April Jobs report looks dismal, March numbers to be revised????


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
However, the unemployment rate is the number of people out of work but who are actively looking. The government doesn’t count in that rate the now 6.3 million who have given up and stopped looking for work, but want jobs. That number has grown from 5.7 million in January 2009.
So, this "improvement" in the unemployment rate is artificial -- it was due to workers giving up and dropping out of the labor force.

Read more: Lies, Damned Lies and Government Jobs Data | Fox Business

I praise BHO visiting the troops no matter the politics
Job report according to ADP is no existent for April
News Headlines
If this continues BHO loses in a land slide. I have down 31-19 right now
Since the trend by this gov't to always revise
the numbers to be even more bad news for the economy

The trend will most likely continue
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This WH doesn't give a shit about these numbers.
By the time the Obama handlers get done with this
and the propaganda wing (MSNBC) get done they will
make these numbers look positive for the Pres...
However, the unemployment rate is the number of people out of work but who are actively looking. The government doesn’t count in that rate the now 6.3 million who have given up and stopped looking for work, but want jobs. That number has grown from 5.7 million in January 2009.
So, this "improvement" in the unemployment rate is artificial -- it was due to workers giving up and dropping out of the labor force.

Read more: Lies, Damned Lies and Government Jobs Data | Fox Business

I praise BHO visiting the troops no matter the politics
Job report according to ADP is no existent for April
News Headlines
If this continues BHO loses in a land slide. I have down 31-19 right now
FOX has a lot of nerve calling anyone a liar!!! :eusa_liar:

First of all, the government does count that rate, it's the U-4 rate currently at 8.7%.
And the number in Jan 2009 was 5.866 million and it is 6.041 million now. So in typical CON$ervoFascist fashion, 175 thousand got exaggerated into 600 thousand by the America-hating lying scum at FOX.

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The media will do there part
The problem is there is so many people either not working or working for a whole lot less than they had been what the media says and no matter how much the "available work force" number helps, it is not going to matter
Obama had his chance and he blew it. 2009 and 2010 should have been 100% about jobs
Oil exploration (land base)
Natural gas powered turbines to replace out-dated coal burners
Nuclear power

until we get this economy and some real GDP going this housing GLUT and all these people upside down on the credit, were done

And that number of people in that boat is probably 3 times the number the UE rate is

I know many people in the state I live in that voted for BHO, who not only vote for Romney, there voting GOP across the board as they did in 2010

No amount of spammed spin can change those peoples or the ones they love lives

ABC made a huge deal about gas dropping .04 a gallon last week, they even claimed that speculation had been brought under control because events in Iran had calmed
Yet there has been no mention of the March Job numbers being revised down that I am aware of
However, the unemployment rate is the number of people out of work but who are actively looking. The government doesn’t count in that rate the now 6.3 million who have given up and stopped looking for work, but want jobs. That number has grown from 5.7 million in January 2009.
So, this "improvement" in the unemployment rate is artificial -- it was due to workers giving up and dropping out of the labor force.

Read more: Lies, Damned Lies and Government Jobs Data | Fox Business

I praise BHO visiting the troops no matter the politics
Job report according to ADP is no existent for April
News Headlines
If this continues BHO loses in a land slide. I have down 31-19 right now
FOX has a lot of nerve calling anyone a liar!!! :eusa_liar:

First of all, the government does count that rate, it's the U-4 rate currently at 8.7%.
And the number in Jan 2009 was 5.866 million and it is 6.041 million now. So in typical CON$ervoFascist fashion, 175 thousand got exaggerated into 600 thousand by the America-hating lying scum at FOX.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

You got a link proving them to be a liar?
Not sure I follow your logic.
I willl have to re read the thread
But numbers have been changed all-most every month and the one that gets me is the available work force number plummeting

Thats what your claiming is not correct?, the available work force number
that is very interesting

from your link

2003 74596 74421 74516 74615 74701 72897 73430 74540 75612 75252 75310 76007 74658
2004 76093 76203 76025 76497 76308 74718 74204 75511 76755 76214 76176 76763 75956
2005 77712 77392 77492 77167 76792 75584 75031 75952 76855 76655 76964 77550 76762
2006 78463 78077 77948 77990 77732 76114 75704 76702 77785 77278 77315 77537 77387
2007 78726 78955 78798 79423 79130 77460 77087 78717 79061 79200 78904 79451 78743
2008 79788 80306 79860 79990 79402 78045 77564 78719 79851 79601 80204 80686 79501
2009 81293 81109 81358 81437 81116 79734 79614 81190 82706 82915 83204 84231 81659
2010 83876 83804 83499 83418 83633 82923 82620 83421 84468 84878 85017 85733 83941
2011 86168 86216 85977 86248 85864 84951 84859 85528 86049 86181 86757 87212 86001
2012 88784 88322 88288

This is the number of people not in the labor force
Holy shit from 09 to the present
An I have heard allot of bad things about zero hedge, looks to me he was telling the truth
86 million end of 2011
88784 start of 2012
He said it was 1.6 million, from Nov to Jan thats what it was

No wonder the UE rate went from 9 to 8.6 over night
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poor old Chris.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You beat me to it....

