Anyone Watch The Tea Party Television HD?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
[ame=]Ann Coulter is Supremely Stupid - YouTube[/ame]

Michele Bachmann, Ann Coulter Named As Witnesses In Tea Party Lawsuit

what ever happened with all of this? the Tea Party was supposed to be soooooo popular it would have the "world's first HD provider of news about the Tea Party,"

They already have fox, beck, and other extreme right propaganda outlets to spread their stupidity.
It's funny how mindless Libs are so afraid of a group calling for smaller and more responsible government and spending. Members of the " party of government dependency" can't handle much responsiblity for their own thoughts or actions, and need the government to do their thinking and thier spending for them.
It's funny how mindless Libs are so afraid of a group calling for smaller and more responsible government and spending. Members of the " party of government dependency" can't handle much responsiblity for their own thoughts or actions, and need the government to do their thinking and thier spending for them.

That's what their propaganda masters tell the mindless tea party sheep that they are for "less spending!" "pro constitution!" Though once in office they did the complete opposite with nearly all voting for the renewal of the huge government and anti-constitution patriot act, same goes for the vast majority of the GOP/tea party voting for the huge government and anti-freedom NDAA bill.

Not to mention the teabaggers/GOP refusing to cut any of their insane spending causing the nation's credit to be downgraded, proposing billions more in the already bloated military spending that we can't afford etc,...

The tea party is nothing but the radical right wing, lunatic fringe of the GOP, but you keep believing the lies that the tea party is about less government and spending, the Koch's and the other right wing puppet masters want you to ;)
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It's funny how mindless Libs are so afraid of a group calling for smaller and more responsible government and spending. Members of the " party of government dependency" can't handle much responsiblity for their own thoughts or actions, and need the government to do their thinking and thier spending for them.

That's what their propaganda masters tell the mindless tea party sheep that they are for "less spending!" "pro constitution!" Though once in office they did the complete opposite with nearly all voting for the renewal of the huge government and anti-constitution patriot act, same goes for the vast majority of the GOP/tea party voting for the huge government and anti-freedom NDAA bill.

Not to mention the teabaggers/GOP refusing to cut any of their insane spending causing the nation's credit to be downgraded, proposing billions more in the already bloated military spending that we can't afford etc,...

The tea party is nothing but the radical right wing, lunatic fringe of the GOP, but you keep believing the lies that the tea party is about less government and spending, the Koch's and the other right wing puppet masters want you to ;)

That's not what the tea-party is about. If you ever had gone to a tea-party rally, you would know this. Your ignorance, and being naive, scares you
It's funny how mindless Libs are so afraid of a group calling for smaller and more responsible government and spending. Members of the " party of government dependency" can't handle much responsiblity for their own thoughts or actions, and need the government to do their thinking and thier spending for them.

That's what their propaganda masters tell the mindless tea party sheep that they are for "less spending!" "pro constitution!" Though once in office they did the complete opposite with nearly all voting for the renewal of the huge government and anti-constitution patriot act, same goes for the vast majority of the GOP/tea party voting for the huge government and anti-freedom NDAA bill.

Not to mention the teabaggers/GOP refusing to cut any of their insane spending causing the nation's credit to be downgraded, proposing billions more in the already bloated military spending that we can't afford etc,...

The tea party is nothing but the radical right wing, lunatic fringe of the GOP, but you keep believing the lies that the tea party is about less government and spending, the Koch's and the other right wing puppet masters want you to ;)

Oh cool. A mindless Soros borg calling others mindless. That's funny.

Stop your extremist hate! :badgrin:
It's funny how mindless Libs are so afraid of a group calling for smaller and more responsible government and spending. Members of the " party of government dependency" can't handle much responsiblity for their own thoughts or actions, and need the government to do their thinking and thier spending for them.

They are afraid because with a smaller government they will lose their meal ticket and have to work to survive.
It's funny how mindless Libs are so afraid of a group calling for smaller and more responsible government and spending. Members of the " party of government dependency" can't handle much responsiblity for their own thoughts or actions, and need the government to do their thinking and thier spending for them.

