Antifa Thugs Pick Gun-Free Zone Democrat Cities


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Ever notice where the Antifa morons are doing their thing ? A timeline of them has them showing up in cities ruled by Democrats (as many US cities are), and cops ordered to stand down, while the nitwits go crazy, doing anything they want. In 2017, they showed up in Washington, DC, New York, NY, Portland, OR, Seattle. Wa. Berkeley, CA, and Chicago, IL.

They seem to have no fear of the law. And why would they ? They've carefully SELECTED places where they figure they can commit crime and get away with it, because the mayors are just as criminal as they are.

Yes, there are reports of some of these clowns being arrested, as in the recent Portland, OR "protest", where 3 Antifas were arrested, but even these were for minor offenses. There should have been 100 arrests. The only reason these 3 arrests (for minor crimes) occurred, is because the mayor took some heat, (IT'S ABOUT TIME) from his own police department , for making the cops to stand down, and let the thug goofballs do their thing.

These arrests (which probably won't involve jail time) were tokens. In cities with Democrat mayors (where Antifa seems to concentrate), these idiots can be confident to run wild without much repercussion. When arrests do occur, they are very few, and most involve confiscation of weapons. I wonder how many of the Antifa jerks are actually doing jail time, or got bail sprung by wealthy contributors, and wound up just with community service "penalties."

Do they ever go to cities in Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida ? that are not gun-free zones, and CCW permits flourish ? where they would be filling up morgues, with dead bodies riddled with bullet holes.

I wonder if there is a record of where these idiots attack ? I'd be interested to see that.

A Timeline Of Antifa Violence: January – August 2017
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Ever notice where the Antifa morons are doing their thing ? A timeline of them has them showing up in cities ruled by Democrats (as many US cities are), and cops ordered to stand down, while the nitwits go crazy, doing anything they want. In 2017, they showed up in Washington, DC, New York, NY, Portland, OR, Seattle. Wa. Berkeley, CA, and Chicago, IL.

They seem to have no fear of the law. And why would they ? They've carefully SELECTED places where they figure they can commit crime and get away with it, because the mayors are jut as criminal as they are.

Yes, there are reports of some of these clowns being arrested, as in the recent Portland, OR "protest", where 3 Antifas were arrested, but even these were for minor offenses. There should have been 100 arrests. The only reason these 3 arrests (for minor crimes) occurred, is because the mayor took some heat, (IT'S ABOUT TIME) from his own police department , for making the cops to stand down, and let the thug goofballs do their thing.

These arrests (which probably won't involve jail time) were tokens. In cities with Democrat mayors (where Antifa seems to concentrate), these idiots can be confident to run wild without much repercussion. When arrests do occur, they are very few, and most involve confiscation of weapons. I wonder how many of the Antifa jerks are actually doing jail time, or got bail sprung by wealthy contributors, and wound up just with community service "penalties."

Do they ever go to cities in Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida ? that are not gun-free zones, and CCW permits flourish ? where they would be filling up morgues, with dead bodies riddled with bullet holes.

I wonder if there is a record of where these idiots attack ? I'd be interested to see that.

A Timeline Of Antifa Violence: January – August 2017
The only way you can stop the lawless in cities without laws is by breaking the law.
That is their protection.
I heard a guy on the radio yesterday describe Antifa as the future CheKa, and he is precisely right. The kids who are being duped into thinking they are "fighting Nazis" or "fighting racism" are going to so so so regret what the Antifa leadership has used them for. Only the truly depraved, the truly soulless, the truly psychopathic, the truly monstrous will thrive in that organization and die with no regrets. Instead, they will die with horror. The average Antifa dupe, however, will die early, painfully, and full of regret.
I heard a guy on the radio yesterday describe Antifa as the future CheKa, and he is precisely right. The kids who are being duped into thinking they are "fighting Nazis" or "fighting racism" are going to so so so regret what the Antifa leadership has used them for. Only the truly depraved, the truly soulless, the truly psychopathic, the truly monstrous will thrive in that organization and die with no regrets. Instead, they will die with horror. The average Antifa dupe, however, will die early, painfully, and full of regret.
I saw an Antifa person on CNN showing brass knuckles and a knife, and bragging about them. The stupid CNN guy tried on the brass knuckles, and praised them.

If these fools came at us here in Tampa, FL, with these weapons, their blood would fill the streets, for only the cost of a few expended bullets.
Ever notice where the Antifa morons are doing their thing ? A timeline of them has them showing up in cities ruled by Democrats (as many US cities are), and cops ordered to stand down, while the nitwits go crazy, doing anything they want. In 2017, they showed up in Washington, DC, New York, NY, Portland, OR, Seattle. Wa. Berkeley, CA, and Chicago, IL.

They seem to have no fear of the law. And why would they ? They've carefully SELECTED places where they figure they can commit crime and get away with it, because the mayors are just as criminal as they are.

Yes, there are reports of some of these clowns being arrested, as in the recent Portland, OR "protest", where 3 Antifas were arrested, but even these were for minor offenses. There should have been 100 arrests. The only reason these 3 arrests (for minor crimes) occurred, is because the mayor took some heat, (IT'S ABOUT TIME) from his own police department , for making the cops to stand down, and let the thug goofballs do their thing.

These arrests (which probably won't involve jail time) were tokens. In cities with Democrat mayors (where Antifa seems to concentrate), these idiots can be confident to run wild without much repercussion. When arrests do occur, they are very few, and most involve confiscation of weapons. I wonder how many of the Antifa jerks are actually doing jail time, or got bail sprung by wealthy contributors, and wound up just with community service "penalties."

Do they ever go to cities in Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida ? that are not gun-free zones, and CCW permits flourish ? where they would be filling up morgues, with dead bodies riddled with bullet holes.

I wonder if there is a record of where these idiots attack ? I'd be interested to see that.

A Timeline Of Antifa Violence: January – August 2017
I see a "West Side Story" developing here.

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