Are NBC and MSNBC Gay Networks?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I watched SNL Saturday night for about an hour and I was bombarded by ads for new programming and show content that seemed to me appeals to Gays.

I know I'm gonna be accused of being a homophobe, but I'm not sure it's safe to let kids watch NBC during primetime anymore.

With shows like "The New Normal".....featured two Gay men who wanted to pay a woman to carry their child.

[ame=]The New Normal - Grilling Goldie - YouTube[/ame]

"Chicago Fire", the trailer has several shots of a hunky guy shirtless and a female firefighter who's a lesbian.

"Save Me" is about a woman who feels she was spoken to by God and everyone thinks she's lost her mind.

During the hour that I watched SNL I lost count how many homosexual references there were during commercials.

It's been years since I've watched network television other than sports so the change at NBC is noticeable.

The London Olympics coverage is gonna be one long Obama campaign event. By the time the torch is doused we will be introduced to several new shows at NBC that will have a very Gay slant on life.

However, with shows like "Animal Practice" I don't think there's much chance anyone else will watch NBC.
Modern Family on ABC is a very funny show, but it seems that NBC is going a bit overboard.

Modern Family features a Gay couple who adopt a Chinese infant, but the show is well written and I think it's hilarious.

NBC seems to have lost touch with the audience and instead seems a bit preachy. Instead of showing a reflexion of American life they seem to want to tell use what is considered normal now.
i just use the on off button......
I prefer the channel button.

Every once in awhile I tune into NBC or MSNBC just to see the silly stuff they're trying to sell us.

Watching Rachel Maddow or Up with Chris Hayes is interesting. I can only handle it in small doses.

It's gonna be fun to watch their response to the SCOTUS ruling on Health Care.
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If you wanna' know how much we've been corrupted as a society just watch any channel that broadcasts classic TV shows.

I was watching Leave it to Beaver the other day and when the Beaver wanted to talk to his Dad about something in private I was expecting it to be something like "That old man who lives down the street waved his weenie at me!"

But of course it was about how the Beaver had broken his brothers birthday present.
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If you wanna' know how much we've been corrupted as a society just watch any channel that broadcasts classic TV shows.

I was watching Leave it to Beaver the other day and when the Beaver wanted to talk to his Dad about something in private I was expecting it to be something like "That old man who lives down the street waved his weenie at me!"

But of course it was about how the Beaver had broken his brothers birthday present.

Eddy Haskel was constantly giving the Beaver "The Business".
i just use the on off button......
I prefer the channel button.

Every once in awhile I tune into NBC or MSNBC just to see the silly stuff they're trying to sell us.

Watching Rachel Maddow or Up with Chris Hayes is interesting. I can only handle it in small doses.

It's gonna be fun to watch their response to the SCOTUS ruling on Health Care.

Chris Hayes. Steve Kornacki. Sam Stein. Rachel Maddow. On MSNBC.

They all look alike, sound alike and probably smell alike.

I watched SNL Saturday night for about an hour and I was bombarded by ads for new programming and show content that seemed to me appeals to Gays.

I know I'm gonna be accused of being a homophobe, but I'm not sure it's safe to let kids watch NBC during primetime anymore.

With shows like "The New Normal".....featured two Gay men who wanted to pay a woman to carry their child.

The New Normal - Grilling Goldie - YouTube

"Chicago Fire", the trailer has several shots of a hunky guy shirtless and a female firefighter who's a lesbian.

"Save Me" is about a woman who feels she was spoken to by God and everyone thinks she's lost her mind.

During the hour that I watched SNL I lost count how many homosexual references there were during commercials.

It's been years since I've watched network television other than sports so the change at NBC is noticeable.

The London Olympics coverage is gonna be one long Obama campaign event. By the time the torch is doused we will be introduced to several new shows at NBC that will have a very Gay slant on life.

However, with shows like "Animal Practice" I don't think there's much chance anyone else will watch NBC.

Get used to it r fight Back - they Gay Agenda has been fighting a 30 year battle for control and they're winning !

James Komack was the producer of many top Television programs of the 60s and 70s Welcome Back Kotter, Chico and the man, Love American Style and others. In **The homosexual revolution: End time abomination** by David A Noebel , he is credited with the following statement. "Do you know the most powerful lobby in the entertainment business? Bigger than blacks or women's lib or any nationalist or racist group. It's the gays. If you don't have the approval of the Gay Media Task Force, you don't go on the air." Perhaps this is one reason that you will rarely see a homosexual "bad guy" in the media.

Chronology of Gay Activism and Terrorism

1970 New York Post columnist Pete Hamill refers to gays as “slim-waisted freakcreeps” Gay activists picketed the Post and demanded Hamill be fired. The editor apologized, but defended the editorial freedom of his writers.

