AOC says the quiet part out loud, The cure to illegal immigration is to make them all legal.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

HUH? That would bring tens of millions of more illegals to the border.

What she is saying is that the Dems want the votes.

We have known all along that is the plan. AOC has now “DOCUMENTED” the true intentions of Dems. They do not care about giving these people asylum. THEY WANT VOTES.

If these people were likely to vote Republican, that border would be sealed shut. We all know it.

HUH? That would bring tens of millions of more illegals to the border.

What she is saying is that the Dems want the votes.

We have known all along that is the plan. AOC has now “DOCUMENTED” the true intentions of Dems. They do not care about giving these people asylum. THEY WANT VOTES.

If these people were likely to vote Republican, that border would be sealed shut. We all know it.

This is the "surge" Biden promised.
This is basically handing your sovereignty over to Mexico. Mexicans will vote for your president.

I said a long time ago the USA should just annex Mexico. Now you dont need to cross the border, you are all Americans.

We attack the Cartels with the military, stamp down the entire drug trade, and tax the fuck out of them.

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho!
The corrupt Democrat Cult's open border policy is the Great Replacement Theory in action.
It's not a theory.
It is a reality for everyone to see.
Of course, the Crazy Democrat Cutlist will scream RACISM when we point out the obvious.
The Democrat Party treats white voters as their opposition.
The Democrat Party's constant narrative is that White People are the problem in America.


immigration democrats are  racist trdhfgjlhklhlj.jpg


The corrupt Democrat Cult's open border policy is the Great Replacement Theory in action.
It's not a theory.
It is a reality for everyone to see.
Of course, the Crazy Democrat Cutlist will scream RACISM when we point out the obvious.
The Democrat Party treats white voters as their opposition.
The Democrat Party's constant narrative is that White People are the problem in America.

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Bad Cop, Good Cop Scenario

That's how the colluding politicians got Whites to vote Republican.

HUH? That would bring tens of millions of more illegals to the border.

What she is saying is that the Dems want the votes.

We have known all along that is the plan. AOC has now “DOCUMENTED” the true intentions of Dems. They do not care about giving these people asylum. THEY WANT VOTES.

If these people were likely to vote Republican, that border would be sealed shut. We all know it.
The solution is for both parties to sit down and solve the immigration issues. If that includes a path to citizenship, it will most likely be a long one.
Undocumented immigrants are not allowed to vote. Period.
You can build a wall as high and long as you like. It's a giant waste of money and resources.
Walls don't keep people out. Just ask the Israelis.

HUH? That would bring tens of millions of more illegals to the border.

What she is saying is that the Dems want the votes.

We have known all along that is the plan. AOC has now “DOCUMENTED” the true intentions of Dems. They do not care about giving these people asylum. THEY WANT VOTES.

If these people were likely to vote Republican, that border would be sealed shut. We all know it.
What ya know? AOC says stupid, crazy left bullshit. Shocker.
The solution is for both parties to sit down and solve the immigration issues. If that includes a path to citizenship, it will most likely be a long one.
Undocumented immigrants are not allowed to vote. Period.
You can build a wall as high and long as you like. It's a giant waste of money and resources.
Walls don't keep people out. Just ask the Israelis.
We did that during the Reagan administration and Democrats reneged on their promises and what they passed in Congress.
Nyever again.

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The solution is for both parties to sit down and solve the immigration issues. If that includes a path to citizenship, it will most likely be a long one.
Undocumented immigrants are not allowed to vote. Period.
You can build a wall as high and long as you like. It's a giant waste of money and resources.
Walls don't keep people out. Just ask the Israelis.
Walls work, Dumbass. That's if you don't have a vegetable in the Presidency who eliminates the border.

Just ask the DHS pre-Treasonous Myorkous.


