Are All Black Americans Racist?

You're at luxury to hold such definitions of racism.

My friend, racism involves beliefs of superiority...this is the word and term many like yourself fail to recognize time and time again.

This is the reason why you may find that many blacks believe and truly aren't racist, because to be racist, one has to feel superior to another "race." I don't like the term race, but I'll use it in the common way its used for communication purposes.

Quick question: have blacks in this country ever been in a position of superiority?

You used the term belief of superiority in one instance then switched to position of superiority. I find those to be different things. Racism only works if the belief of superiority is met part way by a feeling of inferiority by the other party.
Of course you do. You're free to have that belief because you have no real connection to it. Your ancestors were never enslaved, you have no older relatives that were discriminated again...held down because of race. You haven't experienced any level of institutionalized racism that attempted to or actually held you back in any way, shape or form. So you're free to see racism as HAVING to include a feeling of inferiority. However, its not realistic though. The feelings of the oppressed have nothing to do with it. The most confident pig in the farm is still going to get slaughtered...regardless of how he feels about himself or not. I'm not sure you will get that though.

Almost every wave of immigrants to this country were discriminated against. Irish, German, Italian Chinese and so on. You are a victim because you choose to be one at this point. Not every black person is going to be the object of racism every waking moment. It takes an inferiority belief to accomplish most racism in today's society.

I'm waiting for serious responses.

Don't worry...I'll wait.

Depends on who taught them and what they've learned. A person certainly isn't born a racist. Do you think there is a possibility of entering bullfrogs's church and sitting there listening to his vile and spew and hate for twenty some odd years makes it probablle that some racists might emerge? There is no difference in what wright does and the kkk does. none. both bodies spread hate and racism.
For many, if not all of us, our ancestors were enslaved at one time or another. Who is to say, even in this time, what suffering another has gone through, be it loss, denial, injustice, what ever? We all get held back, or passed over in this or that. Think about it. Go sit in an emergency room on a Friday night when the moon is full.

So let me get this straight. You're trying to sell me the story that many others other than blacks have also been taken from their land of origin. Shackled to chains on ships, stacked up on each other, not even as livestock, but as stock. Beaten and whipped on the way, instead of fed. Attached to severly diseased, dying and dead bodies. Stripped of your culture, stripped of your wife, your children, your manhood. Survived the trip, come to a strange land where they were seen as not even as worthy as dogs, but not even human. Eventually upgraded to 3/5ths of a man (read white man). Told you're not anything and never will amount to anything, shuttered into ghettos, your rights held down, fought against, battered, abused, all because of your skin color, attacked...for generations. Mentally abused, discriminated against, and blamed for all of the above...your suggesting that this is a common experience to others other than African Americans?

You've started an interesting thread. I rarely even look at a thread that mentions "race," let alone respond to it. This one post you've made seems to have a bit of an edge to it, otherwise it's been interesting reading.

I think racism can only exist when it won't be put down and people move on - regardless of race. Unfortunately, I think there are people who don't want the issue to rest. And, too, "race" is a badly misused word. For example, Mexicans are not a race - they are a nationality. But any negative statement made about Mexicans is met with a "You're a racist!" response.

To respond more directly to this particular post, yes, there are others who have suffered some of the same injustices as Blacks. As previously mentioned, the Jewish people have a long, long history of enslavement and persecution by just about everybody. "Jew" is somewhat spoken with an air of contempt. Well, I'm sorry - when you say you've been "Jewed down," you're just pissed off at yourself for driving a bad bargain but you have to lay the blame on the Jews. Jews are contemptuously called "Christ killers." But, no one stops to think that with Jesus Christ being passed over for death in favor of Barabbas - who would be the savior? Barabbas? Those who follow the teachings of Christ should probably be grateful to the Jews - no?

Take a look at people living in China - are they not enslaved and living in unmerciful circumstances? Their minds, bodies, and souls owned by a government that considers them very expendable?

Look at the Poles. Throughout the history of Poland everybody has wanted a piece of Poland under their rule and control. It wasn't until after WWII that Poland finally had defined national boundaries. Poles are continuously considered as very stupid people. I am Polish - and I don't consider myself as totally stupid and it doesn't take five of my friends to change a light bulb.