But I'll stand in for him......

Bad news Republicans....well, actually...bad news Obama.....oh s*** !

Obama is the democrats Reagan (if Reagan was also the name of the head of sanitation in Chicago).

Obama has done a good job.....of blowing his mandate.

Healthcare for all (but only if the SCOTUS agrees).

Who cares about the Constitution....I only care about the Sermon on the Mount.
and who didnt see this coming? and to think the leftys in this boards have been insulting us all year regarding the so called "economic growth" of 2012. I have taken my share of hits here, but let it slide cause I already had my facts right. I knew the jobs report was going to be bad for April,,,,so where are the Room Goats now? are they hiding? can't think of any excuse for back to back dismal months that were caused by Obama?
poor old Chris.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You beat me to it....

But I'll stand in for him......

Bad news Republicans....well, actually...bad news Obama.....oh s*** !

Obama is the democrats Reagan (if Reagan was also the name of the head of sanitation in Chicago).

Obama has done a good job.....of blowing his mandate.

Healthcare for all (but only if the SCOTUS agrees).

Who cares about the Constitution....I only care about the Sermon on the Mount.

78% of Americans want us out of Afghanistan too but obama insists on having a Johnson..

if ya know what I mean..

By cutting education and refusing to invest in American infrastructure and supporting companies that move jobs to China, Republican vow to keep unemployment very, very high. It's part of their "economic policy". So right wingers should quit bitching about what your leaders are doing. If you don't like their policies, vote them out of office. You can't support their policies and then complain about those same policies. Makes you look unstable.
By cutting education and refusing to invest in American infrastructure and supporting companies that move jobs to China, Republican vow to keep unemployment very, very high. It's part of their "economic policy". So right wingers should quit bitching about what your leaders are doing. If you don't like their policies, vote them out of office. You can't support their policies and then complain about those same policies. Makes you look unstable.

Well, actually, it's been your crowd at the helm for some time now and it looks like they are the ones who will get voted out of office.

If Obama were a ship, his ass would be hundreds of feet in the air by now...just before slipping below the waves.

A one-termer if ever there was one.

Send him Carters number....he'll need some help when it's over.
However, the unemployment rate is the number of people out of work but who are actively looking. The government doesn’t count in that rate the now 6.3 million who have given up and stopped looking for work, but want jobs. That number has grown from 5.7 million in January 2009.
So, this "improvement" in the unemployment rate is artificial -- it was due to workers giving up and dropping out of the labor force.

Read more: Lies, Damned Lies and Government Jobs Data | Fox Business

I praise BHO visiting the troops no matter the politics
Job report according to ADP is no existent for April
News Headlines
If this continues BHO loses in a land slide. I have down 31-19 right now
FOX has a lot of nerve calling anyone a liar!!! :eusa_liar:

First of all, the government does count that rate, it's the U-4 rate currently at 8.7%.
And the number in Jan 2009 was 5.866 million and it is 6.041 million now. So in typical CON$ervoFascist fashion, 175 thousand got exaggerated into 600 thousand by the America-hating lying scum at FOX.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

You got a link proving them to be a liar?
Not sure I follow your logic.
I willl have to re read the thread
But numbers have been changed all-most every month and the one that gets me is the available work force number plummeting
I fixed the link, simply select the "total" check box in the "Persons who currently want a job" category under "not in the labor force." Then click on "retrieve data"

Table A-16. Persons not in the labor force and multiple jobholders by sex, not seasonally adjusted
ADP report: Private sector adds 119,000 jobs in April - May. 2, 2012

So......nutters..........what data do you think real Americans will focus on?

You guys suck dick.

Well you must too...otherwise you'd realize that 119 K isn't enough to keep up.

That is why the UE number is going up.

Must be tough to be so dumb.

What percentage of the 119,000 went to small and medium sized businesses? Did you catch that part?


And what has that got to do with anythinig ?

Not enough = Not enough.

Pretty simple math...even for a moron like yourself.

But you keep making stuff up to argue against....what would be great is if you could actually win one. :lol:
Growth is growth. If the assholes that you assholes put in office would make an honest attempt to do their jobs, we'd have stronger growth.

The trend is UP, bitch.
Growth is growth. If the assholes that you assholes put in office would make an honest attempt to do their jobs, we'd have stronger growth.

The trend is UP, bitch.

And I hope that Obama holds up the 119K and uses your words.

It would be a gift.

Oh please let it be so.

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