CDZ Any Government, no matter how large or small. . .

Our govt. has a legitimate role to play in defending rights from the moment a life begins.

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  • False

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No. My shop example was a simplification, to show that nobody expects what is not common sense. However, laws are usually not by common sense. Also, they are hugely complex. And even common sense can vary from country to country. For example, how many Mexicans would you expect to do your research of US law before arrival? That is if they even learn English for it first.
That should be their problem when faced with the results of their ignorance. When enough people start paying the price; word will get out.

That is how Hitler was hiding his concentration camps, and Stalin was hiding his gulags. People didn't know, traveled in and took jobs, then later they were just simply interned. Especially the Soviet Union did this. Why do you think that the USA should do this too?
Lame, leading, end sentence...

You are a socialist. I can't think of anything worse than that.
Fascists are clearly the worst.

Do not confuse Fascism with Nazism to begin with. Most of those who get so emotional regarding fascism or how they perceive it are usually very shallow thinkers who have been thoroughly indoctrinated into political correctness and marxism. Fascism is just a form of government and it can take many shapes or forms. American Fascism would be nothing like Nazism or even Mussolini's more friendly fascism. American Fascism would take its own form and as such could offer an escape from our present dilemna of division, stagnation and the inability to get anything accomplished due to so many diffrerent agendas and aspirations.

If you have a selfless and charismatic leader, who knows how to take care of his people and push the country foreword, fascism can be very beneficial because literally 'tons' of bureaucratic paperwork and years of arguing can be transcended when the leader says "do this". America is divided now more-so than at any time in history since the Civil War...multiculturalism and diversity have been over-represented as something desirable but in reality and truth has contributed to the division and unravelling of our society which has lost its way.

In his book titled, "The Decline of the West," Oswald Spengler said "liberalism, democracy, socialism (and) free-masosnry" weakened it. Only fascism could save it.
In his essay titled, "Fascism: Doctrine and Institutions," Mussolini said, "Fascism denies, in democracy, the absurd conventional untruth of political equality dressed out in the garb of collective responsibility."
He called it the "complete opposite" of Marxist belief in class struggle as the driving force for social progress and justice. He said "(f)ascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power."
His definition applies now. Corporatism's alliance with political Washington reflects his ideology. It's been building for decades and has much more to offer than corrupt pc politicians who care not for the people ---their main concern being their political careers aka professional politicians made possible by the seniority system....they line their pockets, accrue power and control the masses via political corectness aka keep them divided thus ensuring nothing of significance gets done.

Huey Long once said fascism will arrive "wrapped in an American flag." In his book titled, "Friendly Fascism," Bertram Gross called Ronald Reagan its prototype ruler.

Aman is not a dictator when he is given a commission from the people and carries it out."

— Huey Long
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No. My shop example was a simplification, to show that nobody expects what is not common sense. However, laws are usually not by common sense. Also, they are hugely complex. And even common sense can vary from country to country. For example, how many Mexicans would you expect to do your research of US law before arrival? That is if they even learn English for it first.
That should be their problem when faced with the results of their ignorance. When enough people start paying the price; word will get out.

That is how Hitler was hiding his concentration camps, and Stalin was hiding his gulags. People didn't know, traveled in and took jobs, then later they were just simply interned. Especially the Soviet Union did this. Why do you think that the USA should do this too?
Lame, leading, end sentence...

You are a socialist. I can't think of anything worse than that.
Fascists are clearly the worst.

How is it anything BUT fascist to hold the view that a child is not a child nor worthy of basic human rights, until they live too long and develop past a point where you can't justify your denial of them anymore?
American Christian Fascism is the solution to the stagnation in Washington and the moral collapse from Hollywood to Wall St. in N.Y.

'Political radicals often shout, "Fascist!", "Fascist!" at anyone who doesn't agree with their views. The term is especially popular among college students. But do such people actually know what Fascism is? Have they studied it?

Unfortunately, Fascism has an undeserved bad reputation. Regardless of this reputation, Fascism is a very sensible economic and social ideology. There are a few different "flavors" of Fascism, but basically they all come down to the following.

First and foremost, Fascism is an economic system in which a nation's government plays a central role in monitoring all banking, trade, production, and labor activity which takes place within the nation. Such monitoring is done for the sole purpose of safeguarding & advancing the nation and its people.
Under Fascism, the government will not approve of any business activity unless that business has a positive impact on the nation as a whole and the people of the nation - this is the axiom which determines everything within the economic aspect of Fascism.