Look at some of the Arabic people. Living under tyrannical conditions, in poverty, uneducated, in some instances at the mercy of an unmerciful religion - being stoned to death "just because." It's not just blacks who have suffered and still suffer.

I tend to judge by character rather than race. At one point in my life I lived on a boundary line between blacks and whites - I never feared blacks. They worked, albeit at the lowlier jobs, but they had homes, they took care in raising their children, they went to church, they had a pride in themselves. I lived in an orphanage and I've experienced beatings from hell, I've experienced being put down and derided. I've experienced someone being in total control of my life, my thoughts. Today? Today, I'm in control of my own existence. Today I'm somewhat fearful of some blacks because I can see the hatred in their eyes. On the other end of the spectrum, I have black friends who are wonderful people. I like them because of who they are - their character. I was on a lunch break one day when a black woman came walking into the building with a little toddler coming along with her. I looked at that child's dull, lifeless eyes and thought, "My God! That child's life is already over and it hasn't even had a chance to begin." There was not one iota of sparkle in his eyes.

There are many things that factor into where so many blacks are today and in many ways it is only blacks who can save themselves. I don't know all the answers but I know all things are not working as they should.

Do I like Obama? Hell, no. Not because he's black but because he has shown me he has no character. He's just a bitter person who has not risen above his own perceived injustices. He's arrogant, self-centered, among other things and before it's all over with he's going to end up screwing "his own" even more to the walls than they already have been screwed.
ur last paragraph totally destroyed all credibility u had with this post.
You're at luxury to hold such definitions of racism.

My friend, racism involves beliefs of superiority...this is the word and term many like yourself fail to recognize time and time again.

This is the reason why you may find that many blacks believe and truly aren't racist, because to be racist, one has to feel superior to another "race." I don't like the term race, but I'll use it in the common way its used for communication purposes.

Quick question: have blacks in this country ever been in a position of superiority?

First off I believe that Racism, in any form is a learned behavior. We are all Human, For Anyone that subscribes to Judaism, Christianity, or Islam, We are all descendant's of Adam and Noah, we are all related..

Personally I find that direct contact especially one on one, build's bridges, when the Golden Rule is applied. When it is ignored, it can be hurtful and bitter. What does it matter what the color of one's skin is, in relation to negative behavior? We all have different forms of power at different times in various degrees and circumstances. To think otherwise is naive. To think one is not incapable of injustice because of the color of their skin is unrealistic to be polite. If one is not part of the solution, one is living in denial. To make a difference every day in the life of those around you, is what you make it, for better or worse.
This is all good and well, but you didn't address a thing from my post.

And I'm not being facetious either.

Obtuse, dense. So you would claim that you have never been in a position of authority or superiority over another being??? I would argue that circumstance puts each of us there. You need to take a step back and reevaluate Marc. Let go of the division. Put down the measuring stick and instead of judging people you know little or nothing about, explore. ;)
So let me get this straight. You're trying to sell me the story that many others other than blacks have also been taken from their land of origin. Shackled to chains on ships, stacked up on each other, not even as livestock, but as stock. Beaten and whipped on the way, instead of fed. Attached to severly diseased, dying and dead bodies. Stripped of your culture, stripped of your wife, your children, your manhood. Survived the trip, come to a strange land where they were seen as not even as worthy as dogs, but not even human. Eventually upgraded to 3/5ths of a man (read white man). Told you're not anything and never will amount to anything, shuttered into ghettos, your rights held down, fought against, battered, abused, all because of your skin color, attacked...for generations. Mentally abused, discriminated against, and blamed for all of the above...your suggesting that this is a common experience to others other than African Americans?

You've started an interesting thread. I rarely even look at a thread that mentions "race," let alone respond to it. This one post you've made seems to have a bit of an edge to it, otherwise it's been interesting reading.

I think racism can only exist when it won't be put down and people move on - regardless of race. Unfortunately, I think there are people who don't want the issue to rest. And, too, "race" is a badly misused word. For example, Mexicans are not a race - they are a nationality. But any negative statement made about Mexicans is met with a "You're a racist!" response.