That's what their propaganda masters tell the mindless tea party sheep that they are for "less spending!" "pro constitution!" Though once in office they did the complete opposite with nearly all voting for the renewal of the huge government and anti-constitution patriot act, same goes for the vast majority of the GOP/tea party voting for the huge government and anti-freedom NDAA bill.

Not to mention the teabaggers/GOP refusing to cut any of their insane spending causing the nation's credit to be downgraded, proposing billions more in the already bloated military spending that we can't afford etc,...

The tea party is nothing but the radical right wing, lunatic fringe of the GOP, but you keep believing the lies that the tea party is about less government and spending, the Koch's and the other right wing puppet masters want you to ;)

That's not what the tea-party is about. If you ever had gone to a tea-party rally, you would know this. Your ignorance, and being naive, scares you

I've seen plenty of the geezers crapping their pants, rednecks, and constant outbreaks of violence at their rallies to have a good idea of the teabaggers are about.

They lead you around with their lies of "less government!" "less spending!" but the real proof is in how they vote, and the tea party the fools obediently obeyed by voting in, did the complete opposite once in office by voting for huge government, huge spending, and anti-constitution.

Does it not bother you that the teabagger propaganda machine lied and played you for a fool?
That's what their propaganda masters tell the mindless tea party sheep that they are for "less spending!" "pro constitution!" Though once in office they did the complete opposite with nearly all voting for the renewal of the huge government and anti-constitution patriot act, same goes for the vast majority of the GOP/tea party voting for the huge government and anti-freedom NDAA bill.

Not to mention the teabaggers/GOP refusing to cut any of their insane spending causing the nation's credit to be downgraded, proposing billions more in the already bloated military spending that we can't afford etc,...

The tea party is nothing but the radical right wing, lunatic fringe of the GOP, but you keep believing the lies that the tea party is about less government and spending, the Koch's and the other right wing puppet masters want you to ;)

That's not what the tea-party is about. If you ever had gone to a tea-party rally, you would know this. Your ignorance, and being naive, scares you

I've seen plenty of the geezers crapping their pants, rednecks, and constant outbreaks of violence at their rallies to have a good idea of the teabaggers are about.

They lead you around with their lies of "less government!" "less spending!" but the real proof is in how they vote, and the tea party the fools obediently obeyed by voting in, did the complete opposite once in office by voting for huge government, huge spending, and anti-constitution.

Does it not bother you that the teabagger propaganda machine lied and played you for a fool?

Oh look - another left-winged kook-fringe whack job
That's what their propaganda masters tell the mindless tea party sheep that they are for "less spending!" "pro constitution!" Though once in office they did the complete opposite with nearly all voting for the renewal of the huge government and anti-constitution patriot act, same goes for the vast majority of the GOP/tea party voting for the huge government and anti-freedom NDAA bill.

Not to mention the teabaggers/GOP refusing to cut any of their insane spending causing the nation's credit to be downgraded, proposing billions more in the already bloated military spending that we can't afford etc,...

The tea party is nothing but the radical right wing, lunatic fringe of the GOP, but you keep believing the lies that the tea party is about less government and spending, the Koch's and the other right wing puppet masters want you to ;)

That's not what the tea-party is about. If you ever had gone to a tea-party rally, you would know this. Your ignorance, and being naive, scares you

I've seen plenty of the geezers crapping their pants, rednecks, and constant outbreaks of violence at their rallies to have a good idea of the teabaggers are about.

They lead you around with their lies of "less government!" "less spending!" but the real proof is in how they vote, and the tea party the fools obediently obeyed by voting in, did the complete opposite once in office by voting for huge government, huge spending, and anti-constitution.

Does it not bother you that the teabagger propaganda machine lied and played you for a fool?

Your record is skipping, you need to get a new one...this one is a yawner anyway
That's what their propaganda masters tell the mindless tea party sheep that they are for "less spending!" "pro constitution!" Though once in office they did the complete opposite with nearly all voting for the renewal of the huge government and anti-constitution patriot act, same goes for the vast majority of the GOP/tea party voting for the huge government and anti-freedom NDAA bill.

Not to mention the teabaggers/GOP refusing to cut any of their insane spending causing the nation's credit to be downgraded, proposing billions more in the already bloated military spending that we can't afford etc,...