In other words, the government asks, "Is XYZ Enterprises good for our nation and our people?" If yes, it's approved. If no, it's not approved. When they ask, "Is it good?", they mean, "Is XYZ Enterprises good for the workers, do they pay a fair wage, do they produce a product or provide a service which advances our nation & our people technologically, morally, spiritually, health-wise, etc???"

Fascism values professionals and "Blue Collar" workers equally and, unlike Marxism, promotes harmony between them.
For example, a pornography company would not be allowed because pornography corrupts people generally and exploits & degrades women particularly. Also, "free" trade agreements (such as what the U.S. has with China) would never be allowed because such trade agreements result in companies sending jobs overseas (where labor is dirt cheap). Such an activity, of course, would undermine a nation's labor class. This is entirely unacceptable and thus not allowed under a Fascist economic model.

Fascism is based on free enterprise - but with constraints (the primary constraint being, "Is the particular economic activity in question good for our nation/people?"). Also, a businessman can become wealthy in a Fascist country, and the government has no objection to this (this is in stark contrast to Communism). Fascism also encourages private ownership of property (again, in stark contrast to Communism where private property is not allowed).

In a nutshell, Fascism basically tells entrepreneurs, "Go ahead and start a business, earn a lot of money, be successful, but don't produce any products or services which damage our nation and our nation's people... and make sure you treat your workers fair and pay them a living wage. If you don't follow these rules, we'll shut you down."

With regard to banking, usury is not allowed under Fascism. The government tightly controls all aspects of monetary policy, including terms of lending. The government issues/prints money and lends it interest free, as needed, to grow the economy and ultimately serve the citizens.

The above is the economic aspect of Fascism. There is also a cultural/social aspect to Fascism as well. Under Fascism, government plays a key role in monitoring: film, theatre, art, literature, music, education, etc in order to maintain a high moral standard, keep things clean and respectable, promote a strong sense of patriotism and honor, and prevent the dissemination of depraved filth which corrupts society.

With regard to political legislation introduced by a Fascist government, the same criteria is applied - "Will this proposed law benefit the nation as a whole and the people of our nation?"
A few other things to mention. Fascism encourages respect for the environment as Fascists understand that nature is the giver of life and thus must be preserved. Contrast this environmental philosophy with that of Capitalism which too often takes the short term view with regard to natural resources and foolishly believes that pollution is a necessary byproduct of profit. Also, and somewhat related to environmental issues, Fascism holds very progressive views with regard to animal rights.

Also, under American Fascism, if a person doesn't like things, he/she can leave the country. Contrast this with Communism where if you don't like things, you better keep your mouth shut. And, of course, there is no option to leave the country. You will submit or else be sent to a re-education camp where you'll be brainwashed to accept the Communist system. And if you still resist, you'll probably be killed. Again, there is no leaving. Submit or suffer the consequences.

Further, Fascism holds women in very high regard. Women are the carriers of new life. They are expected to be educated, worldly, and well read. Women are encouraged to pursue their interests and have a career but only if a career won't interfere with their family's needs; family comes first, always.

.Women are encouraged to be strong yet feminine. Consistent with these ideas, Fascist art often portrays women as heroic.

In short, Fascism is a form of government & social system which authentically serves the interests of the people and nation as a whole.
The word "Fascism" comes from the Italian word "fascio" meaning "the group" or more specifically, "in consideration of the group." Fascism is rooted in the notion that people must stay true to two mental concepts throughout their lives: 1) the individual's needs (themselves) and, 2) the group's needs (their nation)... always evaluating how their individual actions affect the group.
Thus Fascism rejects the self-centered "me me me" mentality so common under Capitalism. For example, in a Fascist nation each person is expected to maintain a healthy diet & lifestyle. For if not, they may become seriously ill and thus require expensive health care; this would negatively impact the group (i.e., they'd become a financial burden on the nation).

Continuing this line of thought, under Fascism all people of one's ethnicity are considered the greater family of that person. Hence, a Fascist nation is thought of as one giant family of several million people. Therefore, just as one mustn't do anything to hurt their brother or sister in their immediate family, under Fascism one mustn't do anything which would hurt the nation/group (i.e., the greater family). This is the essence of Fascism - a strong consideration of the group balanced with individualism.