To respond more directly to this particular post, yes, there are others who have suffered some of the same injustices as Blacks. As previously mentioned, the Jewish people have a long, long history of enslavement and persecution by just about everybody. "Jew" is somewhat spoken with an air of contempt. Well, I'm sorry - when you say you've been "Jewed down," you're just pissed off at yourself for driving a bad bargain but you have to lay the blame on the Jews. Jews are contemptuously called "Christ killers." But, no one stops to think that with Jesus Christ being passed over for death in favor of Barabbas - who would be the savior? Barabbas? Those who follow the teachings of Christ should probably be grateful to the Jews - no?

Take a look at people living in China - are they not enslaved and living in unmerciful circumstances? Their minds, bodies, and souls owned by a government that considers them very expendable?

Look at the Poles. Throughout the history of Poland everybody has wanted a piece of Poland under their rule and control. It wasn't until after WWII that Poland finally had defined national boundaries. Poles are continuously considered as very stupid people. I am Polish - and I don't consider myself as totally stupid and it doesn't take five of my friends to change a light bulb.

Look at some of the Arabic people. Living under tyrannical conditions, in poverty, uneducated, in some instances at the mercy of an unmerciful religion - being stoned to death "just because." It's not just blacks who have suffered and still suffer.

I tend to judge by character rather than race. At one point in my life I lived on a boundary line between blacks and whites - I never feared blacks. They worked, albeit at the lowlier jobs, but they had homes, they took care in raising their children, they went to church, they had a pride in themselves. I lived in an orphanage and I've experienced beatings from hell, I've experienced being put down and derided. I've experienced someone being in total control of my life, my thoughts. Today? Today, I'm in control of my own existence. Today I'm somewhat fearful of some blacks because I can see the hatred in their eyes. On the other end of the spectrum, I have black friends who are wonderful people. I like them because of who they are - their character. I was on a lunch break one day when a black woman came walking into the building with a little toddler coming along with her. I looked at that child's dull, lifeless eyes and thought, "My God! That child's life is already over and it hasn't even had a chance to begin." There was not one iota of sparkle in his eyes.

There are many things that factor into where so many blacks are today and in many ways it is only blacks who can save themselves. I don't know all the answers but I know all things are not working as they should.

Do I like Obama? Hell, no. Not because he's black but because he has shown me he has no character. He's just a bitter person who has not risen above his own perceived injustices. He's arrogant, self-centered, among other things and before it's all over with he's going to end up screwing "his own" even more to the walls than they already have been screwed.
ur last paragraph totally destroyed all credibility u had with this post.

Why? Is Granny not entitled to form an opinion on Obama? Is that cuz he's black?

I hold very similar views about Obama to Granny. He is characterless. He is bitter. He has made racist comments. He is arrogant, and self-centered.
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First off I believe that Racism, in any form is a learned behavior. We are all Human, For Anyone that subscribes to Judaism, Christianity, or Islam, We are all descendant's of Adam and Noah, we are all related..

Personally I find that direct contact especially one on one, build's bridges, when the Golden Rule is applied. When it is ignored, it can be hurtful and bitter. What does it matter what the color of one's skin is, in relation to negative behavior? We all have different forms of power at different times in various degrees and circumstances. To think otherwise is naive. To think one is not incapable of injustice because of the color of their skin is unrealistic to be polite. If one is not part of the solution, one is living in denial. To make a difference every day in the life of those around you, is what you make it, for better or worse.
This is all good and well, but you didn't address a thing from my post.

And I'm not being facetious either.

Obtuse, dense. So you would claim that you have never been in a position of authority or superiority over another being??? I would argue that circumstance puts each of us there. You need to take a step back and reevaluate Marc. Let go of the division. Put down the measuring stick and instead of judging people you know little or nothing about, explore. ;)

To pretend that blacks were ever in any position of power in this country, collectively, at any point in this country's history, is to be so intellectually dishonest, its an outright lie and an offense.

