APNewsBreak: Arctic scientist under investigation

As soon as they have an agenda OTHER than science, then they are no longer practicing science.

Well, Sis, that describes you exactly.
You know that you'll have to back that up with a post of mine that shows even a hint of political agenda when it comes to science.

I know you can't, but it's good to out you for the liar you are. ;)
Crocks has been outed so many times it doesn't phase him a bit.
Well, Sis, that describes you exactly.
You know that you'll have to back that up with a post of mine that shows even a hint of political agenda when it comes to science.

I know you can't, but it's good to out you for the liar you are. ;)
Crocks has been outed so many times it doesn't phase him a bit.
Get this, the idiot negged my comment about scientists: "As soon as they have an agenda OTHER than science, then they are no longer practicing science."


He really is an enemy of science.
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"A federal wildlife biologist whose observation in 2004 of presumably drowned polar bears in the Arctic helped to galvanize the global warming movement has been placed on administrative leave and is being investigated for scientific misconduct, possibly over the veracity of that article"

APNewsBreak: Arctic scientist under investigation - Yahoo! News

Ooops....guess you denier cult dingbats jumped on the propaganda wagon a bit too soon here.

Scientist suspension is about project's management

Associated Press
Aug 1, 10:09 PM EDT

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- The government's suspension of an Arctic scientist was related to how a polar bear research project was awarded and managed and not his earlier scientific work detailing drowned polar bears, a watchdog group said Monday.

PEER has claimed officials initially didn't tell Monnett why he was suspended or under investigation. After an Associated Press story on the investigation last week, the agency's director informed Alaska staff that the action was unrelated both to an article that Monnett wrote about presumably drowned Arctic polar bears and to his scientific work.

"A federal wildlife biologist whose observation in 2004 of presumably drowned polar bears in the Arctic helped to galvanize the global warming movement has been placed on administrative leave and is being investigated for scientific misconduct, possibly over the veracity of that article"

APNewsBreak: Arctic scientist under investigation - Yahoo! News

Ooops....guess you denier cult dingbats jumped on the propaganda wagon a bit too soon here.

Scientist suspension is about project's management

Associated Press
Aug 1, 10:09 PM EDT

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- The government's suspension of an Arctic scientist was related to how a polar bear research project was awarded and managed and not his earlier scientific work detailing drowned polar bears, a watchdog group said Monday.

PEER has claimed officials initially didn't tell Monnett why he was suspended or under investigation. After an Associated Press story on the investigation last week, the agency's director informed Alaska staff that the action was unrelated both to an article that Monnett wrote about presumably drowned Arctic polar bears and to his scientific work.

He is still suspended and under investigation for alleged mismanagement of the project. And, his other projects have been reassigned to others, pending investigation.
"A federal wildlife biologist whose observation in 2004 of presumably drowned polar bears in the Arctic helped to galvanize the global warming movement has been placed on administrative leave and is being investigated for scientific misconduct, possibly over the veracity of that article"

APNewsBreak: Arctic scientist under investigation - Yahoo! News

Ooops....guess you denier cult dingbats jumped on the propaganda wagon a bit too soon here.

Scientist suspension is about project's management

Associated Press
Aug 1, 10:09 PM EDT

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- The government's suspension of an Arctic scientist was related to how a polar bear research project was awarded and managed and not his earlier scientific work detailing drowned polar bears, a watchdog group said Monday.

PEER has claimed officials initially didn't tell Monnett why he was suspended or under investigation. After an Associated Press story on the investigation last week, the agency's director informed Alaska staff that the action was unrelated both to an article that Monnett wrote about presumably drowned Arctic polar bears and to his scientific work.

He is still suspended and under investigation for alleged mismanagement of the project. And, his other projects have been reassigned to others, pending investigation.

Ooops....guess you denier cult dingbats jumped on the propaganda wagon a bit too soon here.

Scientist suspension is about project's management

Associated Press
Aug 1, 10:09 PM EDT

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- The government's suspension of an Arctic scientist was related to how a polar bear research project was awarded and managed and not his earlier scientific work detailing drowned polar bears, a watchdog group said Monday.

