Antifa, The Unfortunate Consequence of The Growing U.S. Nazi Movement


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The peaceful protests by progressive groups demonstrating against conservative hate organizations are being marred by the violence of Antifa.

Antifa as an entity is nothing new. Antifa began in Nazi Germany and the “Anti-Fascist Action, a militant group founded in the 1980s in the United Kingdom.” The ideals of Antifa have nothing in common with the progressive agenda, aside from opposition to the danger posed to U.S. society by the White Nationalists, white supremacists, skin-heads, and similar Nazi groups.

The rise of Antifa in the U.S. is the unfortunate consequence of the Big Orange Idiot’s embracing the Nazi hate groups and the conservatives’ eager acceptance of Big Orange’s actions.

Unlike conservatives who stand squarely behind the Big Orange Idiot’s agenda to Make America White Again, progressives condemn both the Nazis’ violence, and that of Antifa.

The advocating of violence and hatred spewed by Nazis is finding wide acceptance among conservatives. When the Big Orange Idiot encouraged violence during his campaign rallies he received repeated standing ovations for doing so. This fact cannot be denied by conservatives as there are countless videos on the Internet as proof.

However, while conservatives welcome Nazi violence and criminal assault against peaceful protesters, the actions of Antifa prove they differ little, if any from the Nazis they attack.

Like fascism, many Antifa members support oppressed populations, and other aspects of the fascists’ agenda. While other Antifa affiliates use radical or militant tactics to promote their message. None of which are compatible with the progressive policies of equality for all, and moreover, accepting the diversity that built the United States.

The conservatives’ hatred of non-whites, non-Christians, coupled with their homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, and overwhelming desire for a plutocratic government are at odds with the Founding Fathers’ intents. This is despite the conservatives’ consistent invoking of their misinterpretations of the U.S. Constitution.

Simply put, Nazi=bad, Antifa=bad. Of course, this is also much too difficult for conservatives to understand.


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Alt Right.jpg

And this kind of sh!t is supposed to make America great again? Conservatism at its best.

Sooooo, if the cause isn't there create one eh? If there isn't an issue blow one way out of proportion to reality. Yup sounds just like politics at it's worse. :rolleyes:
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Not a big fan of antifa or anarchists in general. Dr. King showed America how to successfully protest but practically no one does it that way anymore.
If we simply enforce the rule of law, these fringe groups have no,power.
Explain, we have freedom of association in this country. Everyone from Nazi scumbags to anarchist dumbasses have the freedom to exist as a group.
If we simply enforce the rule of law, these fringe groups have no,power.
For the most part they have no power. They're also not growing except in stridency and media coverage due to the counter protests. Also let's not forget that many of these white trash nobodies believe it was their message that got Trump elected and the media feeds into it. Typical media spoon fed morons like the OP swallow it hook line and sinker.
If we simply enforce the rule of law, these fringe groups have no,power.
For the most part they have no power. They're also not growing except in stridency and media coverage due to the counter protests. Also let's not forget that many of these white trash nobodies believe it was their message that got Trump elected and the media feeds into it. Typical media spoon fed morons like the OP swallow it hook line and sinker.
It is a fact that the "alt-right" is Trump's most enthusiastic die-hard supporters. It is also clear he is hesitant to alienate these people. At this moment these scumbags have more political power than they have had for a very long time.
If we simply enforce the rule of law, these fringe groups have no,power.
For the most part they have no power. They're also not growing except in stridency and media coverage due to the counter protests. Also let's not forget that many of these white trash nobodies believe it was their message that got Trump elected and the media feeds into it. Typical media spoon fed morons like the OP swallow it hook line and sinker.
It is a fact that the "alt-right" is Trump's most enthusiastic die-hard supporters. It is also clear he is hesitant to alienate these people. At this moment these scumbags have more political power than they have had for a very long time.
Typical lefties pardon an anarchist gang because of unsubstantiated claims of a ficticious "nazi movement" while they are all connected by hatred for the President and probably manipulated by the dirty tricks faction of the democrat party.
If we simply enforce the rule of law, these fringe groups have no,power.
For the most part they have no power. They're also not growing except in stridency and media coverage due to the counter protests. Also let's not forget that many of these white trash nobodies believe it was their message that got Trump elected and the media feeds into it. Typical media spoon fed morons like the OP swallow it hook line and sinker.
It is a fact that the "alt-right" is Trump's most enthusiastic die-hard supporters. It is also clear he is hesitant to alienate these people. At this moment these scumbags have more political power than they have had for a very long time.
The nazis have all you people closing ranks around them simply because you feel you have to disagree with liberals in all they do and say.
If we simply enforce the rule of law, these fringe groups have no,power.
For the most part they have no power. They're also not growing except in stridency and media coverage due to the counter protests. Also let's not forget that many of these white trash nobodies believe it was their message that got Trump elected and the media feeds into it. Typical media spoon fed morons like the OP swallow it hook line and sinker.
It is a fact that the "alt-right" is Trump's most enthusiastic die-hard supporters. It is also clear he is hesitant to alienate these people. At this moment these scumbags have more political power than they have had for a very long time.
The nazis have all you people closing ranks around them simply because you feel you have to disagree with liberals in all they do and say.
That's because everything leftists do or say is wrong.
Typical lefties pardon an anarchist gang because of unsubstantiated claims of a ficticious "nazi movement" while they are all connected by hatred for the President and probably manipulated by the dirty tricks faction of the democrat party.