The tea party is nothing but the radical right wing, lunatic fringe of the GOP, but you keep believing the lies that the tea party is about less government and spending, the Koch's and the other right wing puppet masters want you to ;)

That's not what the tea-party is about. If you ever had gone to a tea-party rally, you would know this. Your ignorance, and being naive, scares you

I've seen plenty of the geezers crapping their pants, rednecks, and constant outbreaks of violence at their rallies to have a good idea of the teabaggers are about.

They lead you around with their lies of "less government!" "less spending!" but the real proof is in how they vote, and the tea party the fools obediently obeyed by voting in, did the complete opposite once in office by voting for huge government, huge spending, and anti-constitution.

Does it not bother you that the teabagger propaganda machine lied and played you for a fool?

Thats horse shit I'm sure you have news reports of this? Because if their were
"constant outbreaks of violence at their rallies" as you said it would be all oiver the news. So share some links.

No wait you must be talking about the OWS shitters rallies.
That's not what the tea-party is about. If you ever had gone to a tea-party rally, you would know this. Your ignorance, and being naive, scares you

I've seen plenty of the geezers crapping their pants, rednecks, and constant outbreaks of violence at their rallies to have a good idea of the teabaggers are about.

They lead you around with their lies of "less government!" "less spending!" but the real proof is in how they vote, and the tea party the fools obediently obeyed by voting in, did the complete opposite once in office by voting for huge government, huge spending, and anti-constitution.

Does it not bother you that the teabagger propaganda machine lied and played you for a fool?

Thats horse shit I'm sure you have news reports of this? Because if their were
"constant outbreaks of violence at their rallies" as you said it would be all oiver the news. So share some links.

No wait you must be talking about the OWS shitters rallies.

Of course, I'm not a teabagger/RWNJ that just makes things up, take your pick,..

Fearing tea party violence, four Arizona Republicans resign | The Raw Story

Man with "Tea Party" flag charges Democratic rally - CBS News Video

[ame=]Ed Schultz: Tea Party Violence is a Threat to Democracy - YouTube[/ame]

4 teabaggers part of a "patriot group" (aka home grown militia terrorist organization) planning terror attacks on america

Georgia militia members arrested, accused of plotting ricin attack -
[ame=]Libtalker Ed Schultz: Laura Ingraham's 'A Slut' - YouTube[/ame]
I've seen plenty of the geezers crapping their pants, rednecks, and constant outbreaks of violence at their rallies to have a good idea of the teabaggers are about.

They lead you around with their lies of "less government!" "less spending!" but the real proof is in how they vote, and the tea party the fools obediently obeyed by voting in, did the complete opposite once in office by voting for huge government, huge spending, and anti-constitution.

Does it not bother you that the teabagger propaganda machine lied and played you for a fool?

Thats horse shit I'm sure you have news reports of this? Because if their were
"constant outbreaks of violence at their rallies" as you said it would be all oiver the news. So share some links.

No wait you must be talking about the OWS shitters rallies.

Of course, I'm not a teabagger/RWNJ that just makes things up, take your pick,..

Fearing tea party violence, four Arizona Republicans resign | The Raw Story

Man with "Tea Party" flag charges Democratic rally - CBS News Video

[ame=]Ed Schultz: Tea Party Violence is a Threat to Democracy - YouTube[/ame]

4 teabaggers part of a "patriot group" (aka home grown militia terrorist organization) planning terror attacks on america

Georgia militia members arrested, accused of plotting ricin attack -

Dude is that the best you can do? After all you did say

I've seen plenty of the geezers crapping their pants, rednecks, and constant outbreaks of violence at their rallies to have a good idea of the teabaggers are about.

We all know that MSNBC is not a source to use when trying to make your point, They have been busted numerous times for editing videos to fit their agenda.

still waiting
Man, there must of been a call put out for all lefty nut jobs to come to this board..

Raw Story and Eddie Schultz..

What did we do to deserve this torture
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Thats horse shit I'm sure you have news reports of this? Because if their were
"constant outbreaks of violence at their rallies" as you said it would be all oiver the news. So share some links.

No wait you must be talking about the OWS shitters rallies.

