Anyone notice PEARL HARBOR in the RED SEA?


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2012
It has started folks-----Iran has committed an act of war via the red sea -----the port City , ADEN-----Fighting is ongoing between the forces of Iran and
It was bound to happen, all those years of European meddling....

right----of course----Europe has been meddling in Yemen for CENTURIES I have noticed in history ----that Europeans are FASCINATED WITH YEMEN ------
(face facts----moonie-----most european kids never heard of the place---and even a higher percentage of the adult
population would just return a blank stare) You got a link to the EUROPEAN MEDDLING in Yemen?
Non link providing OP demands links.

I is DA OP-----pertaining to what issue do you WISH for a link?
A link claiming actual Iranian military forces in a fight with actual Saudi forces.

There is none-----iran does not acknowledge the fact that
the HOUTHIS are their shills in Yemen. You want a
"link"? find a nice friendly Yemeni grocer or newsstand person ------who is SUNNI-----establish a friendly relationship -------and discuss that matter. Right now the Saudis are bombing the Iranian shills----who are armed by and continue to be supplied by Iran. The Iranian shills are shooting back. For overt Iranian, via its military, involvement-----give it a few days. For the record---Yemen does not MAKE ARMAMENTS-----but that land is CHOCK FULL of "stuff" (yemen does produce honey and tomatoes and coffee and khat)
We've been arming the saudis to the teeth for decades.

Yes----Saudi Arabia is armed to the teeth---and so is Iran.
Yemen never had much at all other than a big knife at the waist of every Yemeni and a few grenades and-----a pistol and maybe a diminutive machine gun lette. Now the HOUTHIS ----an impoverished minority are ARMED TO THE TEETH
We've been arming the saudis to the teeth for decades.

Yes----Saudi Arabia is armed to the teeth---and so is Iran.
Yemen never had much at all other than a big knife at the waist of every Yemeni and a few grenades and-----a pistol and maybe a diminutive machine gun lette. Now the HOUTHIS ----an impoverished minority are ARMED TO THE TEETH
I was speaking in terms of ginormously expensive jets and guided air to ground munitions.
We've been arming the saudis to the teeth for decades.

Yes----Saudi Arabia is armed to the teeth---and so is Iran.
Yemen never had much at all other than a big knife at the waist of every Yemeni and a few grenades and-----a pistol and maybe a diminutive machine gun lette. Now the HOUTHIS ----an impoverished minority are ARMED TO THE TEETH
I was speaking in terms of ginormously expensive jets and guided air to ground munitions.

oh-----you think that Iran does not have ginormous jets?.
My information is that both Saudi Arabia AND Iran
extensive air stuff and talented ---up in the air ---operatives

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