It's directly out of the left wing anything by Hillary Clinton's self admitted hero...

Saul Alinsky - Wikipedia
If we simply enforce the rule of law, these fringe groups have no,power.
For the most part they have no power. They're also not growing except in stridency and media coverage due to the counter protests. Also let's not forget that many of these white trash nobodies believe it was their message that got Trump elected and the media feeds into it. Typical media spoon fed morons like the OP swallow it hook line and sinker.
It is a fact that the "alt-right" is Trump's most enthusiastic die-hard supporters. It is also clear he is hesitant to alienate these people. At this moment these scumbags have more political power than they have had for a very long time.
The nazis have all you people closing ranks around them simply because you feel you have to disagree with liberals in all they do and say.
That's because everything leftists do or say is wrong.
Leftists almost unanimously hate Nazis, so does that mean you like Nazis?
For the most part they have no power. They're also not growing except in stridency and media coverage due to the counter protests. Also let's not forget that many of these white trash nobodies believe it was their message that got Trump elected and the media feeds into it. Typical media spoon fed morons like the OP swallow it hook line and sinker.
It is a fact that the "alt-right" is Trump's most enthusiastic die-hard supporters. It is also clear he is hesitant to alienate these people. At this moment these scumbags have more political power than they have had for a very long time.
The nazis have all you people closing ranks around them simply because you feel you have to disagree with liberals in all they do and say.
That's because everything leftists do or say is wrong.
Leftists almost unanimously hate Nazis, so does that mean you like Nazis?

You poor naive soul.

Leftists are Nazis. Nazis are leftists.

What is the difference between Stalin and Hitler, other than Stalin murdering 20 million and Hitler murdering 6 million?
If we simply enforce the rule of law, these fringe groups have no,power.
For the most part they have no power. They're also not growing except in stridency and media coverage due to the counter protests. Also let's not forget that many of these white trash nobodies believe it was their message that got Trump elected and the media feeds into it. Typical media spoon fed morons like the OP swallow it hook line and sinker.
It is a fact that the "alt-right" is Trump's most enthusiastic die-hard supporters. It is also clear he is hesitant to alienate these people. At this moment these scumbags have more political power than they have had for a very long time.
They are? It is? Sounds to me like a typical gross generalization based on political bias.
If we simply enforce the rule of law, these fringe groups have no,power.
For the most part they have no power. They're also not growing except in stridency and media coverage due to the counter protests. Also let's not forget that many of these white trash nobodies believe it was their message that got Trump elected and the media feeds into it. Typical media spoon fed morons like the OP swallow it hook line and sinker.
It is a fact that the "alt-right" is Trump's most enthusiastic die-hard supporters. It is also clear he is hesitant to alienate these people. At this moment these scumbags have more political power than they have had for a very long time.
The nazis have all you people closing ranks around them simply because you feel you have to disagree with liberals in all they do and say.
If we simply enforce the rule of law, these fringe groups have no,power.
For the most part they have no power. They're also not growing except in stridency and media coverage due to the counter protests. Also let's not forget that many of these white trash nobodies believe it was their message that got Trump elected and the media feeds into it. Typical media spoon fed morons like the OP swallow it hook line and sinker.
It is a fact that the "alt-right" is Trump's most enthusiastic die-hard supporters. It is also clear he is hesitant to alienate these people. At this moment these scumbags have more political power than they have had for a very long time.
The nazis have all you people closing ranks around them simply because you feel you have to disagree with liberals in all they do and say.

I live in Denver and love my legal weed.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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