Another Scandal-Ridden Obama Program


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

A program designed in 2010 to help struggling families negatively impacted by the housing crisis.

Or just another attempt by government to “fix” something that didn’t need fixing?

And, where is the congressional oversight on this?

Years after a scathing federal audit exposed rampant waste in a multi-billion-dollar government program to help the “unemployed or underemployed” pay their mortgage, the gouging continues full throttle. Public officials who operate the disastrous project, known as Hardest Hit Fund (HHF), have wasted millions of dollars on parties, fancy cars, gifts, extravagant dinners and receptions, gym memberships and luxury travel. Previous investigations have uncovered more than $11 million in wasteful spending at HHF for illegal things such as employee bonuses, lavish shindigs, expensive vehicles and superfluous data storage. The latest enraging figures are documented in a lengthy report to Congress that outlines how HHF continues fleecing American taxpayers.

Is anything being done?

Not much!

On a positive note criminal bribery charges were filed against multiple public officials handling HHF money, according to the Treasury watchdog, though it won’t stop the cash from flowing into the famously crooked program’s bloated coffers. Among them are an unnamed city official, land bank official and a contractor in Michigan and Ohio. “This is SIGTARP’s third audit finding waste and unnecessary charges in the HHF,” the latest report states. “Previous SIGTARP audits uncovered more than $11 million in waste and other unnecessary expenses.” When will the madness stop?

More @ Obama Program to Help Struggling Homeowners Blows Millions on Parties, Cars, Booze, Luxury Travel - Judicial Watch

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