Are Sanctuary cities constitutional?

The war on drugs has made the biz so profitable their COUNTRIES are run by them and gangs. AY CARAMBA!
the global war on drugs? the united states has far more light laws then most countries. the reality though is most cartels have switched to the human trafficking business, according to the govt of mexico, thanks to xiden open border policies….it’s far more profitable
The war on drugs has made the biz so profitable their COUNTRIES are run by them and gangs. AY CARAMBA!
Representative democracy is the definition of a Republic. The problem in this country is the giveaway to the rich tax rates of the GOP since 1987. We don't help Latin America so they are a mess, and here we have the worst inequality poverty homelessness and the worst upward mobility ever in our history because we don't have any money to invest in America. Great job!
Yes, because you loons think we should support everyone in the world.
These people are from Cuba Venezuela and Nicaragua.
People have come in illegally from 152 countries so far, many of them later found on the terrorist watch list.

and now you're bitching because they come here.
Its a little thing called THE LAW. They are all criminals.
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They should be passed to the to the cities where they wanna go at the same time
Like Martha's Vineyard?

, and back to the courts if that is what has to be done.
They have no voice nor rights in our courtroom. They are criminal invaders lucky not to be shot, and to even get food and water.

I don't agree that they should all be held in Texas or whatever the hell right wingers believe to be true ... .
No, they should be thrown back into Mexico, dead or alive. Their problem is not MY problem.
The GOP has not turned Mexico and half of Central America into gangster run countries, It is Mexico and half of Central America that has dne that, with Obama and Biden's help - as Biden is allowing th cartels to own the Mexicn border right now. Criminal.

Everybody is getting out of 3rd world countries and coming here because those countries are 3rd world. Those people would come here to get better living conditions sanctions or no sanctions. I am part Mexican & Central American myself, and I have lived in Mexico for quite some time. I know the language, I know the culture, I know the people, and I know the score - probably a lot better than you do,

Worst polluter in the world, modern world - China, with more than twice the pollution of the US.
The GOP War on drugs and American addiction has DUHHH

You don't know anything but GOP garbage. or horse patoot lol....
The war on drugs has made the biz so profitable their COUNTRIES are run by them and gangs. AY CARAMBA!
the global war on drugs? the united states has far less harsh laws then most countries..including most south american

the reality is most cartels have switched thei business models to human tarrficking thanks to xiden open border’s far more profitable and much easier
TOTAL BS LOL....Eisenhauer and W....
haha no…when did Castro revolution take place? need a history lesson? and the crisis in venezuela started in 2014, after the leftist took the country over and destroyed one of the wealthiest nations in south america…leftist like Hugo that you dems praised
People have come in illegally from 152 countries so far, many of them later found on the terrorist watch list.

Its a little thing called THE LAW. They are all criminals.
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Like Martha's Vineyard?

They have no voice nor rights in our courtroom. They are criminal invaders lucky not to be shot, and to even get food and water.

No, they should be thrown back into Mexico, dead or alive. Their problem is not MY problem.
The great majority now are from Cuba, Nic, and Ven. DUHHHHH. They want asylum and are legal, superdupe.
Well, no matter your political identity, SANCTUARY cities where never approved of by it's local constituency, ever. I KNOW where I live, it never happened. Democrat leaders just sort of just enacted it WITHOUT popular consensus. No referendums, no popular consensus. Nope. No bills, Democrats just enacted it without a "republican democratic" representation, they just FUCKING did it. I question that.
Well, no matter your political identity, SANCTUARY cities where never approved of by it's local constituency, ever. I KNOW where I live, it never happened. Democrat leaders just sort of just enacted it WITHOUT popular consensus. No referendums, no popular consensus. Nope. No bills, Democrats just enacted it without a "republican democratic" representation, they just FUCKING did it. I question that.
This is representative gov't, fool.
People have come in illegally from 152 countries so far, many of them later found on the terrorist watch list.

Its a little thing called THE LAW. They are all criminals.
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Like Martha's Vineyard?

They have no voice nor rights in our courtroom. They are criminal invaders lucky not to be shot, and to even get food and water.

No, they should be thrown back into Mexico, dead or alive. Their problem is not MY problem.
If all were done right, the Trump wall would have been completed across the whole Mexican border, with concertina wire on the American side coupled with a water moat (as Obama once quipped), and the moat filled with thousands of donations from my state of Florida.

If all were done right, the Trump wall would have been completed across the whole Mexican border, with concertina wire on the American side coupled with a water moat (as Obama once quipped), and the moat filled with thousands of donations from my state of Florida.

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Ridiculously expensive, won't work, and is unamerican and racist. Of course there is a difficulty when we go back to the American system of asylum after the trump racist system, brainwashed functional racist or just plain racist... Now why don't you want to let these refugees from communist regimes come here like you promised? Brainwashed functional moron?

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