The results speak for themselves: illegal drug, border crossings, and human smuggling activities have decreased in areas where barriers are deployed. For example:

San Diego Sector:

  • In one short 12 mile section in the San Diego Sector, the wall reduced CBP manpower requirements by 150 agents every 24 hours. That is approximately a $28 million return on investment per year in salaries and benefits. These agents were redeployed to fill resource gaps in other areas of the border -- further improving our security.
  • CBP’s San Diego Field Office continues to be a significant source of narcotics seizures. From FY 19 to FY 20, seizures of fentanyl, marijuana, and methamphetamine all increased, with meth seizures jumping at alarming rates in the past several years – demonstrating that the border wall is forcing drug smugglers to where we are best prepared to catch them – our ports of entry.
Yuma Sector:

  • Illegal entries in areas with new border wall system plummeted over 87% in FY 20 compared to FY 19.
  • In FY 19, CBP deployed a temporary barrier, which it has replaced with a permanent system, at the Sanchez Canal, which resulted in illegal entries decreasing in this area by more than 1,000 per month.
  • In FY 19, in areas of older existing border fencing or barriers, Yuma Sector apprehended 12 large groups (over a 100 persons) compared to zero large groups in FY 20 with new border wall system.
    • Family Unit entries have decreased over 95%
      • FY 19: 51,961 vs. FY 20: 2,940
RGV Sector:

  • In a section of RGV (Zone 1) apprehensions have decreased since the construction of the border wall system. This is a location that has never had any border infrastructure.
    • CBP has seen 79% decrease in apprehensions in this area (Zone 1) since the completion of border wall system.
    • CBP has seen a 26% decrease in narcotics seizures since the completion of border wall system in this area.
  • In another section of RGV, prior to construction of the border wall system it was common to see illegal aliens running across a heavily traveled road, putting themselves and members of the community at risk.
    • Smugglers are now forced to take their groups further west into areas that are less dense with brush and easier for CBP surveillance cameras to detect illicit activity.
El Paso Sector:

  • El Paso Sector has experienced a significant reduction in drug and smuggling activities in areas where the new border wall system was built.
    • Most notably, in Zones 14 and 15 of the Santa Teresa (STN) AOR where apprehensions have decreased by 60% and 81% respectively when comparing the last half of fiscal year FY 20 to the first half of FY 20.
  • El Paso Station has experienced similar results from the new border wall in Zones 20 – 23, with a reduction in apprehensions of 70% during the same timeframe.
This is what Reagan did.

I'm not sure why so many support a system where millions upon millions can go to work and not get taxed to help contribute.
All these millions and millions of illegals come over here and what do they think? That suddenly they will all magically become model American citizens if they are made citizens? Nope, they will just continue to be shitty people from shitty countries.

I guess their moto is "make America shitty".

That's as stupid as saying "we have too many criminals in America so we're going to fix it by stopping convictions against them so they aren't criminals". Then again these are the same people who think if you simply call a man a woman that he is somehow instantly a real honest to goodness woman.

How that dumb bitch ever got in a position of power I will never understand. She doesn't do anything, nothing. All she does is spew out the dumbest shit a person can say.
Those of you supporting the open border will soon be regretting it.

HUH? That would bring tens of millions of more illegals to the border.

What she is saying is that the Dems want the votes.

We have known all along that is the plan. AOC has now “DOCUMENTED” the true intentions of Dems. They do not care about giving these people asylum. THEY WANT VOTES.

If these people were likely to vote Republican, that border would be sealed shut. We all know it.

biden illegals.jpg

HUH? That would bring tens of millions of more illegals to the border.

What she is saying is that the Dems want the votes.

We have known all along that is the plan. AOC has now “DOCUMENTED” the true intentions of Dems. They do not care about giving these people asylum. THEY WANT VOTES.

If these people were likely to vote Republican, that border would be sealed shut. We all know it.
Deport the Illegals -- and their DC allies, neither deserves to live in the USA
Those that refuse to hold business's accountable for hiring illegals are going to regret it.
Let's be honest here, I believe the vast majority of those blaming businesses for illegal immigration would be the first to scream bloody murder if the INS were to suddenly and repeatedly make sweeps through business after business, capturing illegal aliens and returning them to their country of origin, making prices rise so paying American wages is possible. Convince me otherwise.

HUH? That would bring tens of millions of more illegals to the border.

What she is saying is that the Dems want the votes.

We have known all along that is the plan. AOC has now “DOCUMENTED” the true intentions of Dems. They do not care about giving these people asylum. THEY WANT VOTES.

If these people were likely to vote Republican, that border would be sealed shut. We all know it.
Since when does AOC speak for the majority of Dems? Spoiler alert, she does not.
Since when does AOC speak for the majority of Dems? Spoiler alert, she does not.

You guys might wanna tell her to shut the fuck up, then.

Who is your spokesperson? Biden? KJP? GAVIN? KAMALA? SCHUMER?

Should we not discuss what is said by Democrats?

Are you saying you want a secure border?

Help me understand your point.

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