Antifa Terrorism & Civil War...The New Republic, “Antifa is arming itself Against Trump Crackdown”!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Antifa has declared war on America’s border agents and the pro-open border press has declared a media blackout on the details.

If you’ve been keeping track of corporate press storytelling, this is what you know: On July 13, 69-year-old Willem Van Spronsen stormed an ICE detention centre in Tacoma. He was armed and eventually fatally shotafter throwing what authorities called “incendiary devices” at an immigration detention center in Washington state, trying to set a commercial-size propane tank on fire.

And that’s where the story ends.

But did you know the dead firebombing terrorist, who had ICE agents in his crosshairs, was an avowed member of Antifa’s militant left wing gun club?

Did you even know Antifa has a gun club?

Didn’t think so.

He boasts, “I am Antifa,” in his manifesto—a declaration which likely occasions images of morbidly obese purple haired “women” and emaciated soyboys.

And the Antifa militant was dead serious about his commitment to the gun club and its namesake. “John Brown, my moral guide,” he stated in his manifesto. John Brown, to be sure, was an American abolitionist who advocated the use of armed insurrection to achieve political ends.

So, now that we know Antifa has a gun club and an self-professed member who attempted to murder US government agents, you might be curious as to whether the gun club has any comment.

You bet they do.

Did they condemn the terrorist attack at the hands of one of their members? Nope. The opposite. They celebrated his failed murder attempt and are fashioning him into a martyr.

An official statement from the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club reads: “Early in the morning on July 13, Willem Van Spronsen, a former member of Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, was killed in an altercation at a facility adjacent to the Northwest Detention Center.”

The piece, which points to the fact terrorist Van Spronsen’s Antifa gun club started some four months after Donald Trump’s election, sinisterly hints at, dare I say it, assassination of America’s beloved President.

“Assassination to remove tyrants is just, not murder,” The New Republicstates.

As America’s right wing fecklessly squabbles over immigration and censorship policies, America’s left wing has both prepared for and declared a civil war. And make no mistake: This isn’t a quarrel in the cooler — shots have already been fired — this war is red hot and shows signs of only just beginning.

While no reader should be so delusional as to expect the corporate media to report on the matter, it would be nice to see the Administration at least acknowledge it’s happening at all. And declaring these so-called “Antifascists” a domestic terror group would make for a damn good start.
Antifa is the militant armed militia that left all feared would come, beginning in the eighties. But of course the media was afraid of right wing militias. The Southern Poverty Law Center still makes good money frightening the elderly with tales of Nazis and skin heads coming out of the hills to get them.

They are already here well entrenched and protected in places like Portland, Oregon, Tacoma, Seattle and Washington DC. That Portland will not pass laws against wearing face masks in that city tells you all you need to know.
Antifa has declared war on America’s border agents and the pro-open border press has declared a media blackout on the details.

If you’ve been keeping track of corporate press storytelling, this is what you know: On July 13, 69-year-old Willem Van Spronsen stormed an ICE detention centre in Tacoma. He was armed and eventually fatally shotafter throwing what authorities called “incendiary devices” at an immigration detention center in Washington state, trying to set a commercial-size propane tank on fire.

And that’s where the story ends.

But did you know the dead firebombing terrorist, who had ICE agents in his crosshairs, was an avowed member of Antifa’s militant left wing gun club?

Did you even know Antifa has a gun club?

Didn’t think so.

He boasts, “I am Antifa,” in his manifesto—a declaration which likely occasions images of morbidly obese purple haired “women” and emaciated soyboys.

And the Antifa militant was dead serious about his commitment to the gun club and its namesake. “John Brown, my moral guide,” he stated in his manifesto. John Brown, to be sure, was an American abolitionist who advocated the use of armed insurrection to achieve political ends.

So, now that we know Antifa has a gun club and an self-professed member who attempted to murder US government agents, you might be curious as to whether the gun club has any comment.

You bet they do.

Did they condemn the terrorist attack at the hands of one of their members? Nope. The opposite. They celebrated his failed murder attempt and are fashioning him into a martyr.

An official statement from the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club reads: “Early in the morning on July 13, Willem Van Spronsen, a former member of Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, was killed in an altercation at a facility adjacent to the Northwest Detention Center.”

The piece, which points to the fact terrorist Van Spronsen’s Antifa gun club started some four months after Donald Trump’s election, sinisterly hints at, dare I say it, assassination of America’s beloved President.

“Assassination to remove tyrants is just, not murder,” The New Republicstates.

As America’s right wing fecklessly squabbles over immigration and censorship policies, America’s left wing has both prepared for and declared a civil war. And make no mistake: This isn’t a quarrel in the cooler — shots have already been fired — this war is red hot and shows signs of only just beginning.

While no reader should be so delusional as to expect the corporate media to report on the matter, it would be nice to see the Administration at least acknowledge it’s happening at all. And declaring these so-called “Antifascists” a domestic terror group would make for a damn good start.
Sounds like he missed out on the VietNam war protests. I thought Antifa only threw milkshakes and pussy hats.
Antifa has declared war on America’s border agents and the pro-open border press has declared a media blackout on the details.

If you’ve been keeping track of corporate press storytelling, this is what you know: On July 13, 69-year-old Willem Van Spronsen stormed an ICE detention centre in Tacoma. He was armed and eventually fatally shotafter throwing what authorities called “incendiary devices” at an immigration detention center in Washington state, trying to set a commercial-size propane tank on fire.

And that’s where the story ends.

But did you know the dead firebombing terrorist, who had ICE agents in his crosshairs, was an avowed member of Antifa’s militant left wing gun club?

