Anti-Muslim attacks up 78%

Do you know how many anti-Muslim attacks there are and how many Muslim attacks there are in the US every year?

Pretty small and insignificant given the nature of that cult and its record of hate crimes and savagery. Nothing to see here.

Still doesn't answer the question.

So I'll take it you don't know either. People who claim to know stuff but when you ask, they don't actually know, but will shout out their baseless opinion.

Dumb... it's not baseless opinion, but rather obvious one to anyone with functional eyes in this planet. Do you think men or women commit more crime. Do you know the exact statistics? Oh so, obviously it can't be that the obvious truth that men commit more crime is true.

Anti-muslim terrorism is so insignificant that it won't even register to a normal person. Equating the two problems is once again a complete feat of liberal mental gymnastics.

So damn fucking obvious that YOU CAN'T TELL ME THE STATISTICS.

It's not "obvious", it's just you've decided that you're baseless views are right and you won't bother to go find out if you're right or wrong.

Why don't you try for the first time in your life?

Quit running from your true self, and be free. You and the other sociopaths can come out of the closet now, you have many friends and supporters in the media, the Democratic Party, academia, all the power centers are all behind you now.

Why don't you try debating? Why don't you try using sources, facts, figures, have an argument, back up this argument? What's so scary about that?
You're telling me what I've never thought. I mean, what the fuck? How can you know what I've thought and not thought from reading a few of my posts?
We know enough about what you think about this issue. We also understand that you are abjectly ignorant and a hack. That's is sufficient. Do you get it now?

I get that you're going on ignore. Who are you anyway? Doesn't matter, bye.
Pretty small and insignificant given the nature of that cult and its record of hate crimes and savagery. Nothing to see here.

Still doesn't answer the question.

So I'll take it you don't know either. People who claim to know stuff but when you ask, they don't actually know, but will shout out their baseless opinion.

Dumb... it's not baseless opinion, but rather obvious one to anyone with functional eyes in this planet. Do you think men or women commit more crime. Do you know the exact statistics? Oh so, obviously it can't be that the obvious truth that men commit more crime is true.

Anti-muslim terrorism is so insignificant that it won't even register to a normal person. Equating the two problems is once again a complete feat of liberal mental gymnastics.

So damn fucking obvious that YOU CAN'T TELL ME THE STATISTICS.

It's not "obvious", it's just you've decided that you're baseless views are right and you won't bother to go find out if you're right or wrong.

Why don't you try for the first time in your life?

Quit running from your true self, and be free. You and the other sociopaths can come out of the closet now, you have many friends and supporters in the media, the Democratic Party, academia, all the power centers are all behind you now.

Why don't you try debating? Why don't you try using sources, facts, figures, have an argument, back up this argument? What's so scary about that?

Because anti-Muslim terror is so insignificant that no serious statistic even has it as a category.
Hate crimes against American Muslims have soared to their highest levels since the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to data compiled by researchers, an increase apparently fueled by terrorist attacks in the United States and abroad and by divisive language on the campaign trail.

The trend has alarmed hate crime scholars and law-enforcement officials, who have documented hundreds of attacks — including arsons at mosques, assaults, shootings and threats of violence — since the beginning of 2015.

While the most current hate crime statistics from the FBI are not expected until November, new data from researchers atCalifornia State University found that hate crimes against American Muslims were up 78 percent over the course of 2015. Attacks on those perceived as Arab rose even more sharply.

Police and media reports in recent months have indicated a continued flow of attacks, often against victims wearing traditional Muslim garb or seen as Middle Eastern.

Gee thanks, Mr. Trump. Thanks for a glimpse into what an American future would look like in your reich.

Anti-Muslim attacks up 78%

What is the hate crime rate by and among Muslims against Christians? Oh, wait, that's people don't believe Christians or Whites can be the victims of hate crimes. Makes it kind of a bullshit term if the criteria a definition are not consistent.

Has any RWnut responded to this thread without either supporting hate crimes against Muslims,

or trying to change the subject?

Not a chance. All I've run into is attacks.
Hate crimes against American Muslims have soared to their highest levels since the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to data compiled by researchers, an increase apparently fueled by terrorist attacks in the United States and abroad and by divisive language on the campaign trail.

The trend has alarmed hate crime scholars and law-enforcement officials, who have documented hundreds of attacks — including arsons at mosques, assaults, shootings and threats of violence — since the beginning of 2015.

While the most current hate crime statistics from the FBI are not expected until November, new data from researchers atCalifornia State University found that hate crimes against American Muslims were up 78 percent over the course of 2015. Attacks on those perceived as Arab rose even more sharply.

Police and media reports in recent months have indicated a continued flow of attacks, often against victims wearing traditional Muslim garb or seen as Middle Eastern.

Gee thanks, Mr. Trump. Thanks for a glimpse into what an American future would look like in your reich.

Anti-Muslim attacks up 78%

What is the hate crime rate by and among Muslims against Christians? Oh, wait, that's people don't believe Christians or Whites can be the victims of hate crimes. Makes it kind of a bullshit term if the criteria a definition are not consistent.

Has any RWnut responded to this thread without either supporting hate crimes against Muslims,

or trying to change the subject?

Not a chance. All I've run into is attacks.

More proof that Hillary Clinton was correct to point out that the Islamophobes were a core component of Trump's support.
Are all these hate crimes against muslims what democrats want to use to excuse three terrorist attacks in three states in one day?

Liberals just upped the hate crimes against muzz by the 8 people knifed in a Minnesota mall. BTW the killer was stopped by a CCW holder. Is that another hate crime?
Denial of reality, denial of reality, denial of reality. The muzzie lovers don't have the desire to research the history of islam. They're stuck in that stupid belief that tolerance and diversity will make this nation stronger. You have to be aware of the history of who you are tolerant of first.
More proof that Hillary Clinton was correct to point out that the Islamophobes were a core component of Trump's support.