Of course, I'm not a teabagger/RWNJ that just makes things up, take your pick,..

Fearing tea party violence, four Arizona Republicans resign | The Raw Story

Man with "Tea Party" flag charges Democratic rally - CBS News Video

[ame=]Ed Schultz: Tea Party Violence is a Threat to Democracy - YouTube[/ame]

4 teabaggers part of a "patriot group" (aka home grown militia terrorist organization) planning terror attacks on america

Georgia militia members arrested, accused of plotting ricin attack -

Dude is that the best you can do? After all you did say

I've seen plenty of the geezers crapping their pants, rednecks, and constant outbreaks of violence at their rallies to have a good idea of the teabaggers are about.

We all know that MSNBC is not a source to use when trying to make your point, They have been busted numerous times for editing videos to fit their agenda.

still waiting

LOL all you teabaggers can do is deflect and try to make up excuses, google "tim profitt" and you can take your pick of which article you want to read on how the teabaggers tackled a young woman and stomped on her head. I provided numerous examples of the violence and attempted terror attacks from the teabaggers, but you keep right on believing they are nothing but patriots for "less spending" and "less government" :lmao:
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Of course, I'm not a teabagger/RWNJ that just makes things up, take your pick,..

Fearing tea party violence, four Arizona Republicans resign | The Raw Story

Man with "Tea Party" flag charges Democratic rally - CBS News Video

Ed Schultz: Tea Party Violence is a Threat to Democracy - YouTube

4 teabaggers part of a "patriot group" (aka home grown militia terrorist organization) planning terror attacks on america

Georgia militia members arrested, accused of plotting ricin attack -

Dude is that the best you can do? After all you did say

I've seen plenty of the geezers crapping their pants, rednecks, and constant outbreaks of violence at their rallies to have a good idea of the teabaggers are about.

We all know that MSNBC is not a source to use when trying to make your point, They have been busted numerous times for editing videos to fit their agenda.

still waiting

LOL all you teabaggers can do is deflect and try to make up excuses. I provided numerous examples of the violence and attempted terror attacks from the teabaggers, but you keep right on believing they are nothing but patriots for "less spending" and "less government" :lmao:

Who in the fuck is deflecting when I say MSNBC is not a reliable source to use since they have been busted numerous times for editing a video to support their agenda means they lie. But of course you just proved how much of a liar that you are when you continue to defend them. Still waiting liar.
Of course, I'm not a teabagger/RWNJ that just makes things up, take your pick,..

Fearing tea party violence, four Arizona Republicans resign | The Raw Story

Man with "Tea Party" flag charges Democratic rally - CBS News Video

Ed Schultz: Tea Party Violence is a Threat to Democracy - YouTube

4 teabaggers part of a "patriot group" (aka home grown militia terrorist organization) planning terror attacks on america

Georgia militia members arrested, accused of plotting ricin attack -

Dude is that the best you can do? After all you did say

I've seen plenty of the geezers crapping their pants, rednecks, and constant outbreaks of violence at their rallies to have a good idea of the teabaggers are about.

We all know that MSNBC is not a source to use when trying to make your point, They have been busted numerous times for editing videos to fit their agenda.

still waiting

LOL all you teabaggers can do is deflect and try to make up excuses, google "tim profitt" and you can take your pick of which article you want to read on how the teabaggers tackled a young woman and stomped on her head. I provided numerous examples of the violence and attempted terror attacks from the teabaggers, but you keep right on believing they are nothing but patriots for "less spending" and "less government" :lmao:

so TWO is numerous?
liberal twilight zone, music soon
Dude is that the best you can do? After all you did say

We all know that MSNBC is not a source to use when trying to make your point, They have been busted numerous times for editing videos to fit their agenda.

still waiting

LOL all you teabaggers can do is deflect and try to make up excuses, google "tim profitt" and you can take your pick of which article you want to read on how the teabaggers tackled a young woman and stomped on her head. I provided numerous examples of the violence and attempted terror attacks from the teabaggers, but you keep right on believing they are nothing but patriots for "less spending" and "less government" :lmao:

so TWO is numerous?
liberal twilight zone, music soon

look at his sources. :cuckoo::eusa_whistle::badgrin:

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