another shooting in Baltimore

Let's not forget that the number one killer of young black men is other young black men. Why? It appears to be mostly gang-related.

Three shot dead in early Sunday violence in Baltimore
Scofield was shot multiple times about 1:15 a.m. in the 1800 block of W. North Ave., police said. Police released no other details.

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Factors Influencing Gang-Related Violence
Respondents indicated the factor(s) that significantly influenced gang-related violence in their jurisdictions.

  • In each year, a clear majority of agencies reported that intergang (between-gang) conflict and drug-related factors directly affected local levels of gang violence.
  • Somewhat frequently reported (more than one-third of the agencies) in 2012 were the following three factors: the return of gang members from secure confinement, intragang (within-gang) conflict, and the emergence of new gangs.
  • Two factors, gang members returning from confinement and intragang conflict, increased in importance by more than 10 percentage points from 2006 to 2012.
  • In contrast, gang-member migration and the emergence of new gangs noticeably declined in importance over survey years.
  • Offenses-2.png

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