Appears being transgender is cool??

That is hypocrisy. If you agree that trans girls are equal to biological girls then you need to stop discriminating. Bigot!

Learn more about what? The mental illness?
Learn more about what gender dysphoria is and how to best handle it. What can be done with our society to understand accept and include trans people in whatever form and identity they undertake.
Learn more about what gender dysphoria is and how to best handle it. What can be done with our society to understand accept and include trans people in whatever form and identity they undertake.
It is a mental illness and should be treated as such. We accept those with schizophrenia and with bi polar disorder. We should be kind to those with gender dysphoria. But also understand it is a mental illness that requires treatment.
It is a mental illness and should be treated as such. We accept those with schizophrenia and with bi polar disorder. We should be kind to those with gender dysphoria. But also understand it is a mental illness that requires treatment.
There are treatments to help people with schizophrenia and bi polar disorder. What treatments to we have for trans people? Have we figured out how to shock the trans out of them like they tried to do with the gays? What exactly do the doctors do to fix these sick trans people in your mind?
There are treatments to help people with schizophrenia and bi polar disorder. What treatments to we have for trans people? Have we figured out how to shock the trans out of them like they tried to do with the gays? What exactly do the doctors do to fix these sick trans people in your mind?
A lot of it has to do with underlying issues. I am Not a psychiatrist. Are you? The links provide data on the treatments. Numerous links from trusted sources. Trust the science.
A lot of it has to do with underlying issues. I am Not a psychiatrist. Are you? The links provide data on the treatments. Numerous links from trusted sources. Trust the science.
Which treatments are you finding effective? Is your solution to have trans people go get these treatments and the end result will be them identifying with their biological sex? Have you actually taken the time to dig in to these issues and treatments?
Which treatments are you finding effective? Is your solution to have trans people go get these treatments and the end result will be them identifying with their biological sex? Have you actually taken the time to dig in to these issues and treatments?
IDK. I also Don’t know about treatment for OCD. I do not suffer from any afflictions at this time that require treatment. Have you taken the time to dive into the issues? LOL
5th post
IDK. I also Don’t know about treatment for OCD. I do not suffer from any afflictions at this time that require treatment. Have you taken the time to dive into the issues? LOL
Well let me just post what your first link from the Mayo Clinic offers for treatment and let me know if this is what you were speaking about when suggesting people with gender dysphoria seek medical help...


Treatment can help people who have gender dysphoria to explore their gender identity and find the gender role that feels comfortable for them, easing distress. But treatment needs to be individualized. What might help one person might not help another. The process might or might not involve a change in gender expression or body modifications. Treatment options might include changes in gender expression and role, hormone therapy, surgery, and behavioral therapy.

If you have gender dysphoria, seek help from a doctor who has expertise in the care of transgender people.

When coming up with a treatment plan, your provider will screen you for mental health concerns that might need to be addressed, such as depression or anxiety. Failing to treat these concerns can make it more difficult to explore your gender identity and ease gender dysphoria.

Changes in gender expression and role​

This might involve living part time or full time in another gender role that is consistent with your gender identity.

Medical treatment​

Medical treatment of gender dysphoria might include:

  • Hormone therapy, such as feminizing hormone therapy or masculinizing hormone therapy
  • Surgery, such as feminizing surgery or masculinizing surgery to change the breasts or chest, external genitalia, internal genitalia, facial features, and body contouring
No it’s not implied and it’s an idiotic assumption for you to make and a weak attempt to change the subject. Here I’ll recap and remind you what we were talking about. You made a point that if allowing one trans in a bathroom makes 30 women feel uncomfortable then that was somehow proof that the trans person’s position was wrong and not righteous. I countered that with a situation involving a black person in a restaurant. I wasn’t saying that the situations were the exact same. I’m saying your statement that the feelings of 30 people vs 1 doesn’t necessarily prove what’s right and wrong. There is much more to it.

You are saying they are same enough to try to make it a race thing. Again, stop trying to be slick.

