Another Result Of The Left's Divisiveness


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The left does group people according to color. Then they make assumptions about how the people in each group should feel about things and how they should express themselves. The result is people not being allowed to be themselves because they aren't supposed to think outside the box.

A school punished students for putting on sombreros and eating tacos because it's a 'Mexican thing.' Whites aren't supposed to embrace other cultures because they don't have that right.

Blacks don't have the right to speak well or live the American dream like Herman Cain or Ben Carson. It's not considered black culture to be eloquent and reserved. They are treated like traitors if they speak well.

We are not a melting pot anymore. We are a country divided by race and it is never welcomed these days when people enjoy different cultures or just choose to be themselves. Some can't tolerate it when blacks do things that are only supposed to be done in white groups.

This black woman was tired of seeing other blacks being ridiculed for mastering the English language instead of Ebonics. Of course, that is not allowed, so she is being called names. How dare this minority think she can speak articulately and get away with it? Doesn't she know her place?

According to many idiots, speaking properly is a 'white thing.'

It's bullshit, but happens every time.

Instead of addressing each group differently, the way liberals do, someone should just speak to Americans and tell them it's okay to do as you please because you have a right to do so and you are not a traitor to your race if you don't act a certain way.

Eat what you want, even if it's food from another country. Wear what you want, even if it's a style from another culture. Speak the way you want because it's okay to express yourself how you see fit.

No one should be forced to fit into a stereotype that feels wrong to them, but that is what's happening these days and you can blame political correctness.

I wish the left wasn't so damn obsessed with color.

Woman Says Blacks Speaking Properly Aren t Talking White - Attacked as an Uncle Tom - Top Right News
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This happens every damn time a minority speaks properly. It's always the left using the "Uncle Tom" insult, as if people are traitors to their race for not following the stereotype.

Liberals talk to groups and have different messages for each. That is proof of divisiveness because they don't see all Americans as equals or as people with the same needs and desires. They tell Republicans to support amnesty if they want Hispanic votes because they assume all Hispanics approve of illegal immigration. They tell Republicans to stop talking welfare reform or they will lose black votes because they think all blacks approve of living off welfare. Romney was bashed after speaking to a large group at the NAACP because he talked about jobs and the economy and they said those weren't issues that were important to blacks.

They see a Hispanic, black or white wealthy person and assume what they are all about with one glance. It's a fact.

They are so hellbent on keeping the country divided and they constantly fuel the race wars. They highlight each and every instance where there is a crime or perceived injustice against a black by a white while ignoring scores of incidents the other way around. They strive to make it appear that the violence is one-sided so they can declare one race under attack. They do that to ensure that the races don't get along because they want them afraid and turning to government for protection.
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Given the right's hostility to the civil liberties of gay Americans, women, African-Americans, and immigrants, the OP is clearly oblivious as to the idiocy of his post.

Conservatives live in a very large glass house.
Given the right's hostility to the civil liberties of gay Americans, women, African-Americans, and immigrants, the OP is clearly oblivious as to the idiocy of his post.
Conservatives live in a very large glass house.

Yes, and I'll go to my grave fighting to deny "married" queers the "right" to adopt and rape little boys. What about the rights of innocent children, big mouth, let's hear your opinions on their rights.
Given the right's hostility to the civil liberties of gay Americans, women, African-Americans, and immigrants, the OP is clearly oblivious as to the idiocy of his post.

Conservatives live in a very large glass house.

The right is not hostile to civil liberties, women or minorities. Republicans ended slavery and voted for equal rights despite protests from the left. There have been many attempts to rewrite that part of history, but only the ignorant were fooled.

Immigrants have always been welcome. Illegal aliens are not immigrants. It's okay to get pissed because some ignore our laws and then make demands. The left lumps the immigrants and illegal aliens into one group and then falsely claims that if a person is against illegal aliens sneaking into our country then they hate all immigrants.. That is screwed up. It's the left's fault that they either outright lie or maybe it's really too complicated for them to figure out. Legal and illegal. Look them up in the dictionary so you can understand the difference.