1970 Gay activists occupied the offices of Harpers Magazine after the magazine ran a cover story “Homo/Hetero: The Struggle for Sexual Identity.” that described homosexuality as "an affront to our rationality living evidence of our despair of ever finding a sensible, an explainable design to the world."

1972 - The Gay Media Task Force is created by the National Gay Task Force to be an organization to manipulate and control network television programming, theoretically as it addressed gay issues.

1972 ..... the networks tilted against the guardians of morality. They began to send scripts to gay Gay consultants routinely. "Anything that crops up in a script that is even remotely gay" said the writer Allan Burns , "They get it and they really make themselves heard" **Inside Prime Time** by Todd Gitlin
1972 Gay activist, turned journalist Mark Segal feigns disdain that he couldn’t dance with a gay partner on a dance show, infiltrates an ABC affiliate in Philadelphia and interrupts the news broadcast. He later pulled similar charades against the Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show when he stormed out of the Audience durring a live show, on the Mike Douglas show and Today shows. Variety claimed that the activities of Segal alone, not to mention other gay activities had cost the entertainment industry $750,000 in costs including lost advertising revenue.

1973 - Gay propagandist/activist invades CBS News with Walter Cronkite.

1974 A popular and long-running medical drama on ABC - Marcus Welby MD tells the story of a teen boy who is sexually molested by his gay science teacher. The episode, “The Outrage” aired October 8, 1974. Gays squawked immediately - a campaign against the network ensued, gays bombarded over 200 organizations with hate mail and lobbied vigorously. Many major sponsors pulled out ,17 affiliates dropped the program. Some of the affiliates dropping the program were coerced by threats of reprisal if they failed to pull it from their stations . "...Like other media activists Loretta Lotman already had established ties with the management of ... local ABC Affiliate.... she warned that if something were not done about the program they would be hit with protests the likes of which thaye had never seen before.." **Target: Prime Time: Advocacy Groups and the Struggle Over Entertainment Television (Communication and Society)**

1977 Florida gay rights/privileges ordinance sparks strong opposition . Former Miss Oklahoma beauty pageant winner, and outspoken critic of homosexuality Anita Bryant led the campaign that successfully had the law repealed and she paid dearly. Her career came to a screeching halt, her credibility and reputation was viciously assaulted . She was at one point physically assaulted with a pie while attempting to exercise her right to Free Speech. Beware all those who oppose the Gay Agenda Anita Bryant's career was destroyed by her campaign against "militant homosexuality" She ultimately suffered a divorce, needed counseling, and was bankrupted.

**The Anita Bryant Story**
Anita Bryant assaulted - YouTube
Like Satan, Anita Bryant keeps coming back. 2009
Uma Thurman to Play Notorious Anti-Gay Activist in ‘Anita’ 2013

1978 - A Question of Love, ABC TV movie airs based on a lesbian mother and her struggle for custody of her children. Part of manipulated trend to positive TV images of gays , acknowledged as a result of gay activists.

1980 - CBS Reports Episode “Gay Power, Gay Politics” draws strong criticism for what the gay camp referred to as malicious inaccuracies and slanting of the news. The program did heavily focus on the sexual practices of gay males , in particular sadomasochism. The National News Council, stated that CBS had violated journalistic standards through misrepresentation as well as through deceptive editing. I find it curious that the National News Council never says anything when CBS manipulates in favor of the Left leaning liberals and democrats which it has consistently for decades. **See Dan Rather**

1983 NY Times did not cover a fundraiser for Gay Men’s Health Crisis in Madison Square Garden - leads to protests and eventual apology from the Times for not helping in promoting the Gay Agenda

1985 "....You can handle homosexuality - as long as you handle it a lovely, tolerant fashion that will not upset the gay liberation lobby" - Earnest Kinov writer, screenwriter and playwright.

1987 Marshall K. Kirk and Erastes Pill wrote a strategy series of articles entitled "The Overhauling of Straight America" which appeared in Guide Magazine. They wrote ... "In the early states of any campaign to reach straight America, the masses should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex should be downplayed and gay rights should be reduced to an abstract social question as much as possible. First let the camel get his nose inside the tent -- and only later his unsightly derriere! "

1987 A study by The Center for Media and Public Affairs reported that only 9% of the characters depicted on TV with AIDS are identified as homosexual ,while in actuality, over 70 percent of such persons have AIDS or HIV. This is in accordance with the unwritten homosexual lobby's demand to define AIDS as non-gay disease.

