AOC: No Such Thing as Inflation, It’s Just Propaganda


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Straight out of the Marxist handbook of delusional thinking. You see, corporate greed for profits is the only reason prices go up. Scary thing is, people are stupid enough to believe that BS and are walking around in society. These are the same caliber of people who brought you the USSR, Cuba, Khmer Rouge, NAZISM, etc etc.
AOC shared this video.

Straight out of the Marxist handbook of delusional thinking. You see, corporate greed for profits is the only reason prices go up. Scary thing is, people are stupid enough to believe that BS and are walking around in society. These are the same caliber of people who brought you the USSR, Cuba, Khmer Rouge, NAZISM, etc etc.
AOC shared this video.

When did AOC make this claim?
This is really about 2 separate questions IMHO.

1. Is inflation just propaganda? Obviously not, how can anyone look at the cost of living over the past 3 years or so and not see inflation as a real problem for most people? Anyone who says it isn't is in fact spreading propaganda.

2. Is inflation caused by higher corporate profits? Some might say it's the other way around:

But it’s more common, economists say, for inflation to directly produce higher profits.

"The rising market power, and corporations' desire to maximize profits, are not the root cause of inflation, which comes instead from the excess of aggregate demand over aggregate supply," said Kimberly Clausing, a professor of tax law and policy at UCLA School of Law.

On the supply side, the pandemic wreaked havoc on production and distribution. Some materials became harder to obtain, and thus more expensive; transportation system bottlenecks kept products from their destinations, which also raised prices.

Meanwhile, on the demand side, the U.S. government under Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden spent heavily to keep the economy, and especially consumer purchasing, from cratering during the COVID-19 pandemic. Once the pandemic’s throttle on travel and hospitality spending eased, consumers’ spending surged.

So, although prices were already high, government stimulus payments enabled Americans to buy the more expensive goods and services, removing the incentive for companies to lower their prices when supply conditions changed.

At it's core, this is really a political argument about raising corporate taxes. Being a progressive liberal democrat, that is obviously something she supports.
This is really about 2 separate questions IMHO.

1. Is inflation just propaganda? Obviously not, how can anyone look at the cost of living over the past 3 years or so and not see inflation as a real problem for most people? Anyone who says it isn't is in fact spreading propaganda.

2. Is inflation caused by higher corporate profits? Some might say it's the other way around:

But it’s more common, economists say, for inflation to directly produce higher profits.

"The rising market power, and corporations' desire to maximize profits, are not the root cause of inflation, which comes instead from the excess of aggregate demand over aggregate supply," said Kimberly Clausing, a professor of tax law and policy at UCLA School of Law.

On the supply side, the pandemic wreaked havoc on production and distribution. Some materials became harder to obtain, and thus more expensive; transportation system bottlenecks kept products from their destinations, which also raised prices.

Meanwhile, on the demand side, the U.S. government under Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden spent heavily to keep the economy, and especially consumer purchasing, from cratering during the COVID-19 pandemic. Once the pandemic’s throttle on travel and hospitality spending eased, consumers’ spending surged.

So, although prices were already high, government stimulus payments enabled Americans to buy the more expensive goods and services, removing the incentive for companies to lower their prices when supply conditions changed.

At it's core, this is really a political argument about raising corporate taxes. Being a progressive liberal democrat, that is obviously something she supports.
come on man, every demofk knew americans wanted to spend more for everything. Fk they supposedly all got voted in by the people to make that happen!!!!!! Americans hate money.
This sort of doublespeak and propaganda is straight out of the demafasict
or gaslighting. It is the fking definition of it. Again, demofks think americans hate money and want to give it to them. Look at Oprah and the Rock telling people to send their money for Maui!!!! That they'll hold on to for you!!!!! hahahahahahahhahaha dmofk followers are so fking stupid. My gawd!
Profits are simply a raw number. They don't take into account INFLATION.

If I have a company and I make 20% more this year than I did last year but the raw materials I have to purchase to make my item costs 30% more, then I'm in fact LOSING money from last year, but on paper, it looks like a record profit.

I don't expect some stupid liberal with lipstick like AOC to understand such a concept.

I FINALLY got my first raise since fucking potatohead took office. The problem is, with inflation taken into account, I'm making LESS now than I ever have driving a truck other than the time I spent during training making 25cpm. But on paper, I'm making more now than ever. But in reality, I'm not. Each dollar I make buys far less than it did before, when I made fewer dollars but could buy far more. Something that was 10 dollars when Biden took office is now $18.10.
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Profits are simply a raw number. They don't take into account INFLATION.

If I have a company and I make 20% more this year than I did last year but the raw materials I have to purchase to make my item costs 30% more, then I'm in fact LOSING money from last year, but on paper, it looks like a record profit.

I don't expect some stupid liberal with lipstick like AOC to understand such a concept.
Lack of supplies, Wuhan, gas prices and shortages all demofk manufactured

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