Religious people, from both parties, are often against gay marriage. I know liberals who make derogatory remarks about blacks, gays and women. Biden said Obama was the first clean and articulate black candidate. And no one on the left called him on it. Must have sounded normal to them to hear that garbage. The liberal media is vicious toward Republican women and they are especially mean to black Republicans. They use racist terms, such as Uncle Tom, traitor, puppet, ventriloquist dummy or even worse. They think blacks are brainwashed if they aren't acting like 'typical blacks.' I know damn well a lot of liberals make assumptions about a person just by looking at them.

There are far right politicians just as there are far left politicians. Republicans tend to fight more with each other. That is what it looks like when politicians are there for the people and not for the party or for themselves. Liberals always seem confused about that and often delight in the in-fighting. I guess when you only know how to toe the party line and never take campaign promises seriously, you find those who speak for the people quite incredible. I do wish some Republicans would stand up for themselves more when the left tries to blame them for everything.

Amazes me how liberals claim everything is the right's fault even when they are the majority.
Given the right's hostility to the civil liberties of gay Americans, women, African-Americans, and immigrants, the OP is clearly oblivious as to the idiocy of his post.

Conservatives live in a very large glass house.
You're clueless and in denial. Double whammy. No one is denying any of those pandered groups you mention of any liberties.
The thread is legit. Self identifying blacks speak a dialect rooted in the south even though their legacy has very often been removed from the south for several generations already and they often frown on articulation and proper verbal conjugation. It's part of their conditioning to self segregate and frame all things in skin color. Self segregating blacks believe all things assimilated are white. Pure racism.
Given the right's hostility to the civil liberties of gay Americans, women, African-Americans, and immigrants, the OP is clearly oblivious as to the idiocy of his post.

Conservatives live in a very large glass house.

I never recalled a news story in which conservatives referred to an African American as an "Uncle Tom" or a pelt their opponent with Oreo cookies, simply because they didn't agree with their political views. No, I'm pretty sure those episodes all stemmed from liberals aimed at conservative black candidates. I don't see where African American minorities were specifically singled out in hostilities by conservative politicians.

In terms of Immigrants, republicans have always been on the side of upholding federal immigration laws that benefit and view ALL immigrants by the same standards, as opposed to granting special treatment of one particular group over the rights of another.

In fact generally most of this division created by the left under this heading of there being a "war", is towards any individual that would stand up and dare speak against the notion of more free government "entitlements" being provided while paid for on the backs of taxpayers.

Have you ever heard "the left" call President Obama an Uncle Tom?

Stupid fucking fake outrage thread.

Is it required for USMB nutters to whine and bitch about divisiveness......while promoting actual laws and policies that divide? I think it is.


Have you ever heard "the left" call President Obama an Uncle Tom?

Stupid fucking fake outrage thread.

Is it required for USMB nutters to whine and bitch about divisiveness......while promoting actual laws and policies that divide? I think it is.

Why would they call him an "Uncle Tom?" He's a liberal Democrat. Only conservative republican blacks get called "Uncle Tom."

Ar you really that fucking stupid?
Given the right's hostility to the civil liberties of gay Americans, women, African-Americans, and immigrants, the OP is clearly oblivious as to the idiocy of his post.

Conservatives live in a very large glass house.

The given is that you just posted a load of left wing lying BS.

Just because you say something is a civil liberty doesn't make it so.

Have you ever heard "the left" call President Obama an Uncle Tom?

Stupid fucking fake outrage thread.

Is it required for USMB nutters to whine and bitch about divisiveness......while promoting actual laws and policies that divide? I think it is.

Why would they call him an "Uncle Tom?" He's a liberal Democrat. Only conservative republican blacks get called "Uncle Tom."

Ar you really that fucking stupid?

The OP made a claim. You are a retard and can't follow the discussion. Try again.

Have you ever heard "the left" call President Obama an Uncle Tom?

Stupid fucking fake outrage thread.

Is it required for USMB nutters to whine and bitch about divisiveness......while promoting actual laws and policies that divide? I think it is.

Why would they call him an "Uncle Tom?" He's a liberal Democrat. Only conservative republican blacks get called "Uncle Tom."

Ar you really that fucking stupid?

The OP made a claim. You are a retard and can't follow the discussion. Try again.

Yes, it did make a claim, and it was not that the left calls black liberal Democrats insulting names.

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