of Big Daddy Big Gubmint! :rolleyes:
That's Right!
Those evil rich seniors should sell everything they've worked all their lives for to pay for health care until they are homeless and then they should do the world a favor and drop dead.
The GOP senior medicare health plan in a nutshell for wingnuts. :cuckoo:
You forgot the part about eating dog food, dickless. :lol:

We didn't want to bring up your grandmother, twat. :eusa_whistle:

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