Any bets on if Justice Thomas will recuse himself?


Jan 11, 2012
Justice Thomas’ spouse is a paid lobbyist who has received $686,589 from the Heritage Foundation, a prominent conservative think tank and opponent of healthcare reform. Justice Thomas failed to report the sum until recently. Ms. Thomas has also received an undisclosed salary as the CEO of Liberty Central, a conservative organization that actively opposes the new law.

Why isn't he recusing himself?
Isn't getting more than a half million dollars into your household income a mitigating factor?

I would think that given his past indiscretions about reporting his household's sources of income, he would be more sensitive to this issue.

But apparently, he's SO HONEST that he won't think about that cool half a million when he casts his judgment. Honest as the day is long.

This doesn't pass the STINK TEST CONZ.
Will you step up and DEMAND higher ethics or will you let it slide, because it's your guy.
Like you did with Larry Craig? Remember him? The Senator who pled guilty to soliciting toilet sex?
You guys couldn't kick HIM out either...instead you waited for him to retire so he could collect a nice fat government pension.
I guess you just don't HAVE any ethics or morality when it comes to this stuff, do you CONZ?
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Why on earth would he recuse himself from a case he doesnt have a conflict on?

Getting half a million dollars from the other side isn't a conflict of interest?

Did you not READ that or are you simply STUPID?
they are too dishonest to admitt he shoud recuse himself.

Its how the right sees the world.

ONLY their guys are immune from wrongdoing
That's what his wife does for a living, not him. No need for recussal. Now Kagen, since she actually worked to get Obamacare passed, she had little choice. But I don't expect a hack like yourself to understand the difference.
they are too dishonest to admitt he shoud recuse himself.

Its how the right sees the world.

ONLY their guys are immune from wrongdoing

So what? How many of our "elected officials" are bought and sold in much the same way? Isn't that how this bill got here in the first place?
Justice Thomas’ spouse is a paid lobbyist who has received $686,589 from the Heritage Foundation, a prominent conservative think tank and opponent of healthcare reform. Justice Thomas failed to report the sum until recently. Ms. Thomas has also received an undisclosed salary as the CEO of Liberty Central, a conservative organization that actively opposes the new law.

Why isn't he recusing himself?
Isn't getting more than a half million dollars into your household income a mitigating factor?

I would think that given his past indiscretions about reporting his household's sources of income, he would be more sensitive to this issue.

But apparently, he's SO HONEST that he won't think about that cool half a million when he casts his judgment. Honest as the day is long.

This doesn't pass the STINK TEST CONZ.
Will you step up and DEMAND higher ethics or will you let it slide, because it's your guy.
Like you did with Larry Craig? Remember him? The Senator who pled guilty to soliciting toilet sex?
You guys couldn't kick HIM out either...instead you waited for him to retire so he could collect a nice fat government pension.
I guess you just don't HAVE any ethics or morality when it comes to this stuff, do you CONZ?

Of course not. What makes this even more of a conflict is that she/Heritage was originally in favor of universal health care. But, Thomas has no integrity.

But, good news is that they have found against the tax loophole objection. Score one for the 99%.
That's what his wife does for a living, not him. No need for recussal. Now Kagen, since she actually worked to get Obamacare passed, she had little choice. But I don't expect a hack like yourself to understand the difference.

So half a million dollars in YOUR household wouldn't influence your decision making at all?

Yeah. Right.

Maybe he simply forgot about that half million his wife made?
He seems to forget about a lot of important stuff. Like filing his wife's financial disclosure forms like a first year law clerk would know to do.
I would think that both of the Justices should recuse themselves because according to Federal law they both can be said to fit the following: Kagan b(3) Roberts b(4). Of course Justices view themselves in a different class than other judges and as the final arbiters immune to certain laws.

(a) Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.
(b) He shall also disqualify himself in the following circumstances:
(1) Where he has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party, or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding;
(2) Where in private practice he served as lawyer in the matter in controversy, or a lawyer with whom he previously practiced law served during such association as a lawyer concerning the matter, or the judge or such lawyer has been a material witness concerning it;
(3) Where he has served in governmental employment and in such capacity participated as counsel, adviser or material witness concerning the proceeding or expressed an opinion concerning the merits of the particular case in controversy;
(4) He knows that he, individually or as a fiduciary, or his spouse or minor child residing in his household, has a financial interest in the subject matter in controversy or in a party to the proceeding, or any other interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the proceeding;
28 USC § 455 - Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge | LII / Legal Information Institute
Justice Thomas failed to report .... from the Heritage Foundation, a prominent conservative think tank

and how many other cases was the above a factor - why did he not report in good conscious what the public has a right to know ???

Knowing now, through the media only makes Thomas's omission all the more "dishonest".

He should be compelled to retire.
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That's what his wife does for a living, not him. No need for recussal. Now Kagen, since she actually worked to get Obamacare passed, she had little choice. But I don't expect a hack like yourself to understand the difference.

So half a million dollars in YOUR household wouldn't influence your decision making at all?

Yeah. Right.

Maybe he simply forgot about that half million his wife made?
He seems to forget about a lot of important stuff. Like filing his wife's financial disclosure forms like a first year law clerk would know to do.

Dumbass, she got paid regardless of whether it passed in congress or not or whether SCOTUS find in favor or against. Explain to me why he would vote one way or another based on her pay?
Why on earth would he recuse himself from a case he doesnt have a conflict on?

The Heritage foundation has interest in repealing Obamacare and much of Socialist/New Deal legislature that exists today.

If Judge Thomas were to take money from the foundation, it would give the appearance of a pay off to do the foundations bidding.

Of course, there is one little snafu here, I think Judge Thomas' Wife works for the foundation long before Obamacare passed, thus the so-called "conflicts of interests" runs up against "We were against it BEFORE it was implemented."

But such an argument implies that the Thomas's politics influence his decisions on the bench, another mess.

Don't really know about this one. Also consider that there is a liberal judge on the bench with similiar political issues concerning the case sitting on the bench as well.

(In truth, it maybe best that both recluse themselves, but I doubt the partisan's on both sides would agree to that kind of deal)
I'd like to see how Thomas would vote to shut down Obamacare, after his votes in Gonzales v. Raich and U.S. v. Lopez. It would sure be hard to reconcile those opinions with a no vote, and would make me question whether his wife's lobbying paycheck would all of a sudden cause him to do a 180 based on law.

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