Should women be ok seeing a naked man in bathrooms or showers or not? Should they be forced to be OK with it?
Well let me just post what your first link from the Mayo Clinic offers for treatment and let me know if this is what you were speaking about when suggesting people with gender dysphoria seek medical help...


Treatment can help people who have gender dysphoria to explore their gender identity and find the gender role that feels comfortable for them, easing distress. But treatment needs to be individualized. What might help one person might not help another. The process might or might not involve a change in gender expression or body modifications. Treatment options might include changes in gender expression and role, hormone therapy, surgery, and behavioral therapy.

If you have gender dysphoria, seek help from a doctor who has expertise in the care of transgender people.

When coming up with a treatment plan, your provider will screen you for mental health concerns that might need to be addressed, such as depression or anxiety. Failing to treat these concerns can make it more difficult to explore your gender identity and ease gender dysphoria.

Changes in gender expression and role​

This might involve living part time or full time in another gender role that is consistent with your gender identity.

Medical treatment​

Medical treatment of gender dysphoria might include:

  • Hormone therapy, such as feminizing hormone therapy or masculinizing hormone therapy
  • Surgery, such as feminizing surgery or masculinizing surgery to change the breasts or chest, external genitalia, internal genitalia, facial features, and body contouring
So you see it is an illness that requires treatment. I am glad you agree.
You are saying they are same enough to try to make it a race thing. Again, stop trying to be slick.

Should women be ok seeing a naked man in bathrooms or showers or not? Should they be forced to be OK with it?
The example of race exemplified my point that just because a larger group feels uncomfortable that doesn’t automatically make them right. Now as for your other question, I don’t think that children with male anatomy should be naked with other children with female anatomy no matter how they identify. I will draw the line there. The issue for schools and for children with which bathroom locker room and sports trans children play is a dynamic discussion that needs to be better understood and most often taken on a case by case basis. I think the most practical solution is for trans kids to have a private place to change and use the restroom much like unisex bathrooms that many businesses are offering
10th post
The example of race exemplified my point that just because a larger group feels uncomfortable that doesn’t automatically make them right. Now as for your other question, I don’t think that children with male anatomy should be naked with other children with female anatomy no matter how they identify. I will draw the line there. The issue for schools and for children with which bathroom locker room and sports trans children play is a dynamic discussion that needs to be better understood and most often taken on a case by case basis. I think the most practical solution is for trans kids to have a private place to change and use the restroom much like unisex bathrooms that many businesses are offering

It doesn't automatically make them wrong, which was your actual implication, i.e. them being wrong.

and your word salad at the end is just to be obtuse.
AZ you seem Confused on what this debate is even about. If you can’t even understand that then how would you know if it’s won or lost?

We agree that it is a psychological disorder. Or do you disagree? Which is it? Per the links I posted it is a treatable disorder. I wish you the best in your treatment.
15th post
The example of race exemplified my point that just because a larger group feels uncomfortable that doesn’t automatically make them right. Now as for your other question, I don’t think that children with male anatomy should be naked with other children with female anatomy no matter how they identify. I will draw the line there. The issue for schools and for children with which bathroom locker room and sports trans children play is a dynamic discussion that needs to be better understood and most often taken on a case by case basis. I think the most practical solution is for trans kids to have a private place to change and use the restroom much like unisex bathrooms that many businesses are offering
Larger group doesn't feel uncomfortable with race. LOL

So now we treat trans kids as a special issue. Why not a different locker room for black or gay kids? You bigot. You racist. Why not a special locker room for kids with OCD?

You really are deranged. Wow.
Your narrative. You also conflated being gay and being trans. You cannot admit that trans is a mental disorder.

You know what was thought to be a mental disorder one time?

"novel reading" and "laziness"

I also heard that at one time that having another disorder like epilepsy could get someone sent to the crazy house.

But what is normal changes with society.

Not remotely. If this is not a disease then why would there be treatment? Are you obtuse?
I’m not saying it isn’t a disease or an illness. It obviously is which is why it is such a struggle for many who have it. But it’s not something that gets cured. It is something that people who have it live with. It is something that is made worse by the bigoted why many in our society reacts to it

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