1988 episode of NBC's "Midnight Caller" originally portrayed a homosexual as an AIDS carrier who deliberately infects straight woman, a gaggle of gays gathered and more rapidly flocked to NBC Studios and vigorously protested loudly outside the set. The script was changed to appease the pervs, and the program executives humbly kissed their royal infected derrieres while apologizing profusely.

1988, Cosmopolitan magazine published an article "Reassuring News About AIDS: A Doctor Tells Why You May Not Be At Risk." which attempted to inform the public that in unprotected vaginal sex between a man and a woman , the risk of HIV transmission was basically nonexistant, even if the man was infected. This did not fit within the narrow confines of the warped reality that the Homosexual agenda was attempting to ram down societies throat. When lobbying and coercion against the Author and Cosmopolitan failed, the gay agendaites decided they "had to shut down Cosmo." They produced a video entitled, "Doctor, Liars, and Women: AIDS Activists Say No To Cosmo." Activists protested vigorously at the Hearst building (parent company of Cosmopolitan) chanting "Say no to Cosmo!"

1989 Andy Rooney states on air that the year had brought recognition “of the fact that many of the ills which kill us are self-induced: too much alcohol, too much food, drugs, homosexual unions, cigarettes. They’re all known to lead quite often to premature death.” shortly thereafter Rooney made a racial comment “I’ve believed all along that most people are born with equal intelligence, but blacks have watered down their genes because the less intelligent ones are the ones that have the most children. They drop out of school early, do drugs, and get pregnant.” he is suspended for the racial comment , a Gay uproar follows because he was not disciplined for the Gay comment.

1990 The Sacramento Union publishes several editorials against pro-homosexual activities. Vandals quickly destroyed over a hundred of the newspaper's vending machines. The vandalized machines were plastered with stickers from the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power / ACT UP .

1990 The Wall Street Journal editorialized that it seems to be entirely permissible to discuss homosexuality.....only if you maintain "the approved point of view."

1991 During the height of Operation Desert Storm, ACT UP activist John Weir and two other activists entered the studio of the CBS Evening News at the beginning of the broadcast. They shouted "AIDS is news. Fight AIDS, not Arabs!" Even anchorman Dan Rather, that befuddled bastion of left wing lunacy was not immune to the Gay onslaught. . The same night ACT UP demonstrated at the studios of the MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour. The next day activists displayed banners in Grand Central Terminal that said "Money for AIDS, not for war" and "One AIDS death every 8 minutes." One of the banners was handheld and displayed across the train timetable and the other attached to bundles of balloons that lifted it up to the ceiling of the station's enormous main room. These actions were part of a coordinated protest called "Day of Desperation."[Wikipedia]

1992 Marketing reports indicate that gays have more expendable income than normal people, mainstream advertisers began pouring money into gay publications. Some advertising revenues nearly double.

1994 Roseanne TV episode features a kiss between two females.
1997 Lesbian Television personality Ellen Degenerate .... uh I mean Degeneres, has her TV character also come out, ratings climb.

1996 Los Angeles magazine cover story by gay journalist David Ehrenstein,, argued that gay material was more persuasive than the average viewer might have thought. "You may not have noticed, but your favorite sitcoms are written by gays and lesbians." informed readers with a tongue in cheek nod to the idea of a gay sitcom writer mafia." {Gay TV and Straight America Pg. 163}

2012 DC Comics relaunches its Green Lantern character as Gay, the original character was a married father of two who first appeared in 1940


Weapons of Mass Seduction
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Get used to it r fight Back - they Gay Agenda has been fighting a 30 year battle for control and they're winning !

It's true. Everyone is required to be teh gay now. Stop fighting it and get assimiliated.

(There's sort of a pun in there.)

The Gays are commandeering the media, and other upstanding organizations They've even got Gays taking over NASA - the word is they want to get to Uranus.

Actually they were unable to find a Gay Gene when they completed the Human Genome Project , the Gay activists were so upset that they tried to find a Gay electron - unfortunately the Damn thing kept blowing Fuses.

What !? ... seriouslly you don't find Gay Jokes funny ? .... Awww Cum on Guys !
Doesn't everyone have a gay friend?

Judy has 2 mommies!!

Timmy has 2 daddies!!!

Mustafah has a daddy and a goat!!

I was gonna make another gay joke ............ butt fuck it
I mean why bother , Gay guys are fucking assholes..... Literally

A straight guy walks into a bar and a couple steps in, he realizes it's a gay bar. "But what the heck," he says, "I really want a drink." When the transvestite waiter approaches, he says to the customer, "What's the name of your penis?" The customer says, "Look, I'm not into any of that. All I want is a drink."

