
And the parallel between baby killers and abortion dr. killers is apt. Both think they're "right," and think in their particular case, they're justified in killing.

Although of course those who attack abortion doctors do so in the full knowledge that they are breaking the law. They just "think" the law is wrong, so they are "right" so kill.

Those who kill babies do so in the full knowledge that they're taking life. They "think" the law is right, so they are "right" to kill.
Anti-lifers is accurate. "Kill the mother" isn't. That's the difference. This thread is full of lies about pro-life. I don't see any lies about the anti-lifers.

Of course you don't Allie. You're too busy attacking to actually listen. What have I said about the pro-life lobby that is untrue?

Whatever truth you might have included was negated by the rhetorical lies you used.
And the parallel between baby killers and abortion dr. killers is apt. Both think they're "right," and think in their particular case, they're justified in killing.

Although of course those who attack abortion doctors do so in the full knowledge that they are breaking the law. They just "think" the law is wrong, so they are "right" so kill.

Those who kill babies do so in the full knowledge that they're taking life. They "think" the law is right, so they are "right" to kill.

They may view preventing life and taking life as different things. As with everything, it depends where you consider life begins.

Anti-lifers is accurate. "Kill the mother" isn't. That's the difference. This thread is full of lies about pro-life. I don't see any lies about the anti-lifers.

Of course you don't Allie. You're too busy attacking to actually listen. What have I said about the pro-life lobby that is untrue?

Whatever truth you might have included was negated by the rhetorical lies you used.

How convenient for your position.

Care to provide an example of a "rhetorical lie" then, just so I'm sure what you consider a lie?
They can't win an argument WITH IT EITHER... Thus all the angst...

They know they're losing; so they just frail at everything like a thresher... there's no sound reasoning behind abortion as birth control... NONE! It's all one ridiculously obvious lie; but it's accepted because it's easier to accept than taking responsibility.

THe left says it's OK to have casual sex... "ITS FUN!" And No "HUMAN RIGHTS CRAP CAN INTERFERE WITH FUN!"

Of course many a Nazi had a blast plinking those targeted by their rationalizations and when the planet came to it's senses... "FUN" didn't quite cut a viable defense.

They know they're wrong... they're just suffering a strong illusion that 'because they're good people, what they are doing can't be 'THAT WRONG.'

This world is truly turning surreal...

Why isn't JB screaming "lies, lies, lies!!!" now when he would actually be right.

I didn't even read it; I don't bother reading any of PI's posts anymore, as all he ever does is scream about how there are no leftist americans :eusa_eh:[/quote]
Were those links ever provided to support the assertion that 'many' pro-lifers want women to die from non-self-termination ectopic pregnancies?

of course not, because it's a lie.
Would you support an abortion if ...

1. Both the mother and offspring would die otherwise.

2. The mother would die but the offspring could still be born.

Be specific.
Were those links ever provided to support the assertion that 'many' pro-lifers want women to die from non-self-termination ectopic pregnancies?

of course not, because it's a lie.

I don't know whether it's a lie or not having never gone on a hunt for support, but I suspect it's likely to be untrue. I don't doubt that there are a few extremists who take that position, but "many" seems highly unlikely.
Would you support an abortion if ...

1. Both the mother and offspring would die otherwise.

2. The mother would die but the offspring could still be born.

Be specific.

1. Yes, without question.

2. Yes, but the later in the pregnancy the more difficult the question becomes and the more uncomfortable I become about saying yes. I'm assuming that in scenario 2 delivery by c section is not an option that would result in the safety of both mother and baby...?
Would you support an abortion if ...

1. Both the mother and offspring would die otherwise.

2. The mother would die but the offspring could still be born.

Be specific.

1. Yes, without question.

2. Yes, but the later in the pregnancy the more difficult the question becomes and the more uncomfortable I become about saying yes. I'm assuming that in scenario 2 delivery by c section is not an option that would result in the safety of both mother and baby...?

Yes, though rare there are some instances in which c-section doesn't save the mother.

As for JB, answer the question, I did not lie, I asked a question and stated what you appear to be doing by your refusal to answer it. So answer or continue to look like a dictator.
Would you support an abortion if ...

1. Both the mother and offspring would die otherwise.

2. The mother would die but the offspring could still be born.

Be specific.

This is a stupid question.

No, it isn't. Answer it or prove you don't really care about whether someone lives or dies, prove that you just want to push your will on others.

Life doesn't appear to have grey areas for JB, only black and white. Grey appears to be either "stupid" or "lies". At least thats what his historical responses would seem to suggest.
That's one I hear frequently, but I will say I have never actually read anything where the death of the mother has been advocated to save the baby under the circumstances we are discussing. I wonder whether it's an urban legend.

I know of a case where the mother chose her own death for what she considered the privilege of giving birth to a very wanted child.... and this was in the face of all advice from medical personnel and what her very catholic family felt.

I think this is the sort of choice only a very determined mother would make.
Since JB is not going to answer the question, we will assume he would kill the mother and possibly the child instead of allowing an abortion, so he is a "mother killer".
Sorry - the child is a distinct human organism in one sense, but if you sever its connection to the Mother, it cannot survive on its own

And if I fling you into space, you cannot survive on your own- does that make you and Earth part of the same organism? :cuckoo:

It's a parasitic relationship between two organisms, you twit. Do learn some basic biology. This is not difficult subject matter.
a fetus needs and is part of the Mother's body.
How many times must I explain this?

Hahaha, just once - as long as it isn't ridiculous.

People can go into space, there was recently an anniversary I believe, regarding one such jaunt.

Separate organism, yes I agree... in certain ways, and in others part of the same body. Until it is no longer PART of her body - it's up to her what is to be done with it. Like anything inside your body. Or mine. Unless you dispute the rights people have over their own person, in which case you leave the child in the same rightless situation. Your call either way, but do apply the logic evenly to both.
That's one I hear frequently, but I will say I have never actually read anything where the death of the mother has been advocated to save the baby under the circumstances we are discussing. I wonder whether it's an urban legend.

I know of a case where the mother chose her own death for what she considered the privilege of giving birth to a very wanted child.... and this was in the face of all advice from medical personnel and what her very catholic family felt.

I think this is the sort of choice only a very determined mother would make.

And now the child has to grow up with, at best, one parent. Either way, it's a heartbreaking scenario.

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