Anti-jihad 'savage' ads going up in NYC subway

No not at all. You want to step on our constitution and impose Islamic Shariah laws than ban freedom of speech (among other things) in the US, while at the same time allow Muslims to use and abuse the freedoms the West offers. In other words, you just can't handle the truth.
how is it not?

Is it also relevant to say that Obama's campaign is being run by a Jew, Axelrod, and is funded by Jewish money?

if you cannot understand the differeence between the two, i am not about to explain it to you.

i imagine it is relevant and if people want to pay for such ads, they are welcome to. i have no problem with it.

i'm certainly concerned about campaign finance reform.

Each time you are caught in another racist lie, you try to bluff your way out of it with nonsense like this. The fact is you have no idea if "Jewish" money or "Christian" money played a greater part if paying for these ads yet you want to see ads telling lies about who financed these ads. Even some one as slow witted as you are must realize that since US voters overwhelmingly support Israel, the vast majority of those who support Israel and Zionism are Christian, not Jewish, yet you continue to babble about Jewish money.
Is it also relevant to say that Obama's campaign is being run by a Jew, Axelrod, and is funded by Jewish money?

if you cannot understand the differeence between the two, i am not about to explain it to you.

i imagine it is relevant and if people want to pay for such ads, they are welcome to. i have no problem with it.

i'm certainly concerned about campaign finance reform.

Each time you are caught in another racist lie, you try to bluff your way out of it with nonsense like this. The fact is you have no idea if "Jewish" money or "Christian" money played a greater part if paying for these ads yet you want to see ads telling lies about who financed these ads. Even some one as slow witted as you are must realize that since US voters overwhelmingly support Israel, the vast majority of those who support Israel and Zionism are Christian, not Jewish, yet you continue to babble about Jewish money.

You are the one who first brought up the nonsence, so don't try to pass your sins off on another !!!
Each time you are caught in another racist lie, you try to bluff your way out of it with nonsense like this. The fact is you have no idea if "Jewish" money or "Christian" money played a greater part if paying for these ads yet you want to see ads telling lies about who financed these ads. Even some one as slow witted as you are must realize that since US voters overwhelmingly support Israel, the vast majority of those who support Israel and Zionism are Christian, not Jewish, yet you continue to babble about Jewish money.

You are the one who first brought up the nonsence, so don't try to pass your sins off on another !!!

This patrick guy is a notorious anti-Semite. For 2000 years Jews have been subjected to inquisitions, blood libels, pogroms, crusades, expulsions and holocausts. When we finally came to Israel, the world begrudged us this tiny land. Patrick supposedly came from the Irish, who were oppressed by the British. But he has no sympathy for the Jews, who are finally fighting back. He has made it his business to dig and dig for anything to besmirch the Jews--a 15-year-old speech, some graffiti, an obscure video that probably took him hours to find on the Internet, anything at all. Yet this "sensitive soul" can't be called "paddy" or "princess". One day he will wind up in hell.

You are the one who first brought up the nonsence, so don't try to pass your sins off on another !!!

This patrick guy is a notorious anti-Semite. For 2000 years Jews have been subjected to inquisitions, blood libels, pogroms, crusades, expulsions and holocausts. When we finally came to Israel, the world begrudged us this tiny land. Patrick supposedly came from the Irish, who were oppressed by the British. But he has no sympathy for the Jews, who are finally fighting back. He has made it his business to dig and dig for anything to besmirch the Jews--a 15-year-old speech, some graffiti, an obscure video that probably took him hours to find on the Internet, anything at all. Yet this "sensitive soul" can't be called "paddy" or "princess". One day he will wind up in hell.

Well I Guess I could say something like Oh no God has spoken and I am going to hell but that can't be true because God would not have made so many mistakes.

First of all I am not an anti-Semite and I challenge Forever Young to find any post of mine that displays either an overt or covert hatred of all Jews.

Also there is no supposedly about me coming from Irish Decent and Forever Young has no basis for making this claim and the only reason that I can see for him doing this is another attempt to discredit me.

It is also kind of interesting thast he can bring up history from 2000 years ago but if somone brings up history from 15 years ago it is wrong !!!

I did not dig and dig for anything and all of the examples he gives are not all from me although I think all of them are accurate.

