Are Goyim To Serve "Israel"?

It seems that "israeli" rabbi see the world as slaves of "Israel", but there is lot of free persons.



Yes we do. Now go cut the grass in my lawn. After that clean my car, wash my house. And lastly I stand on my porch and allow me to paint you purple. Why paint you purple, because you my #####, I will paint you any color I want you subhuman scum!

Oh I forgot, you will need to drain an oz blood before you get to work, because I need it for my matzo!
It seems that "israeli" rabbi see the world as slaves of "Israel", but there is lot of free persons.



Yes we do. Now go cut the grass in my lawn. After that clean my car, wash my house. And lastly I stand on my porch and allow me to paint you purple. Why paint you purple, because you my #####, I will paint you any color I want you subhuman scum!

Oh I forgot, you will need to drain an oz blood before you get to work, because I need it for my matzo!
The federal reserve will do the job.
And I get accused of "hating" Jews for a smattering of off-handed remarks.

Who do the Jews hate? Apparently, many.

It doesn't matter that he's a 'grand rabbi': ONE rabbi is still ONE person. The people who 'get accused of hating Jews' are the fools and idiots who generalize from Yosef's words to "The Jews" - as you just did above.

What you did was exactly the same as if I were idiotic enough to pretend "the Christians" all agree with what Fred Phelps has said. I don't know if you hate Jews, Mr H - but your post was idiotic and asinine - and pretty schmucky, too.
"This is devout Hamas leader with christians."

Freeman - was that before or after the POS basturd in your pics told his 'heroic fighters' to fire rockets at Jerusalem and put the holy al-Aqsa mosque in danger?
"The federal reserve will do the job."

Freeman - what are you trying to suggest with those words?
And I get accused of "hating" Jews for a smattering of off-handed remarks.

Who do the Jews hate? Apparently, many.

It doesn't matter that he's a 'grand rabbi': ONE rabbi is still ONE person. The people who 'get accused of hating Jews' are the fools and idiots who generalize from Yosef's words to "The Jews" - as you just did above.

What you did was exactly the same as if I were idiotic enough to pretend "the Christians" all agree with what Fred Phelps has said. I don't know if you hate Jews, Mr H - but your post was idiotic and asinine - and pretty schmucky, too.

:slap: Sh'up.
And I get accused of "hating" Jews for a smattering of off-handed remarks.

Who do the Jews hate? Apparently, many.

It doesn't matter that he's a 'grand rabbi': ONE rabbi is still ONE person. The people who 'get accused of hating Jews' are the fools and idiots who generalize from Yosef's words to "The Jews" - as you just did above.

What you did was exactly the same as if I were idiotic enough to pretend "the Christians" all agree with what Fred Phelps has said. I don't know if you hate Jews, Mr H - but your post was idiotic and asinine - and pretty schmucky, too.

:slap: Sh'up.

oh no Mr H's that time again? spare us...will ya
It doesn't matter that he's a 'grand rabbi': ONE rabbi is still ONE person. The people who 'get accused of hating Jews' are the fools and idiots who generalize from Yosef's words to "The Jews" - as you just did above.

What you did was exactly the same as if I were idiotic enough to pretend "the Christians" all agree with what Fred Phelps has said. I don't know if you hate Jews, Mr H - but your post was idiotic and asinine - and pretty schmucky, too.

:slap: Sh'up.

oh no Mr H's that time again? spare us...will ya
Ma'am, to whom are you beholding? Jews? If so, I'm cool with that.

Just not me.
can someone tell me what "GRAND RABBI" means? ovadia Yosef was about 90
years old and made a comment on ---what I believe was a late Saturday afternoon---
his comment WENT VIRAL--------I think that is when he became GRAND as in the
IRISH "GRAND" or the mountaineer "well ain't that grand..,,
can someone tell me what "GRAND RABBI" means? ovadia Yosef was about 90
years old and made a comment on ---what I believe was a late Saturday afternoon---
his comment WENT VIRAL--------I think that is when he became GRAND as in the
IRISH "GRAND" or the mountaineer "well ain't that grand..,,

Why, iRosie, aren't you aware that this "Grand Rabbi" is very prominent on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites. For instance,type into Google -- Rabbi Yosef, Stormfront -- and see what pops up. Evidently the skinheads and the radical Muslims can't get enough of this Rabbi. Strange how the skinheads don't feature anything about the Imams who are inciting their members to KILL THE INFIDELS. Well it really isn't too strange since these two groups are playing "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" game these days. If all the Jews were killed off, then these groups would turn to killing each other.
:lol: Fuck you, Sally.

I think we all realize that Mr. H. has actually given no news as to what is happening in the Middle East even though he runs to this Middle East forum to give his usual "Jew" shtick.

So why are YOU such a dumbass jew lover Sally? I guess after the Lavon Affair, the dancing jews filming and dancing to the 9/11 attacks and the USS Liberty aren't enough to make you pull your head out of your fat ass and ask yourself wtf?? :cuckoo:
Why, Mr. H., it is quite obvious from so many of your remarks that you are an anti-Semite. .

anti-Semitism is a disease: you catch it from the jews!

I think this mentally ill poster has an 88 tattoo'd on his body somewhere in honor of his hero Hitler. Meanwhile, I certainly hope that Hitler's admirer never uses anything which was invented by a Jew, whether it is medical, technological or anything else. After all, this Jew hater doesn't want to appear as a hypocrite by availing himself of anything having to do with the Jews.

So tell us, Mr. Jew Hater, do you think that Hitler should have finished off the Jews like you like-minded friends think? Let your feelings all come out. Don't hold back.
Why, Mr. H., it is quite obvious from so many of your remarks that you are an anti-Semite. .

anti-Semitism is a disease: you catch it from the jews!

I think this mentally ill poster has an 88 tattoo'd on his body somewhere in honor of his hero Hitler. Meanwhile, I certainly hope that Hitler's admirer never uses anything which was invented by a Jew, whether it is medical, technological or anything else. After all, this Jew hater doesn't want to appear as a hypocrite by availing himself of anything having to do with the Jews.

So tell us, Mr. Jew Hater, do you think that Hitler should have finished off the Jews like you like-minded friends think? Let your feelings all come out. Don't hold back.

Now were talking WWII? Your Zionist jews got the everyday jews stuck in Germany and there were not extermination camps. They died from disease and starvation. As that Famous Grand Jews said, They were reincarnated to pay for their sins in their past life, that is what the famous grand jew said, when thousands went to his funeral in Jerusalem, he had quite the following.
Who are the best slaves of jews besides americans?

Isn't it great that Freeman, a devout Muslim, is able to overlook that the only people who actually keep slaves these days are his own Muslim brethren. Say, do you think Freeman left the Muslim country that he was born in because some Muslim group waned to make him their slave? Meanwhile, sorry to tell you, Freeman, but most Americans would prefer to have the Jews living in their midst than Muslims, especially Muslims like you. Why not go out on the streets of America and ask the Americans you come across who they prefer to live here? Make sure you dress like an American and not in your native costume.
Who are the best slaves of jews besides americans?

Well Freeman --- from all the deletions and trolling going on here -- odds are -- this thread is pretty much doomed. HOWEVER --- you ARE on to our evil plot.. It's not just about enslaving entire nations of people tho. Lemme be honest.

Before we were married, my first wife gave me a wallet size card that read ...

Shiksas are for Practice..
Entitles the bearer to 3 --- 2 ---- 1
with the "3" punched out.
Thus legally limiting me to only 2... Go spread that admission to your Nazi pals..


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