The gay waiter says, "I'm sorry but I can't serve you until you tell me the name of your penis. Mine for instance is called 'Nike,' for the slogan, 'Just Do It.' That guy down at the end of the bar calls his 'Snickers,' because 'It really Satisfies."

The customer looks dumbfounded so the bartender tells him he will give him a second to think it over. The customer asks the man sitting to his left, who is sipping on a beer, "Hey bud, what's the name of your penis?" The man looks back and says with a smile, "TIMEX." The thirsty customer asks, "Why Timex?" The fella proudly replies, "Cause it takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin!"

A little shaken, the customer turns to the fella on his right, who is sipping a fruity Margarita and says, "So, what do you call your penis?" The man turns to him and proudly exclaims, "FORD, because 'Quality is Job 1.' " Then he adds, "Have you driven a Ford, lately?"

Even more shaken, the customer has to think for a moment before he comes up with a name for his penis. Finally, he turns to the bartender and exclaims, "The name of my penis is 'Secret.' Now give me my beer."

The bartender begins to pour the customer a beer, but with a puzzled look asks, "Why secret?" The customer says, "Because it's STRONG ENOUGH FOR A MAN, BUT MADE FOR A WOMAN!"
The only thing I watch on NBC is SNL and I rarely if ever watch it live. On MSNBC I might watch Maddow occasionally but everyone else is too off their rocker for me.

I don't think showing half-naked men is a gay thing to do though; would you consider the Twilight series "gay"?

(Also what does Save Me have to do with gayness?)

I watched SNL Saturday night for about an hour and I was bombarded by ads for new programming and show content that seemed to me appeals to Gays.

I know I'm gonna be accused of being a homophobe, but I'm not sure it's safe to let kids watch NBC during primetime anymore.

With shows like "The New Normal".....featured two Gay men who wanted to pay a woman to carry their child.

The New Normal - Grilling Goldie - YouTube

"Chicago Fire", the trailer has several shots of a hunky guy shirtless and a female firefighter who's a lesbian.

"Save Me" is about a woman who feels she was spoken to by God and everyone thinks she's lost her mind.

During the hour that I watched SNL I lost count how many homosexual references there were during commercials.

It's been years since I've watched network television other than sports so the change at NBC is noticeable.

The London Olympics coverage is gonna be one long Obama campaign event. By the time the torch is doused we will be introduced to several new shows at NBC that will have a very Gay slant on life.

However, with shows like "Animal Practice" I don't think there's much chance anyone else will watch NBC.

Your first mistake is thinking that any kid will sit and listen to these cable news shows at all. You and Megan Kelly seem to have some odd ideas regarding this issue. You know, she was worried that the kids watching would find out Santa was White or some such?

Nice that you worry, Muddie but how stupid are you and Megan?
Get used to it r fight Back - they Gay Agenda has been fighting a 30 year battle for control and they're winning !

It's true. Everyone is required to be teh gay now. Stop fighting it and get assimiliated.

(There's sort of a pun in there.)

The Gays are commandeering the media, and other upstanding organizations They've even got Gays taking over NASA - the word is they want to get to Uranus.

Actually they were unable to find a Gay Gene when they completed the Human Genome Project , the Gay activists were so upset that they tried to find a Gay electron - unfortunately the Damn thing kept blowing Fuses.

What !? ... seriouslly you don't find Gay Jokes funny ? .... Awww Cum on Guys !

I find it funny that some gross idiot named GreenBean joins a forum in December, 2013 and already has almost 200 rep. Red Flag, sock.
Think it's less nobly intentioned than anyone's a gay network (excluding whoever owns the various specificly gay channels (one available here in sw Missouri on Dish Network, but not on my own Mediacom Digital Cable;) and more about targetting a demographic.

The gay community has buying power. And since all commercial tv is really just about commercials, with lures to keep you watching to see those commercials called 'programming' whatever sells the products will get used. If market researchshows mostly gays buying whatever product, gay programming will be aired to get them to watch and see those ads. There's a lot of science going on behind the scenes, nothing happens that isn't by-design and well gamed out.
i just use the on off button......
I prefer the channel button.

Every once in awhile I tune into NBC or MSNBC just to see the silly stuff they're trying to sell us.

Watching Rachel Maddow or Up with Chris Hayes is interesting. I can only handle it in small doses.

It's gonna be fun to watch their response to the SCOTUS ruling on Health Care.

Chris Hayes. Steve Kornacki. Sam Stein. Rachel Maddow. On MSNBC.

They all look alike, sound alike and probably smell alike.

Rachel is the only gay one on your list and she is great just like all the others there. I still love Chris Matthews too. Daytime journalists and newscasters are amazing as well. Lots of new talent these days.

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