Although the economic aspect of Fascism is free-market based, Fascism is NOT Capitalism. Many on the political left wrongly equate Fascism with Capitalism. Again, Fascism is NOT Capitalism. Allow me to briefly explain: the primary goal of Capitalism is profit. On the other hand, the primary goal of Fascism is the well being of a nation's citizens and well being of the nation as a whole. In a purist-type Capitalist country (i.e., Super-Capitalism) almost nothing can interfere with maximizing profits - not workers, not the environment... almost nothing.
Even when a Capitalist country starts out with tight government regulations, it invariably moves towards Laissez-faire economics (i.e., Super-Capitalism) by way of less and less government regulation. Human greed drives this transformation and ultimately the working class suffer via lower wages or loss of employment altogether if their job is, say, transferred overseas, where labor is dirt cheap.

The corrupting influence of Wall Street 'Fat Cats' and Cronie Capitalists like Warren Buffoon would be neutered under Fascism.
Capitalists believe that immense wealth at the top will "trickle down" to the masses i.e., that everything will magically work itself out. A certain amount of wealth does "trickle down" but, too often, the worker and environment suffer. As just one example, tens of millions of American manufacturing jobs have been shipped overseas during the past two decades (Capitalist so-called "free" trade policies have allowed for such outsourcing of jobs). Of course then, just as Fascists reject Communism, they also reject Capitalism.

by.....James Miller, Phd
A person is simply a human being. That is exactly what a pre-born baby is, you are just discriminating against age and location.

No, I'm discriminating on the basis of viability. A kidney bean sized fetus will die when removed from the uterus... every time.

Human life does not begin the moment the baby's head pops out of the birth canal. There are different stages of human life, and in each one of those stages you have a human being, a person. Starting from the moment a person comes into existence, until the moment they die.

Except our legal standard is people don't exist until they pop out of the birth canal.

But I'm a lot more practical than that. when you think life begins is irrelevant, when women will have abortions no matter what the law is, because that's what they've always done, even when it was a lot more dangerous than it is now.
No. My shop example was a simplification, to show that nobody expects what is not common sense. However, laws are usually not by common sense. Also, they are hugely complex. And even common sense can vary from country to country. For example, how many Mexicans would you expect to do your research of US law before arrival? That is if they even learn English for it first.
That should be their problem when faced with the results of their ignorance. When enough people start paying the price; word will get out.

That is how Hitler was hiding his concentration camps, and Stalin was hiding his gulags. People didn't know, traveled in and took jobs, then later they were just simply interned. Especially the Soviet Union did this. Why do you think that the USA should do this too?
Lame, leading, end sentence...

You are a socialist. I can't think of anything worse than that.
Fascists are clearly the worst.

I think fascists are a form of socialists, because the word Nazi stands for Nazionalsocialist.
That should be their problem when faced with the results of their ignorance. When enough people start paying the price; word will get out.

That is how Hitler was hiding his concentration camps, and Stalin was hiding his gulags. People didn't know, traveled in and took jobs, then later they were just simply interned. Especially the Soviet Union did this. Why do you think that the USA should do this too?
Lame, leading, end sentence...

You are a socialist. I can't think of anything worse than that.
Fascists are clearly the worst.

Do not confuse Fascism with Nazism to begin with. Most of those who get so emotional regarding fascism or how they perceive it are usually very shallow thinkers who have been thoroughly indoctrinated into political correctness and marxism. Fascism is just a form of government and it can take many shapes or forms. American Fascism would be nothing like Nazism or even Mussolini's more friendly fascism. American Fascism would take its own form and as such could offer an escape from our present dilemna of division, stagnation and the inability to get anything accomplished due to so many diffrerent agendas and aspirations.

If you have a selfless and charismatic leader, who knows how to take care of his people and push the country foreword, fascism can be very beneficial because literally 'tons' of bureaucratic paperwork and years of arguing can be transcended when the leader says "do this". America is divided now more-so than at any time in history since the Civil War...multiculturalism and diversity have been over-represented as something desirable but in reality and truth has contributed to the division and unravelling of our society which has lost its way.