Wake up out of your imaginary world bub. It would do you a lot of good. Snap out of it~
For many, if not all of us, our ancestors were enslaved at one time or another. Who is to say, even in this time, what suffering another has gone through, be it loss, denial, injustice, what ever? We all get held back, or passed over in this or that. Think about it. Go sit in an emergency room on a Friday night when the moon is full.
So let me get this straight. You're trying to sell me the story that many others other than blacks have also been taken from their land of origin. Shackled to chains on ships, stacked up on each other, not even as livestock, but as stock. Beaten and whipped on the way, instead of fed. Attached to severly diseased, dying and dead bodies. Stripped of your culture, stripped of your wife, your children, your manhood. Survived the trip, come to a strange land where they were seen as not even as worthy as dogs, but not even human. Eventually upgraded to 3/5ths of a man (read white man). Told you're not anything and never will amount to anything, shuttered into ghettos, your rights held down, fought against, battered, abused, all because of your skin color, attacked...for generations. Mentally abused, discriminated against, and blamed for all of the above...your suggesting that this is a common experience to others other than African Americans?

Find a Library man. Without a doubt, without hesitation, from the beginning of recorded history, People have been treating other people like shit. WTFU, and then you can help make a difference. 13 peaceful tribes once inhabited Long Island. Where are they now? "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee" by Dee Brown. Read it in full. Conquers throughout time, who powered the oars? Fought in the arena's? Built, planted? harvested? Battled? Carried? Labored?
And you please watch "Eyes On The Prize" you can get it from that same library you speak of.

Get a clue dude.
I think it is a little more than that.

in the wild world strangers can steal your food, and women, starve your infants, introduce disease and insemenate your women.

The basic survival instincts and procreative instincts of all pack animals involve strict competition amongst groups.

People are no more civilized than are Orcas.

There is a reason why humans cling to the institution of marriage while alpha wolves routinely kill the pups of the previous alpha male when they succeed him.

A dog eat dog world so to speak.

In a world void of Spirit, that may be true.

Sorry but all animals share spirit as equally as uncivilized humans do.

after all only we humans imprison one another, enslave one another, engage in mechanized warfare and nuke one another.

correction: perhaps man stands alone in being void of spirit. While wild animals all inhabit it in abundance.

First the world is not void of spirit, second, the word may was used for a purpose. Reflect on that. Individual people and animal's can find themselves at war with the forces that be. It is not a justification, but a symptom.
This is all good and well, but you didn't address a thing from my post.

And I'm not being facetious either.

Obtuse, dense. So you would claim that you have never been in a position of authority or superiority over another being??? I would argue that circumstance puts each of us there. You need to take a step back and reevaluate Marc. Let go of the division. Put down the measuring stick and instead of judging people you know little or nothing about, explore. ;)

To pretend that blacks were ever in any position of power in this country, collectively, at any point in this country's history, is to be so intellectually dishonest, its an outright lie and an offense.

Wake up out of your imaginary world bub. It would do you a lot of good. Snap out of it~

Black's in Queen's County hold the highest standard of living than any where else in the country, the average income for Blacks here is actually higher than Whites. This is irrelevant. You are a Human Being, an Individual before a part of a collective. Grow the fuck up. It is you that refuses to see or admit to the reality around you Marc. Put down your measuring stick, your pacifier, and live your life. Stop abusing those around you because of the color of their skin. Cease and desist. You need a time out. No excuses when you cheat Any One of what is Theirs. I've got to bail, I have work, but I'll check in later. Lose the hate, you will find yourself so much better off for it.
How many of you feel that to be true?

Why/why not?


Not all but most. The reason IMO is because it has been hammered into every young black child that whitey is bad.

Larry Elder agrees that blacks are more racist than whites and he states it explicitly in his book "Stupid Black Men: How to Play the Race Card -- and Lose".