PEER has claimed officials initially didn't tell Monnett why he was suspended or under investigation. After an Associated Press story on the investigation last week, the agency's director informed Alaska staff that the action was unrelated both to an article that Monnett wrote about presumably drowned Arctic polar bears and to his scientific work.

He is still suspended and under investigation for alleged mismanagement of the project. And, his other projects have been reassigned to others, pending investigation.

So, nothing really has changed - he is under investigation. That's a pretty big deal for any scientist. It's also a big deal to have his other projects reassigned.
He is still suspended and under investigation for alleged mismanagement of the project. And, his other projects have been reassigned to others, pending investigation.

So, nothing really has changed - he is under investigation. That's a pretty big deal for any scientist. It's also a big deal to have his other projects reassigned.
So he is under investigation, not convicted BTW, in a quite possibly politically motivated maneuver by the oil industry stooges in that govt agency, but the investigation is over management and procurement issues, not his work on polar bear deaths due to global warming as you denier cult dupes were led to believe by your puppet masters and their propaganda machine.
So, nothing really has changed - he is under investigation. That's a pretty big deal for any scientist. It's also a big deal to have his other projects reassigned.
So he is under investigation, not convicted BTW,

No one said he was.

.... In a quite possibly politically motivated maneuver by the oil industry stooges in that govt agency, but the investigation is over management and procurement issues, not his work on polar bear deaths due to global warming as you denier cult dupes were led to believe by your puppet masters and their propaganda machine.
:lol: As the investigation is not completed you really know nothing about whether it is for scientific misconduct or not.

As a 'denier cult type', what am I denying?
It will be interesting to see what others find when they go through his data and projects. Any over/under on 'problems' being discovered and re-evaluation turning up new conclusions?
For a more rational and less brainwashed view of the situation as it currently stands...

Feds change tune on investigation of Arctic scientist
Previous questioning of Charles Monnett focused on research; Inspector General‘s office now says it’s about contract procurement and project management

August 2, 2011

The federal government is now saying its investigation of a biologist working in the Arctic is related to the management and procurement side of a polar bear study, despite the fact that investigators questioned the researcher extensively about his scientific work in a previous interview. Monnet works for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, the agency that reviews and permits offshore oil and gas drilling projects. He was suspended July 18 pending results of the investigation.

...Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, a watchdog and whistle-blower protection group, believes Monnett is being targeted for his work on polar bears during a time when the federal government is in the process of evaluating a number of proposals to develop offshore energy resources in the Arctic. In PEER’s view, the suspension and questioning of Monnett is a “witch hunt” related to the political and environmental controversy surrounding Arctic energy development and the larger issue of global warming impacts in the Arctic, as well as the endangered species status of polar bears.

“There were no mysteries about how Dr. Monnett handled his responsibilities related to the procurement of this or any other research project in his scientific portfolio,” said Ruch, whose organization has filed a legal request for the documents BOEMRE used to justify his suspension. “We are concerned that the IG has expanded its vindictive fishing expedition into yet another area beyond its expertise.” According to PEER, Monnett’s role as technical representative for the contracting officer did not give him authority to commit the government to contractual relationships. The group says that the contractual relationship between the U.S. government and the University of Alberta was transparent, with all communications between Dr. Monnett and University of Alberta researchers generally copied to numerous contracting and management officials.

Both survival rates and total population size of some polar bear population appear to be in decline and are also significantly correlated with changes in ice distribution and the duration of the open water season, according to a recent study from the Beaufort Sea region.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)
For a more rational and less brainwashed view of the situation as it currently stands...

Feds change tune on investigation of Arctic scientist
Previous questioning of Charles Monnett focused on research; Inspector General‘s office now says it’s about contract procurement and project management

August 2, 2011

The federal government is now saying its investigation of a biologist working in the Arctic is related to the management and procurement side of a polar bear study, despite the fact that investigators questioned the researcher extensively about his scientific work in a previous interview. Monnet works for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, the agency that reviews and permits offshore oil and gas drilling projects. He was suspended July 18 pending results of the investigation.

...Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, a watchdog and whistle-blower protection group, believes Monnett is being targeted for his work on polar bears during a time when the federal government is in the process of evaluating a number of proposals to develop offshore energy resources in the Arctic. In PEER’s view, the suspension and questioning of Monnett is a “witch hunt” related to the political and environmental controversy surrounding Arctic energy development and the larger issue of global warming impacts in the Arctic, as well as the endangered species status of polar bears.