In his book titled, "The Decline of the West," Oswald Spengler said "liberalism, democracy, socialism (and) free-masosnry" weakened it. Only fascism could save it.
In his essay titled, "Fascism: Doctrine and Institutions," Mussolini said, "Fascism denies, in democracy, the absurd conventional untruth of political equality dressed out in the garb of collective responsibility."
He called it the "complete opposite" of Marxist belief in class struggle as the driving force for social progress and justice. He said "(f)ascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power."
His definition applies now. Corporatism's alliance with political Washington reflects his ideology. It's been building for decades and has much more to offer than corrupt pc politicians who care not for the people ---their main concern being their political careers aka professional politicians made possible by the seniority system....they line their pockets, accrue power and control the masses via political corectness aka keep them divided thus ensuring nothing of significance gets done.

Huey Long once said fascism will arrive "wrapped in an American flag." In his book titled, "Friendly Fascism," Bertram Gross called Ronald Reagan its prototype ruler.

Aman is not a dictator when he is given a commission from the people and carries it out."

— Huey Long

Socialism may have destroyed the west, but fascism will not save it. This is because both of these populist schemes punish the middle class and give free ticket to others. Only the right end of the spectrum can provide hope. This is because only the right end, derogated as "anarchist" can provide the variance that is necessary for existence.
That is how Hitler was hiding his concentration camps, and Stalin was hiding his gulags. People didn't know, traveled in and took jobs, then later they were just simply interned. Especially the Soviet Union did this. Why do you think that the USA should do this too?
Lame, leading, end sentence...

You are a socialist. I can't think of anything worse than that.
Fascists are clearly the worst.

Do not confuse Fascism with Nazism to begin with. Most of those who get so emotional regarding fascism or how they perceive it are usually very shallow thinkers who have been thoroughly indoctrinated into political correctness and marxism. Fascism is just a form of government and it can take many shapes or forms. American Fascism would be nothing like Nazism or even Mussolini's more friendly fascism. American Fascism would take its own form and as such could offer an escape from our present dilemna of division, stagnation and the inability to get anything accomplished due to so many diffrerent agendas and aspirations.

If you have a selfless and charismatic leader, who knows how to take care of his people and push the country foreword, fascism can be very beneficial because literally 'tons' of bureaucratic paperwork and years of arguing can be transcended when the leader says "do this". America is divided now more-so than at any time in history since the Civil War...multiculturalism and diversity have been over-represented as something desirable but in reality and truth has contributed to the division and unravelling of our society which has lost its way.

In his book titled, "The Decline of the West," Oswald Spengler said "liberalism, democracy, socialism (and) free-masosnry" weakened it. Only fascism could save it.
In his essay titled, "Fascism: Doctrine and Institutions," Mussolini said, "Fascism denies, in democracy, the absurd conventional untruth of political equality dressed out in the garb of collective responsibility."
He called it the "complete opposite" of Marxist belief in class struggle as the driving force for social progress and justice. He said "(f)ascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power."
His definition applies now. Corporatism's alliance with political Washington reflects his ideology. It's been building for decades and has much more to offer than corrupt pc politicians who care not for the people ---their main concern being their political careers aka professional politicians made possible by the seniority system....they line their pockets, accrue power and control the masses via political corectness aka keep them divided thus ensuring nothing of significance gets done.

Huey Long once said fascism will arrive "wrapped in an American flag." In his book titled, "Friendly Fascism," Bertram Gross called Ronald Reagan its prototype ruler.

Aman is not a dictator when he is given a commission from the people and carries it out."

— Huey Long

Socialism may have destroyed the west, but fascism will not save it. This is because both of these populist schemes punish the middle class and give free ticket to others. Only the right end of the spectrum can provide hope. This is because only the right end, derogated as "anarchist" can provide the variance that is necessary for existence.

Entirely wrong.............American Christian Fascism would be all about the middle class aka...The White Working Class....and you seem not to understand that Fascism falls on the right side of the spectrum. and 'Variance' as you say falls under multuiculturalism and diversity which has caused much if not most of our current problems.
Lame, leading, end sentence...

You are a socialist. I can't think of anything worse than that.
Fascists are clearly the worst.

Do not confuse Fascism with Nazism to begin with. Most of those who get so emotional regarding fascism or how they perceive it are usually very shallow thinkers who have been thoroughly indoctrinated into political correctness and marxism. Fascism is just a form of government and it can take many shapes or forms. American Fascism would be nothing like Nazism or even Mussolini's more friendly fascism. American Fascism would take its own form and as such could offer an escape from our present dilemna of division, stagnation and the inability to get anything accomplished due to so many diffrerent agendas and aspirations.