Did you even know Antifa has a gun club?

Didn’t think so.

He boasts, “I am Antifa,” in his manifesto—a declaration which likely occasions images of morbidly obese purple haired “women” and emaciated soyboys.

And the Antifa militant was dead serious about his commitment to the gun club and its namesake. “John Brown, my moral guide,” he stated in his manifesto. John Brown, to be sure, was an American abolitionist who advocated the use of armed insurrection to achieve political ends.

So, now that we know Antifa has a gun club and an self-professed member who attempted to murder US government agents, you might be curious as to whether the gun club has any comment.

You bet they do.

Did they condemn the terrorist attack at the hands of one of their members? Nope. The opposite. They celebrated his failed murder attempt and are fashioning him into a martyr.

An official statement from the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club reads: “Early in the morning on July 13, Willem Van Spronsen, a former member of Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, was killed in an altercation at a facility adjacent to the Northwest Detention Center.”

The piece, which points to the fact terrorist Van Spronsen’s Antifa gun club started some four months after Donald Trump’s election, sinisterly hints at, dare I say it, assassination of America’s beloved President.

“Assassination to remove tyrants is just, not murder,” The New Republicstates.

As America’s right wing fecklessly squabbles over immigration and censorship policies, America’s left wing has both prepared for and declared a civil war. And make no mistake: This isn’t a quarrel in the cooler — shots have already been fired — this war is red hot and shows signs of only just beginning.

While no reader should be so delusional as to expect the corporate media to report on the matter, it would be nice to see the Administration at least acknowledge it’s happening at all. And declaring these so-called “Antifascists” a domestic terror group would make for a damn good start.
Oh criminy. Google just his last name and you'd be reading articles and watching vids for a week.

Antifa is not an arm of "the left." They are anarchists and if they try to kill ICE agents or anyone else, they deserve to be shot. The man had gone way deep into his ideology. He had lost his balance wheel. It was a suicidal act and he knew it and wrote it. He thought he was a noble hero, dying for a great cause. As he threw fire bombs at populated buildings. Sure, he was fine. :cuckoo:
Antifa is not an arm of "the left." They are anarchists and if they try to kill ICE agents or anyone else, they deserve to be shot. The man had gone way deep into his ideology. He had lost his balance wheel. It was a suicidal act and he knew it and wrote it. He thought he was a noble hero, dying for a great cause. As he threw fire bombs at populated buildings. Sure, he was fine. :cuckoo:

Chris Cuomo Defends Left-wing Terrorist Group Antifa as 'Good Cause'

CNN’s Chris Cuomo once again defended the left-wing terrorist group Antifa, this time declaring them a “good cause.”
The far-left Cuomo’s abiding affection for these black-clad, fully masked terrorists and the violence they commit, not just against neo-Nazis, but police officers, journalists, and everyday citizens, reveals a lot about the dangerous radicalism of the basement-rated CNN.

Late last year Cuomo openly embraced political violence against the right with a fascist rant defending Antifa’s brutality and bloodshed.

“It’s not about being right in the eyes of the law,” Cuomo said in defense of Antifa, “but you also have to know what’s right and wrong in a moral, in a good and evil sense.”

“That’s why people who show up to fight against bigots are not to be judged the same as the bigots, even if they do resort to the same kinds of petty violence,” he added.

His brother, the goobernator of New York also likes Antifa and is busy trying to disarm those who could resist Antifa terrorism..

So, you were saying?
CNN lionized the ANTIFA man who died attacking an ICE facility iun Washington.

This is CNN? Network apparently recently glorified ICE detention center attacker

The heavily promoted CNN show featured Bell explaining the “Redneck Revolt,” which he identified as gun-toting liberals who defend the Second Amendment and seek to battle the “alt-right” and neo-Nazis.

Bell called them “good guys,” going to a gun range with members and even questioning why “more white people” don’t share their viewpoints.

One of the men featured on the CNN special appears to be Van Spronsen -- who was armed with a rifle and incendiary devices when he launched his assault on the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma around 4 a.m. Saturday, according to the Tacoma Police Department.

Employees reported Van Spronsen was throwing 'incendiary devices' and setting vehicles on fire and the first officers on the scene said he was carrying flares. He allegedly was trying to ignite a propane tank when he was confronted by the officers, who opened fire. The Pierce County Medical Examiner’s office said he died of multiple gunshot wounds.​
Terrorists are so often handled with kid gloves by authorities. Not until they force the issue do police under fire respond in kind and overcome the terrorists. So far, Antifa terrorists have only targeted civilian targets and government authorities have apparently ordered enforcement personnel to stand down and not engage them. Eventually, the terrorists will be emboldened to the point that they will attack the police, or individual officers will finally become fed up with being compelled to stand aside while fellow citizens are attacked. Either way, Antifa dogs will be shot down in the streets. If the police do not execute their duty to protect citizens, the citizens will be compelled to protect themselves. At that time, the police will have to choose sides, either they will protect citizens or they will protect the terrorists. This information should alert those who complacently believe that these terrorists are no match for a well-trained, well-armed citizen that they must prepare themselves to engage a prepared force.
Interesting times...
Antifa is not an arm of "the left." They are anarchists and if they try to kill ICE agents or anyone else, they deserve to be shot. The man had gone way deep into his ideology. He had lost his balance wheel. It was a suicidal act and he knew it and wrote it. He thought he was a noble hero, dying for a great cause. As he threw fire bombs at populated buildings. Sure, he was fine. :cuckoo:
You dont know your own political party.

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