"AntiWar" Left tracking and mocking thread


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
You know it's coming.

Silent for 8 full years while Obama was at war EVERY SINGLE DAY and not a protest, not a peep, not a single criticism.

But now that Trump is President, Soros will fund their demonstrations and "conscious"

Track it here
I posted it yesterday and am posting this once again, just because not too many people know.

I've been watching all those "protests", organized and sponsored by Soros in my home land of Ukraine, they were followed by a coup.

So, when I see the same pretty darn well organized behavior of "spontaneous" protesters in Washington and other places, I can recognize very easy the same hand which is leading them.

Stay alert, Trump supporters, please.
You know it's coming.

Silent for 8 full years while Obama was at war EVERY SINGLE DAY and not a protest, not a peep, not a single criticism.

But now that Trump is President, Soros will fund their demonstrations and "conscious"

Track it here

I suspect so, since the war will be on them. I'm not kidding.
Mocking those who oppose war is plain stupid regardless of whether you identify as left or right. Soros and his ilk were behind occupy Wall St. and and much of what spun off from there. The controllers have known for centuries that the best way to control a population is to create an enemy so we see this same pattern throughout history.

The left and right are simply two ideologies created as a mind weapon to keep us separate, divided and even hateful towards one another who basically all want the very same thing.

It has been the bankers for centuries who have done this and everyone with the courage to really look at our paradigm must come to the same conclusion.


Until you get who runs the mainstream mindset of both the left and the right, none of this will ever make sense.
'Anti-War' Leftists are by far the biggest frauds in the country. They're really just 'Anti-Republican.' They could care less how many folks Democrat Presidents slaughter around the world.

So just wait, they'll be crawling out of the woodwork any day now, to start pretending they oppose war again. There's an 'R' in the White House now. Time for them to push their Anti-War shtick.
Mocking those who oppose war is plain stupid

They do not oppose war, as Obama has made war for eight years with scant complaint.

They oppose America, and America has grown tired of it.
I have worked for peace with some who have been active since the 60s. The media leaves a lot out when it suits the agenda and smashes us over the head with it other times.
Mocking those who oppose war is plain stupid

They do not oppose war, as Obama has made war for eight years with scant complaint.

They oppose America, and America has grown tired of it.
I have worked for peace with some who have been active since the 60s. The media leaves a lot out when it suits the agenda and smashes us over the head with it other times.

I too have been around since that time, and I find the modern lunatics to be as abjectly political as their ancestors.

If you oppose war, you must equally oppose all of it, not just that prosecuted by your political enemies.
Mocking those who oppose war is plain stupid

They do not oppose war, as Obama has made war for eight years with scant complaint.

They oppose America, and America has grown tired of it.
I have worked for peace with some who have been active since the 60s. The media leaves a lot out when it suits the agenda and smashes us over the head with it other times.

...If you oppose war, you must equally oppose all of it, not just that prosecuted by your political enemies.
Which is exactly what I had been speaking of. The TV just doesn't keep well informed about what the real peace (antiwar) movement even is.
Mocking those who oppose war is plain stupid

They do not oppose war, as Obama has made war for eight years with scant complaint.

They oppose America, and America has grown tired of it.
The media leaves a lot out when it suits the agenda and smashes us over the head with it other times.

I know what you're talking about: your Media delivers the news which suit the agenda and if it doesn't , then "the news" have to be as crooked as needed to suit the agenda.

For example. since 2008 Media started lying more and more about Russia and during last years basically everything they tell you about Russia/Putin and the situation in Ukraine and Syria is lies.

I hope Trump will be able to change that: I'm sure Western people turn on their TVs to hear the real news about the world, not the fake stories for nut cases.

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