“There were no mysteries about how Dr. Monnett handled his responsibilities related to the procurement of this or any other research project in his scientific portfolio,” said Ruch, whose organization has filed a legal request for the documents BOEMRE used to justify his suspension. “We are concerned that the IG has expanded its vindictive fishing expedition into yet another area beyond its expertise.” According to PEER, Monnett’s role as technical representative for the contracting officer did not give him authority to commit the government to contractual relationships. The group says that the contractual relationship between the U.S. government and the University of Alberta was transparent, with all communications between Dr. Monnett and University of Alberta researchers generally copied to numerous contracting and management officials.

Both survival rates and total population size of some polar bear population appear to be in decline and are also significantly correlated with changes in ice distribution and the duration of the open water season, according to a recent study from the Beaufort Sea region.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

Funny thread. These crazy-ass denier cult retards read their own pre-determined and programmed denier cult delusions into everything no matter what the evidence.

Alaska Dispatch
On Friday, July 29th, BOEMRE spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz sent an email to Alaska Dispatch saying:

"The agency placed Mr. Monnett on administrative leave for reasons having nothing to do with scientific integrity, his 2006 journal article, or issues related to permitting, as has been alleged. Any suggestions or speculation to the contrary are wrong".

Alaska Dispatch
The following email was forwarded to Alaska Dispatch Friday, July 30th, and was sent from Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement Director Michael Bromwich to BOEMRE's Alaska regional office employees.

"Dear Colleagues,

I wanted to send you a brief note of explanation and support. I regret very much the negative publicity over the past 24 hours that has resulted from one of your colleagues being placed on administrative leave in connection with an investigation by the Office of Inspector General. We are limited in what we can say about a pending investigation, but I can assure you that the decision had nothing to do with his scientific work, or anything relating to a five-year old journal article, as advocacy groups and the news media have incorrectly speculated.

Funny thread. These crazy-ass denier cult retards read their own pre-determined and programmed denier cult delusions into everything no matter what the evidence.

Alaska Dispatch
On Friday, July 29th, BOEMRE spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz sent an email to Alaska Dispatch saying:

"The agency placed Mr. Monnett on administrative leave for reasons having nothing to do with scientific integrity, his 2006 journal article, or issues related to permitting, as has been alleged. Any suggestions or speculation to the contrary are wrong".

Alaska Dispatch
The following email was forwarded to Alaska Dispatch Friday, July 30th, and was sent from Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement Director Michael Bromwich to BOEMRE's Alaska regional office employees.

"Dear Colleagues,

I wanted to send you a brief note of explanation and support. I regret very much the negative publicity over the past 24 hours that has resulted from one of your colleagues being placed on administrative leave in connection with an investigation by the Office of Inspector General. We are limited in what we can say about a pending investigation, but I can assure you that the decision had nothing to do with his scientific work, or anything relating to a five-year old journal article, as advocacy groups and the news media have incorrectly speculated.



still not winning..............:D:D:D
still not winning..............

LOLOLOL......well yeah!!!....anybody with more than half a brain can see that you are never "winning", just sinking ever deeper into your seriously deranged delusions and rightwingnut bizarro-world insanity.
Sounds like he's getting shafted by people with a political agenda. Typical for the skeptic/denier side, since neither science nor logic support their position.

Yes... only politicians have agendas. Scientists could NEVER have an agenda, now could they. :doubt:

Are you saying the skeptics/deniers are the politicians in this scenario? When have you seen a poltician without an agenda? Apparently the skeptic/denier side doesn't have scientists or you've just tarred yourself with your own brush. :clap2:

No warming from 1998 to 2008 at the least and yet your side keeps doom saying. Further what warming did occur was within the parameters of what was predicted. The politicization of this issue was and is by the warmers.
still not winning..............

LOLOLOL......well yeah!!!....anybody with more than half a brain can see that you are never "winning", just sinking ever deeper into your seriously deranged delusions and rightwingnut bizarro-world insanity.

As my dearly departed grandmother always used to tell me.........."Its all about the politics!!!"

