Famous Restaurant Owner...government Killing Our Business...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
As government is best when it is destroying something, here is another business it is destroying...

The PJ Tatler Famed Chef Emeril Lagasse Says Obama May Drive Him Broke

“And then you add all the Obama nonsense to what it’s become in the last several years. I don’t have anything against Mr. Obama. I’m just saying the way that, you know… the government should stay out of things. [...] Pretty soon, they’re going to wipe a lot of the middle restaurateurs and restaurant cooks. [...] If it continues, then watch: you’re going to have high-end, and you’re going to have fast food, and you’re going to have chain restaurants.”

Exactly the way the world should work...the lobs/progressives/democrats will have their resuarants and the rest of us will be eating Micky Ds....so our betters,won't have to interact with us as they dine....
Tell that to Other famous bankrupt celebrities....
As government is best when it is destroying something, here is another business it is destroying...

The PJ Tatler Famed Chef Emeril Lagasse Says Obama May Drive Him Broke

“And then you add all the Obama nonsense to what it’s become in the last several years. I don’t have anything against Mr. Obama. I’m just saying the way that, you know… the government should stay out of things. [...] Pretty soon, they’re going to wipe a lot of the middle restaurateurs and restaurant cooks. [...] If it continues, then watch: you’re going to have high-end, and you’re going to have fast food, and you’re going to have chain restaurants.”

Exactly the way the world should work...the lobs/progressives/democrats will have their resuarants and the rest of us will be eating Micky Ds....so our betters,won't have to interact with us as they dine....

Maybe he's just not running his business very well and getting annoyed about it.
Emeril has more money than God. He will never be broke.

A perfect example of how the Left thinks.

"This one guy has a lot of money, so he can afford what the government is doing to him."

That makes it okay then.

There ya go.


Until someone is being crippled by high taxes they are not paying their "fair share"...
Liberal logic..

Another favorite of mine is "if a business can't handle increased regulations and costs, it shouldn't be in business."

I've seen that one more than once here.

There's no way to respond to something like that. You can only shake your head.

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Until someone is being crippled by high taxes they are not paying their "fair share"...
Liberal logic..

What is fair share? If they had to pay taxes individually, or pay for private services for the same thing, you think they'd pay more or less?
As government is best when it is destroying something, here is another business it is destroying...

The PJ Tatler Famed Chef Emeril Lagasse Says Obama May Drive Him Broke

“And then you add all the Obama nonsense to what it’s become in the last several years. I don’t have anything against Mr. Obama. I’m just saying the way that, you know… the government should stay out of things. [...] Pretty soon, they’re going to wipe a lot of the middle restaurateurs and restaurant cooks. [...] If it continues, then watch: you’re going to have high-end, and you’re going to have fast food, and you’re going to have chain restaurants.”

Exactly the way the world should work...the lobs/progressives/democrats will have their resuarants and the rest of us will be eating Micky Ds....so our betters,won't have to interact with us as they dine....
Lmao emeril admits his food and staff aren't better than anyone else's, in other words mediocre, and blames his problems on Obama. What a whiner.
Funny. I didnt tead any specifics in the article. It seems Emeril has the same affliction as many.......he just can't get past the general whining and bitching and discuss specifics.

It would appear that Emeril may have a political axe to grind. His industry isn't going broke.


I doubt it's political. The marketplace shifted from television wanting to air shows where a guy was cooking in front of 200 people with a band to canned shows and cooking contests. There are just so many slots on the air and if you're not geared up to be in one of those slots, you are left behind.

I suspect Emeril got used to living like Emeril and now the incomes are not there to support the lifestyle. If I am he, I'm thinking, "My skills are not any worse than they were, people still love my food, it must be an X factor out there."
Government doesn't want business to thrive.
They don't have control that way.
Liberals want people dependent on government,
yes liberals depend on government ... there isn't any question about that
1) Government makes sure that all temp of foods are kept at a proper temp...
2) government makes sure that a worker gets protection from owners who don't play by the rules
3) government makes sure that you get a fair wage ....
4) government makes sure that the building you work in is safe
5) government now feels that owners should pay for a good health care plan and stop making the tax pay pay for it

Yep you can say that we libtards dependent on government ....
He cites Obama as the reason for his struggles while the restaurant industry is not struggling. Sounds like politics to me.


It would be an odd thing for him to become politically active at this stage in his life. I think he was blaming the person on the top of the government more than Obama himself. Also, he has a new television show coming out. Creating this whole other story is pretty standard to build some momentum.
He cites Obama as the reason for his struggles while the restaurant industry is not struggling. Sounds like politics to me.

More BS. You just can't say shit around here and expect all to drink the kool-aid.



Obama’s News Taxes Expected To Hurt The Restaurant Industry In A Major Way

Observers close to the food and restaurant industry are watching their bottom line shrink, with profits expected to be lost due to new taxes that went into effect on January 1st. With Obamacare putting a halt to hiring and forcing some managers to cut staff and hours, the industry was already forecasting a pale 2013. But now with the reversal of the payroll tax holiday that eats an additional 2% from employees take-home check, the companies and supervisors that manage the nations biggest restaurant chains are fearful for what that will mean for their bottom line. Rising gas prices don’t help, either.