Larry Elder reveals:

  • Media malpractice: the shameful willingness of the liberal media to provide a megaphone for baseless, outlandish charges of racism
  • How, aided by a willing media, a desperate Democratic Party and guilty white liberals, angry, finger-waving black Democratic politicians get a pass on the same behavior that would fry their white counterparts
  • How the black race-baiting establishment has skillfully portrayed opposition to affirmative action as a racist desire for minorities to fail
  • Jesse Jackson's double standard: how he rushed to condemn radio host Don Imus but never condemned Nation of Islam hate minister Louis Farrakhan even when he made death threats on Jackson's behalf
  • Apologies we'd like to see: what Jesse Jackson, Kanye West, Andrew Young, Donna Brazile, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Senator Charles Schumer, Harry Belafonte, Jimmy Carter and others ought to be saying about their shameless race demagoguery, pandering, and even racism
  • How baseball great Frank Robinson surprised a reporter who expected him to utter pious platitudes about the "plight" of blacks in America
  • Why the Democratic Party needs the flame-throwing, racism-under-every-rock crowd to keep black voters focused laser-like on race and racism
  • How a small shift among black voters could have enormous consequences –- and spell the end of the Democratic Party
  • The 1879 booklet that still holds relevant and useful advice for black Americans
  • The contradictions of Barack Obama: how he preaches personal responsibility while simultaneously echoing race-hustling liberals –- and the two fatal weaknesses that undermine his candidacy
  • The dirty secret of why obviously and consistently corrupt black politicians keep getting reelected
  • What was wrong with President Bush's 2006 address to the NAACP -- and what he should have said
  • Hurricane Katrina: American racism in all its splendor -- or government sloth and ineptitude at all levels?
  • How talented teachers who demand that students meet certain standards of behavior often get slapped with "racism" charges
  • Incompetent, race-baiting black professors like Cornel West: how they repel criticism by charging racism
  • Al-Qaeda: actively recruiting among black Americans in prisons
  • Signs of hope: the growing chorus that sees through and condemns the shameless antics of those who irresponsibly cry racism
Conservative Book Club: Stupid Black Men by Larry Elder
This is all good and well, but you didn't address a thing from my post.

And I'm not being facetious either.

Obtuse, dense. So you would claim that you have never been in a position of authority or superiority over another being??? I would argue that circumstance puts each of us there. You need to take a step back and reevaluate Marc. Let go of the division. Put down the measuring stick and instead of judging people you know little or nothing about, explore. ;)

To pretend that blacks were ever in any position of power in this country, collectively, at any point in this country's history, is to be so intellectually dishonest, its an outright lie and an offense.

Wake up out of your imaginary world bub. It would do you a lot of good. Snap out of it~

Why is it you seem incapable of thinking of blacks as anything but a group? People are individuals and should be considered on that basis. You also need to consider other races that have gained a position of power have assimilated into American culture and society.
How many of you feel that to be true?

Why/why not?


I think, that it is naive to believe that if I was in a country where:

1. I was not the same color as 85% of the rest of the population, and
2. where my ancestors had been enslaved, and
3. where up until 50 years ago there were OFFICIAL barriers seperating me from the other color, and
4. even now much of the prison population are people that were the same color that I was,

then I'd be, at the very least, paranoid.

To believe blacks do not recognise the color of those around them is simply naive. I've found that the only whites that believe this live in Connecticut, and are proud to announce they "Have a Black Friend."
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the better question is why are most right wing uneducated republicans racist.
Or the ones who went to shitty colleges and think they are educated.
Most blacks are victims of racism not racist. Cracker
Just as I thought. this turned into a "it's all whitey's fault" bullshit finger pointing thread without any value whatsoever. I was stupid enough to fall for it. Shame on me.

I'm waiting for serious responses.

Don't worry...I'll wait.

I figure blacks as a group have no more or no less racists among them than the rest of us, possibly a higher percentage, but it really doesn't matter.

As an anecdotal story- an acquaintance of mine (white woman) was a business partner to a black woman who was her friend, in a joint partnership owning a health care service provider about 15 years ago. For whatever reason (unknown to me) they had a discussion about racism and the black woman made the statement that "deep down, every black person hates every white person". Obviously that can't be true, especially in the light that the two were business partners, but this exchange made it apparent to me that some of the hatred is so deep-seated that is may truly be a subconscious phenomenon and so ingrained that there is no thought or reasonable consideration given to the issue in some cases.

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