If you have a selfless and charismatic leader, who knows how to take care of his people and push the country foreword, fascism can be very beneficial because literally 'tons' of bureaucratic paperwork and years of arguing can be transcended when the leader says "do this". America is divided now more-so than at any time in history since the Civil War...multiculturalism and diversity have been over-represented as something desirable but in reality and truth has contributed to the division and unravelling of our society which has lost its way.

In his book titled, "The Decline of the West," Oswald Spengler said "liberalism, democracy, socialism (and) free-masosnry" weakened it. Only fascism could save it.
In his essay titled, "Fascism: Doctrine and Institutions," Mussolini said, "Fascism denies, in democracy, the absurd conventional untruth of political equality dressed out in the garb of collective responsibility."
He called it the "complete opposite" of Marxist belief in class struggle as the driving force for social progress and justice. He said "(f)ascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power."
His definition applies now. Corporatism's alliance with political Washington reflects his ideology. It's been building for decades and has much more to offer than corrupt pc politicians who care not for the people ---their main concern being their political careers aka professional politicians made possible by the seniority system....they line their pockets, accrue power and control the masses via political corectness aka keep them divided thus ensuring nothing of significance gets done.

Huey Long once said fascism will arrive "wrapped in an American flag." In his book titled, "Friendly Fascism," Bertram Gross called Ronald Reagan its prototype ruler.

Aman is not a dictator when he is given a commission from the people and carries it out."

— Huey Long

Socialism may have destroyed the west, but fascism will not save it. This is because both of these populist schemes punish the middle class and give free ticket to others. Only the right end of the spectrum can provide hope. This is because only the right end, derogated as "anarchist" can provide the variance that is necessary for existence.

Entirely wrong.............American Christian Fascism would be all about the middle class aka...The White Working Class....and you seem not to understand that Fascism falls on the right side of the spectrum. and 'Variance' as you say falls under multuiculturalism and diversity which has caused much if not most of our current problems.

No because all of these assertions are false.

1. American Christian Fascism would be about the middle class if it limited taxation to the Biblical 10 % which it doesn't propose, and the white working class is mostly not the middle class.

2. Fascism doesn't fall on the right side of the spectrum but on the left side, along with socialism together. The deception that fascism is on the right side was introduced by the Soviet Union as a part of anti Germany ww2 war propaganda.

3. Mathematically, everything needs a higher than zero variance or it has no energy to exist. You don't even need to go as far as multiculturalism or diversity for this to be true, universally.
That should be their problem when faced with the results of their ignorance. When enough people start paying the price; word will get out.

That is how Hitler was hiding his concentration camps, and Stalin was hiding his gulags. People didn't know, traveled in and took jobs, then later they were just simply interned. Especially the Soviet Union did this. Why do you think that the USA should do this too?
Lame, leading, end sentence...

You are a socialist. I can't think of anything worse than that.
Fascists are clearly the worst.

How is it anything BUT fascist to hold the view that a child is not a child nor worthy of basic human rights, until they live too long and develop past a point where you can't justify your denial of them anymore?
I’m curious how you philosophically handle the following situation:

You say you “largely agree” with the following statement “nobody can really argue that a victim of rape, under-aged girl knocked up, or some medical danger to the mother should not be able to have an abortion”
That’s three different abortion situations. So to “largely agree”, you’d have to agree with at least one of the following two situations, a: “victim of a rape”; or b: “under-aged girl knocked up”. However you also believe that personhood occurs at the moment of fertilization, meaning if a victim of rape got an abortion a week after she was raped, she would be killing a person. Not only that, it would be needless and pre-meditated murder of an innocent person; a very serious crime. Therefore you’d have to “agree” that “murder” should go unpunished, right? That would seem to be a very philosophically unjust belief.
No, I'm discriminating on the basis of viability. A kidney bean sized fetus will die when removed from the uterus... every time. [

Viability is not what determines human life. It is what determines a new stage of human life, but pre-born babies before the point of viability are still human beings, just in a different stage of life.