About the only thing that Forever Young has right in this whole rant is that I do object to being called " paddy " and " princess " and ever that is only half accurate. I think I mentioned paddy once maybe twice, the word that I really objected to was " Patty "


The only thing that really pisses me off is Hoss, I guess he really has taken the cool aid !!!
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This patrick guy is a notorious anti-Semite. For 2000 years Jews have been subjected to inquisitions, blood libels, pogroms, crusades, expulsions and holocausts. When we finally came to Israel, the world begrudged us this tiny land. Patrick supposedly came from the Irish, who were oppressed by the British. But he has no sympathy for the Jews, who are finally fighting back. He has made it his business to dig and dig for anything to besmirch the Jews--a 15-year-old speech, some graffiti, an obscure video that probably took him hours to find on the Internet, anything at all. Yet this "sensitive soul" can't be called "paddy" or "princess". One day he will wind up in hell.

Well I Guess I could say something like Oh no God has spoken and I am going to hell but that can't be true because God would not have made so many mistakes.

First of all I am not an anti-Semite and I challenge Forever Young to find any post of mine that displays either an overt or covert hatred of all Jews.

Also there is no supposedly about me coming from Irish Decent and Forever Young has no basis for making this claim and the only reason that I can see for him doing this is another attempt to discredit me.

I did not dig and dig for anything and all of the examples he gives are not all from me although I think all of them are accurate.

About the only thing that Forever Young has right in this whole rant is that I do object to being called " paddy " and " princess " and ever that is only half accurate. I think I mentioned paddy once maybe twice, the word that I really objected to was " Patty "


The only thing that really pisses me off is Hoss, I guess he really has taken the cool aid !!!
"Cool" aid is better than hemlock. Don't worry, I'm still pondering.

Well I Guess I could say something like Oh no God has spoken and I am going to hell but that can't be true because God would not have made so many mistakes.

First of all I am not an anti-Semite and I challenge Forever Young to find any post of mine that displays either an overt or covert hatred of all Jews.

Also there is no supposedly about me coming from Irish Decent and Forever Young has no basis for making this claim and the only reason that I can see for him doing this is another attempt to discredit me.

I did not dig and dig for anything and all of the examples he gives are not all from me although I think all of them are accurate.

About the only thing that Forever Young has right in this whole rant is that I do object to being called " paddy " and " princess " and ever that is only half accurate. I think I mentioned paddy once maybe twice, the word that I really objected to was " Patty "


The only thing that really pisses me off is Hoss, I guess he really has taken the cool aid !!!
"Cool" aid is better than hemlock. Don't worry, I'm still pondering.

What's to ponder. Either you do your own thinking or you let others think for you !!!
Each time you are caught in another racist lie, you try to bluff your way out of it with nonsense like this. The fact is you have no idea if "Jewish" money or "Christian" money played a greater part if paying for these ads yet you want to see ads telling lies about who financed these ads. Even some one as slow witted as you are must realize that since US voters overwhelmingly support Israel, the vast majority of those who support Israel and Zionism are Christian, not Jewish, yet you continue to babble about Jewish money.

You are the one who first brought up the nonsence, so don't try to pass your sins off on another !!!

Which raises the question: what did God give you instead of brains? I raised the topic of free speech but the poster you are trying to defend made the racist comment about it, claiming it was paid for with "Jewish" money without any evidence there was more "Jewish" money involved than "Christian" money. Are you too bigoted to see this or are you just too stupid?

You are the one who first brought up the nonsence, so don't try to pass your sins off on another !!!

Which raises the question: what did God give you instead of brains? I raised the topic of free speech but the poster you are trying to defend made the racist comment about it, claiming it was paid for with "Jewish" money without any evidence there was more "Jewish" money involved than "Christian" money. Are you too bigoted to see this or are you just too stupid?

The nonsence that I was talking about was the part that I highlighted in deep red where you compare the ads in the subways with the Obama camoaign in a complete non-sequiter !!! YOU ARE THE STUPID ONE.

You are the one who first brought up the nonsence, so don't try to pass your sins off on another !!!

Which raises the question: what did God give you instead of brains? I raised the topic of free speech but the poster you are trying to defend made the racist comment about it, claiming it was paid for with "Jewish" money without any evidence there was more "Jewish" money involved than "Christian" money. Are you too bigoted to see this or are you just too stupid?

