Are Asians the oppressors of whites and blacks?

This premise is flawed. Income and race cannot be the only indicators. What I didn't see mentioned were, education, dedication (number of jobs, hours worked per day/wk/mo/yr.) If comparisons of these indicators with the other ethnic groups would give a better picture of why.
Out of all of those qualities which you’ve listed, and rightfully so, perseverance, one’s dedication to a achieving a goal is absolutely a requirement to succeed in anything! How much time is a person struggling willing to invest to improve their lot? How many temporary cuts are they willing to make to stay on a monthly budget? All minor decisions add up quickly to determine success or failure. Most who fail in the US choose the easier path to do just enough to scrape by because their lack of effort seals the deal for them.
The American dream can never be realized sitting on your pathetic ass. When parents fail to assume responsibility for their children’s education the child is at a disadvantage. When the family unit decays into single parent households it adversely effects the attention one can devote toward insuring a child’s education. Nope… it’s not racial just cultural. Asians understand the value of family and education.
If I or Jesus Christ thought wealthy people were ok we would certify it.
There are differences in becoming wealthy. If you create something while working hard at it, that is different then pure greed and manipulating others. Creating or inventing something can employ many people.

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