Another socialist cabinet member, who would of thought.

He nominates yet another Keynesian socialist into his cabinet. Either the man is very ignorant or he is intentionally trying to destroy this country.
First, lets take a look at what Keynesian economics really is. It is however failed many times in history, so why would berry not wanna try it yet again.
Keynesian economics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wow, just wow.
Alan Krueger: Predictable, conventional, and Keynesian - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet
I'm all for trying new things, but this is not new, and if it really worked it would be used globally and it's not, countries that have used this idea have learned that it's a failure and have moved back to letting the free market boost he economy. The free market will fix itself if government would just get the hell out of the way.

Obama will never appoint anyone who has ever created a job, he doesn't know any, he has lived his life in a cacoon of elitists, academics, he has never even held a job that was not government and never worked a day in the private sector. He does not know any business people, let alone would he appoint one. He and his co-horts are academics, book smart maybe, but practice smart- dumber than a brick.
No it doesn't. He supports keynesian style economy, and I would be very surprised if he wasn't a socialist, I mean....has Obama put in place anybody that was not?

So you say you wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't a socialist. So therefore you have no evidence he is a socialist. So you lied in your title, how sad.

Furthermore, you're saying that Robert Gates, Ray LaHood and many others are Socialist? This is very interesting. :eusa_think:
Never heard of Bernie Sanders or this bunch, have you?

Sanders ran as an independent..didn't he?
He did. He is about a socialist as it gets in Washington...but the people of Vermont elected him.

Some of these Beckheads, Dittoheads, and Obama haters throw around the word socialist without regard for it's definition sometimes.

The GOP has got to create fear of something...and they can't create it based on Obama's foreign policy they use "socialism" to conjure up imagery of Stalin and Mao to keep their voters angry, afraid, and frosty enough to vote for sure.

It's his domestic policies that scare the shit out of me.
Bernie Sanders is an Independent.

You gotta be kidding.....

How can your intellect not puke all over itself when you go to that site?
Bernie Sanders the "independent" is an above-board and avowed socialist.

Yu can look it up.

Ah so grasshopper.

And when a politician advocates for using government money to collude with private industry..what is that called?

I'd have to get Obama and Immelt together and ask them.
By the way, this is my favourite part of that article:

"It shouldn't take a PhD in economics from Harvard to realize that the fear of a punitive future tax is illusory as it relates to promoting consumption."

Yet, we get told day in and day out by conservatives that the fear of future taxes is exactly why businesses aren't consuming more.

This is filed under "Things That Make Me Go Hmm"

If you want to read up on economics from a PHD, check Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams. Yes, they are Conservatives so feel free to call them racists.

Or better yet, economics 101 by henry hasslet.
I still don't see anyone posting why more "socialism" is a bad thing for the country at this time. Just because you don't like the word doesn't mean the ideas are bad.

Taking what one citizen has worked and earned to give it to another citizens who has not worked for it is not a good thing, it's criminal and goes against everything this country was founded on. The dream was if you came to America and worked hard you could live that dream of being free,owning property and raising a family with minimal government intrusion into your life. Not if you come to America we will steal from those who have worked for it and will give it to you just because you exist.
Obama ... has never even held a job that was not government and never worked a day in the private sector.


Are you insinuating that the private sector and public sector create jobs exactly the same? Because they don't.

Why don't you just stop with the whole public sector job creation thing? The private sector creates real jobs. The public sector simply robs Peter to pay Paul and SAYS it's created a job. After two and a half years of Obama Keynesian theory I think that should be quite apparent.
Hmm. Krueger's a white guy. Interesting. I didn't think conservatives used the S-word on white guys.

Actually no. I wasn't playing the race card. I was thinly insinuating you are racist. There's a difference.

You can call me what you want, of course it's not true, and I already know that tactic and it is called reducto add hitlerem. The tactic is meant to derail an argument, wont work with me though.
Its name is a pun on reductio ad absurdum, and was coined by an academic ethicist, Leo Strauss, in 1953. Engaging in this fallacy is sometimes known as playing the Nazi card,[1] by analogy to playing the race card. The tactic is often used to derail arguments, because such comparisons tend to distract and anger the opponent
The same concept also works with the race card.
Godwin's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No it doesn't. He supports keynesian style economy, and I would be very surprised if he wasn't a socialist, I mean....has Obama put in place anybody that was not?

So you say you wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't a socialist. So therefore you have no evidence he is a socialist. So you lied in your title, how sad.

Furthermore, you're saying that Robert Gates, Ray LaHood and many others are Socialist? This is very interesting. :eusa_think:

They probably are, who knows, all I know is the man surrounds himself with them. Birds of a feather my friend.
Correction: check out these people who happen to agree with my POV. By the way, Sowell is a Libertarian. As is Williams. Though I find it interesting that you believe so strongly in someone who supports seceding.

I believe that secession should be the last option.
Yes Sowell and Williams are Libertarian. I believe that both endorsed Ron Paul. At least Dr. Williams did.
However both favor laissez-faire capitalism, a decidedly Conservative approach. Neither could ever bring themselves to vote for barack obama.

Constitutionally, secession isn't an option at all. So when you hold it as go against the Constitution and are treasonous and a traitor.

There is no black and white here.
Hell secession has always been discussed as a remedy. Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island even discussed secession a couple times in the early 19th century as did Thomas Jefferson and Gouverneur Morris.
SCOTUS precedent has declared secession to be unconstitutional, but precedent is ultimately temporary. Even slavery at one time was "Constitutional"
Taking what one citizen has worked and earned to give it to another citizens who has not worked for it is not a good thing, it's criminal and goes against everything this country was founded on.

The Declaration of Independence disagrees with you.

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."
Wow...Another ivory tower-dwelling academic, sans a shred of real-world experience, culled from the faculty lounge!

Imagine that. :rolleyes:

Only a retard cannot connect the dots.

Obama's father was a communist - Obama writes a book entitled "dreams from my father" in which he demonizes colonialism.

Obama destroys capitalist economy.

Only a clown would find that odd.

Oh yeah, you were too obsessed with his race to realize he was a clown.
Taking what one citizen has worked and earned to give it to another citizens who has not worked for it is not a good thing, it's criminal and goes against everything this country was founded on.

The Declaration of Independence disagrees with you.

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."

Yes they have the power to levy taxes for specific reason such as raising an army and navy and provide for the common defense. That does not mean they should abuse that power and tax people to provide for other people in the form of entitlements.
They probably are, who knows, all I know is the man surrounds himself with them. Birds of a feather my friend.

So to clarify, you believe Robert Gates and Ray LaHood among others are socialists. :lol:
Taking what one citizen has worked and earned to give it to another citizens who has not worked for it is not a good thing, it's criminal and goes against everything this country was founded on.

The Declaration of Independence disagrees with you.

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."

Did you see this part in the document?

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

Something this government is doing right now, dont ya think?

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