Anti Glenn Beck activist gets Twitter death threats, slurs


Since 2010™
Jan 4, 2010
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The Political Carnival: Anti Glenn Beck activist gets Twitter death threats, slurs
This is what it's like for activist StopBeck when he tries to "stop" Beck:
One: (See attachments)
Two: (See attachments)

For the record, @vatopdog also started harassing me today, but I blocked him immediately. He called a few of us "self-hating haters", whatever that means, which was so laughable that I didn't take him seriously...

... until StopBeck contacted me with these tweets.

Twitter would not delete the account, even after StopBeck lodged a formal complaint. They said it wasn't "specific enough".

The level of hostility and hatred is out of hand. It started to rev up over the summer with the gun-toting, screaming, out of control Tea Tantrumers at town hall meetings. It has crescendoed ever since.

How can there be any expectation of achieving any sort of rational communication when wingnuts such as @vatopdog persist in drowning out civil discourse with outright threats, slurs, bigotry, hate speech, racism, and extremism?

StopBeck asked my advice. Here is what I told him: I've had some degree of success by calling these nutcases out, exposing them, and letting as many people as possible see what and who they are. If we turn our backs, they will continue their despicable behavior unabated.

He agreed.

We have try to to put the fire out, or at least control it, or it will continue to spread.

Seems like these "Freedom Lovers" only want freedom to express opinion for themselves..:eusa_whistle:


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How sad it must be to hate someone so much that you center your life around it. It really makes no sense.

As for death threats, welcome to the internet, where someone threatens you every time you say something they dont like.
How is it that someone can make themselves into something as evil as an activist against someone else's free speech?

Beck has as much right to be an idiot as he wants. Exposing someone to be an idiot is ok. Stopping him is another kettle of rotten fish.
I guess we haven't heard of the leftist moonbat who vandalized DNC HQ in Denver, or the census worker who committed suicide with the note "FED" pinned to him, have we? :rolleyes:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Dude again
It's it fascinating what passes for 'politics' with kids these days. Or is it that some people just can't put stuff in the right sub-forum?

Here is a clue for Little Lefty.... Glen Beck is not a politician. He's a media personality.... therefore, perhaps the 'media' sub-forum would be the appropriate place for the OCD Beck shit.
This only goes to prove that leftists want the freedom to speak whatever they want, but no one else gets that privilege.
10 bucks says younglefty will voraciously defend muslims in general if people blame all or most muslims for the acts of a few....
How is it that someone can make themselves into something as evil as an activist against someone else's free speech?

Beck has as much right to be an idiot as he wants. Exposing someone to be an idiot is ok. Stopping him is another kettle of rotten fish.

Did you see Beck's speech. He actually talked about the importance of listening to people with differing ideas. The last person to want to silence others is Beck, and yet somehow he is responsible for 'death threats' against people who disagree with him? It's nothing short of moronic. But that seems to be the standard with little lefty.
CaféAuLait;2031096 said:
I do not care for Glenn Beck, but allow me to ask you this, when Beck receives death threats ( as he does) are you as concerned for his freedom to express his opinion, so much so that you might make a thread about his rights being threatened?

Glenn Beck received death threats - Google Search

Of course not, if he did, he would stop making threats.

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