Another White Guy on a killing spree murdering seven. Why does this keep happening?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017

Tennessee man, 25, arrested for shooting deaths of seven people including his parents

Bill Heyes told News Channel 5: 'I'm not as shocked as I should be, I've been waiting for this guy to get caught for a while.

'He's done a bunch of trouble, we kind of all saw it coming, not this, but we saw something coming.'


If it had been a black guy, the police would have taken him down long ago.

What is it with all these white guys committing so many crimes?

And they were expecting it? I wonder how many guns he owned?

I saw a guy on TV say that every person who died by a terrorist last year in this country died from a right wing white terrorist.

I don't get it.
What I want to know is why Deanturd is still stealing oxygen...

When it comes to terrorism, the leftists deal it out in spades. Racist pieces of shit like deanturd are delighted to make an issue of race when it fits the regressive agenda though.
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When the shooter is white we have his name and photo quickly.
When the shooter is black we have to wait until they find his photo from 6th grade.

Tennessee man, 25, arrested for shooting deaths of seven people including his parents

Bill Heyes told News Channel 5: 'I'm not as shocked as I should be, I've been waiting for this guy to get caught for a while.

'He's done a bunch of trouble, we kind of all saw it coming, not this, but we saw something coming.'


If it had been a black guy, the police would have taken him down long ago.

What is it with all these white guys committing so many crimes?

And they were expecting it? I wonder how many guns he owned?

I saw a guy on TV say that every person who died by a terrorist last year in this country died from a right wing white terrorist.

I don't get it.
Look at this site shitlib every time you think about all of those 'white shooters'.
Chicago Crime 2019 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
Oh you got some Interesting Relationship that YOU need help Navigating! Hope I get a Dollar from grafting Stupid mistranslation problems on you.

Tennessee man, 25, arrested for shooting deaths of seven people including his parents

Bill Heyes told News Channel 5: 'I'm not as shocked as I should be, I've been waiting for this guy to get caught for a while.

'He's done a bunch of trouble, we kind of all saw it coming, not this, but we saw something coming.'


If it had been a black guy, the police would have taken him down long ago.

What is it with all these white guys committing so many crimes?

And they were expecting it? I wonder how many guns he owned?

I saw a guy on TV say that every person who died by a terrorist last year in this country died from a right wing white terrorist.

I don't get it.
BREAKING: Mass Shooting at Cookout Near Perkins Baptist Church in Baltimore, MD - 7 Injured, 1 Dead - Black Suspect

Your bias of not talking about Chicago speaks volumes

Tennessee man, 25, arrested for shooting deaths of seven people including his parents

Bill Heyes told News Channel 5: 'I'm not as shocked as I should be, I've been waiting for this guy to get caught for a while.

'He's done a bunch of trouble, we kind of all saw it coming, not this, but we saw something coming.'


If it had been a black guy, the police would have taken him down long ago.

What is it with all these white guys committing so many crimes?

And they were expecting it? I wonder how many guns he owned?

I saw a guy on TV say that every person who died by a terrorist last year in this country died from a right wing white terrorist.

I don't get it.

I saw a guy on TV say that every person who died by a terrorist last year in this country died from a right wing white terrorist.

Was that guy Maddow?

yo need to stop watching MSDNC
Why don't the White Community step up and take responsibility for these terrorists?
Why don't the leaders of the White Community speak out?

Tennessee man, 25, arrested for shooting deaths of seven people including his parents

Bill Heyes told News Channel 5: 'I'm not as shocked as I should be, I've been waiting for this guy to get caught for a while.

'He's done a bunch of trouble, we kind of all saw it coming, not this, but we saw something coming.'


If it had been a black guy, the police would have taken him down long ago.

What is it with all these white guys committing so many crimes?

And they were expecting it? I wonder how many guns he owned?

I saw a guy on TV say that every person who died by a terrorist last year in this country died from a right wing white terrorist.

I don't get it.

Simply put..... same reason we have said time after time.

You don't enforce the law. You don't have a respect for the law. You don't have have proper punishment for the law.

This is what is most baffling to me. Every other week, we have another thread on police brutality, police are racists, police are corrupt, police are walking around trying to find people to randomly slaughter.

You attack the police. Attack the laws. Attack punishment. We have Bernie saying criminals need to vote. We have Kim Kardashian pushing to have people released from prison. We have threads on how the America is an 'incarceration nation'.

There is an entire political party and ideology that support criminal behavior at every level.

Then these same pro-crime people, come on here after a mass shooting and act all shocked. It's not shocking to the rest of us.

Look at Singapore.
In 2018, the entire city state, had 2 murders. How does a city of 5.6 Million people, have 2 murders in an entire year? Chicago has 2.7 Million people, and they had 4 murders by January 5th.

How does this happen? Left-wingers. That's the reasons. Pro-crime left-wingers. Look in the mirror, that's where the problem is.

'He wanted to live': Global campaign fails to halt Singapore executions of drug traffickers

That's how you deal with crime. Six men try and traffic drugs in Singapore. 6 Men all hanged. Notice the time line. Crime in 2014. Executed 2018.

4 Years. That's it. Not 20 years later.

I was reading about a guy that murdered a little girl at a shopping mall in Singapore. He was tried and convicted in 12 months. He was hanged 12 months later. Two years from murder, to execution.

That's how you deal with crime.

You say we have the death penalty? No we don't. Not really.

Ronald Phillips (murderer) - Wikipedia

This guy raped and murdered a 3-year-old girl...... 1993. He was finally put to death in 2017. That's not justice. That is letting a man live out his life on the public dollar.

Ohio death row inmate dies, apparently from natural causes

We in Ohio, had a guy keel over before they ever executed his butt. That's not justice. That is letting a man lived out his natural life.

This is why crime like this happens. It's not because of us on the right-wing. We'd have these guys in the ground decades ago. We would have the streets cleaned up. We would have criminals buried in a shallow grave.

You people are the reason we have crime.

There you are... That's why this stuff happens. It's all you people.

Tennessee man, 25, arrested for shooting deaths of seven people including his parents

Bill Heyes told News Channel 5: 'I'm not as shocked as I should be, I've been waiting for this guy to get caught for a while.

'He's done a bunch of trouble, we kind of all saw it coming, not this, but we saw something coming.'


If it had been a black guy, the police would have taken him down long ago.

What is it with all these white guys committing so many crimes?

And they were expecting it? I wonder how many guns he owned?

I saw a guy on TV say that every person who died by a terrorist last year in this country died from a right wing white terrorist.

I don't get it.

CIA mind-control ?
Well Like I've been try to say this whole thread, Dr. Brent Wren at UAH definitely can get taken out for all the FBI mind control and , Suggesting, he has the "empathy", to interrogate students he's never met with Any sort of idea they ever have been off track or a bother to anybody.

Tennessee man, 25, arrested for shooting deaths of seven people including his parents

Bill Heyes told News Channel 5: 'I'm not as shocked as I should be, I've been waiting for this guy to get caught for a while.

'He's done a bunch of trouble, we kind of all saw it coming, not this, but we saw something coming.'


If it had been a black guy, the police would have taken him down long ago.

What is it with all these white guys committing so many crimes?

And they were expecting it? I wonder how many guns he owned?

I saw a guy on TV say that every person who died by a terrorist last year in this country died from a right wing white terrorist.

I don't get it.
Don't you hate it when whites with low IQs act like blacks?

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