Apple Removes Civil War Game Featuring Confederate Flag


Educator (of liberals)
Nov 11, 2011
Portland, OR / Salem, OR
"The flags and other symbols of the Confederacy have been at the centre of debate since a 21-year-old gunman, accused of killing nine black worshippers in last week's South Carolina church shooting, posed with the flag in photos posted online.

South Carolina governor Nikki Haley on Monday called on politicians to take down the Confederate battle flag at the state capitol grounds.

Retailers such as Wal Mart stores and Sears Holdings Corp have stopped selling the flag.

"Apple has removed our game from App Store because of usage of the Confederate Flag," Game-Labs, developer of Ultimate General: Gettysburg said

Apple removes apps featuring Confederate flag from store in wake of Charleston shooting - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Well fucking duh!!! It's a game about the Civil War between the Union and the Confederacy. What fucking flag do you think the south will fly? The French flag? There is a line where shit like this gets just got crossed.
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So let's see what other things are dangerous.


Well there are some flowers there. Ok we need to ban all flowers because they make people kill. Or maybe it's the planters. All those flowers are in planters so maybe we should just ban planters. Wait, wait...those in front are probably in the ground...better ban all things that produce pollen just to be safe. That has the added bonus of making the bee problem irrelevant.


Oh look behind him. That's a mirror for Seagrams V.O. I knew Seagrams was a racist organization! Down with Seagrams!!!! Killers! Oh his boxers and that bedspread are plaid....BAN ALL PLAID!!!! DEATH TO THE SCOTS!!!

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