
I am a Christian. I believe in heaven and hell. I am pro choice up to the point I have already expressed in this thread. Clearly you think I am guilty of a terrible sin and am going straight to hell.

You, on the other hand are clearly pro-life, view yourself as free from sin, and will be welcomed into paradise on Judgement Day.

Perhaps I could ask you to pray for me?

I view myself as free from sin??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I meant free from it as far as the subject under discussion.

Either way, it doesn't really matter. If you really feel I am going to hell and you are a Christian, then say a prayer for me.

In my experience, and this thread is in many ways a good example, far too many Christians are quite happy to sit in judgement of others on this subject, many of them using the most vile names while they do so. Not many ever remember to say a prayer for those they feel are sinning. I'm familiar with your posts and, to a degree, the kind of person you are, and I'm sure you're not one of these.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You're hilarious! Psychological Projection, eh? I've got to thank one of the posters on here for reminding me about this. It's been so long since College Psychology, I had forgotted about it. It seems to happen all the time on message boards.

In classical psychology projection is always seen as a defense mechanism which occurs when a person's own unacceptable or threatening feelings are repressed and then attributed to someone else.

Another thing that happens is that people automatically assume they know exactly what you believe and what you're thinking. For example, if you're against Obama, YOU MUST HAVE VOTED FOR BUSH! If you are pro-Life, YOU MUST THINK PRO-CHOICERS ARE GOING TO HELL! If you think Global Warming might not be as bad as Al Gore says it is, YOU MUST HATE THE ENVIRONMENT AND BE A MEMBER OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.


I never said you were going to Hell, I never said I was without sin and I never said that pro-choicers are going to Hell. I just wouldn't want to be in their shoes come Judgement Day.
i think the person who had the abortion will answer on judgment day to her maker, one on one, and she will have as good as chance as any, to be judged fairly and to be forgiven.

I don't think people who just believe the gvt should stay out of this will be judged one way or the other on it, when their own judgment day comes.... i'm certain there will be many sins of their own, to answer to...and be forgiven for...
I view myself as free from sin??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I meant free from it as far as the subject under discussion.

Either way, it doesn't really matter. If you really feel I am going to hell and you are a Christian, then say a prayer for me.

In my experience, and this thread is in many ways a good example, far too many Christians are quite happy to sit in judgement of others on this subject, many of them using the most vile names while they do so. Not many ever remember to say a prayer for those they feel are sinning. I'm familiar with your posts and, to a degree, the kind of person you are, and I'm sure you're not one of these.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You're hilarious! Psychological Projection, eh? I've got to thank one of the posters on here for reminding me about this. It's been so long since College Psychology, I had forgotted about it. It seems to happen all the time on message boards.

In classical psychology projection is always seen as a defense mechanism which occurs when a person's own unacceptable or threatening feelings are repressed and then attributed to someone else.

Another thing that happens is that people automatically assume they know exactly what you believe and what you're thinking. For example, if you're against Obama, YOU MUST HAVE VOTED FOR BUSH! If you are pro-Life, YOU MUST THINK PRO-CHOICERS ARE GOING TO HELL! If you think Global Warming might not be as bad as Al Gore says it is, YOU MUST HATE THE ENVIRONMENT AND BE A MEMBER OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.


I never said you were going to Hell, I never said I was without sin and I never said that pro-choicers are going to Hell. I just wouldn't want to be in their shoes come Judgement Day.

Well, that's cleared things up.

And with regard to the bolded comment above, your implication is as clear as crystal but now you're backing away from it while accusing me of psychological projection. Classic. :clap2:
Rape victims count for approximately zero percent of women seeking abortions.
Talk about spin!!!

Technically any woman who gets pregnant while she is under the age of consent has been raped.

JBeuk-Enema gave me neg rep for this post but no comment other than an indecipherable emoticon. Must be he hates when a valid point is made. :lol:
You haven't shown how the law is unequal,

It has been shown numerous times; you simply keep your eyes closed
It's obvious to anyone with a brain who the idiot is here, and it's you.

:lol: That's rich.

ust to finish off your dumbass argument: the government has every right to legislate which types of relationships they decide to subsidize.
wait for it...

They're completely based on the heterosexual monogamous model of marriage
in other words, Modern Christian Marriage...

and there's no Constitutional mandate that we even receive them.


Instead of being baselessly covetous, you should ask yourself why we have any regulation on benefits and incentives from the government. Using your mentality, I deserve a G.I. bill

If you serve and earn it, yes. Anyone who serves and earns it qualifies, regardless of sex, race, etc.

Also, you're lying once again. You can't even state what 'my mentality' is :lol: The legal recognition of contract has nothjing to do with the welfare state, you idiot. Once again, you show the utter stupidity and dishonest nature of right-wing ideology

By the way, most of what you listed shouldn't even exist.

Your suspicions are just evidence of your idiocy. You have yet to support any of your ridiculous claims regarding abortion.
So. once again, you do not deny that you are part of the adoption industry that exploits young low income girls and women?
this looks a lot like an ad Hom

I'd say it resembles less an ad hom and more pure, unrefined ore of stupidity and dishonesty.
Rape victims count for approximately zero percent of women seeking abortions.
Talk about spin!!!

