Are Republican voters racist?

Its no coincidence that 90+% of the GObP is white :thup: A snippet from the article:

Yes, Some Republicans Are Racist
Beyond these, we have numerous instances of low-level (and sometimes not so low-level) Republican Party officials—Republican Party officials—making racist jokes about Obama. Here’s a little chrestomathy of some of them. If you follow the news closely, you know that hardly a…not quite a week, but let’s say hardly a fortnight goes by that some local GOPer doesn’t show up in the news explaining that he “didn’t mean any harm” in sending that email to friends showing watermelons piled up on the White House, and he’s sincerely sorry “if it offended anyone.” Often, of course, it’s something more malevolent than that.


I don't make the news, I just report it :cool: Read the article

I remember reading an exit poll where repub voters were asked why they voted FOR repub candidates. 15% said they voted AGAINST the non-white candidate.

***dragon boi sure is locked onto my thread :eusa_think:
Honestly, between drowning puppies and scaring small children- I really don't have time to be racist.

Obama sucks because he is a poor leader, a liar, and a man-**** sissy-boy. The fact that he is half honkycracker is not a factor for me....


has nothing to do w/ the fact that you've had to file cloture to sharpen your pencil in the senate if you weren't a Repub. :eusa_whistle: :eusa_hand:

Thats not even addressing the t-party held House
Of the GOP is racist. And they think it's normal.

And you're just a decent, white hating democrat who shows your disdain for racism by hating whites.

Do you support the forced sterilization of white women? Sure you do, Shallow...

You can tell when they are going to say something racist when they spout on about political correctness.

It's kinda fun.

Difference between you and Bull Conner...


Never met a leftist who wasn't a race baiting pile of shit...
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that was a rhetorical question :rofl:

Yes, Some Republicans Are Racist
Some time back, whenever a big racial controversy erupted, I trained myself into the habit of reading about it at, just for the unbelievable comment threads. Let’s put it this way: If my friends and I went out to a bar and started playing a “let’s write the racist comment thread” drinking game, our efforts couldn’t begin to approach what I read there.

What evidence do you have that the commenters at Fox are Republicans? From reading this board it seems that most of the people that watch Fox are Democrats.
Are Republican voters racist?
Not as a whole, no.

But it is a fact that racists identify as conservative, are comfortable in the GOP, and invariably vote republican.

This does not mean the GOP is racist, and the GOP neither endorses nor promotes racism. There are aspects of conservative dogma, however, as well as aspects of the republican agenda, which do attract racists – and it’s consequently incumbent upon the GOP to examine the Party’s platform, policy positions, and overall message to discover why racists are indeed attracted to the GOP.

Funny, every racist I know identifies as a progressive.
how many non-white repubs on this entire forum? one? two? If its a microcosm of the repub party as a whole, thats scary.
most propitious time for a thread bump given the Repub Base' Bundy fluffing :rofl:

Republicans Are Racists? No, It?s Just All a Big Coincidence - The Daily Beast
Just like it’s a coincidence that that one black comic, a Barack Obama impersonator, was yanked offstage at an official Republican Party meeting in 2011 for telling a series of racially themed jokes. I mean, that could easily have happened at a Democratic—well, maybe not. But still. A coincidence. Just like it’s a coincidence that one federal judge who sent an email around to friends saying that Obama’s father was a dog happened to be a Republican. Complete and utter accident of fate, the puny matter of his voter enrollment.
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most propitios time for a thread bump given the Repub Base' fluffing of bundy :rofl:

Republicans Are Racists? No, It?s Just All a Big Coincidence - The Daily Beast
Just like it’s a coincidence that that one black comic, a Barack Obama impersonator, was yanked offstage at an official Republican Party meeting in 2011 for telling a series of racially themed jokes. I mean, that could easily have happened at a Democratic—well, maybe not. But still. A coincidence. Just like it’s a coincidence that one federal judge who sent an email around to friends saying that Obama’s father was a dog happened to be a Republican. Complete and utter accident of fate, the puny matter of his voter enrollment.

Black Americans had it MUCH BETTER when Republicans ran things

true story

feel free to try to rebut it

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