69% Say It


PS............Thunder still says his side won the election in 2010!!!! Clearly makes me the one of the deluded!!
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"A federal wildlife biologist whose observation in 2004 of presumably drowned polar bears in the Arctic helped to galvanize the global warming movement has been placed on administrative leave and is being investigated for scientific misconduct, possibly over the veracity of that article"

APNewsBreak: Arctic scientist under investigation - Yahoo! News
Looks like Goebbels warming takes another torpedo below the waterline. :lol:
"Goebbels Warming"! :lol:
Yes... only politicians have agendas. Scientists could NEVER have an agenda, now could they. :doubt:

Are you saying the skeptics/deniers are the politicians in this scenario? When have you seen a poltician without an agenda? Apparently the skeptic/denier side doesn't have scientists or you've just tarred yourself with your own brush. :clap2:

No warming from 1998 to 2008 at the least and yet your side keeps doom saying. Further what warming did occur was within the parameters of what was predicted. The politicization of this issue was and is by the warmers.

Delusional nonsense. This last decade was the warmest on record, as was, in turn, the previous decade and the one before that. The top 15 warmest years on record have occurred in the last 15 years. 2010 was tied with 2005 as the warmest year on record.

Warmest years

The list of warmest years on record is dominated by years from this millennium; each of the last 10 years (2001–2010) features as one of the 11 warmest on record. Although the NCDC temperature record begins in 1880, less accurate reconstructions of earlier temperatures suggest these years may be the warmest for several centuries to millennia.
20 warmest years on record (°C anomaly from 1901–2000 mean)



Except for a leveling off between the 1940s and 1970s, Earth's surface temperatures have increased since 1880. The last decade has brought the temperatures to the highest levels ever recorded. The graph shows global annual surface temperatures relative to 1951-1980 mean temperatures. As shown by the red line, long-term trends are more apparent when temperatures are averaged over a five year period. Image credit: NASA

Here's a little follow up to this politically motivated investigation that had the denier cultists' panties in such a twist last year.

Scientist cleared in polar bear controversy popularizing global warming
By Nell Greenfieldboyce
KPLU - Pacific Lutheran University
September 28, 2012
A long, controversial investigation of a polar bear scientist has ended with his government employer saying it does not look like he engaged in any scientific misconduct. Charles Monnett is a wildlife researcher with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, part of the Department of the Interior. He and a colleague, Jeffrey Gleason, wrote an influential 2006 report describing apparently drowned polar bears floating in the Arctic, which they saw during a routine aerial survey of whales. Those dead bears became a symbol of the threat of climate change and melting ice, and Al Gore mentioned them in his movie, An Inconvenient Truth. But the sightings were called into question in March 2010, after officials with Interior's Office of Inspector General received allegations of scientific misconduct. Monnett spent more than two years under investigation, and agents repeatedly asked him detailed questions about the dead-polar-bear paper.

The final report on that investigation was delivered to BOEM about three months ago. On Friday, the agency told Monnett that no action would be taken against him — except for an official reprimand for an unrelated matter, the improper release of internal government documents back in 2007 and 2008. "We have confirmed that the [inspector general's] findings do not support a conclusion that the individual scientists involved engaged in scientific misconduct," BOEM press secretary Theresa Eisenman said in a written statement. "Sound science is the foundation of BOEM's decision-making, and therefore we take the integrity of our scientists and the reliability of their analyses extremely seriously," the statement added.

Jeff Ruch of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, which is providing legal representation for the scientists, said that when he spoke to Monnett on the phone about this outcome, the scientist was "a mixture of relieved and confused." "This is an anti-climactic and kind of wacky ending to all this," says Ruch. Ruch says the documents Monnett released were intended to reveal his agency's suppression of scientific concerns related to proposals for Arctic offshore drilling. "It takes a lot of nerve to reprimand someone for disclosing official improprieties," says Ruch. "But on the other hand, given that they've been investigating him for a long time, and this is all they can find, we're fairly relieved. It's almost like we've been waiting for the Sword of Damocles to drop and when it did, it turned out to be a butter knife."

Copyright 2012 National Public Radio.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)
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"Take the fucking picture already! My balls are freezing! Damn, I'm a whore for some herring"
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