Another Schiff 'Parody' Demonstrates He is Insane, A Pathelogical / Serial Liar, Or Both!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
For 2 1/2 years D-Adam Schiff, Democrat House Committee Chairman, House Impeachment Co-Leader, and now House Impeachment Manager to the Senate repeatedly lied to the American people and to his fellow Congressmen by falsely, intentionally claiming he had direct evidence of crimes committed by President Trump, evidence that even Weismann and Mueller did not have. When finally pressed to present his evidence Schiff was forced to admit he had lied.
** What Schiff claimed was 'lying', US Law calls 'SEDITION'.

During his undermining of the President and obsessed pursuit of eventually Impeaching the President Schiff admitted to leaking classified to hurt the President. What Schiff called 'informing Americans', US Law calls 'ESPIONAGE'.

After House of Representatives Speaker of the House Pelosi violated the Constitution by appointing Schiff to begin implementing an Impeachment investigation without holding a required Impeachment vote in the House, Schiff began holding secretive hearings in the basement which excluded the president and his counsel, denied them the opportunity to cross-examine witnesses or face his accuser - basically denying the President Due Process. When the GOP attempted to bring the meetings to light to the American people Schiff shut down the meetings and walked out, refusing to allow any outside knowledge of what they were doing.

During the House Intel hearing chaired by Schiff he attempted to present a self-authored fictional transcript of the phone call between the President and the Ukraine PM as 'evidence'....AFTER the actual transcript had been released. Schiff's manufactured illegal / criminal fake evidence was a product of Schiff's frustration at the fact that the House Impeachment Hearings had been a DISASTER. Schiff's attempt to present his self-authored illegal 'evidence' was actually the closest thing to 'evidence' of wrongdoing against the President the Democrats produced during their Impeachment. Almost IMMEDIATELY Schiff was exposed for lying / presenting false evidence, forcing him and the anti-Trump/Pro-traitor MSM to scramble and claim he had not attempted to present fake evidence but had used the 'somber' Impeachment hearing as ab opportunity to present an Impeachment 'PARODY'.

In both the House Intel Committee and House Judiciary Committee the Democrats produced NO CRIME, NO EVIDENCE, NO WITNESSES, exposed the fact that Schiff had LIED about the Whistle Blower - had orchestrated the entire coup attempt, and exposed Schiff was a 'Contact Witness' who refused to Recuse himself. At one point Schiff INSANELY told his fellow 400+ LAWYERS in the House that there was a law OTHER than the Whistle Blower Act that DID afford Whistle Blowers anonymity and immunity, which the Whistle Blower Act does NOT. Again, almost immediately Schiff was challenged again to produce evidence to support his LIE. He could NOT. Schiff was also forced to declare openly that one of his goals was to protect the Bidens.

Even the Democrats' own Constitutional Expert testified that the President did NOT violate the Constitution, did NOT break any laws, and did NOT abuse his power....but add the DEMOCRATS had and continued to abuse THEIR power. From holding no vote in the House to begin Impeachment to Nadler attempting to force the US AG to break the law - Censuring him for NOT breaking the law when he refused to do so - to destroying their own case by refusing to submit the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate - to attempting to use 'power' Pelosi simply did not have to force the Senate to comply with their demands on how to run the Senate Impeachment process, Turley made it clear the Democrats had abused their power in rushing the fastest Impeachment in US history based on the weakest case in US history!

This evidently drove Schiff even deeper into insanity, as during the Impeachment trial before the Senate Adam Schiff stood before the US Senate, the US Senate the House Impeachment / Coup Managers had insulted, verbally attacked, and declared THEY - the Senate was on trial, and lied his ass off once more.

This time Schiff did not claim his mental delusion - completely void of fact, evidence, and reality - to be a 'PARODY'. Schiff stood before the distinguished US Senate and spun a butt-hurt, 4-year-delusional, false-narrative, 'Russian-Collusion Delusion' WET DREAM:

House impeachment manager Adam Schiff, D-Calif., continues to prove he is a "pathological liar" and a partisan as he leads the Democrats' efforts to convict President Trump in the Senate impeachment trial, Newt Gingrich said Thursday.

Schiff's description of a hypothetical conversation between
Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin was the latest example, Gingrich, a former speaker of the House of Representatives, said during an appearance on "The Ingraham Angle."

"If the president went further and said to Putin in that secret meeting," Schiff said earlier in the day on the Senate floor. "I want you to hack Burisma, I couldn't get the Ukrainians to do it. And I'll tell you what, you have Burisma, and you get me some good stuff, then I'm going to stop sending money to Ukraine."

"Schiff, personally, is obviously a deranged human being," Gingrich observed.

In presenting the House's 'fact-based' Impeachment case, Schiff deviated from reality....facts...and the lack of present a HYPOTHETICAL CONVERSATION BETWEEN PUTIN AND TRUMP as the justification for the House Impeaching the President!


Gingrich: Adam Schiff's fake Trump-Putin conversation showed he's a 'pathological liar'

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Adam Schiff makes Harry Reid look like a paragon of virtue. Why do the Dems keep electing such unethical creatures?

I will 'SEE' Schiff's personal mental, delusional FANTASY....

"If the president went further and said to Putin in that secret meeting," Schiff said earlier in the day on the Senate floor. "I want you to hack Burisma, I couldn't get the Ukrainians to do it. And I'll tell you what, you have Burisma, and you get me some good stuff, then I'm going to stop sending money to Ukraine."

....and 'RAISE' him 1 verified, bona fide, REAL 'secret' collusion:


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