Also, what you said above is incorrect. Have you ever heard of embryo adoption? It is a somewhat new procedure (I believe since the 90s). What happens is, during in vitro fertilization sometimes more than one embryo is created, and couples doing in vitro sometimes donate their extra embryos to other couples who are trying to get pregnant. The embryos are frozen (just days after conception) and stored. Later couples looking to try embryo adoption are implanted with those embryos and if all goes well, the baby begins to grow, the woman carries the baby and nine months later gives birth.

Someone I know who is very close to me did embryo adoption and she now has a beautiful, healthy daughter and son, through that procedure. If the parents who donated the embryos thought like you guys did – that anything before viability is disposable trash – then those two kids I mentioned who I know and love would never have been born. They were just as precious days after conception as they are today.

Except our legal standard is people don't exist until they pop out of the birth canal.

But I'm a lot more practical than that. when you think life begins is irrelevant, when women will have abortions no matter what the law is, because that's what they've always done, even when it was a lot more dangerous than it is now.

Laws are not always correct. Slavery was once legal too, you now.
Viability is not what determines human life. It is what determines a new stage of human life, but pre-born babies before the point of viability are still human beings, just in a different stage of life.

That's a very nice opinion. But that's all it is - an opinion.

Laws are not always correct. Slavery was once legal too, you now.

Yes, yes, please use the Holocaust, slavery or any other bs you want to justify trying to turn women into involuntary breeding machines..
That's a very nice opinion. But that's all it is - an opinion.

Actually, it is a scientific fact that human life begins at conception, not viability. So you're the one with an opinion, and since your word alone doesn't constitute truth, please back yourself up.

Yes, yes, please use the Holocaust, slavery or any other bs you want to justify trying to turn women into involuntary breeding machines..

I didn't say anything about the holocaust. It is a undeniable fact that laws are not always correct. Do you disagree?
Actually, it is a scientific fact that human life begins at conception, not viability.

Viability is the only issue here... sorry.

Life began 4 billion years ago and is an ongoing process.

I didn't say anything about the holocaust. It is a undeniable fact that laws are not always correct. Do you disagree?

This one is, because it recognized reality.

Reality- if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.
Viability is not what determines human life. It is what determines a new stage of human life, but pre-born babies before the point of viability are still human beings, just in a different stage of life.

That's a very nice opinion. But that's all it is - an opinion.

Laws are not always correct. Slavery was once legal too, you now.

Yes, yes, please use the Holocaust, slavery or any other bs you want to justify trying to turn women into involuntary breeding machines..

How is having consensual sex not voluntary?
Viability is the only issue here... sorry.

In the abortion debate? No, the issue is when human life begins. And it is scientifically incorrect to say that viability is when human life begins. It's just your opinion.

Life began 4 billion years ago and is an ongoing process.

Not what we're talking about here and you know it.

This one is, because it recognized reality.

Reality- if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.

No, it's not correct and it's also extremely inconsistent. Just to give one example, in a number of states you can get charged with a double homicide if you kill a pregnant woman. How can they do that if there is no second human being there?

As for the last thing you said, that's irrelevant to this debate. The same could be said for rape, murder or any other thing for that matter.
How is having consensual sex not voluntary?

Okay, but you see, what about the involuntary sex? Are you saying that they should be forced to have babies after rape?

Or are you one of these "Gift from God" rape types?

But once you say, "Well, no, I think women who've been raped should be allowed to have abortions", then you've pretty much admitted life doesn't begin at conception. We don't execute children for their father's crimes.
No, it's not correct and it's also extremely inconsistent. Just to give one example, in a number of states you can get charged with a double homicide if you kill a pregnant woman. How can they do that if there is no second human being there?

Those laws are sentimental bullshit. They shouldn't be on the books.

As for the last thing you said, that's irrelevant to this debate. The same could be said for rape, murder or any other thing for that matter.

Good point. But here's the thing, we lock up rapists and murderers.

We don't lock up women who get abortions. We didn't lock up women who got abortions even when abortion was illegal.
How is having consensual sex not voluntary?

Okay, but you see, what about the involuntary sex? Are you saying that they should be forced to have babies after rape?

Or are you one of these "Gift from God" rape types?

But once you say, "Well, no, I think women who've been raped should be allowed to have abortions", then you've pretty much admitted life doesn't begin at conception. We don't execute children for their father's crimes.

You clearly haven't read many of my already existing posts or threads on this subject.

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