AOC Continues to Work Hard to Get Trump Re-Elected

I think whatever college that drooling, vacuous RETARD graduated from NEEDS to have a massive lawsuit against it, for graduating the stupidest living creature in Congressional history.

Occasional-Cortex is so brain-addled (I've had pets that were MUCH smarter than that trashy, ugly whore), it's amazing that its Skittle-sized brain can generate enough biochemical power to keep its vital organs running.

There are a whole lot less cattle in the world than humans and I think that she should install one of those fart catchers they want installed on cattle on herself if she's so worried about methane.

She should lead by example and install a carbon dioxide cather over her head too.


I think the sides have chosen and even AOC can't change things much. Two possibilities-the economy suffers and so do Trumps chances, Bernie wins and Schultz enters the race and Trump wins. AOC does win re-election.
Here's another reason to distrust AOC: her nose has the same inverted-crucifix shape that Obamaggot's nose had. That style of nose is grotesque to look at and not particularly human.

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