Technically any woman who gets pregnant while she is under the age of consent has been raped.

JBeuk-Enema gave me neg rep for this post but no comment other than an indecipherable emoticon. Must be he hates when a valid point is made. :lol:

If you consider that to be a 'valid point' you have made it clear that my conclusion is correct: you're either one of the most retarded and dishonest people on USMB, or you're nothing but a troll.

Do you even know what the word 'rape' really means, you twit?
Random association again.

Or just outright lying. Which is what the pro-abortion sect has to revert to. They can't win an argument without it.

They can't win an argument WITH IT EITHER... Thus all the angst...

They know they're losing; so they just frail at everything like a thresher... there's no sound reasoning behind abortion as birth control... NONE! It's all one ridiculously obvious lie; but it's accepted because it's easier to accept than taking responsibility.

THe left says it's OK to have casual sex... "ITS FUN!" And No "HUMAN RIGHTS CRAP CAN INTERFERE WITH FUN!"

Of course many a Nazi had a blast plinking those targeted by their rationalizations and when the planet came to it's senses... "FUN" didn't quite cut a viable defense.

They know they're wrong... they're just suffering a strong illusion that 'because they're good people, what they are doing can't be 'THAT WRONG.'

This world is truly turning surreal...
you know, I've made the point about a hundred times in the last year, but still haven't managed to find anyone who is outraged about the fact that PP refuses to report children who are pregnant, and therefore, the victims of rape.

But glad you two are on board. Now how do you plan to motivate Planned Parenthood to live up to their obligations and instead of protecting rapists, start turning them in?
you know, I've made the point about a hundred times in the last year, but still haven't managed to find anyone who is outraged about the fact that PP refuses to report children who are pregnant, and therefore, the victims of rape.

But glad you two are on board. Now how do you plan to motivate Planned Parenthood to live up to their obligations and instead of protecting rapists, start turning them in?

I don't like Planned Parenthood and wouldn't care if they were just gotten rid of anyhow ... many of us in the middle of the abortion issue feel that way. Other than free contraception to the poor, they offer almost no good services anyhow and promote breeding more than anything. Even their commercials are vomit inducing.
They can't win an argument WITH IT EITHER... Thus all the angst...

They know they're losing; so they just frail at everything like a thresher... there's no sound reasoning behind abortion as birth control... NONE! It's all one ridiculously obvious lie; but it's accepted because it's easier to accept than taking responsibility.

THe left says it's OK to have casual sex... "ITS FUN!" And No "HUMAN RIGHTS CRAP CAN INTERFERE WITH FUN!"

Of course many a Nazi had a blast plinking those targeted by their rationalizations and when the planet came to it's senses... "FUN" didn't quite cut a viable defense.

They know they're wrong... they're just suffering a strong illusion that 'because they're good people, what they are doing can't be 'THAT WRONG.'

This world is truly turning surreal...

Why isn't JB screaming "lies, lies, lies!!!" now when he would actually be right.

Er, several points.

Firstly "they".. Can you stop grouping everyone together and try dealing with individual opinions instead?

Second, we're not "losing", nor do we "frail [sic] at everything". Opinion is pretty much split down the middle about abortion. As for flailing at everything, pro-choice arguments tend to be defensive not aggressive - the flailing usually comes from the "let the mother die" (deliberate, despite my earlier point) lobby.

Third, much of the pro choice lobby would never advocate abortion as birth control. It's a pretty fucked up was to avoid using a condom.

Fourth, it is OK to have casual sex. But if you're not using protection be aware that you are risking more than just an STD.

Fifth, your parallel between people viewing casual sex as "fun" and nazis viewing the annihilation of the jewish race as "fun" is outrageous. I'm sure the casual sex side of the comparison can deal with it but how can you trivialize the holocaust in such a manner? That's fucked up.

Sixth, your "illusion" comment is a double edged sword. I'll bet those who kill abortion doctors think of themselves as "good people". Does that make them right?
And the parallel between baby killers and abortion dr. killers is apt. Both think they're "right," and think in their particular case, they're justified in killing.
There is no "let the mother die" lobby. That's a "kill babies" lobby lie.

I agree, hence my comment in brackets - do you not read posts that respond to yours?.

But so long as we're on a thread titled "anti-lifers" I'll feel free to use inflammatory language as well.
Anti-lifers is accurate. "Kill the mother" isn't. That's the difference. This thread is full of lies about pro-life. I don't see any lies about the anti-lifers.
And the parallel between baby killers and abortion dr. killers is apt. Both think they're "right," and think in their particular case, they're justified in killing.

Although of course those who attack abortion doctors do so in the full knowledge that they are breaking the law. They just "think" the law is wrong, so they are "right" so kill.
Anti-lifers is accurate. "Kill the mother" isn't. That's the difference. This thread is full of lies about pro-life. I don't see any lies about the anti-lifers.

Of course you don't Allie. You're too busy attacking to actually listen. What have I said about the pro-life lobby that is untrue?

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