Anyone see Huntsman on Morning Joe? Did you see what he's for?



I am watching John Huntsman on Morning Joe in his "one of the people" costumes consisting of knee faded jeans, and a black leather blazer, but with perfectly coiffed hair.

When asked about Romney's ties with Bain and all the jobs destroyed or sent to China, he said he didn't want to comment because then people will start looking at his company and what he's done.

Now this is where is get's hilarious. As he was saying how he endorsed the Ryan Plan, across the bottom of the screen it said that healthcare cost the country 2.6 trillion last year, $8,040.00 for every person in the US.

The Ryan Plan would end Medicare by turning it into a "voucher program".

I want Republicans to explain how these guys are in it to protect the rich and how can they use that and, "doing nothing for the average American" as one of their best selling points? The majority of Republicans are in that Middle Class, or lower. Why are they fighting against their own self interests? Do they truly want their lives to be worse? Or do they just hate the black guy so much, they are willing to see their families suffer to get him out of office. 2.6 trillion and Republicans want LESS healthcare?

I wish they could explain what Obama has done that so radical.
Forcing people to buy a product at gunpoint isn't radical?

Now, let me preface this by saying that I'm not a huge fan of the individual mandate...and not just because it is a republican idea...although that doesn't help. (Did you know that frothy Santorum supported an individual mandate too?)

Santorum and Watkins would require individuals to buy health insurance rather than forcing employers to pay for employee benefits.

Candidates Diverge On Health Care Remedies

So that makes Newt, Romney and Santorum that all supported the individual mandate...until the black guy implemented it. Funny that, eh?

Personally, I would much prefer Medicare for all than the individual mandate. There should at least be a public option available for those being required to purchase health care.
Forcing people to buy a product at gunpoint isn't radical?


jesus Im sick of the fucking non stop lies

What is your issue with the word gunpoint being used in collecting taxes?

Because regardless of the bent of the government, taxes would be collected "at gunpoint". Even the most libertarian, minarchist government would need some funds. If I refuse to pay, what are they going to do about it? Write me a sternly worded note?!?!

jesus Im sick of the fucking non stop lies

What is your issue with the word gunpoint being used in collecting taxes?

Because regardless of the bent of the government, taxes would be collected "at gunpoint". Even the most libertarian, minarchist government would need some funds. If I refuse to pay, what are they going to do about it? Write me a sternly worded note?!?!

If you don't pay taxes because you disagree with what your tax dollars are spent on, you get put in a cement box and held at gunponit.

JoeB's line made perfect sense.
I am watching John Huntsman on Morning Joe in his "one of the people" costumes consisting of knee faded jeans, and a black leather blazer, but with perfectly coiffed hair.

When asked about Romney's ties with Bain and all the jobs destroyed or sent to China, he said he didn't want to comment because then people will start looking at his company and what he's done.

Now this is where is get's hilarious. As he was saying how he endorsed the Ryan Plan, across the bottom of the screen it said that healthcare cost the country 2.6 trillion last year, $8,040.00 for every person in the US.

The Ryan Plan would end Medicare by turning it into a "voucher program".

I want Republicans to explain how these guys are in it to protect the rich and how can they use that and, "doing nothing for the average American" as one of their best selling points? The majority of Republicans are in that Middle Class, or lower. Why are they fighting against their own self interests? Do they truly want their lives to be worse? Or do they just hate the black guy so much, they are willing to see their families suffer to get him out of office. 2.6 trillion and Republicans want LESS healthcare?

I wish they could explain what Obama has done that so radical.

Becuase they are not saying that.

Your jealousy for the wealthy has your mind spinning what the GOP are saying

jesus Im sick of the fucking non stop lies

What is your issue with the word gunpoint being used in collecting taxes?

Because regardless of the bent of the government, taxes would be collected "at gunpoint". Even the most libertarian, minarchist government would need some funds. If I refuse to pay, what are they going to do about it? Write me a sternly worded note?!?!

If you take money from everyone and use it to benefit everyone then that is one thing, if you take money from one group and use it to benefit some other group then that is something entirely different. Even taking money from some and using it to benefit all is not really fair is it?
What is your issue with the word gunpoint being used in collecting taxes?

Because regardless of the bent of the government, taxes would be collected "at gunpoint". Even the most libertarian, minarchist government would need some funds. If I refuse to pay, what are they going to do about it? Write me a sternly worded note?!?!

If you don't pay taxes because you disagree with what your tax dollars are spent on, you get put in a cement box and held at gunponit.

JoeB's line made perfect sense.

It made sense in a general way, but it doesn't apply to this topic, since regardless of the reason the government wants money, "at gunpoint" would be the final step.
Forcing people to buy a product at gunpoint isn't radical?


jesus Im sick of the fucking non stop lies

SO you dont pay taxes.
The IRS contacts you.
You say to them.."I refuse to pay my taxes"
They take you to court.
The judge says "pay your taxes or go to jail"
You refuse.
You go to jail.

Jail guards carry guns for a keep you in jail.

There was absolutely no lie in the statement.

Prove me wrong.
Because regardless of the bent of the government, taxes would be collected "at gunpoint". Even the most libertarian, minarchist government would need some funds. If I refuse to pay, what are they going to do about it? Write me a sternly worded note?!?!

If you don't pay taxes because you disagree with what your tax dollars are spent on, you get put in a cement box and held at gunponit.

JoeB's line made perfect sense.

It made sense in a general way, but it doesn't apply to this topic, since regardless of the reason the government wants money, "at gunpoint" would be the final step.

Well we agree it's part of the process.

Gov't taking your money and holding you at gunpoint if you disagree with what they forced you to do against your will is spot on.

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