Read More: Obama’s News Taxes Expected To Hurt The Restaurant Industry In A Major Way | Obama 8217 s News Taxes Expected To Hurt The Restaurant Industry In A Major Way

It hurts to lose Red Lobster, but money is tight

(CNN) -- I grew up a poor kid in Detroit.

Government cheese sandwiches, occasional nights without electricity, long-distance telephone calls reserved for emergencies only.

Yet despite our struggles, my family never lost hope that life would get better for us. We never lost faith in the American dream.

"Our industry is in a period of significant change,with relatively low levels of consumer demand in each of the past several years for restaurants generally, and for casual dining in particular," said Clarence Otis, the CEO of Darden, the parent company of Red Lobster, Olive Garden and Longhorn Steakhouse, among others.

Opinion Hurting working class hurts Red Lobster - CNN.com


Sales Sentiment Tracker Nation s Restaurant News

National Restaurant Association: Restaurant Performance Index

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He cites Obama as the reason for his struggles while the restaurant industry is not struggling. Sounds like politics to me.

More BS. You just can't say shit around here and expect all to drink the kool-aid.



Obama’s News Taxes Expected To Hurt The Restaurant Industry In A Major Way

Observers close to the food and restaurant industry are watching their bottom line shrink, with profits expected to be lost due to new taxes that went into effect on January 1st. With Obamacare putting a halt to hiring and forcing some managers to cut staff and hours, the industry was already forecasting a pale 2013. But now with the reversal of the payroll tax holiday that eats an additional 2% from employees take-home check, the companies and supervisors that manage the nations biggest restaurant chains are fearful for what that will mean for their bottom line. Rising gas prices don’t help, either.

Read More: Obama’s News Taxes Expected To Hurt The Restaurant Industry In A Major Way | Obama 8217 s News Taxes Expected To Hurt The Restaurant Industry In A Major Way

It hurts to lose Red Lobster, but money is tight

(CNN) -- I grew up a poor kid in Detroit.

Government cheese sandwiches, occasional nights without electricity, long-distance telephone calls reserved for emergencies only.

Yet despite our struggles, my family never lost hope that life would get better for us. We never lost faith in the American dream.

"Our industry is in a period of significant change,with relatively low levels of consumer demand in each of the past several years for restaurants generally, and for casual dining in particular," said Clarence Otis, the CEO of Darden, the parent company of Red Lobster, Olive Garden and Longhorn Steakhouse, among others.

Opinion Hurting working class hurts Red Lobster - CNN.com

Again....for you.

He cites Obama as the reason for his struggles while the restaurant industry is not struggling. Sounds like politics to me.

More BS. You just can't say shit around here and expect all to drink the kool-aid.



Obama’s News Taxes Expected To Hurt The Restaurant Industry In A Major Way

Observers close to the food and restaurant industry are watching their bottom line shrink, with profits expected to be lost due to new taxes that went into effect on January 1st. With Obamacare putting a halt to hiring and forcing some managers to cut staff and hours, the industry was already forecasting a pale 2013. But now with the reversal of the payroll tax holiday that eats an additional 2% from employees take-home check, the companies and supervisors that manage the nations biggest restaurant chains are fearful for what that will mean for their bottom line. Rising gas prices don’t help, either.

Read More: Obama’s News Taxes Expected To Hurt The Restaurant Industry In A Major Way | Obama 8217 s News Taxes Expected To Hurt The Restaurant Industry In A Major Way

It hurts to lose Red Lobster, but money is tight

(CNN) -- I grew up a poor kid in Detroit.

Government cheese sandwiches, occasional nights without electricity, long-distance telephone calls reserved for emergencies only.

Yet despite our struggles, my family never lost hope that life would get better for us. We never lost faith in the American dream.

"Our industry is in a period of significant change,with relatively low levels of consumer demand in each of the past several years for restaurants generally, and for casual dining in particular," said Clarence Otis, the CEO of Darden, the parent company of Red Lobster, Olive Garden and Longhorn Steakhouse, among others.

Opinion Hurting working class hurts Red Lobster - CNN.com


Sales Sentiment Tracker Nation s Restaurant News

National Restaurant Association: Restaurant Performance Index

"Congress allowed the payroll tax cut to expire, effectively raising taxes on all U.S. workers."

Apparently when congress allows a tax cut to expire, this is Obama making a tax hike......
government now feels that owners should pay for a good health care plan and stop making the tax pay pay for it

See, now this is the difference between libertarian/conservative/tea party people and liberal/socialist/progressive/democrat people...

A business is a free enterprise, the employer and the employee are free individuals....it is not the employers obligation to control and see to every aspect of his employees life because they too are free people...they both agree to a wage and compensation package...as free men and women....and then they go to work...if one decides the agreed upon wages and bennies aren't equitable...they peacefully go on their way...

For the libs/prog/soc/democrats...they have residual feelings for their old style of running things...back in the days when the democrats actually owned black people as slaves...back then...they were responsible for every aspect of their slaves lives...from their food, clothing, shelter...and healthcare....and sadly...that desire to control other peoples lives never left their mind set...which is why when they see a business...they automatically assume a master/slave relationship....

This is where the free people who call themselves libertarians, conservatives and Tea Party members get confused by their counterparts on the liberal/socialist/progressive/democrat side of the aisle...we think...why would anyone want to own another person....?

I guess the lefties would have to explain that because I can't....

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