More proof that liberals would side with a religion that is HERE killing Americans than they would Americans.

Ignorance and stupidity on steroids is what these new democrats are. They're not even democrats. They've become an alien force to be dealt with. We need to keep the 2nd amendment alive.
Hate crimes against American Muslims have soared to their highest levels since the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to data compiled by researchers, an increase apparently fueled by terrorist attacks in the United States and abroad and by divisive language on the campaign trail.

The trend has alarmed hate crime scholars and law-enforcement officials, who have documented hundreds of attacks — including arsons at mosques, assaults, shootings and threats of violence — since the beginning of 2015.

While the most current hate crime statistics from the FBI are not expected until November, new data from researchers atCalifornia State University found that hate crimes against American Muslims were up 78 percent over the course of 2015. Attacks on those perceived as Arab rose even more sharply.

Police and media reports in recent months have indicated a continued flow of attacks, often against victims wearing traditional Muslim garb or seen as Middle Eastern.

Gee thanks, Mr. Trump. Thanks for a glimpse into what an American future would look like in your reich.

Anti-Muslim attacks up 78%

Note the lack of any absolute numbers or hint about the actual real size of this problem.

A 78% increase in a tiny insignificant problem is still a tiny insignificant problem.

The Left needs to believe that the US is an Evul Racist place to justify their agenda of discrimination supposed to address the Evulness.

It is a lie.
Let's tally up how many were murdered in the US by Muslims and contrast that to how many Muslims were murdered.

Start with 2900 on 9/11.
The UN estimates the USA has killed over 4 million muslims

Unworthy victims: Western wars have killed four million Muslims since 1990
Well you didn't read you own link. It says the US may have killed as many as 2 million and you need to find the source they used, otherwise it's just noise. Not very credible noise.
Hate crimes against American Muslims have soared to their highest levels since the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to data compiled by researchers, an increase apparently fueled by terrorist attacks in the United States and abroad and by divisive language on the campaign trail.

The trend has alarmed hate crime scholars and law-enforcement officials, who have documented hundreds of attacks — including arsons at mosques, assaults, shootings and threats of violence — since the beginning of 2015.

While the most current hate crime statistics from the FBI are not expected until November, new data from researchers atCalifornia State University found that hate crimes against American Muslims were up 78 percent over the course of 2015. Attacks on those perceived as Arab rose even more sharply.

Police and media reports in recent months have indicated a continued flow of attacks, often against victims wearing traditional Muslim garb or seen as Middle Eastern.

Gee thanks, Mr. Trump. Thanks for a glimpse into what an American future would look like in your reich.

Anti-Muslim attacks up 78%

Note the lack of any absolute numbers or hint about the actual real size of this problem.

A 78% increase in a tiny insignificant problem is still a tiny insignificant problem.

The Left needs to believe that the US is an Evul Racist place to justify their agenda of discrimination supposed to address the Evulness.

It is a lie.

See what I mean? It never ends.
You sound like a Nazi talking about the Jews.

You surrender first libs will the the end of this country yet.

This is coming out now. Did you even bother to ask yourself why now?

Could it be because of the basket of deplorable comment? Now is the the time to polish up that race card.

Gee, now who do you suppose is behind those near 30 injured in that NYC explosion NYCarbineer? No Americans will be upset with that now will they? If they are, it won't be the fault of the "persons" who set off that explosion, it will be Trump's fault, right?
Still doesn't answer the question.

So I'll take it you don't know either. People who claim to know stuff but when you ask, they don't actually know, but will shout out their baseless opinion.

Dumb... it's not baseless opinion, but rather obvious one to anyone with functional eyes in this planet. Do you think men or women commit more crime. Do you know the exact statistics? Oh so, obviously it can't be that the obvious truth that men commit more crime is true.

Anti-muslim terrorism is so insignificant that it won't even register to a normal person. Equating the two problems is once again a complete feat of liberal mental gymnastics.

So damn fucking obvious that YOU CAN'T TELL ME THE STATISTICS.

It's not "obvious", it's just you've decided that you're baseless views are right and you won't bother to go find out if you're right or wrong.

Why don't you try for the first time in your life?

Quit running from your true self, and be free. You and the other sociopaths can come out of the closet now, you have many friends and supporters in the media, the Democratic Party, academia, all the power centers are all behind you now.

Why don't you try debating? Why don't you try using sources, facts, figures, have an argument, back up this argument? What's so scary about that?

Because anti-Muslim terror is so insignificant that no serious statistic even has it as a category.

Really? Hence why the FBI actually have that statistic and hence why the OP posted a report about it.
You em
Hate crimes against American Muslims have soared to their highest levels since the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to data compiled by researchers, an increase apparently fueled by terrorist attacks in the United States and abroad and by divisive language on the campaign trail.

The trend has alarmed hate crime scholars and law-enforcement officials, who have documented hundreds of attacks — including arsons at mosques, assaults, shootings and threats of violence — since the beginning of 2015.

While the most current hate crime statistics from the FBI are not expected until November, new data from researchers atCalifornia State University found that hate crimes against American Muslims were up 78 percent over the course of 2015. Attacks on those perceived as Arab rose even more sharply.

Police and media reports in recent months have indicated a continued flow of attacks, often against victims wearing traditional Muslim garb or seen as Middle Eastern.

Gee thanks, Mr. Trump. Thanks for a glimpse into what an American future would look like in your reich.

Anti-Muslim attacks up 78%

Your empathy for Islam is well noted.

Everywhere Islam spreads there is war and destruction. They have proved that to be the case over the centuries.

Islam today is more a political movement then a religion.

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