Andrea Mitchell's creative editing


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
The news babe once celebrated as a legend in broadcasting has been shown to be just another hack willing to prostitute herself for Obama. Andrea and another MSNBC reporter shared a giggle when they showed a creatively edited Romney clip intended to suggest that Romney was out of touch with the common people by leaving out the last part of Romney's statement. Years ago the dirty trick would be easy but in the information age democrats can't get away with it. Somebody found the rest of the clip and blew the whistle. There was a mild quick defense by MSNBC and then the incident was forgotten by the liberal media.
I thought the funniest part of the speech was the lie Mitten told about the mountain of paperwork one must do at the post office to change your address. You can go on line and do it, doofus! I guess that is something his maid would normally handle, so if Romney's out of touch with America it is only because he is shielded from every day life by an entourage of servants and handlers.

wah! wah!

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