The two options you offer are not mutually exclusive.
He is both.
Which raises the question: what did God give you instead of brains? I raised the topic of free speech but the poster you are trying to defend made the racist comment about it, claiming it was paid for with "Jewish" money without any evidence there was more "Jewish" money involved than "Christian" money. Are you too bigoted to see this or are you just too stupid?

The nonsence that I was talking about was the part that I highlighted in deep red where you compare the ads in the subways with the Obama camoaign in a complete non-sequiter !!! YOU ARE THE STUPID ONE.

Which again raises the question: are you too bigoted to see the analogy or just too stupid? The ad campaign is run by a Jew, Geller, and the Obama campaign is run by a Jew, Axelrod, the ad campaign may be funded in part by "Jewish" money and the Obama campaign is funded in part by "Jewish" money, so if it is important to point out the Jewish connection to the ad campaign, why isn't it important to point out the Jewish connection to the Obama campaign?
"Cool" aid is better than hemlock. Don't worry, I'm still pondering.

What's to ponder. Either you do your own thinking or you let others think for you !!!
It really seems to tee off those like Patrick if I don't think like they do and also those who hate Israel and I don't feel the same as they do so they start acting childish and make asinine comments suggesing that I can't think for myself.

The nonsence that I was talking about was the part that I highlighted in deep red where you compare the ads in the subways with the Obama camoaign in a complete non-sequiter !!! YOU ARE THE STUPID ONE.

Which again raises the question: are you too bigoted to see the analogy or just too stupid? The ad campaign is run by a Jew, Geller, and the Obama campaign is run by a Jew, Axelrod, the ad campaign may be funded in part by "Jewish" money and the Obama campaign is funded in part by "Jewish" money, so if it is important to point out the Jewish connection to the ad campaign, why isn't it important to point out the Jewish connection to the Obama campaign?

I see the similarities but I also see the differences, but maybe you are to bigoted or stupid to see them also.

What's to ponder. Either you do your own thinking or you let others think for you !!!
It really seems to tee off those like Patrick if I don't think like they do and also those who hate Israel and I don't feel the same as they do so they start acting childish and make asinine comments suggesing that I can't think for myself.

That is BS Hoss and you know it, I have always respected your ideas and you Know that. It is the foundation of our relationship. The problem that I have with you recently is that you seem to be changing in that you now keep company with some of the biggest bigots on the board. If I answered you to harshly it was in responce to your agreeing with Forever that I was going to Hell, sorry but that just doesn't fly with me !!! Stay copecitic dude !!!
It really seems to tee off those like Patrick if I don't think like they do and also those who hate Israel and I don't feel the same as they do so they start acting childish and make asinine comments suggesing that I can't think for myself.

That is BS Hoss and you know it, I have always respected your ideas and you Know that. It is the foundation of our relationship. The problem that I have with you recently is that you seem to be changing in that you now keep company with some of the biggest bigots on the board. If I answered you to harshly it was in responce to your agreeing with Forever that I was going to Hell, sorry but that just doesn't fly with me !!! Stay copecitic dude !!!
I paddle my own canoe and I don't associate with bigots. I thank those who tell the truth as I see it.
Is it also relevant to say that Obama's campaign is being run by a Jew, Axelrod, and is funded by Jewish money?

if you cannot understand the differeence between the two, i am not about to explain it to you.

i imagine it is relevant and if people want to pay for such ads, they are welcome to. i have no problem with it.

i'm certainly concerned about campaign finance reform.

Each time you are caught in another racist lie, you try to bluff your way out of it with nonsense like this. The fact is you have no idea if "Jewish" money or "Christian" money played a greater part if paying for these ads yet you want to see ads telling lies about who financed these ads. Even some one as slow witted as you are must realize that since US voters overwhelmingly support Israel, the vast majority of those who support Israel and Zionism are Christian, not Jewish, yet you continue to babble about Jewish money.

it would be racist if it were untrue. that is like if i said slave owners in the southern states were white and you said that's racist.

now, the papers don't say "jewish money" all the time but they sure mention a lot of people with jewish names and a lot of jewish organisations. i really cannot imagin a whole lot of us goyim in hillel or the jewish federation or flooding synagogues sating "we have to get those bus signs down.

and give me a break. if a vast majority of christians and christian organisations were protesting these signs, they sure as hell would be mentioned. te jewish people against the ads would exploit them to the max. get real.

oh...and in case you missed it, it was a presbyterian church that sponsored the signs in chapel hill.

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