Antarctica is losing ice at an accelerating rate.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Good. I was hoping to have beachfront property here in Arkansas one of these I won't need to move up to the lake. The ocean will come to me.. ( I'll just have to wait until the next life or live to be about 5000 years old )

WASHINGTON (AP) — Antarctica is melting more than six times faster than it did in the 1980s, a new study shows.

Scientists used aerial photographs, satellite measurements and computer models to track how fast the southern-most continent has been melting since 1979 in 176 individual basins. They found the ice loss to be accelerating dramatically — a key indicator of human-caused climate change.

Since 2009, Antarctica has lost almost 278 billion tons (252 billion metric tons) of ice per year, the new study found. In the 1980s, it was losing 44 billion tons (40 billion metric tons) a year.

Antarctica is losing ice 6 times faster today than in 1980s

yup, well the oilocracy has enough influence to trash that in a cocaine heatbeat Ange.....~S~
Not a problem due to Archimedes' principle.

BTW the Maladives is at sea level and property there is going for cheap due to the global warming scare.

Threat level to humanity assessment.......

Climate Change - .0000000000000000000000000001%

Leftist / "Progressively Insane Policies" - 99.999999999999999999999999%

See? I'm a reasonable Righty....I leave deserved and proportionate room for doubt both ways.
And all that glacier calving has raised the Sea Level about 14mm (0.55") since 1979...

(I exaggerate a bit.. About 40% of that 0.55" inches is just thermal expansion of EXISTING water. The other 60% is actually "added water".. ))

I glanced at charts from this paper to see what was up about the E. Ant. losses. Graph shows a 10 or 15 year RECOVERY in E. Antarctica that the press does not mention. What's NEW is that they discovered a period of loss in E. Ant. during this period that was previously not revealed. But there's ice BUILDING on the East side now..

Still this ICE LOSS is NOT interior land ice loss. That's impossible. Because the land temperatures there have NOT changed substantially. So Antarctica is NOT melting. It's Western glaciers that hit the SEA are responsible for 4/5 of what they are calling ice loss..

West Antarctic glaciers are about 4 or 5 major basins where the feet of the glaciers meet the sea and there is ISOLATED coastal water warming IN THESE AREAS... What's NEVER revealed is that this area has recently (in the past 20 years) been discovered to be VERY volcanically active. With major fault lines running thru the basins in which these glaciers reside...

Which is a BETTER explanation for "greasing the skids" as these ice sheets meet the sea. Because the SOUTHERN OCEAN outside the coastal area is NOT getting warmer at all...

Would be a real blind siding kick in the ass if the ULTIMATE DISASTER came from volcanic activity in a VERY short period of time and NOT the 1 degC of mean global warming...
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Good. I was hoping to have beachfront property here in Arkansas one of these days..


That isn't global warming, it is the awakening of the Cracken deep under the ocean floor! :eek:

But just remember one thing, you can ever have too much water.

The other thing: the first properties to go will be all the expensive, developed oceanfront exclusive properties owned by the super-rich!
Leftists can't understand this but.....

In time, the Sun will melt every bit of ice on Earth AND boil away every bit of moisture on the planet.
But LONG LONG before that, another asteroid will impact the earth probably resulting in nearly total decimation of life on the planet and/or supervolcanoes will wipe out most life on Earth (again). The only thing Guaranteed IS Change.

So, repeat after me......"Climate change is a NATURAL OCCURRENCE".
Nature will be the ultimate decider of the climate. (Sorry Al)
lol total bullshit
It's on PBS has to be true.
But thanks for the insightful opinion.

Did PBS tell you about the VOLCANIC RIFTS that are active UNDER the West Antarctic basins that are calving the most ice??? Because they have a NATURAL hot foot???

Buried Volcano Discovered in Antarctica

A volcano beneath Antarctica’s icy surface has been detected for the first time.

Under the frozen continent's western-most ice sheet, the volcano erupted about 2,300 years ago yet remains active, according to a study published Sunday in an online issue of the journal Nature Geosciences.

"We believe this was the biggest eruption in Antarctica during the last 10,000 years," said study co-author Hugh Corr, a glaciologist for the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). "It blew a substantial hole in the ice sheet, and generated a plume of ash and gas that rose around 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) into [the] air."

“This eruption occurred close to Pine Island Glacier on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet," Vaughan said. "The flow of this glacier towards the coast has speeded up in recent decades, and it may be possible that heat from the volcano has caused some of that acceleration."

The effect is similar to a person gliding down a Slip 'n Slide: Volcanically melted water beneath the colossal ice sheet lubricates its movement, assisting its gravity-powered journey toward the Antarctic Ocean.

Corr and Vaughan used ice-penetrating radar to locate the volcano just west of the expansive Pine Island Glacier. Specifically, they detected a New Jersey-sized plot of ash at more than 8,000 square miles (20,700 square kilometers) beneath the ice.

The debris is a hallmark of an ancient eruption.

“The discovery of a ‘subglacial’ volcanic eruption from beneath the Antarctic ice sheet is unique in itself," Corr said. "But our techniques also allow us to put a date on the eruption, determine how powerful it was and map out the area where ash fell."
lol total bullshit
It's on PBS has to be true.
But thanks for the insightful opinion.

Did PBS tell you about the VOLCANIC RIFTS that are active UNDER the West Antarctic basins that are calving the most ice??? Because they have a NATURAL hot foot???

They do mention that. (!!!!!)

Well GREAT.. It's hit and miss with PBS science stuff.. The world should be MORE WORRIED about the recent mapping and discoveries of those volcanic rifts as a Biblical Flood event and far LESS about the NO WARMING ofc the entire Southern Ocean down there since the satellite records began...

Would be a real shame to spend $10Trill on GW abatement and STILL get wiped out in 3 or 5 years time if those rifts became SUPER active huh???

GW propaganda is like anesthesia direct into the brain...

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